requests using computer applications that provide
decision support and can deliver the requests
electronically in structured form to appropriate
medical organizations (e.g. diagnostic centers,
hospitals). Moreover, the radiological reports
(incorporating image and text) are stored in a cloud
infrastructure while granting relevant access rights
to referring physicians. Hence, the term
"eRadiology" has been used regardless of whether
such radiological requests are subsequently printed
and given to the patient, faxed to a medical center,
or delivered through more structured electronic
transfer. In this framework, the proposed security
mechanism, embedded into an eRadiology cloud
portal application, ensures authorized invocation of
web services and execution of associated BPEL
tasks subject to the constraints imposed by the
execution context. One particular assumption of the
proposed system specifically calls for the integration
of eRadiology systems with PHRs and, possibly,
other external systems since systems integration is a
prerequisite for accurate safety alerts, patient
monitoring and other recommended capabilities. The
security framework proposed should aid eRadiology
developers in comparing alternative systems and in
prioritizing their development efforts. However,
there is an obvious need for its real world validation
before it is widely adopted. This requires setting up
a cloud computing infrastructure for eHealth
services, an endeavour that needs much more than
proven technological feasibility.
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KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing