Marcos Salenko Guimarães, M. Cecilia C. Baranauskas and Eliane Martins
Instituto de Computação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Av. Albert Einstein, 1251, Campinas-SP, Brazil
Keywords: Semiotics, Organisational Semiotics, Human-Computer Interaction, Communication, Software Engineering.
Abstract: Hardware and software systems have grown to support the work on critical areas that used to be managed
mostly by human beings. Concepts and challenges regarding critical systems have long been discussed by
several authors, although communication-based aspects have not been explicitly considered. In this paper,
we propose a procedure for designing interaction in critical systems under the communication perspective;
the procedure results in a user interface wireframe as outcome. Semiotics is used as theoretical and
methodological background in the proposed design procedure. The Scientific Satellite Payload Operation
Support System (SAPOP) is used to illustrate the potentiality this perspective brings to safety-critical
A growing demand on hardware and software
systems is also expanding into critical areas that
used to be managed mostly by human beings. The
concept of a critical system has been discussed by
several authors encompassing from conceptual to
technical issues. The safety-critical category of
system is defined as a system whose failure would
provoke catastrophic or unacceptable consequences
for human life (Paulson, 1997).
Literature on critical systems has long shown
dramatic cases of human-system failures that
resulted in people’s deaths. Therac-25 is a typical
case: an X-ray used to obtain bone images (through
x-ray emission) or to treat tumours (through
radiation emission). The message “Malfunction 54”
had no meanings for operators, who just ignored it
(Mackie and Sommerville, 2000), although, for the
software developer, the message intended to inform
that the radiation dosage was above normal values.
Due to this human-computer communication
problem reflected in the user interface (UI), the
consequence of this episode was disastrous leading
to several deaths because of the extreme radiation
injected to patients. More dramatically, as the effect
of over dosage was not instantaneous, it took several
years for the problem to be identified.
In aviation systems, many incidents (unexpected
events that may or may not lead to accidents that
may lead to deaths) have reasons originated from
failures occurring during user-system interaction.
Harrison shows some statistics: from 34 total
incidents (1979-1992); 4% of the deaths were due to
physical causes; 3% of the deaths were due to
software error; 92% of the deaths were due to
problems related to human-computer interaction
(Harrison, 2004). Moreover, according to ATC (Air
Traffic Control), 90% of the air traffic incidents
were due to faults attributed to pilots or controllers.
Nowadays, the flight decks (or cockpits) have
multifunction computer displays where huge
amounts of information are presented (Carver and
Turoff, 2007). This new concept of modern cockpit,
named “glass cockpit”, provides rich amount of
information presented as graphical elements through
diagrams and symbolic information. In parallel with
this evolution, sophisticated automation systems
may produce conflicting data from different sources
forcing decisions about which information to act
upon. The pilot needs to navigate through layers and
layers of information becoming more a system
engineer than a pilot.
The ReSIST project (ReSIST, 2008) created a
new field of study, Resilience Systems, which
includes safety-critical systems. Several gaps and
challenges regarding resilience-building technology
are discussed in terms of architecture, algorithms,
socio-technical factors, verification and evaluation
Salenko GuimarÃ
ces M., Martins E. and Baranauskas M.
DOI: 10.5220/0003267001650172
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
aspects. The resilience needs encompass several
aspects including the usability of systems,
particularly the ubiquitous ones. Helping users
interaction with ubiquitous systems aims at
understanding the potential effects of their actions as
well as preventing them from taking actions with
unwanted and difficult to anticipate system-level
effects. Usability is considered one of the most
important aspects to consider in critical systems;
gaps and challenges are still being identified in the
ReSIST project.
The study of signs and rules operating upon them
and upon their use, form the core of the human
communication study. As there is no communication
without a system of signs, Semiotics, as a discipline
concerned with the analysis of signs or the study of
the functioning of sign systems, may offer an
appropriate foundation for this study. Organizational
Semiotics (OS) is one of the branches of Semiotics
particularly related to business and organizations
(Liu, 2000). The study in OS is based on the
fundamental observation that all organized
behaviour is made effective through the
communication and interpretation of signs by
people, individually or in groups. The aim of OS
studies is to find new and insightful ways of
analyzing, describing and explaining the structure
and behaviour of organizations, including their inner
workings, and the interactions with the environment
and with one another.
The goal of this work is to bring communication
to the discussion of safety-critical systems by
proposing an interaction design procedure in these
systems based on a semiotic-informed theoretical
and methodological background. This procedure
allows to obtain a UI structure (wireframe) using
semiotic artefacts. The proposed approach is
presented with a case study on the Scientific
Satellite Payload Support System (SAPOP), a
system to help research investigators, sub-system
operator and operation coordinator to program the
satellite for executing experiments during the flight
using Web services (Francisco and Sagukawa,
The paper is organized in the following way: the
next section presents the theoretical and technical
background of this work. The third section presents
the proposed design procedure with some semiotic
artefacts considered as income and a UI wireframe
as outcome. Section four presents the SAPOP case
study with this proposed interaction design. Section
five has the analysis of the produced UI wireframe.
This work finishes with the conclusion section
summarizing the contribution and pointing out to
new challenges.
Semiotics is a discipline concerned with the use of
signs, their function in communicating meanings and
intentions, and their social consequences.
Organizational Semiotics (OS), one of the
branches of Semiotics, understands that any
organized behaviour is governed by a system of
social norms which are communicated through
signs. OS methods and artefacts provide a better
understanding of the interested parties of a focal
problem, their requirements, as well as the
restrictions not only regarding the information
system, but the software system as well (Bonacin et.
al., 2006). Methods for Eliciting, Analyzing and
Specifying Users’ Requirements (MEASUR), which
resulted from Stamper’s research work in the late
70´s (Stamper, 1993), constitute a set of methods to
deal with all aspects of information system design.
The Semiotic Ladder (SL) is an artefact primarily
used to clarify some important Information System
notions such as information, meaning and
communication (Cordeiro and Filipe, 2004).
Stamper extended the traditional semiotic divisions
of syntactics, semantics and pragmatics by adding
three other layers: social world, physical world and
empirics as depicted in Figure 1, which, all together,
form the SL.
Figure 1: Semiotic Ladder (Stamper, 1973).
A communication is considered successful if all
these six levels of the SL are successfully
accomplished. The communication in the upper
levels depends on the result of the communication
on the lower levels. These levels provide different
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
views for analysis of different aspects of signs. The
Physical World deals with the physical aspects of
signs (Stamper, 1973). In telecommunication, for
example, there are some physical signs such as those
transported by cable or radio waves. The Empirics
deals with the statistical properties of signs such as
channel capacity, patterns, efficiency. In the
Syntactic level, the signs and their relations to other
signs form a structure, language, data and records.
The Semantics deals with signs and their relations to
meanings that users perceive. In the Pragmatic level,
the signs and their intention and effect on users are
identified. Finally, in the Social World, the signs and
their relation to social implications are considered.
Therefore, the SL links technology, human factors
and social issues.
The Fractal Model of Communication (FMC)
(Salles et al., 2001; Salles, 2000) is used to capture
the structure of the communication involved in the
application domain. FMC stresses the fact that, in
order to design the primary message (the system’s
interface), other fractionated messages must be
carefully designed and appropriate channels must be
chosen to convey them. The FMC models agents in
communication through channels. Figure 2
represents this concept of communication in which,
in one level, agents B and C communicate through
channel A. In another level, A assumes the role of an
agent in communication with C through channel AC.
Figure 2: The Fractal Model of Communication (Salles,
The FMC is appropriate for representing the
communication structure in critical systems as it
makes explicit information about the agents
(physical and human) and all the media used in their
communication. It allows capturing potential
communication failures and to provide redundancy
that would be extremely useful for designing the
interaction in critical systems. While the FMC
provides a structure for analysing agents in
communication, the SL allows a deeper analysis into
the channels they use to communicate.
The use of Semiotics (Liu, 2000) to focus on the
communicational aspects involved in the
requirements elicitation for critical systems is
discussed in Guimarães et. al. (2007). In a critical
system design, the FMC with SL artefacts were
proposed in previous work for modelling
communication in critical systems (Guimarães and
Baranauskas, 2009; Guimarães et. al., 2008). This
work extends this modelling focusing exclusively on
the interaction design.
The first step is obtaining the FMC model in the
interaction design context through a filtering
procedure. Initially, the model has user(s) and
agent(s) which can also be interaction channels.
Interaction agents or interaction channels consist on
agents or channels which interact directly with the
user (direct connection to user). All agents and
channels which don’t have direct connection with
any user (called non-interactive agents and channels)
are just removed and, consequently, all connections
are propagated to an interaction channel or agent.
Figure 3 illustrates this filtering procedure with the
connection propagation where the grey
representations are interaction channels and the
white ones are non-interactive agents and channels
which are removed and the connections are
transported to a nearest interaction channel.
Figure 3: Designing User Interface Wireframe.
The next step is the definition of the UI structure. As
Figure 3 depicts, channels may use other channels
for communicating with user, if a channel A uses
channel B, then B is an interaction object inside A.
For example, the channel A could be a window that
uses a channel B that could be a button. In the UI
wireframe, the user will have a window with a
button as internal interaction object.
By the SL definition, as the communication on the
upper layers depend on the lower layers, having a
physical fault means that all layers above this level
will fail and consequently, the overall
communication will fail. In critical systems, the
mechanism for handling this failure may use a
barrier approach that can be defined for the lower
layers. Barrier consists on any mechanism that reacts
handling the fault if a hazard is detected. This
approach can be applied to represent the diverse
physical and organisational decisions that are taken
to prevent a target from being affected by a potential
hazard (Basnyat et. al., 2007).
The characteristics of each interaction channel
are specified in the SL which consists of six
communication levels with respective hazards as
follows in Table 1.
Table 1: Semiotic Ladder.
Layer Description
Physical world Information about the positioning, size,
colours, label and description of the
object interaction appearance. For
example, the button OK is placed at (12,
56), size = 10 x 5 pixels.
hysical world
Hazard regarding physical world such as
invalid positioning, size, label o
interaction object. For example, these
roblems may happen when the
resolution display is changed or when
the screen is resized.
mpirics Information about limitations on the
channel capacity or information flow
(e.g. transmission rate decreasing, noise
rate increasing). For example, the button
OK can’t handle the double click.
Hazards which may handle due to these
limitations and problems. For example,
what to do, if a button is double clicked.
Syntactic Information about the sequence o
interaction is needed for an interaction
object. It consists on interaction
ehaviour of the interaction channel
with the definition about the actions and
reactions. For example, when the object
is drop-down list, it should appear to
user that at first, a button should be
clicked and after an option can be listed
and then an option can be selected.
Information about the structure of the
interaction object and its behaviour. For
example, how to inform to user that the
drop-down list is empty dispensing with
the button click.
Semantics Information regarding the meaning of an
interaction channel for the user. For
example, the button should appear
Problems related to meanings or
misinterpretation of information,
interaction channel or error messages.
For example, the user can’t recognize
that an object is clickable.
ragmatics Information about the intention behind
the presence of an interaction channel.
For example, the button OK is placed at
the dialog Confirm Remove File for
obtaining the user confirmation before
removing the requested file.
Problems related to intentions of the
interaction object. For example,
usability problem when the user does
not understand the intention behind a
specific icon.
Social worl
Information about the user expectations,
contract, beliefs, and culture related to
interaction channels. For example, the
expectation of the UI designer must
correspond to the user expectation
following a specific “contract” (e. g.
conventions, culture).
Social world
Problems related to social and cultural
issues, beliefs, expectations, contracts,
commitments. For example, if the UI
ehaves differently from what the user
was expecting, what it should be done
according to the contract.
These SL layers are useful for specifying the
communication of each interaction channel and also
how to handle communication faults in the six
communicational contexts.
This section presents the interaction design
regarding communication for the Scientific Satellite
Payload Operation Support System (SAPOP),
developed by National Space Research Institute
(INPE) (Francisco and Sagukawa, 2006).
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
4.1 SAPOP Overview
Each satellite has specific missions (e.g.,
atmospheric phenomena analysis) and contains a
payload which consists on a set of instruments with
specific sensors. Each instrument collects and
processes specific data from sensors and sends them
to the satellite on-board computer. This computer,
by its turn, sends data to the ground system through
telemetry; these data are useful for investigators
(researchers who have the direct access to this
payload information) for a specific research purpose.
During the satellite - ground system
communication, some satellites receive sequences of
telecommands (TCs) and send sequences of
telemetry in over-the-air transmission as Figure 4
depicts. The telemetry has information about the
internal satellite system (internal temperature,
internal components status, battery power and so on)
and payload data (information collected by the
payload system which has specific purpose sensors
for scientific studies).
Figure 4: SAPOP system (Francisco and Sagukawa,
The Payload team (or investigator) uses SAPOP for
defining TCs of the payload system and the sub-
system operators, uses SAPOP for defining TCs of
internal satellite sub-system.. Figure 4 illustrates
SAPOP with the TCs as income, which are defined
by investigators (represented as Scientific
Community) and sub-system operators through
Internet network. The Operation Coordinator (OC) is
the user who authorizes or not the transmitting of
TCs sequences to the satellite through the flight plan
that is stored in a data base server.
The safety-critical aspect of the SAPOP is the
sequence of the TCs that may lead to total or partial
loss of mission (Francisco and Sagukawa, 2006). As
SAPOP is an interactive system, the human error
(e.g. Operation Coordinator mistake) may lead to
total loss of the mission with high cost for the
project. This critical aspect will be analysed under
the communication perspective focusing on the
interaction between the Operation Coordinator (OC)
and SAPOP.
SAPOP is an already existent and functional
system; its UI was already developed. In this work,
the existent UI will be analyzed under the
communication perspective for identifying
communication problems using one of the strategies
known in critical system design: redundancy.
4.2 Designing UI Wireframe
After executing the refining procedure resulting in a
detailed FMC model, the designer not only defines
agents and channels but also all new redundant
channels specifying how the communication is
accomplished in SL six communication levels
(Guimarães and Baranauskas, 2009). The UI
designer executes the filtering procedure to focus on
the interaction channels only, the resulting FMC
model (Figure 5 depicts only a part of this model)
will be useful for defining the UI wireframe. All
channels related to the Flight Plan Generation
Window agent are considered interaction objects and
are located inside the Flight Plan Generation
Window. The Passage Selection channel is an
interaction object inside the Table View interaction
object. The specification of interaction objects is
defined at SL for these channels. Therefore, the
outcome of this procedure is the wireframe as Figure
6 illustrates.
Figure 5: Fractal Model of Communication in Interaction
Design Domain.
Table View consists on visualising the TCs in a table
which is presented in the UI wireframe of SAPOP
original version. The proposed wireframe provides
also a Time View and tabs (as Figure 5 depicts)
allowing changing the Table View to Time View,
which represents another channel for the same
information. If the user doesn’t feel safe editing TCs
in the Table View, the redundant channel Time
View becomes active replacing the first channel.
In the SL, there is information about how to
detect a hazard and also how to handle it in all six
levels. As the SL applies to a specific channel, a
hazard can be detected by a more generic channel.
For example, if the user makes a mistake inverting
the interaction order pressing button Up before
selecting a checkbox in the Telecommands table, the
SL for this button and for this checkbox don’t have
the information about how to detect this interaction
error because each interaction object can just handle
events in its region; events of other interaction
objects can’t be handled by this button. This
interaction error is only detectable by the channel
Flight Plan Generation Window because the scope
of this channel, encompasses these two interaction
objects (button Up and checkbox), allowing to detect
this interaction error in the syntactic level.
Figure 6 depicts the window Flight Plan
Generation with two views that the OC can switch
by clicking on tabs Table View and Time View. To
edit TCs in Table view, OC has a table with the TCs
list, the start time, the experiment name and the user
identification who added the TC. OC can use a
checkbox for selecting a TC and can just change the
order of selected TCs in the table (by clicking on the
buttons Up and Down) or remove selected TCs (by
clicking on button Remove).
In the Time View, which is a new view provided
by the proposed SAPOP UI, OC has the chronology
of TCs (a sequence of time is represented) with start
time and end time. The TCs are placed according to
the time that corresponds to Start Time column in
Table View. OC can change the order and remove
hazardous TC selecting a line and after it, clicking a
buttons Up, Down or Remove.
When OC finishes the work, to submit the edited
TC sequence, OC clicks on button OK or cancels it
by clicking on the Cancel button.
After developing the FMC model and the SL
artefacts, the UI designer should analyse all
interaction channels verifying all SL layers. . The
result is a verification whether a specific SL layer
may fail. For example, if the user can´t understand
the meaning of the Table View in the window Flight
Plan Generation, it means that the Semantic layer of
channel Telecommand Table failed. According to
the SL definition, all upper levels are compromised
by that failure.
Figure 6: Wireframe for the Flight Plan Generation
In the FMC model as Figure 5 depicts, the channel
Telecommand Table considered as failed means all
paths which passes through this channel are
obstructed. Due to the redundancy strategy, there is
another path through channel Time View. Therefore,
in the case of Semantic layer failure of channel
Table View, the Time View can be used.
SL artefacts are useful for determining if more
redundancy is needed, verifying for all SL artefacts
of all interaction channels whether they cover all
possible user profiles defined for SAPOP. Although
this analysis is time consuming for UI designers, it
provides a complete analysis for the UI wireframes
covering from technical contexts (physical world,
empirical and syntactics) to human information
contexts (semantics, pragmatics and social world).
This broad view is necessary mainly for critical
systems that need to be meticulously analysed.
Focusing on the scenario when OC is editing TC in
the window illustrated by Figure 6, the proposed
SAPOP UI has two representations (Time and Table
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
views), with tabs for switching these views while the
original UI has only the table view. This difference
can be analysed based on concepts of the FMC
model and the SL artefact. If the Table View fails by
any reason related to the communication aspect (any
SL layer, e.g. semantically, user cannot understand
the meaning of information), the original UI doesn’t
provide any alternative solution for users because
there is no other path to communicate from SAPOP
to user. The proposed UI provides another path of
communication for users through the channel Time
View as Figure 5 depicts. In the concepts of the SL,
the difference in the channels Table View and Time
View are located at Semantic and Social layers
because the signs were changed. The choice of other
type of view provided by the redundant strategy is
related to the user safety in choosing the
communication channel involving the SL six levels.
Moreover, this strategy doesn’t impact users who
prefer the table view (or any interaction objects of
the original version) because it remains present on
the proposed SAPOP UI. The redundancy allows the
minimum impact for expert users (users who are
already adapted to table view) or users with table
familiarity and extends UI to a new category of
users. The redundancy is not limited to the two
options; it can be extended to include more users
with different abilities.
The communication perspective with the
redundancy strategy contributes for inclusive design
underlying the FMC model. The UI designer can
define safety strategies for the channels which
involve critical information. The SL helps to define
how this critical information is communicated to the
users providing better situational awareness and
either avoiding hazardous consequences.
The drawback of this communication perspective
is the growing of the FMC model, which may be
huge and complex because of the high complexity of
the communicational structure. Developing all the
artefacts is considered hard work because the
number of agents and channels may be very
extensive and, consequently, developing all SLs is
also expensive. Visualization tools may allow the
presentation of the model with a configurable filter
to allow visualizing each fractal dimension
separately, zooming in and out to show only the
agents and channels needed for a specific
Communication is a fundamental factor to be
addressed in critical systems. Semiotics provides a
good foundation for analysis and design regarding
communication. This paper proposed a procedure for
focusing on interaction design based on artefacts of
Organisational Semiotics combined with the Fractal
Model of Communication (FMC). The case study
involved the space system SAPOP, which provides
support for scientific satellite payload operation. If it
fails, satellite missions can be lost leading to high
financial loss. This work presented a
communication-based solution for interaction
design, which uses redundancy as strategy to cope
with the critical aspects of interaction with this
The FMC represents agents and channels of
communication with unlimited fractal dimensions.
In this way, the communication model can be
presented in several granularity levels, including
detailed information for each channel, with the six
layers of communication analysis of the Semiotic
Ladder (SL). The FMC and the SL provide support
for designing the structure of communication
containing information regarding the physical world,
the empiric, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and
social aspects with potential hazards and
correspondent actions. The procedure reaches the
goal leading the FMC to the interaction design and
to the identification of UI design problems of the
SAPOP system. Due to communication perspective,
the challenge for applying the redundancy strategy
for interaction design was accomplished.
Nevertheless, it may grow in complexity presenting
many agents and channels making the reading
difficult and demanding knowledge in several
domain contexts.
The communication perspective may provide
contributions to usability itself, because it is not only
related to "easy to use", but also to "easy to
communicate" providing users with better situational
awareness and, consequently, diminishing the hazard
possibilities related to “human (interaction) error”.
As further work, the UI proposed as a wireframe
needs to be evaluated qualitative and quantitatively
using other methodologies including those
specialized in the critical system field.
We thank Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
(INPE) for allowing the use of the SAPOP project as
case study in this work.
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