trains run between 384 stations in the Netherlands.
Within the NS, five kinds of planning divisions
exist. The first concerns timetables and other plans.
The second concerns the partitioning in planning
rolling stock and planning rolling staff. The third
concerns the partitioning in local planning and
central planning (of stock and staff). The fourth
concerns the distinction in year plan (long term) and
day plan (short term), again of stock and staff and
the last is dispatching, meaning solving problems at
the day of execution because of accidents, delays
and detours. Overall approximately 400 planners are
continuously involved in making plans and
Our study only concerns dispatchers. Until
recently, planning within the NS was only a matter
for planners and dispatchers. Because of the
increasing technological possibilities of planning
support, advanced telephone communications, AI
and agent software, and Internet, the NS is studying
the influence of the marketing department and of
preferences of active and passive passengers. We
will explain the details later. This changing
perspective and its complicated consequences is
studied with the help of Multi-Actor Systems (NS-
MAS). As the term MAS already indicates various
(kinds) of actors are then involved jointly solving
the re-planning or dispatching puzzle. Kinds of
actors are of course the human dispatchers, but also
software agents with different levels intelligence.
Apart from its technical implementation, a MAS
requires attention for and decisions about a) what
kind of information is relevant for whom at what
time and who understands this information, b) how
the coordination between actors is realized, who is
responsible for what and c) which minimal
requirements regarding signs and symbols are
relevant for meaningful communication. The first
question requires a cognitive answer or perspective,
the second an organizational answer and the third a
semiotic answer (Klos, 2000; van den Broek, 2001;
Helmhout; 2006). We will come back to this.
The dispatching task involves a series of actions
performed by a dispatcher that are intended to
recover from a disruption in the railways network,
with the objective to restore the original train
timetable as quickly as possible. Disruptions are
delays, train or railway breakdowns, or other causes
for the train service to deviate from the planning,
which are the cause for imbalance of available
material (i.e. trains and wagons) and personnel (i.e.
engine drivers and ticket collectors). The objective
of the dispatcher’s task is re-planning for certain
periods of time (e.g. 4 hours). This objective
narrows the dispatcher’s task down to a problem
solving activity (Newell & Simon, 1972; Simon,
1977; Laird et al., 1986), in which material,
personnel, and timetable comprise the problem
space. From this perspective, the dispatcher is
concerned solely with the components that relate to
the Netherlands Railways transport service. Until
now, dispatchers do not take into account actual
(individual or aggregated) passengers, their
preferences, or marketing goals.
For most transport situations of the Netherlands
Railways, the load consists of passengers who use
train service as a means to get from A to B. Unlike
cargo, passengers are actors that behave
intelligently. They are able to deal with delays in
their planning, by choosing the exact train they will
use taking into account some slack. Delays that
exceed this slack time result in passengers unable to
complete their journeys as planned. The specific
solution the dispatcher implements to overcome a
disruption does not explicitly include the desires of
affected passengers. The chosen solution might
benefit a particular passenger. However, because
neither passengers nor their desires are considered
when a dispatch action is devised, no certainty about
the effects of a dispatching action exists for
This research wants to bridge the distinct
cultures of dispatchers, marketers and passengers,
constructing a multi-actor system that connects
dispatchers’ practices to passenger experiences and
preferences. Such inclusion of passengers in
dispatching changes the original problem space.
Where in the original situation the problem space
only contains non-cognitive elements (i.e. timetable
and trains) and few cognitive elements (i.e.
personnel), the new problem space will contain
many intelligent agents (i.e. passengers and AI
software). The purpose of the multi-actor system
(NS-MAS) is threefold.
First, the system’s objective is to provide insights
into the required communication and possible
coordination structures between dispatcher and
passengers. Currently, dispatcher and passenger only
communicate indirectly and one-way through the
measures taken by the dispatcher. In order to take
into consideration passenger preferences in
developing a dispatching measure, two-way
communication between dispatcher and passenger is
required. How such two-way communication should
be organized needs to be determined. Coordination
in dispatching is absent in the current situation: the
dispatcher decides which dispatching measure is
taken; passengers play no role. Actively involving
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations