later be used in the application layer. In this direction, some suitable sets of rules can
exploit the real meaning of some raw values of context properties. Finally, context
reasoning may play the role of a decision making mechanism. Based on the collected
context information, and on a set of decision rules provided by the user, the system
can be configured to change its behavior, whenever certain changes are detected in its
If we also consider the high rates in which context changes and the potentially vast
amount of available context information, the reasoning tasks become even more
challenging. Overall, Knowledge Management in Ambient Intelligence should enable:
(a) Reasoning with the highly dynamic and ambiguous context data; (b) Managing the
potentially huge piece of context data, in a real-time fashion, considering the
restricted computational capabilities of some mobile de- vices; and (c) Collective
intelligence, by supporting information sharing, and distributed reasoning between the
entities of the ambient environment.
In this paper, we present a brief review of different semantic reasoning techniques
and we explain how existing technologies fail to fully address the issues of
heterogeneous data sources, information uncertainty, operation in resource constraint
environments and adaptation to dynamic reasoning spaces. The paper briefly
introduces the approach that has been selected by the FASyS project to deal with such
environment and explains the benefits that such approach would bring to the real
system implementation of advance real-time reasoning over dynamic environments.
1.1 Semantic Reasoning in Smart Spaces
The SW Languages of RDF(S) and OWL are common formalisms for context
representation. Along with their evolution, a number of SW Query languages (e.g.
RDQL, RQL, TRIPLE) and reasoning tools (e.g. FaCT, RACER, Pellet) have been
developed. Their aim is to retrieve relevant information, check the consistency of the
available data, and derive implicit ontological knowledge.
The ontological reasoning approaches have two significant advantages. They
integrate well with the ontology model, which is widely used for the representation of
context; and most of them have relatively low computational complexity, allowing
them to deal well with situations of rapidly changing context. However, their limited
reasoning capabilities are a trade-of that we cannot neglect. They cannot deal with
missing or ambiguous information, which is a common case in ambient environments,
and are not able to provide support for decision making. Thus, we argue, that although
we can use them in cases where we just want to retrieve information from the context
knowledge base, check if the available context data is consistent or derive implicit
ontological knowledge, they cannot serve as a standalone solution for the needs of
ambient context-aware applications.
Rule languages provide a formal model for context reasoning. Furthermore, they
are easy to understand and widespread used, and there are many systems that integrate
them with the ontology model. However, all these approaches share a common
deficiency; they cannot handle the highly changeable, ambiguous and imperfect
context information. In many of the cases that we described, they had to build
additional reasoning mechanisms to deal with conflicts, uncertainty and ambiguities.
The proposed logic models suit better in cases, where we are certain about the quality