Abhishek Srivastava and Paul G. Sorenson
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Service composition, Dynamic systems, Validation, Simple game.
Service composition is fast becoming a dynamic process where the selection of service elements and their
subsequent composition happen at run time. A number of models have been proposed that support dynamic
composition. The big issue lies in the validation of such models. A straightforward method of validating such
models is to put together a service composition comprising of actual service elements and testing the efficacy
of the application. However, this is not always feasible because of the expenses involved in such an experiment
combined with the legal and privacy issues with the service providers.
In this paper, we propose a novel idea wherein the validation of a dynamic service composition model can be
done using a simple Ambitious Traveler’ game. The game comprises the selection from a set of predefined
transportation services using a dynamic composition model and separately by a group of volunteers who serve
as customers. The selections of the two are compared and whosoever makes a better selection gets a higher
The game is simple and may be modified to validate dynamic systems of other kinds as well. The specific
approach and game described in this paper is currently under development.
Service composition is the combination of simple ser-
vice elements to form larger, more complex com-
posite applications. The composite application so
formed could further be combined in a recursive man-
ner with other service elements or compositions to
form even larger applications. The service elements
that partake in such compositions are usually deter-
mined in advance, and the composition process com-
prises monitoring the flow of data/messages between
these services. Such composition processes with pre-
determined service elements are called static compo-
The bigger challenge is in putting together ser-
vice compositions where the selection of service el-
ements is done at the time of composition. Such
dynamic compositions deal with the issue of appro-
priate service selection based on the requirements
of the customer along with monitoring the flow of
messages/data between the selected service elements.
The fact that the attributes of the service elements
are varying as are the requirements of different cus-
tomers, makes this task even more complex.
A number of service composition models have
been proposed to tackle this issue (Silva et al.,
2009)(Colombo et al., 2006). These models typically
arrive at selection decisions based on a logical assess-
ment of the customer requirements and their confor-
mance with the attributes of the potential service el-
ements. Our research also comprises a service com-
position model. In our approach, we mathematically
combine multiple Quality of Service (QoS) attributes
of the potential service elements based on the im-
portance placed on the respective QoS attributes by
the customer. Further, we also incorporate the inter-
actions between the service elements in the domain.
All this together gives us a factor called Affinity upon
which dynamic service selections are made. Details
of our technique are given in Section 3 of this paper.
This brings us to the main topic of this paper
which is the validation of such a composition model.
An intuitive approach to this would be to utilize the
model to dynamically put together an actual service
composition. This however is not always practicable,
especially in an academic set-up, given privacy and
legal issues that govern the usage of commercially
available service elements.
We therefore synthesized a game which we call
the Ambitious Traveler, that involves putting together
Srivastava A. and G. Sorenson P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003143402600266
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 260-266
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
individual service elements at run time just like the
dynamic service composition scenario. Furthermore,
the game assigns ‘scores’ to players on the basis of
their performance. A group of volunteers are re-
quested to play the game and their respective scores
are noted. Subsequently, the game is played with
the service selection decisions being made using our
composition model. The score of our model is com-
pared with those of the volunteers. If the model con-
sistently outperforms the players, the model’s efficacy
is validated.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 is a discussion on other techniques of
validation for dynamic service composition systems.
Section 3 is a description of our Affinity’ model for
dynamic service composition. This is the model that
needs to be validated. In Section 4, we describe the
Ambitious Traveler game which will serve as a means
to validate our model and which can be modified to
validate other dynamic systems as well. Section 5
discusses possible improvements and enhancements
which we envisage in the game in the future. Finally,
Section 6 concludes the paper.
In this section we discuss a few strategies for valida-
tion of dynamic systems that have been adopted by
researchers in the past.
Colombo et al. (Colombo et al., 2006) tackle the
issue of dynamic composition where the service el-
ements do not always behave along expected lines.
They provide an extension to the BPEL language in
the form of the ‘SCENE platform’ which addresses
this issue. The proposed platform is validated form-
ing an application using a set of real services and ob-
serving the behaviour of the application.
Silva et al. (Silva et al., 2009) propose the Dy-
namiCos framework which incorporates the require-
ments of different customers to dynamically put to-
gether personalized services. To validate the proposed
framework they put together an extensive prototype of
the framework which enables services to be deployed
and be published in a UDDI-like registry.
In their paper Eid et al. (Eid et al., 2008) de-
scribe a set of benchmarks against which to assess
various frameworks of dynamic composition. The set
of benchmarks is comprehensive and is broadly cat-
egorized into three parts: input subsystem, compo-
sition subsystem, and execution subsystem. A com-
position model or framework that scores well against
these benchmarks is considered good.
Shen et al. (Shen et al., 2007) present the Web
Service, Role and Coordinator (WSRC) model to han-
dle dynamism in web service compositions. In this
model, the process of service composition is divided
into three layers: Service, Role, and Coordinator. To
validate the model, the authors describe a case-study
of a vehicle navigation system which comprises a
global positioning system and a traffic control service.
These are a few of the validation techniques in use
for dynamic composition models and frameworks. Of
these techniques, the ones that are accurate are quite
complex like the prototype that the authors of Dynam-
iCos put together or the service composition put to-
gether out of real services for the SCENE platform.
On the other hand, the validation techniques that are
simple like the case-study in the WSRC model seem
The validation technique proposed in this paper,
the Ambitious Traveler game, on the other hand is
quite simple as it comprises an elementary game with
straightforward steps and instructions. Despite this, it
is quite precise and is able to quantitatively express
the performance of the dynamic composition model.
In this section we describe our Affinity’ model for
service composition. It is specifically for the vali-
dation of this composition model that the Ambitious
Traveler game (described in Section 4) is used. The
game can, however, be modified appropriately and be
used for the validation of other dynamic systems as
3.1 Assumptions on the Service Domain
In our Affinity’ model for service composition, cer-
tain simplifying assumptions have been made about
the service domain from which the service elements
are selected. First, our approach assumes that the ser-
vice elements taking part in the composition process
are already available in the service domain. The ap-
proach therefore does not look into the issue of ‘dis-
covering’ the service elements. The reader interested
in the process of service discovery is pointed to (Wu,
2008) for an exhaustive discussion on the subject.
The potential service elements, which are as-
sumed to have been already discovered, are repre-
sented as arranged in a tiered fashion as shown in
Figure 1. Each tier or level corresponds to a specific
functionality of the composite application. All the
discovered service elements that correspond to the re-
spective functionality are placed at that level. The ar-
Functionality Level 2
Functionality Level 3
Functionality Level 4
Functionality Level 5
Functionality Level 6
Functionality Level 1
Figure 1: The service domain.
rangement of the functionality levels from top to bot-
tom follows the order in which the functionalities are
invoked in the composite application. This means that
the functionality of a given level follows the function-
ality of the level immediately above it, and is followed
by the functionality of the level immediately below it,
in the composite application. An example of a Trip-
planner application is shown in Figure 2 to give an
idea of what a real world service domain might look
like (the service names in Figure 2 are fictitious).
Log in
TravelPedia FlightsCheap Book-a-Flight
QuickTaxi TaxiOnline
EasyHotels BestHotels FastHotelBooking HoteloCity
SecureTransac PaymentGate EasyPay
Figure 2: The service domain of the trip-planner applica-
We introduce a factor called ‘Coupling’ which
connects a service element at a given functionality
level in the domain to a service element at the next
lower functionality level as shown in Figure 3 . Cou-
pling is an expression of the ‘working compatibil-
ity’ that exists between service elements at adjacent
functionality levels and depends on high level factors
such as business relationships between the providers
of the respective service elements, as well as low level
technological compatibility between the potentially
interacting elements. Coupling values are assigned
through expert judgement based on a comprehensive
assessment of the service element and its relationship
with the service elements at the adjacent levels. A
Coupling value of 1 is assigned if no special relation-
ship exists between two service elements, and higher
values are assigned for stronger relationships (a Cou-
pling value of 0 is assigned if one service element
does not acknowledge the presence of the other).
Figure 3: The service domain with arcs representing Cou-
pling and the effective workflow.
3.2 Service Selection and Composition
In our approach the selection of service elements from
the functionally equivalent ones at each level of the
domain is done utilizing the Quality of Service (QoS)
attributes. The service element whose QoS attributes
conform most closely with the requirements of the
customer is the one selected.
The first task is to enable the customers to express
their QoS requirements. Our approach requires the
customer to attach a ‘weight’ to each QoS factor de-
pending on the extent to which the factor is desired in
the composite application. For example, if one of the
QoS factors is reliability, and the customer requires a
highly reliable service, the parameter (say α) repre-
senting the weight of reliability needs to be assigned
a high value. This is akin to a ‘tuning knob’ mecha-
nism wherein the QoS requirements of the customer
are looked upon as a set of control knobs. One knob
is assigned to each factor. The customer may turn the
knobs depending upon the degree to which he/she de-
sires the QoS factors in the composite application.
The next task is to make the appropriate selections
of service elements based on the expressed QoS re-
quirements of the customer. To do this the value of
the QoS factors in each of the potential service ele-
ments needs to be calculated. Any number and type
of QoS factors may be considered. In our work, we
have chosen four QoS factors: Reliability, Waiting-
time, Reputation, and Cost.
Reliability (Rel.) is the first QoS factor consid-
ered. In our work, the reliability of individual ser-
vice elements has been calculated taking into account
the influence that the presence of other service ele-
ments in the domain have on them (Srivastava and
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Sorenson, 2010a). Waiting-time (Wait-time) is the
next factor considered. The waiting-time for a ser-
vice element is the time that a request for the service
has to wait from the time of invoking the service ele-
ment to the time the service begins. The waiting-time
for a request at a service element is calculated as the
ratio of the length of the ‘request-queue’ to the av-
erage completion-rate of the service element (Srivas-
tava and Sorenson, 2010b). The Reputation (Reput.)
of a service element is considered to be a valuable at-
tribute and is the next factor that is incorporated in
the service selection process. In our work, the reputa-
tion of a service element is calculated on the basis of
feedback collected from customers who have used the
service element. Finally, the Cost of the service ele-
ment is utilized in making an appropriate selection.
The cost of a service element is calculated taking into
account the functional and non-functional attributes
of the element along with the influence of its environ-
The four QoS factors so calculated for each ser-
vice element along with the weights assigned by
the concerned customer to each QoS factor are used
to calculate a factor called Affinity’ between every
pair of potentially interacting service elements. The
A f f inity
i j
between a potential invoking service ele-
ment i and a potential invoked service element j is a
function of the values of the QoS factors calculated
for the invoked service and the value of coupling be-
tween the two services. It is shown in equation (1)
A f f inity
i j
= Coupling
i j
· {Reput.
· {Cost
α, β, γ, and δ are the weights assigned respectively by
the customer to the QoS factors: Reliability, Waiting-
time, Reputation, and Cost. With the value of Affinity
so calculated, the service elements for the composite
application are selected following a Greedy approach
(Cormen, 1990). The service element selected for
each functionality is the one with the maximum value
of Affinity with the previously selected element.
In this section, the Ambitious Traveller’ game is de-
scribed which serves as a simple and inexpensive
means of validating our service composition model.
This is only a preliminary description of the game.
We expect the game to go through two or more evolu-
tions before a production-ready version is completed.
The emphasis here is on the idea and efficacy of using
games like these to validate dynamic systems.
4.1 Description of the Game
The motive of a player in the Ambitious Traveller
game is to travel as much as possible around the globe
given a limited amount of money and limited time.
The winner is the player who manages to travel the
maximum distance. The structure of the game is de-
scribed in Figure 4. The player starts from an ‘origin’
and has to travel to the first city on the list: Paris in
the figure. To travel to Paris, the player has the option
to choose between taking a flight, a car, a train, or a
boat. Each of these means of transportation has its
pros and cons. For example, a flight would save time
but would probably be expensive and possibly require
the player to wait longer before getting a reservation;
a train on the other hand would be much more afford-
able but would be much slower.
The Game ...
car flight train boat
x km
y km
z km
Figure 4: An overview of the Ambitious Traveler game.
On getting to Paris, the next destination for the
player is London. To get to London, again the player
has to take a decision on the means of transportation.
This is continued until the player either runs out of
money, or time. In either case, the distance travelled
by the player until then is noted. Every player is given
a large number of travel opportunities. On each op-
portunity, the player starts from the origin with a lim-
ited amount of money and time and attempts to travel
as far as possible. After the player is done with all his
travel opportunities, the average of the distances trav-
elled on all the opportunities is the final score of the
player. The larger the final score the better the player
has done in making his transportation selections.
The service domain in this game is the transporta-
tion service (flight, car, train, and boat) between every
pair of travel points. These transportation services are
analogous to the service elements at each function-
ality level in the service domain of our composition
model described in the previous section. Just like in
the composition model where a service selection has
to be made at each functionality level to put together
the composite application, in this game the player has
to make a selection between the available transporta-
tion services to travel further. Every transportation
service, like the service elements in the composition
model, has an associated reliability, a waiting-time, a
reputation, and an associated cost. The player has to
make a trade-off between one or more of these QoS
attributes every time he makes a transportation selec-
In the following portion, we describe how the
selection of one transportation service over another
based on its QoS attributes impacts the final score (the
total distance traveled) of the player.
Reliability. Every transportation service in the
game has an associated ‘fail-rate’. The transporta-
tion services are randomly made to fail at rates pro-
portional to their respective fail-rates. The value of
the fail-rate of a transportation service is modified ev-
ery time the service fails. There are no implications
of a failure of a transportation service if the service is
currently not transporting any player. If however, the
transportation service is indeed transporting a player
when it fails, the player loses all the money invested
in invoking the service and also wastes time as he is
sent back to the previous level and has to once again
make a transportation selection for the same destina-
tion. Therefore, it is beneficial for the player to make
a transportation choice which advertises a high degree
of reliability.
Waiting-time/Completion-time. Whenever a
player with any of his travel requests makes a
transportation choice, there is a possibility that the
transportation service is currently in use by another
request and the player has to wait. Waiting for a
large time period results in the player wasting time
which is a limited resource in the game and adversely
affects the score of the player. It is important there-
fore for the player to select a transportation service
incorporating the length of the waiting queue at the
The other factor that influences the time resource of
the player is the travel time or the service completion-
time. A good choice here results in the player wasting
very little time in covering the distance between two
cities and thus has a favorable influence on his score.
A bad choice has the opposite effect. The service
time of the transportation should also therefore be
taken into account while making a service choice.
Reputation. Every player that uses a transportation
service in the game is expected to give his feedback
on the service. This feedback is usually a figure that
the player feels appropriate out of a maximum of 5.
The feedback of the players forms the basis of deriv-
ing a reputation value for a service. The reputation is
a quantitative expression of the overall ‘feel’ that the
player gets while using the service. Each service has
a reputation value which is the average of the feed-
back values assigned by all the players that have used
the service. The reputation value of a transportation
service serves as an indicator of the quality of previ-
ously experienced service to subsequent players while
making their service selection.
Cost. Cost is an overarching factor that has a direct
influence on the choice of the player. A cost is as-
sociated with each transportation service based on its
overall functional and non-functional attribute values
as well as on the environment in which the service
is being used. The cost is a dynamic factor and its
value keeps varying. A player who selects a trans-
portation service that has a high cost, risks wasting
money which is one of the two limited resources in
the game; however by choosing an expensive service
the same player could be gaining in terms of time, the
other limited resource. Therefore, there is a trade-off
which the player has to decide upon using his judge-
4.2 The Game as a Validation Tool
To use the Ambitious Traveler game described in the
previous sub-section as a validation tool for our ser-
vice composition model, the game will be played in
three different modes: (i) by volunteers making their
own service selection decisions at each stage of their
travel; (ii) by volunteers providing their quality factor
weightings and have our service composition model
make service selections; and (iii) by playing the game
making random service selections at each travel op-
The scores of each of the three scenarios are noted
for a large number of travel requests. A high score
by our composition model when compared to the vol-
unteer(s) score or the random-selection strategy score
serves to validate the model. In the following sub-
sections, we will describe how the game is played by
each of the participants mentioned above.
4.2.1 Game Played by Volunteer(s)
We request one or more volunteers to play the game.
The first task that the volunteer needs to do is men-
tion the importance that he places on each of the QoS
attributes: Reliability, Waiting-time, Reputation, and
Cost. If the volunteer customer is comfortable doing
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
this, he is asked to express this importance in terms
of values assigned to respectively α, β, γ, and δ. If
the customer is unable to do this, he is asked a set of
questions on whose basis values are assigned to the
four parameters.
Next, the volunteer starts sending service requests
into the transportation service domain. Every time
that the volunteer has to make a decision regarding
the means of transportation, he is shown the following
information regarding the potential transportation ser-
vices available: (i) the current fail-rate of each of the
transportation services, (ii) the queue length of other
waiting requests at each service, (iii) the travel time
of each of the potential transportation services, (iv)
the reputation of each of the services, (v) the cost of
the services, and (vi) a map showing the current lo-
cation of the customer and the location that he needs
to travel to (to give him an idea of the geographical
features separating the locations). This is shown in
Figure 5. On the basis of all these factors the vol-
unteer makes an intuitive judgement on which of the
available services to select. The volunteer is appealed
to take his decision conforming as far as possible to
the weights (α, β, γ, and δ) assigned by him to the
four QoS attributes.
This process is repeated for the volunteer for a
large number of travel requests. The total distance
travelled by each request is noted and finally the aver-
age of these distances is the score of the volunteer. If
there are several volunteers, the same is done for the
other volunteers also.
Selection by the volunteer
Figure 5: The Ambitious Traveler game as played by the
4.2.2 Game Played by our Composition Model
We next play the game with our Affinity model for
service composition taking the selection decisions. At
each service level, the value of Reliability for each of
the potential transportation services is calculated us-
ing the technique described in (Srivastava and Soren-
son, 2010a); the waiting-time is calculated as the ra-
tio of the queue-length of the waiting-requests at each
service to the completion-rate (in this case travel rate)
of the service (Srivastava and Sorenson, 2010b); the
reputation for each transportation service is calculated
using the feedback collected from previous requests;
and finally the cost is dynamically calculated for each
of the transportation services taking all the functional
and non-functional attributes and the environment of
the service into account.
The Coupling between the service elements at ad-
jacent levels is determined by logical judgement. For
example, in Figure 4, the Coupling between any of the
transportation services to London and the ‘car’ ser-
vice at the level of NYC (New York City) would have
a value of 0. This is because it would be absurd to
use a car as a means of transportation between Lon-
don and NYC given the expanse of the Atlantic Ocean
between the two cities!
With the values of the QoS attributes and Cou-
pling calculated, the equation for calculating the
Affinity between service levels shown in equation (1)
is utilized. The values of α, β, γ, and δ as specified by
the volunteer are used.
The selections using the composition model are
done for travel requests that are identical to those sent
out by the volunteer(s) and under identical circum-
stances. The total distance covered by each request is
noted and the average of the distances of the requests
gives the final score of the composition model.
4.2.3 Game Played at Random
To ensure that the scores of the above two selection
techniques are actually relevant and meaningful, the
game is also played with the service selections being
made at random. The random selections are done for
requests that are identical to the requests of the volun-
teer(s) and the total distance travelled in each case is
noted. The average of these distances gives the score
when the selections are made at random.
The scores of the three selection techniques are
compared. If the scores of our Affinity model for ser-
vice composition are statistically significantly better
than the other two, this serves to validate the tech-
nique. Even if the scores of our composition model
are comparable with those of the intuitive judgement
of the volunteer, it suggests that our automated selec-
tion method is useful given the significant overhead
associated with the thought and judgement selection
process of individual volunteers.
The Ambitious Traveler game in its present form is
quite simple and is robust as a validation tool for dy-
namic systems from a customer point of view. We
however envisage a much greater role for the game
in the future with possible extensions and enhance-
As the game stands now, it comprises volunteers
who serve as customers that make selections given a
service domain that is static. An extension that could
have a far reaching impact could be to also have a set
of volunteers who would serve as providers. These
providers would be responsible for setting up trans-
portation services that would be used by customers to
move from one city to another. The providers could
adjust the cost of the services to ensure a comfort-
able profit margin even while keeping up with com-
petition. The other quality attributes of the services
could also be adjusted depending upon the resources
available and with an eye on the level of demand. The
provider would benefit immensely from the game by
being in a position to try out various marketing strate-
gies in a synthetic set up and getting a handle on what
to expect.
A more ambitious enhancement to the game could
be by developing it as an application for a web map-
ping service like Google maps (GoogleMaps, 2010).
Prospective service providers could set up fictitious
services at different locations on the map. Prospective
customers could use such services, provide feedback,
choose between competing services, and much more.
A virtual world on the web mapping application could
be set up with prospective customers and providers in-
dulging in transactions and activities that would nor-
mally occur in a real situation. All this would give
both the customer and provider a ‘feel’ for the situa-
tion and ultimately enable them to make much better
business decisions.
The Ambitious Traveler game described in this paper
serves as an inexpensive and convenient means to val-
idation of a dynamic service composition model. This
game may easily be modified to suit the purpose of
validation of any other kind of dynamic system model
also. Although the game described is still under de-
velopment, the idea of utilizing such a game for vali-
dation purposes is unique and novel.
The game described is currently good for validat-
ing the service composition model from the customer
point of view. It ensures that the interests of the cus-
tomer are upheld and the service composition formed
conforms to the requirements of the customer. We
hope that with a few enhancements, the game could
be used to validate a model that allows the provider
also to make changes to the available service domain.
Such a game could be used to uphold the interests of
both the customer and provider and would therefore
ensure a degree of co-value to both sides.
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KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing