A Higher Education Institution’s Framework
Nuno Pina Gonçalves, Sérgio Paulino and Tiago Silva
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal
Rua Vale Chaves - Campus IPS, Setúbal, Portugal
Keywords: Business Processes Framework, Higher Education Institutions, Organizational Semiotics.
Abstract: Organizations have increasingly raised concerns in relation to its processes and the quality of service. There
are many methodologies for management processes such as Business Process Management (BPM) and
Software Oriented Architecture (SOA). These methodologies alone do not seem to be able to cover all the
specific model of Higher Education Institutions (HEI), and it is necessary to integrate Process Management
methodologies with Organizational Semiotics to obtain the necessary signals for quality management. With
the help of Semiotic Pentagram Framework (SPF), Dynamic Essential Modelling of Organizations
(DEMO), Language Action Perspective (LAP) and the Theory of Organized Activity (TOA) we present a
framework adapted to the HEI where, after reviewing the options regarding the semiotics, we choose to use
the Semiotic Pentagram Framework. The various views of the SPF scheme cover larger part of the HEI
activities and needs process. To do that, we will use an approach to Strategic and Business Information
Systems. Our objective is to apply the framework at one of IPS schools - Superior School of Health (ESS).
Information Systems (IS) development raises many
important challenges to organizations and
institutions. Nowadays, depending on the type of
organization, to some extent business processes are
supported by some kind of IS. Emerging
organizations want to examine processes across their
lines of business to discover which one is the best of
breed. Other organizations are looking for the
improving their existing processes, or even to
automate them. In some countries, government
regulations require that business processes be
properly documented. These are among the many
drivers in the business world today that are making
organizations take a closer look at their processes.
The first question that arises is that if organizations
and institutions have all the same kind of
characteristics. In this work we defend that higher
education institutions (HEI) nowadays have new
specific challenges and characteristics. In the socio-
economic Portuguese context Polytechnic Institutes
and Universities are centralizing services, decision
making processes and IS. It is not unusual to have in
this context information and procedures islands
lacking a desirable integrated access to
information, finding many reasons to capture their
business processes in order to obtain top level
indicators and competitive advantage in face to other
HEI's. In order to understand the HEI business
processes we have studied different kinds of
approaches to the business processes capture and
creation of top-level indicators: the dynamic
business processes approaches like Business Process
Management (BPM) and Software Oriented
Architecture (SOA) and other approaches like
Organizational Semiotics, the Semiotic Pentagram
Framework - SPF, Dynamic Essential Modelling of
Organizations (DEMO), Language Action
Perspective (LAP) and the Theory of Organized
Activity (TOA). In this paper we present a
framework that we have created merging Hoshin
Kanri matrix with the alignment between the
Strategy and Business Information Systems, BPM,
SOA and the SPF Framework and we define
methodological aspects in order to validate this
framework using one of IPS schools - Superior
School of Health (ESS).
Paulino S., Pina GonÃ
galves N. and Silva T.
Zs Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0003266802260235
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In the last two decades, computer science
revolutionized the communication and the access to
the information, opening new challenges to the
organization of the work and the business processes
related to education and learning in HEI. Computer
science opens multiples challenges to the “new
school”, in the field of the management of the new
paradigms of functioning and in the support of new
forms of education and in way it generates the new
paradigms of learning (Macedo P. , 2008).
The paradigms of education are in a process of
change in the current school as well as learning. The
changes in the society and education in the European
community demand that the management of the
schools is boarded of another form. A school is an
organization form where the process of main
business is the training/education of individuals. A
school in its essence “sells” the acquisition of
abilities and generates knowledge - elements basic
resources to manage in the schools. Schools not only
need to have one politics of knowledge
management, but also to access the applications that
allow them to manage the knowledge - its main
School was always an important pillar of the
communities. School is an active element of the
social and academic community establishing bows
of communication and contribution with its partners.
The technological structures will have to support and
to facilitate the management of the activities and
business processes, allowing not only the allotment
of resources, but also the coordination of the
business processes and activities allowing the
creation of top level indicators.
HEI are institutions that take on very specific
characteristics deriving from its activities, its size, or
even its management framework and autonomy that
the law provides. With organizational structures
unclear, inflexible, and difficult to define and with
very weak lines of authority, decision-making
processes have been very tightly hemmed in by
different collective bodies mostly independent of
each other and often with diametrically opposed
views on the objectives of institution.
Additionally, at HEI exists high turnover at the
top management positions, causing a general failure
to promote a sustained process of continuous
improvement. Finally, with regard to the core
activities of HEIs, including the activities of
teaching and learning, are presented with very
transverse processes, with multiple actors with
responsibilities for decision making, some of them at
the same level but with little coordination, with long
cycles of achieving and with little consensus about
who are the intended recipients / customers
(UNIQUA/IPS, 2009). HEI have been created the
need to adopt quality systems and continuous
internal improvement, which are associated with
effective processes of decision making so that they
have a concrete effect on administrative activities,
financial, scientific and educational.
The institutions are being evaluated according to
the quality of performance, measuring the degree of
compliance of its mission, through performance
parameters of action and results. According to A3ES
(Agency for evaluation and accreditation), the
Portuguese institutions are subject to evaluation and
accreditation in order to be entered into the
European system of quality assurance in higher
education. With the "Bologna Process" the
institutions may be subject to comparisons and
rankings mechanisms, and quality performance, very
important factors to get a good position.
The Bologna Process enables to compare with
another high school and provides the Global
recognition .The Bologna Process aims to create a
European Higher Education Area by 2010, in which
students can choose from a wide and transparent
range of high quality courses and benefit from
smooth recognition procedures. The Bologna
Declaration of June 1999 has put in motion a series
of reforms needed to make European Higher
Education more compatible and comparable, more
competitive and more attractive for Europeans and
for students and scholars from other continents.
Reform was needed then and reform is still needed
today if Europe is to match the performance of the
best performing systems in the world, notably the
United States and Asia. IS in HEIs need to be well
designed and have to provide key performance
indicators (KPI) that will be compared among other
institutions. One of that KPI are the Bologna Reports
that all the courses in HEI need to have visible to
everyone, every year.
In this sense, in order to achieve greater internal
quality, UNIQUA/IPS (UNIQUA/IPS, 2009)
proposes the implementation of the IPS performance
evaluation model based on a process model
approach of HEI resources.
Information systems exist to support the activities of
organizations and institutions, its mission,
objectives, strategies and business processes.
Therefore, by definition, information systems have
to be aligned with the business strategy. But that
does not always happen, especially because business
is dynamic, and change and information systems
rarely have the flexibility to accompany these
evolutions (Laudon K. & Laudon J., 2007).
Five years ago, IPS evidenced that it was very
difficult to gather integrated information from the
students as well as from the teachers. IPS and the
schools needed to get management indicators and
felt that information was spread on small non
integrated information systems. All the stakeholders
of the education process needed to have access to
their information online and it was not possible to
obtain that information without a new integrated
system. Besides consisting in a central repository
and unique access point, a web portal will allow to
access information outside institutions facilities.
It would be a competitive advantage to IPS to
give students and professor’s access to lectures, as
well as, all important academic data. All the systems
with this kind of requisites usually take several years
to become in production in a stable way. It was
created a team that started to analyze all the
available academic information systems all over the
country. Two years later the team defined finally
that there was only a really stable, solid and tested
system that meet the identified requirements to be
installed in IPS – SIGARRA.
SIGARRA’s system architecture is an integrated
Web based information system, a student’s
management applications (GA) and human resources
management application (GRH), its main
characteristics are: Information integration, Web
interface and Modularity and configurability. As
IPS has five schools and two more organic units, all
of them used different procedures to the
organizational processes. The main idea was to
standardize the processes in all the schools. The
adopted implementation methodology consisted on
the migration of the old systems at each school one
by one to minimize the impact in services and
increase the team expertise. Beside the lack of
standardized procedures another challenge was the
fact that the legacy systems didn’t have enough
documentation, so the migration process needed to
be validated several times to assure data consistency.
While the migration was in progress, the web portal
started being installed and customized (Goncalves
N. & Sapateiro C, 2008).
SIGARRA - Information System for the
Aggregate Management of Resources and Academic
registers (Ribeiro, L. & David, G., 2001) which is a
stable, robust, widely tested and continuously
updated, IS for higher education institutions in use in
several Portuguese institutions.
SIGARRA is a really very good IS, but its
implementation process and its characteristics
determined that the top-level indicators are not
easily obtained as well as the business processes are
heterogeneous even many of them having the same
goals and output information. So, the aggregation of
the information in order to help decision making is
not as effective as it should, not permitting to make
comparisons among schools and services.
Usually top management defines the strategies
looking for the results and not to the needs. One way
to allow doing this is to review the processes and the
stakeholders (e.g. students, professors, collaborators)
SI-IPS implementation adopted, because of
political, financial and organizational factors, was
the adaptation of each organic unit to the IS, and this
brought a problem – the system was adapted to each
organic unit instead of potentiating the
harmonization of all the existing processes.
This can be a sign that the organic units do not have
clean structured procedures. IPS is betting on
improving the quality and in the management of
business processes. Question: "the management of
organizational processes fits on high school?" The
need to implement process management comes from
standardization of the processes. It is important to
harmonize the processes. It is necessary to create
valuable indicators, which allow top management to
control the processes. They only can control the
processes that have defined or someone defined for
them. On IPS exists orientation to results, rather than
guidance on process and quality.
People in organizations are the most important
element, for two specific reasons: they are the
suppliers and the customers. But alone they cannot
produce a quality service. This is because people
cannot know whether the processes that lead to the
final result are optimized and have the desired
quality. This is where the management of processes
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
appear, one of the most important issues of today's
Processes, along with people, are of the most
difficult to manage in the direction of an
organization. And the explanation can be justified in
many ways: processes not defined and planned;
processes that fail; resources for processing; unclear
objectives; lack of process control; motivation of
people to implement them; bureaucracy processes.
The functional units of the organizations are
beginning to no longer be considered as a discrete
set of isolated and well defined borders, and this
increases the difficulty of managing the processes.
The growing trend to be seen as flexible and
interconnected groups of information flows that
cross horizontally the units in that group activities, is
a reality that is rooted in the movements of
reengineering (Hammer, M. & Stanton, S., 1999)
and JIT (Just in Time) (Ten Have, S. et al., 2003;
Coopers & Lybrand. 1999). Organizations come to
be seen as a group of incompletely linked groups
and for this reason there is great need to manage
processes (UNIQUA/IP, 2009).
Business process drivers can be summarized into
three major categories:
Documentation. Companies need to capture
business processes so that others can understand
how they work, who is involved, and how
activities flow from beginning to end. Typically
a business analyst who understands how the
processes work models these processes.
Redesign. Many businesses want to improve
their business processes to reduce inefficiencies,
drive down costs, and respond faster to customer
requests. A process cannot be redesigned before
it is understood, so it must first be captured.
Redesign can only come after you have properly
documented the process. Typically a technical
analyst, or perhaps an IT liaison to the business
who understands both the business needs, and the
I/T systems models these processes.
Execution. In most cases, the best way to
improve the efficiency of a business process is to
apply automation to it. If you can reduce or
eliminate manual work, the process can be
performed faster and at a lower cost. To apply
process automation, the business IT staff or a
consultant must write code or use a middleware
product. It would not be advisable to automate an
inefficient process. For this reason, this phase
should only occur after you have redesigned the
In a organization exists process associated with the
mission and the processes on which all activities
Figure 1: Global Processes Model (Pires A., Lourenço R.,
of the institution relates, however exists other
processes and not directly connected with the
mission of the institution but have a particular
importance in the overall management (figure 1) and
can be defined (Pires A. & Lourenço R., 2010):
1. Processes that affect all other processes and
activities of the institution, including the macro-
processes, classified by integrated processes, and
take responsibility for organizational
convergence, by establishing global forms of
action both internally and externally.
2. Processes focused on supporting the internal
structures and processes arising from them,
classified by support processes, and without
them organization hardly reach their goals.
It is important to IPS to restructure and define the
procedures to improve quality. At this point is
important to talk about two types of management:
Quality Management and Process Management
(Business Processes and Support Processes).
The processes that we will aboard are the
Dynamic Business Processes and several
methodologies can be applied in the organization,
like BPM (Business Process Management) and SOA
(Service-oriented architecture) and with Semiotic
approaches is possible to link dependencies of the
processes that not suffer any alterations on the
organizations, that can be viewed like the skeleton of
organization's processes.
Organizational Semiotics can help to see how it
behaves throughout the process of information in the
organization, helping to validate the flow of
information by groups of the organization and deals
with organizations such as information systems
where information is created, processed, distributed,
stored and used. Thus becomes the organization as a
system of dependency where the result of a process
may depend on another process.
The management processes should be adapted and
appropriate to the educational reality, which may
have a role in this standard approach as it sees an
organization as interconnected and interacting
processes by which it achieves the desired
objectives. For this is necessary to HEI's clarifying
its mission and vision, with emphasis on the ability
to provide their recipients / customers products and
services recognized by the social, environmental,
cultural and economic values
(Pires A. & Lourenço R.,
So there is a need for applying something
different, because of the specificity of HEI
specificities, whereas management methodologies
common processes do not fit very well. Interactions
are large and actors many with different needs.
A good process management combined with
organizational semiotics can improve the quality of
how the whole service is provided while improving
the definition of all processes and dependencies. So
suppliers and customers realize what the procedure
is carried out to reach the expected result. These are
the processes that make the organization sustainable
to offer an educational quality of service allowing
continuous monitoring and improvement.
5.1 Strategic Planning in the context of
Enterprise Architecture
Enterprise architecture refers to both the process and
the product of the application of systematic methods.
As a complex process, enterprise architecture may
use a framework of methods and conceptual tools.
An early coining of the term "enterprise
architecture" to refer to both the process and product
was by Steven Spewak (Spewak et al., 1992). This
book defined one of the earliest process frameworks
for enterprise architecture. One formal definition of
the architecture of an enterprise comes from
the MIT Center for Information Systems Research:
“Enterprise architecture is the organizing logic
for business processes and IT infrastructure
reflecting the integration and standardization
requirements of the firm’s operating model” (Weill,
P. MIT, 2007).
This enterprise architecture has mechanisms to
ensure alignment between information systems and
the strategic objectives of the organization. The
enterprise architecture is a method that involves
the application of a set principles and models to
understand artefacts essential in organization,
namely to understand the business, technology
and and how is their evolution over time. Its divide
by: the organizational, business, information,
applications and technology architectures.
In a brief description, these five architectures are
defined by:
The organizational architecture understand the
core aspects of the company, as vision, mission,
strategic objectives and the structure of the
company (like a organization IPS has a strategic
The business architecture describes all the
activities (processes business) developed by the
company to achieve its objectives (ex:
teaching/learning; I&D; services and consulting);
The information architecture describing the
structure of qualified information
that organization needs to develop the business
processes (ex: disciplines, programs; school;
The application architecture describes all the
necessary applications that support business
processes and make use of entities. In
this architecture is include de CRUD matrix
(Create, Read, Update, Delete) that describes and
analyzes the relations between the activities of
the processes and manipulated information in the
context of business (ex: information system,
student’s management applications (GA) and
human resources management application
The technological architecture describes
the infrastructure of hardware, network and
software that supports business needs.
In an approach of the reality, the best way to meet
this need is adopting the Hoshin Kanri matrix
(Jackson T., 2006) because it allows doing the
representation in a single piece of paper the various
interrelationships among the critical factors of
company strategy. With this method it can achieve a
result positive to show that it is possible to ensure
the alignment between the business strategy and
technology strategy to help improve performance of
the organization.
In the figure 2 is an example of a final Hoshin
Kanri matrix with the alignment between the
Strategy and Business Information Systems.
Relation 1 is the alignment between strategic
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Figure 2: Hoshin Kanri matrix with the alignment between
the Strategy and Business Information Systems.
projects of the company with its strategic options,
the relation 2 shows which the indicators reflect the
choices company's strategic, the relation 3 identify
business processes that support each of the strategic
projects, the relation 4 identify the business
processes that will produce each of the indicators of
strategic management (information useful in
implementing a system of Balanced Scorecard or
“Tableaux de Bord”) and finally the relation 5
identify the responsible for business process (High
R. et al., 2009).
Management change is a problem with an impact
on processes and systems information and with this
matrix is possible to have a control change of the
alignment between business and information,
allowing viewing and understanding the
consequences of alignment processes, informational
entities and applications. With this the enterprise
architecture can help to clarify the role of
information systems in business, in a strategic
perspective business, especially if it is considered as
an alignment tool should be implemented
dynamically by the company.
Dynamic business processes and models enable
organizations to optimize business performance and
rapidly respond to changes in competitive,
economic, and market conditions.
By continuously improving key business
processes across systems and people with business
process management (BPM) and a solid business
strategy, businesses can streamline operations, create
agile business models, and reduce enterprise costs.
By discovering, documenting, deploying, and
optimizing business processes and models,
businesses can transform the way they work by:
Delivering agile business models that
rapidly adjust to changing customer
expectations and business demands
(curriculum design continuously based on
market and society needs; using the best
pedagogical knowledge; using the best
Empowering people to operate in real-time
with detailed process visibility, and new
insights from sensors and events for
smarter decisions and actions (monitoring
and becoming available relevant data to the
stakeholders, in adequate time, as well as to
processes managers/Program managers );
Flexibly automate and extend business
processes to easily find and use the best
resources anytime, anywhere (supporting
activities and processes in IS).
5.2 BPM
Business Process Management (BPM) aims to
provide the alignment of business processes with the
strategy, with goals and create a value chain for the
The Management of Business Processes uses the
best management practices, such as the mapping of
processes, modelling, determining the level of
maturity, documentation, communication plan,
automating the monitoring, establishment of
performance indicators and the cycle of continuous
improvement. The aim is the continuous
improvement of processes to achieve the expected
These practices applied help maximize the
results and performance of procedures, and so do
organizations have better financial performance,
competitive advantages, reduce costs, optimize
resources, increase customer satisfaction through
products, increased employee satisfaction, which
leads to services with a superior level of quality.
5.3 SOA and BPM
Figure 3: BPM and SOA integration.
The value proposition of Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA) is centred on agile and aligned
business and IT design and delivery. The ability to
architect the alignment between business and IT is a
hallmark of SOA, and is the cornerstone for derived
business agility, reduction of cost and risk, as well as
improved portfolio management.
The notion of business process optimization has
been around much longer than SOA. Yet, around the
same time that SOA became a mainstream
architectural style, the focus in many process
optimization communities shifted subtly to one of
Business Process Management (BPM). The key
distinction for BPM as a discipline is added focus on
flexible and dynamic process design as well as
process orchestration and automation through IT
enablement. This provides the foundation for agile
business optimization and IT responsiveness, a
particular aspect of business and IT alignment.
While BPM and SOA each have value on their
own, they are naturally synergistic, and best when
done together for business and IT agility,
optimization and alignment. When done together,
BPM provides the business context, understanding
and metrics, and SOA provides a governed library of
well architected service and information building
blocks (figure 3). Both are, in fact, needed in order
to dynamically optimize investments, drive
operational excellence and manage business risk.
Note that a valuable side effect of doing BPM
and SOA together is enhanced collaboration across
business and IT boundaries. Communication and
collaboration are brought to life through simulations
and visual models of process and service
orchestrations, as well as through explicit business
contracts that govern the horizontal linkage between
business units and the realization of end-to-end
SOA can be beneficial to IPS in several ways; the
common theme among ctive. And when
combined with BPM, SOA can be even more
effective (Serra N., et al., 2008).
6.1 Organisational Semiotics - OS
Organisational Semiotics (OS) seeks to present new
and useful ways to understand human information
and communication systems from an organisational
perspective. According OrgSem
(, OS is emergent discipline
whose purpose is to study the nature, characteristics,
functions and effects of information and
communication within organisational contexts. The
use of semiotics helps by providing many interesting
ideas that can be studied, developed and applied in a
business and/or organisational context (Gazendam
H. & Liu K., 2005).
6.2 Dynamic Essential Modelling of
Organizations - DEMO
Dynamic Essential Modelling of Organizations
(DEMO) is a cross-disciplinary theory for describing
and explaining the action of organisations. An
organization is conceived as a (discrete dynamic)
system, of which the elements are social individuals
or subjects, each of them having the authority to
perform particular (objective) actions and a
corresponding responsibility to do that in an
appropriate and accountable way (Gazendam H. &
Liu K., 2005). For the coordination of their actions,
the subjects enter into and comply with
commitments towards each other. To perform a
transaction is needed actions and interaction of the
individuals (Barjis J. et al., 2001; Dietz J., 1999).
DEMO fits in a fairly new and promising
perspective on business processes and information
systems, called the Language/Action Perspective.
The pioneer of the L/A Perspective is undoubtedly
Fernando Flores. The L/A Perspective assume that
communication is a kind of action in that it creates
commitments between the communicating parties.
6.3 Language Action Perspective –LAP
The Language/Action Perspective (LAP) introduced
in the field of Information Systems by Flores and
Ludlow. Organizations have the intrinsic problem of
communication between groups is of extreme
importance, and according to Fernando Flores
communication is exchanging sentences, expressing
some proposition with the aim of creating
commitment between the parties. This
approach, contrasting to traditional views of "data
flow", emphasizes how people communicate, what
people do while communicating, how language is
used to create a common shared reality and how
people use communication to coordinate of their
6.4 Theory of Organized
Activity – TOA
Created by Anatol Holt, Theory of Organized
Activity (TOA) is based on ‘human’ activities which
occur within every organization or business system.
Human action or act is the key element for the
structuring and planning of all activity processes. Its
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
dependence is based strictly on the human element,
where computers and information technology is just
a supporting tool. For the modelling of these
dependencies is the language used Diplan (Cordeiro
J. & Filipe J., 2004).
6.5 Semiotic Pentagram Framework -
Focusing on the human factor, the Semiotic
Pentagram Framework (figure 4) is an alternative
sign model with four different views of the sign:
Interpretational, Relational, Communicational,
Physical and Work (Cordeiro J. & Filipe J., 2004).
The Interpretational View is interested in a passive
interpretation of signs where the sign already exist
and its possible creation is not the emphasis of the
analysis, the Physical View emphasis is on a
material view of the signs with less attention to any
source of meaning from the signs being carried, the
Relational View is concerned with all kinds of
relations between signs where they distinguish here
between formal relations and informal relations, the
Communicational View is one of the most important
view because the concern here is to communicate, so
signs are studied from their use within a
communication perspective, and the Work View that
is a study on the relation between signs and the
common activities or work practices (Cordeiro J. &
Filipe J., 2004).
Figure 4: The Semiotic Pentagram Framework.
We propose a framework, named Business Processes
Framework for HEIs (figure 5), with three
objectives: improve quality of processes; build a
process portfolio and create procedures
documentation. It is very important to view how
whole phases work together, in order to create an
educational framework that allows a better process
management. With process portfolio we want to
create a document with all procedures of HEI that
can be useful to control and optimize it. BPMS
allow us to evaluate and analyze, in a simulated
environment, if the services and processes are well
defined, removing the cost and complexity of the
implementation of the model. Obtaining a simulation
of how it works, thus achieving optimal even before
approaching the real environment of the
organization. This methodology is intended to be
more agile and adaptable to HEI, and the
requirements delegated. There is a continued focus
on optimizing that seeks to increase the quality of all
processes in any of three levels: meta-processes,
processes or sub-processes. This framework has 3
Phase 1:
Define the strategic options and strategic
Identified the top-level indicators that allow
monitoring development of strategic goals
Describe the business processes
Identification of informational entities
Identify the applications (with CRUD
Create a survey to map the existing
processes, with the matrix Hochin Kanri
and CRUD Matrix
Phase 2:
Analyze services supported by
SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
Re-design the processes with tools like
BPMS (Business Process Management
Apply Redesigned Processes and services
Phase 3:
Use Organisational Semiotics - SPF
approach to relate human and technology
Analyze the dependencies
Processes Optimization
Create a survey that allows evaluating the
optimization and increasing quality of
Figure 5: The Business Processes Framework for HEIs.
In the educational context processes optimization
and quality enhancement can lead to changes that
our framework intends to become milder with a
wider range of areas within the HEI. The approach
using enterprise architecture, SOA and BPM
manages processes, but only with the help of
semiotics, using the SPF, can we really validate how
information moves within the organization, and the
responses of the various views that can help us in
further analysis. We present a framework that
enables the optimization of processes and the
approach to the institutional strategy, giving a good
set of very useful business indicators to help
decision making in HEI. The application of the
framework may ensure business processes
management optimization and quality towards the
success of HEI information systems.
Thus, because of the specific nature of the organic
unit, it is our objective to apply BPFHEIs at
ESS. This choice was due to school size is small,
with few procedures and therefore we expect to be a
good organization to apply this framework at the
beginning, making the ESS a case study, being the
next step to apply the framework in other IPS
organic units.
A Process Management appropriately adapted
and adjusted to reality, has a key role, since this is
help to achieve their objectives and this
framework is one more added value to the IPS, to
implement an internal quality and brings to the
institution a competitive advantage in
the rigorous educational "market".
Barjis, J., Dietz, J. & Liu K., 2001. Combining the DEMO
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