Support, Planning and Communication between Marketing, Dispatchers and
Passengers within the Netherlands Railways
Niels R. Faber and René J. Jorna
Department of Social Sciences, Fryske Akademy (KNAW), Doelestraat 8, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800, 9700AV Groningen, The Netherlands
Keywords: Multi-agent Systems, Planning, Problem Solving.
Abstract: In innovating its planning processes, passenger involvement in dispatching is one of the directions the
Netherlands Railways is exploring. Multi-agent systems provide a way to study organizational aspects of
such a change in the dispatching task that aims to bridge cultural differences between passenger and
dispatcher. In this study, the cognitive, coordination and semiotic implications are investigated. Two
versions of a multi-agent system have been constructed: NS-MAS 1 and NS-MAS 2. The involvement of
active passengers as is realized in NS-MAS 1 provides the organizational specifications of realizing
dispatcher-passenger communication. Furthermore, this implementation provides indications for bridging
the cultural differences between passengers and dispatchers. NS-MAS 2 operates with passive passengers,
simulated based on statistical data on passenger movements, and indicates the coordination possibilities
involved with passenger involvement in dispatching.
The realization and support of planning and
dispatching in the Netherlands Railways
(Nederlandse Spoorwegen, NS) requires problem
solving, technical and communication skills of
various stakeholders. The stakeholders are diverse.
They include planners and dispatchers who plan, re-
plan and communicate, the marketing department
that wants to maximize customer satisfaction and the
passengers who want to travel from A to B as
convenient as possible. Essential in balancing the
various parties in planning is the determination and
valuation of constraints and goal functions. Planning
is a coordination task and “is the attunement or
assignment of multiple object types (such as
carriages, ticket collectors, engine drivers and arrival
and departure times), taking into account constraints
and goal functions” (van Wezel et al., 2006). As
long as only planners and dispatchers make the
plans, the choices and priorities of constraints and
goal functions are reasonably coherent and
unanimous. However, as soon as other parties enter
the problem solving space, conflict constraints and
contradictions may arise. For example, if reduction
of travelling time of a passenger in case of a detour
after an incident is taken into account by a
dispatcher - and this is not the normal situation -
other than the usual plans have to be generated and
other constraints become relevant. For planners, who
only think in terms of “replacing carriages over time
and place”, the concrete goal function of minimizing
detour time and communicating these goals with
non-planners, is new and therefore different. Then
besides technological and algorithmic skills, cultural
backgrounds affect the interaction between people in
the planning situation (Daft, 2001). A group’s
rituals, norms, and symbols result in a collection of
beliefs that is specific to that group. This collection
of beliefs governs the behaviours of the individuals
within the group. Because the rituals, norms, and
symbols are group specific, they are often a cause
for misunderstanding within group interactions.
The case that is presented here resides within the
context of the NS. The NS daily transports one
million passengers. Transportation takes place with
the help of 2,700 railroad carriages, which
approximately run 5,000 train services per day. The
Faber N. and Jorna R.
THE TECHNICAL OPPORTUNITIES AND SEMIOTIC PITFALLS OF MULTI-ACTOR SYSTEMS - Support, Planning and Communication between Marketing, Dispatchers and Passengers
within the Netherlands Railways.
DOI: 10.5220/0003267701730181
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
trains run between 384 stations in the Netherlands.
Within the NS, five kinds of planning divisions
exist. The first concerns timetables and other plans.
The second concerns the partitioning in planning
rolling stock and planning rolling staff. The third
concerns the partitioning in local planning and
central planning (of stock and staff). The fourth
concerns the distinction in year plan (long term) and
day plan (short term), again of stock and staff and
the last is dispatching, meaning solving problems at
the day of execution because of accidents, delays
and detours. Overall approximately 400 planners are
continuously involved in making plans and
Our study only concerns dispatchers. Until
recently, planning within the NS was only a matter
for planners and dispatchers. Because of the
increasing technological possibilities of planning
support, advanced telephone communications, AI
and agent software, and Internet, the NS is studying
the influence of the marketing department and of
preferences of active and passive passengers. We
will explain the details later. This changing
perspective and its complicated consequences is
studied with the help of Multi-Actor Systems (NS-
MAS). As the term MAS already indicates various
(kinds) of actors are then involved jointly solving
the re-planning or dispatching puzzle. Kinds of
actors are of course the human dispatchers, but also
software agents with different levels intelligence.
Apart from its technical implementation, a MAS
requires attention for and decisions about a) what
kind of information is relevant for whom at what
time and who understands this information, b) how
the coordination between actors is realized, who is
responsible for what and c) which minimal
requirements regarding signs and symbols are
relevant for meaningful communication. The first
question requires a cognitive answer or perspective,
the second an organizational answer and the third a
semiotic answer (Klos, 2000; van den Broek, 2001;
Helmhout; 2006). We will come back to this.
The dispatching task involves a series of actions
performed by a dispatcher that are intended to
recover from a disruption in the railways network,
with the objective to restore the original train
timetable as quickly as possible. Disruptions are
delays, train or railway breakdowns, or other causes
for the train service to deviate from the planning,
which are the cause for imbalance of available
material (i.e. trains and wagons) and personnel (i.e.
engine drivers and ticket collectors). The objective
of the dispatcher’s task is re-planning for certain
periods of time (e.g. 4 hours). This objective
narrows the dispatcher’s task down to a problem
solving activity (Newell & Simon, 1972; Simon,
1977; Laird et al., 1986), in which material,
personnel, and timetable comprise the problem
space. From this perspective, the dispatcher is
concerned solely with the components that relate to
the Netherlands Railways transport service. Until
now, dispatchers do not take into account actual
(individual or aggregated) passengers, their
preferences, or marketing goals.
For most transport situations of the Netherlands
Railways, the load consists of passengers who use
train service as a means to get from A to B. Unlike
cargo, passengers are actors that behave
intelligently. They are able to deal with delays in
their planning, by choosing the exact train they will
use taking into account some slack. Delays that
exceed this slack time result in passengers unable to
complete their journeys as planned. The specific
solution the dispatcher implements to overcome a
disruption does not explicitly include the desires of
affected passengers. The chosen solution might
benefit a particular passenger. However, because
neither passengers nor their desires are considered
when a dispatch action is devised, no certainty about
the effects of a dispatching action exists for
This research wants to bridge the distinct
cultures of dispatchers, marketers and passengers,
constructing a multi-actor system that connects
dispatchers’ practices to passenger experiences and
preferences. Such inclusion of passengers in
dispatching changes the original problem space.
Where in the original situation the problem space
only contains non-cognitive elements (i.e. timetable
and trains) and few cognitive elements (i.e.
personnel), the new problem space will contain
many intelligent agents (i.e. passengers and AI
software). The purpose of the multi-actor system
(NS-MAS) is threefold.
First, the system’s objective is to provide insights
into the required communication and possible
coordination structures between dispatcher and
passengers. Currently, dispatcher and passenger only
communicate indirectly and one-way through the
measures taken by the dispatcher. In order to take
into consideration passenger preferences in
developing a dispatching measure, two-way
communication between dispatcher and passenger is
required. How such two-way communication should
be organized needs to be determined. Coordination
in dispatching is absent in the current situation: the
dispatcher decides which dispatching measure is
taken; passengers play no role. Actively involving
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
passengers in dispatching opens new coordination
possibilities, for then an additional deciding actor,
the passenger, becomes part of the dispatching task.
The second objective of the study is to
investigate the role of knowledge in passenger
involvement in the dispatching task. This objective
links to two complementary sorts of knowledge. The
first sort concerns the knowledge that needs to be
included about passengers in order to realize
passenger involvement. For perspectives are
different between dispatcher and passengers,
knowledge about passengers will be needed to
bridge the difference and facilitate knowledge
exchange. The second sort concerns the question
what knowledge a passenger should provide in case
s/he is assigned an active role in dispatching.
The third, more practice oriented objective of the
multi-actor system is to provide insights into the
effects of alternative dispatching measures on
passenger opinions. Alternative measures might
result in equally suitable solutions from the
traditional perspective (i.e. balancing material and
personnel, and restoring the original timetable as
quickly as possible) but render different responses
from affected passengers. This is interesting for the
marketing department of the NS
In this paper, we discuss the developed multi-
actor system in more detail, focusing specifically on
its functionality and the effect on the dispatching
task. The MAS has been developed in two versions
(1 and 2). Each version has its specific functionality.
The first version (NS-MAS 1) focuses on realizing
communication between dispatcher and real, active
passengers, through for instance a mobile device.
The second version (NS-MAS 2) concerns an
extension of the first version, enabling
communication between dispatcher and simulated,
passive passengers, and enabling the use of more
complex dispatching measures. In the second
version, statistical data was used to initialize these
passive passengers. We first provide an overview of
the functionality that was realised in NS-MAS 1.
Second, the functionality of the second version is
discussed in detail. Both versions of the multi-actor
system have been implemented in the Java Agent
DEvelopment Framework (Jade, 2007; JADE;
Bellifemine et al., 2007). The Prometheus Design
Tool and methodology (Prometheus, 2007; Padgham
& Winikoff, 2004) have been used to design the
multi-actor system.
In a MAS, humans and software agents collaborate
to solve the problem at hand and construct a solution
that combines logistics and passenger preferences
(Gazendam, 1990; 2003). Besides humans
(dispatchers and passengers), two types of software
agents are used. First, relatively autonomous agents
are part of a MAS. These agents ensure the internal
functioning of the MAS, primarily relaying
messages. Second, NS-MAS 1 consists of intelligent
assistants. Identified passengers are represented as
intelligent assistants. If a passenger identifies
himself to the MAS, an intelligent assistant is
constructed to represent him. In addition, a
dispatcher is assigned an intelligent assistant. The
agents differ in terms of cognitive complexity and
cognitive possibilities. The questions in the research
are threefold. First, to what extend should intelligent
software assistants have search and decision
authority. Second, what kind of coordination
mechanism is suitable to combine humans and
various kinds of software agents, and third what
does communication entail in terms of signs and
The objective of the system has been to enable
the incorporation of passenger preferences in
dispatching, such that dispatchers would consider
passengers in the solutions they develop. In NS-
MAS 1, passengers register themselves with the
multi-actor system and specify their travel plans for
the journey(s) they will make at a specific time and
date. These passengers are called active passengers,
for they are able to actively communicate with the
dispatcher by means of intermediary software
Taking passenger preferences into consideration
demands that dispatchers and passengers are able to
communicate. Version one of the multi-actor system
realizes two-way communication between dispatcher
and active passengers; a dispatcher communicates
timetable information to passengers (i.e. the effect of
a disruption on the timetable, and of the dispatching
measure s/he suggests on the timetable), and
passengers are able to react and respond to these.
Dispatching measures, devised by the dispatcher, are
communicated to the multi-actor system, which
forwards these towards passengers’ mobile devices.
After being informed about a planned dispatching
measure, a passenger can respond by assigning it a
grade from 1 (undesirable) to 10 (very desirable).
All passenger responses are gathered and presented
back to the dispatcher. The dispatcher can then
and Communication between Marketing, Dispatchers and Passengers within the Netherlands Railways
decide whether the suggested dispatching measure is
implemented or an alternative solution needs to be
Though presented as a straightforward process,
communication between dispatcher and passengers
concerns a complex interaction involving
fundamental differences in culture and language.
Dispatchers are concerned with restoring timetable
functioning, and think in terms of timetable
information. The solution that restores the original
timetable as quickly as possible is regarded as the
best solution. In contrast, passengers only care about
the journey for which they use the train service. For
the NS-MAS passengers are modeled such that they
use the concepts travel time, train changes, and
comfort in relation to their journey. Any disruption
or delay that hinders them to finish their journey in
the planned time is undesirable. Organizing
communication between dispatcher and passengers
has been the main functionality that was
implemented the first version of the system.
Realizing this function required two main elements.
First, the communication channel needed to be built.
Second, the language difference that exists between
dispatcher and passengers needed to be bridged.
Communication between dispatcher and
passenger is realized through three main software
agents, namely the Planner, TravelManager, and
TravelCoach agents. The Planner and TravelCoach
agents are intelligent assistants and form interfaces
between human actors and the NS-MAS. The
Planner agent interfaces between (human) dispatcher
and NS-MAS. The Planner agent receives inputs
regarding delays and disruptions (see Figure 1), and
dispatching measures from the dispatcher, and
forwards these to the TravelManager agent.
Reversely, the Planner agent transmits passenger
response information it receives from the
TravelManager to the dispatcher. The TravelCoach
agent is the interface between the system and one
passenger, and interacts with the passenger
regarding travel information, i.e. delay and
disruption information, and dispatching measures.
The TravelManager agent connects the Planner and
TravelCoach agents, and facilitates internal
communication within the multi-actor system.
Figure 2 shows the graphical user interface of the
TravelManager agent, used to monitor and control
the agent’s behavior.
The content of the communication has been
conceptualized in one ontological model, integrating
dispatcher, passengers and various software agents.
The main distinction between concepts used by
dispatcher or passenger lies in the level of
Figure 1: Planner user interface.
Figure 2: TravelManager user interface.
aggregation and abstraction. Due to his task, a
dispatcher considers the railroad network as a whole,
especially the train services using the railroad
network in the region he is responsible for. A
dispatcher’s knowledge of the railroad network
consists of start and end station of the line,
intermediate stations, the line’s timetable, and other
parts of the railroad network the line passes.
Passengers consider the same railroad network from
the perspective of their individual journeys, which
translates to one specific route that is taken by the
passenger from his / her place of departure to his /
her destination, stations where s/he needs to change
trains and particular times involving the actions of
boarding and alighting.
Dispatchers formulate dispatching measures in
terms of adaptations of lines, speeding up or slowing
down a line at specific points of its path, removing
or adding stops to its path, shortening the line’s path
by making the line return before reaching its final
station, or taking the line out of service completely.
Such dispatching measures need to be translated to
the route that the individual passenger travels.
Within the NS-MAS, the first step is to identify
those passengers that are affected by the dispatching
measure. This is the responsibility of the
TravelManager agent. Because active passengers
have registered themselves and the travel plans of
the journeys they make, the TravelManager is able
to lookup the affected active passengers. After
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
having determined which passengers are affected,
the TravelManager determines the effect of the
dispatching measure on the travel plan of the
affected agents. This agent subsequently constructs
new travel plans for each individual active passenger
and communicates these plans to these passengers’
TravelCoach agents. The TravelCoach agents show
the new travel plans to their connected active
passenger and ask for a response. The passenger
responds by assigning a grade between 1 and 10 to
the new travel plan. All grades from affected
passengers are communicated back by their
TravelCoach agents to the TravelManager. Once all
responses have been gathered, the TravelManager
aggregates and categorizes the responses of the
affected active passengers into five categories,
reaching from “dissatisfied” to “satisfied”.
Frequencies per category are communicated to the
Planner agent, which in its turn informs the (human)
dispatcher about the outcome.
From a cognitive perspective, the characteristics
of the software agents are poor. They are
communication and ordering agents with the help of
simple algorithms. From an organizational view, the
leading coordination mechanism is authority and
hierarchy. The dispatcher is the boss and the
ultimate decision maker. The semiotically
interesting points are that dispatcher and passenger
use a different semantics whereas software agent can
only exchange meaningful information by means of
the human actors (Jorna, 2009; Helmhout et al.,
The second version of the NS-MAS extends the
initial version in two directions. First, the system is
extended to be able to use statistical data about
passenger movements through the railroad network
to construct (aggregated) simulated passengers. To
contrast them with active passengers, these
simulated passengers are labeled passive passengers.
Passenger movement data that has been gathered
consist of data about the station of departure and
destination, ticket type used for the journey, travel
motive, and the frequency a passenger travels by
train. These data are used to construct passive
passenger agents in NS-MAS 2. The second
extension concerns the handling of more complex
dispatching measures. The initial version only is
capable to process changes in times and stops of
train lines. In NS-MAS 2, dispatchers are able to
introduce detour scenarios to passengers. Whenever
a part of the railroad network is out of service due to
for instance a derailed train, a detour scenario
provides dispatchers the addition to relay passengers
around the blocked part of the network.
Additionally, passengers are provided a solution to
continue their journey with only a minimum delay.
The two extensions that have been realized in NS-
MAS 2 imply various changes to the initial
prototype. The required changes are discussed
subsequently, starting with the extension to
incorporate statistical data to simulate passive
Three software agents have been added in NS-
MAS 2 to implement the handling of statistical data
to simulate passive passengers. First, the
StatisticalManager agent manages all statistical data.
Upon receiving a request to provide data about a
specific line, this agent responds with the amount of
passengers that make use of that particular line and
their travel plans in terms of station of departure and
destination. The CommunicationManager (Figure 3
shows its graphical user interface) is the
intermediate between the TravelManager and the
StatisticalManager and responsible for creating
passive passenger agents. Finally, a
StatisticalPassenger agent represents a passive
passenger. The StatisticalPassenger agent provides a
response to any dispatching measure it receives,
similar to the response an active passenger provides
(a grade between 1 and 10).
Communication between agents largely follows
the same pattern as in NS-MAS 1. The
TravelManager remains responsible for
communication between the dispatcher (Planner
agent) and the passengers (multiple
StatisticalPassenger agents). The main difference
between NS-MAS 1 and NS-MAS 2 relating to
communication is associated with the creation of
passenger agents. The communication that ensures
correct passenger agent creation is displayed in
Figure 4. Prior to starting communication with them,
passive passenger need to be instantiated. Upon
reception of delay or disruption information, the
TravelManager agent forwards this information to
the CommunicationManager, requesting the creation
of affected StatisticalPassenger agents.
When receiving a message from the
CommunicationManager that passenger creation has
finished, the TravelManager forwards delay and
disruption information to the StatisticalPassenger
and Communication between Marketing, Dispatchers and Passengers within the Netherlands Railways
Figure 3: CommunicationManager user interface.
Communication between TravelManager and
StatisticalPassenger agents about dispatching
measures and passenger responses follows the same
communication pattern that exists between
TravelManager and TravelCoach agents as described
in the previous section.
Enabling detour scenarios in the multi-actor
system required a change in the content of
communication between the TravelManager and
StatisticalPassenger agents. The content of
communication closely follows the implementation
of the initial version. Again, an ontological model is
used to bridge the different views of the railroad
network that exist between dispatcher and passenger.
Figure 5 shows the ontological model that has been
constructed for NS-MAS 2, in UML (OMG, 2009)
notation. However, in the initial version the Travel-
Manager agent was responsible for translating
dispatching measures to the travel plans of
individual passengers. In NS-MAS 2, the
TravelManager only communicates his dispatching
measures in terms of changes he has made to the
original timetable of lines to the StatisticalPassenger
agents. The latter translates these changes to their
own travel plans. Also, the TravelManager
communicates replacing lines to passengers. If for
instance, a passenger cannot complete his journey
because s/he arrives too late to get onto a connecting
train, the TravelManager provides the information
about an alternative train in the same direction. In a
similar fashion, the TravelManager agent is able to
communicate detours to passengers, replacing lines
within a passenger’s travel plan with an alternative
route. With NS-MAS 2, the TravelManager agent’s
routing and travel plan calculations have been
distributed to the individual StatisticalPassenger
agents. Additionally, StatisticalPassenger agents
have been made more ontologically rich, for these
agents are equipped with knowledge to understand
and process changes to lines, in addition to
knowledge about their own travel plan. The behavior
of StatisticalPassenger agents however, has been
implemented as a mathematical function that
calculates a comfort grade. The comfort grade is
calculated by comparing the original travel plan with
the new travel plan that incorporates the suggested
dispatching measure. The comfort grade is a
function of the travel time of the original travel plan
and of the new travel plan.
Figure 4: Communication specification NS-MAS 2.
From a cognitive point of view, the software agents
are much richer than in NS-MAS 1. They combine,
order, and integrate as if they were intelligent actors.
They do more than just handle and exchange
messages. From an organizational point of view, the
dispatcher still is the boss, but he is working with
intelligent software agents that take work out of his
hands and that he has to trust. It is therefore still
authority that is the coordination mechanism, but the
question can now easily be formulated at what
moment an in which circumstances can the software
agents be autonomous? From a semiotic point, the
communication is less rich than in NS-MAS 1.
Semantic and pragmatic considerations are left out
of NS-MAS 2.
Traditionally, dispatching is a problem-solving task
within a predefined problem space (Simon, 1977). A
dispatcher is required to as quickly and efficiently as
possible restore a train service according to the
original timetable. Within this space of timetable,
train lines, railroad network, personnel, and train
material the dispatcher is able to devise any solution
that meets a set of criteria. Passenger desires need
not be considered in these kinds of solutions.
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Figure 5: NS-MAS 2 ontology.
Dispatching in a new NS-MAS sense, however,
develops towards a form of dispatching in which
passengers, i.e., the customers, take a much more
important position. No longer will dispatching
involve problem solving in a complex, but clearly
defined problem space. The incorporation of
passenger desires into dispatching requires
communication with these passengers at the moment
dispatching is required (i.e., at the moment a delay
or disruption occurs in train services). This
extension of the problem-solving task of the
dispatcher increases its complexity even further. The
dispatcher needs to combine known, stable
components from the original problem space with
unpredictable, intelligent passengers; unpredictable
regarding the specific journeys passengers make,
their travel motives, and their positions towards
changes in their travel plans. Summarizing, the
dispatcher’s task transforms from a reasonably well-
structured into an ill-structured problem-solving task
(Simon, 1973).
Prior to the start of this study for the NS, no clear
idea had been developed of how to organize
interaction between dispatcher and passenger, nor
was clear what knowledge is involved in such
interaction. The first version of our NS-MAS
provides two main insights. First, it indicates how
communication between dispatcher and passenger
needs to be structured. Essentially, communication
between dispatcher and passengers is a one to many,
two-way communication pattern. A dispatching
measure needs to be communicated to all affected
passengers. Reversely, a dispatcher needs to receive
one clear overview of passenger responses to a
dispatching measure s/he suggests. In our NS-MAS,
the TravelManager has been created as the pivot
between dispatcher and passengers. The
TravelManager sends a dispatching measure to all
affected passengers and receives and aggregates
passenger responses and sends this as one overview
back to the dispatcher. Summarizing, this NS-MAS
provides a structure to organize communication
between dispatchers and passengers.
The second insight by the first version of our
NS-MAS is the required knowledge that enables
dispatcher-passenger interaction. Plainly
communicating a dispatching measure to passengers
will not. In such communication, knowledge of
passengers and dispatcher regarding the railroad
network and train services is too different. During
the construction of NS-MAS 1, knowledge about the
travel plans of each individual passenger has been
identified as crucial in order to realize sensible
interaction between dispatcher and passenger.
Knowing the travel plans of individual passengers
enables the translation of dispatching measures to
the effect these measures have for passengers.
Receiving the effect of a dispatching measure on
their own travel plans enables passengers to
understand the measure, and enables them to
respond knowledgeably. Hence, incorporating
knowledge about passenger travel plans is a
and Communication between Marketing, Dispatchers and Passengers within the Netherlands Railways
Table 1: Overview cognitive skills / coordination in NS-MAS 2.
Agent Dispat-cher Planner Travel-
Agent /
actor agent agent actor Agent
- Change
- Apply
- Search
- Pass
- Search
- Calcul-
tion role
Boss Slave None /
None None
necessary step towards enabling dispatcher-
passenger interaction.
NS-MAS 2 circumvents the largest disadvantage
of the initial version, namely the requirement that
passengers register their travel plans prior to starting
their journey, and that passengers actively respond
to suggested dispatching measures. We assume that
only a minority of passengers will register their
travel plan. This renders the NS-MAS of limited use
to dispatchers. Incorporating statistical data about
passenger movements, travel motives, travel
frequency, and ticket types to create passive
passengers removes the dependency on registration
of travel plans by passengers. In this way,
dispatchers are able to use the NS-MAS for
simulation purposes, exploring the responses of
passenger to dispatching measures.
In addition to removing the necessity to have
passengers registering their travel plans, NS-MAS 2
provides the possibility to specify more complex
dispatching measures, than are currently available to
dispatchers. Currently, dispatching measures are
formulated similar to dispatching in the initial
version of the system. Dispatchers only are able to
specify that a line is slowed down, or speeded up, or
that a line stops at more or less stations than its
normal service. Providing detours to passengers
currently only is provided at an individual basis by
ticket collectors, only in response to a passenger’s
request. NS-MAS 2 enables dispatchers to explore
the effects of detours, thus enlarging the portfolio of
dispatching measures they have at their disposal.
This initial version consists of agents that show
no cognitive skills, and cannot behave
autonomously. According to Wooldridge (2002), the
agents in version one therefore are not agents. NS-
MAS 2 in contrast, houses agents that are
cognitively richer, and are able to respond
autonomously to suggested dispatching measures
from the dispatcher, namely the StatisticalPassenger
agents. Furthermore, version two only deals with
one human actor: the dispatcher.
summarizes the various agents existing the in
the NS-MAS, their cognitive abilities, and their roles
in coordination. The presented NS-MAS is a hybrid
system; it connects human actors and software
agents. Together, actors and agents participate in the
problem-solving task of dispatching. However, the
two versions of the NS-MAS facilitate this
cooperative mode of problem solving in distinct
ways. In NS-MAS 1, software agents only relay and
transform messages between dispatcher and
This initial version consists of agents that show no
cognitive skills, and cannot behave autonomously.
According to Wooldridge (2002), the agents in
version one therefore are not agents. NS-MAS 2 in
contrast, houses agents that are cognitively richer,
and are able to respond autonomously to suggested
dispatching measures from the dispatcher, namely
the StatisticalPassenger agents. Furthermore, version
two only deals with one human actor: the dispatcher.
From an agent perspective, versions NS-MAS 1
and 2 show similarities from a coordination
perspective. In both versions the initiative and
decision making power lie with the human actor(s).
Dispatchers take the initiative in communication.
Eventually, they also decide what dispatching
measure is brought into effect. Passengers,
irrespective of being active or passive passengers,
have the possibility to express their thoughts about a
suggested dispatching measure. Their decision
making space however is limited to assigning a
grade to the suggested measure. Both versions show
a hierarchical coordination mechanism, in which the
dispatcher is the authority and holds decision power;
passengers are subordinates without any authority or
power. Passengers only provide their opinion about
the devised dispatching measure to the dispatcher.
The dispatcher still has the choice to consider these
opinions when choosing what measure to
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Coordination within the multi-actor system
however does not have to follow the pattern as
described above, in which authority and power
remain with the dispatcher. The provided description
closely follows the current organization of the
dispatching task within the Netherlands Railways.
As indicated, the NS-MAS primarily facilitates
communication between dispatcher and passengers.
This communication is a necessary element in
coordination between dispatcher and passenger,
enabling a broader spectrum of coordination
configurations than the mechanism just described. A
possible scenario could be to distribute authority
among the passengers that are affected by a
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as possible, and iii) aids affected passengers in
continuing their journeys or relaying their journeys
as comfortable as possible. Additionally, passengers
could be granted the decision power to implement
the suggested dispatching solution. In such a
scenario the dispatcher’s task shifts from a problem
solving to a coordination and implementation task.
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and Communication between Marketing, Dispatchers and Passengers within the Netherlands Railways