Information systems exist to support the activities of
organizations and institutions, its mission,
objectives, strategies and business processes.
Therefore, by definition, information systems have
to be aligned with the business strategy. But that
does not always happen, especially because business
is dynamic, and change and information systems
rarely have the flexibility to accompany these
evolutions (Laudon K. & Laudon J., 2007).
Five years ago, IPS evidenced that it was very
difficult to gather integrated information from the
students as well as from the teachers. IPS and the
schools needed to get management indicators and
felt that information was spread on small non
integrated information systems. All the stakeholders
of the education process needed to have access to
their information online and it was not possible to
obtain that information without a new integrated
system. Besides consisting in a central repository
and unique access point, a web portal will allow to
access information outside institutions facilities.
It would be a competitive advantage to IPS to
give students and professor’s access to lectures, as
well as, all important academic data. All the systems
with this kind of requisites usually take several years
to become in production in a stable way. It was
created a team that started to analyze all the
available academic information systems all over the
country. Two years later the team defined finally
that there was only a really stable, solid and tested
system that meet the identified requirements to be
installed in IPS – SIGARRA.
SIGARRA’s system architecture is an integrated
Web based information system, a student’s
management applications (GA) and human resources
management application (GRH), its main
characteristics are: Information integration, Web
interface and Modularity and configurability. As
IPS has five schools and two more organic units, all
of them used different procedures to the
organizational processes. The main idea was to
standardize the processes in all the schools. The
adopted implementation methodology consisted on
the migration of the old systems at each school one
by one to minimize the impact in services and
increase the team expertise. Beside the lack of
standardized procedures another challenge was the
fact that the legacy systems didn’t have enough
documentation, so the migration process needed to
be validated several times to assure data consistency.
While the migration was in progress, the web portal
started being installed and customized (Goncalves
N. & Sapateiro C, 2008).
SIGARRA - Information System for the
Aggregate Management of Resources and Academic
registers (Ribeiro, L. & David, G., 2001) which is a
stable, robust, widely tested and continuously
updated, IS for higher education institutions in use in
several Portuguese institutions.
SIGARRA is a really very good IS, but its
implementation process and its characteristics
determined that the top-level indicators are not
easily obtained as well as the business processes are
heterogeneous even many of them having the same
goals and output information. So, the aggregation of
the information in order to help decision making is
not as effective as it should, not permitting to make
comparisons among schools and services.
Usually top management defines the strategies
looking for the results and not to the needs. One way
to allow doing this is to review the processes and the
stakeholders (e.g. students, professors, collaborators)
SI-IPS implementation adopted, because of
political, financial and organizational factors, was
the adaptation of each organic unit to the IS, and this
brought a problem – the system was adapted to each
organic unit instead of potentiating the
harmonization of all the existing processes.
This can be a sign that the organic units do not have
clean structured procedures. IPS is betting on
improving the quality and in the management of
business processes. Question: "the management of
organizational processes fits on high school?" The
need to implement process management comes from
standardization of the processes. It is important to
harmonize the processes. It is necessary to create
valuable indicators, which allow top management to
control the processes. They only can control the
processes that have defined or someone defined for
them. On IPS exists orientation to results, rather than
guidance on process and quality.
People in organizations are the most important
element, for two specific reasons: they are the
suppliers and the customers. But alone they cannot
produce a quality service. This is because people
cannot know whether the processes that lead to the
final result are optimized and have the desired
quality. This is where the management of processes
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations