a set of norm-oriented methods for business systems
modelling and requirement specification for
information systems (Liu 2000; Stamper 1994).
The semiotic framework has not yet been seen as
a mainstream methodology in the software industry.
Barry & Lang (2001) conducts a survey covering
multimedia and Web development techniques, and
methodologies used in companies involved in large-
scale, in-house, data-heavy business applications.
The survey concludes that practitioners are not using
models cited in the literature or research work. This
could probably be explained by the fact that use of
the models demands in-depth understanding of
relevant knowledge and the lack of tools to map the
theoretical model to implementation. On the other
hand, commercial programming languages are only
applicable to a specific problem domain or
technology platform with limited portability and
they usually work at a low level of abstraction. This
paper aims at solving this dilemma by finding a
modelling technique that is based on a sound
theoretical framework but at the same time can be
easily understood and translated into proper
implementation of different types of real-life
applications in different problem domains as well as
technology platforms.
In the past few years, the Model Driven
Development (MDD) has gained substantial
attention among practitioners with the Unified
Modelling Language (UML) (OMG. 2009) from
OMG and the Specification and Description
Language (SDL) (ITU 2000) from ITU as two
prominent examples. A model is defined as a
collection of artefacts that describes the system
(Balmelli, et al. 2006). An artefact is defined as any
item that describes the architecture, ranging from
diagram, document or specific language designed for
the description. MDD uses the technique of
abstraction to handle complex system modelling. A
system model can be looked at from different
viewpoints and abstraction levels. An abstraction or
model level is therefore a subset of the overall model
that presents a particular focus of the system.
Specification of a system with a design language is a
representation in the form of a model consisted of
different language constructs. The language
constructs are based on lower level models (meta-
models) and the specification has to be translated
into implementation which is also another kind of
model. This series of model transformations is the
essence of model-driven development. Our work is
an attempt to evangelise the use of semiotics in
information systems development and designing a
modelling language is a first step. The MDD
approach is also adopted because it is well
understood in the industry.
The modelling language is based on the semiotic
framework and MEASUR. MEASUR as a
methodology provides five methods for information
systems development:
Problem Articulation Methods (PAM) - to be
applied at the early stage of a project with the
aims to identify related agents and an action
course; to reveal the cultural behaviour; to
structure the problem into a main course action
and its surrounding collateral activities and to
identify norms that govern agent’s behaviour in
the system;
Semantic Analysis Methods (SAM) - this is
basically the ontological dependency analysis to
explicate in a precise form the relationship
between words and appropriate actions used in
the system;
Norm Analysis Methods (NAM) - this is to
specify the patterns of behaviour of the agents in
the form of norms in which responsibilities of
agents are defined, conditions in which some
actions can or cannot be performed by agents;
Communication and Control Analysis - this is to
analyse communications between agents
identified by PAM through a classification of
messages into groups of informative,
coordinative and control according to the
intention of sender agent;
Meta-Systems Analysis - this is to deal with the
meta-aspects of a project such as planning and
Our work focuses on the modelling part and is
therefore based on the SAM and NAM.
2.2 Semiotics and the Information
Systems Development Cycle
Our aim is to use a semiotics based modelling
language to build information systems instead of
only perform the analysis and design. Liu describes
approaches of combining semiotics with other
system analysis and design techniques in going
through different stages of information systems
development with different activities. Table 1,
modified from Liu's work (Liu 2000), summarises
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations