instance of a type by the sheet (legisign). A simple
example must suffice. The lady that can be seen
either as young or as old offers at least these
interpretational possibilities (immediate interpretant,
rheme). In what way it is seen at a particular
moment depends on the legisign invoked: the lady
either seen as young or old, not both. Note that it is
not yet seen as a young woman or as an old woman.
It still is just the image experienced as familiar.
In the detached view (middle diagram) the index
position is identified as the syntactical level, for, if
we take lots of occurring iconic sinsigns according
to the combinations they indexically lead to on
subsequent interpretation moments, we are looking
for the combinatory properties and we may start to
distinguish different types of combinations. Since in
the Rheme position all possible meaningful
combinations are offered, this must be the semantic
level. Interestingly, the legisign position does not
have a counterpart in the detached view. In part this
can be explained by pointing to the fact that it is
implied in the semantic level. But that is not the
whole story. In order to be able to dwell upon this
subject a bit more, I will skip the further assignment
of moments in the process model to ladder positions
and just give the correspondences in figure 7 without
any argument,
Another reason why the legisign position is not
recognized in the received view of the semiotic
ladder may be connected with a feat of the ontology
charts of SAM. The nodes represent affordances and
agents as a rule in general and not as particulars. The
exception is the root, that is taken to represent
society. By doing so entities like person tend to be
looked at from the point of view of the world
modeled in the charts. Characters of instances of
type person that fall outside the depicted world have
the same value as the individual has in Peirce’s
worldview, they are the source of error at the most.
This does not prevent those characters to be useful in
worlds depicted by other charts, but that falls out of
sight. Choosing unit of consistency instead of society
as epithet would enhance consciousness of the
potential and a source for agents to act adverse to the
goal of the world depicted. At the same time it
would invite to look at the agent as itself a unit that
strives to increase its consistency and that, taking
part in different information systems (Cf. Master
Meng), may be forced to take responsibility for its
acts in any one of them as a consequence of its role
in another. I suggest that zooming in on the
complexities that result is greatly enhanced by
projecting the process model of interpretation on the
agent nodes of the ontology charts. It would be of
assistance for any approach that tries to personalize
the response of information systems or of ambient
spaces to individual needs.
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ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations