server’s identity is authorized, Else the client will
finish the authorization. In this step, we have
established the server-client authorization
Step 4: After verifying the server, the client
calculates Hash (PP+S) N-1 and compares it with
PWC stored locally, if PWC ≠Hash (Hash (PP+S)
N-1) 2, the client should ask the user to re-input the
pass-phrase without notifying the server. In this step,
we have established the virtual authorization on
client-side successfully.
Step 5: The client sends the value of Hash
(PP+S) N to the server.
Step 6: The server get the value of Hash (PP+S)
N sent by client, then calculates Hash (Hash (PP+S)
N) 2 and compares it with PWS stored locally, if
PWS ≠Hash (Hash (PP+S) N) 2, the server should
send an error message to the client.
Step 7: After complete an authorization
successfully, the server should update the current
server-side password (PWS) with the value of Hash
(PP+S) N, at the same time, the iterative number (N)
subtracts 2:
= Hash (PP+S)
Step 8: After complete an authorization
successfully, the client should update the current
client-side password (PWC) with the value of Hash
(PP+S) N-1.
The procedure of authorization completes. See
figure 4.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 6
Step 8
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 7
Figure 4: The authorization procedure of the improved
3.3 The Procedure of Synchronization
When the iterative number goes to zero or the client
reinstall the system, the system must reset the
iterative number (N). In these situations, the
procedure of authorization occurred first. After
complete the authorization successfully, the server
generates a new initial iterative number (N0) and
sends N0 to the client. To solve the two problems
above, two tasks must be achieved. The
communication should be under secure environment.
4.1 Running Environment of the
Platform: Intel(R) Core2 E7500 with 2G Memory
Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Develop Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio
Application Server: Microsoft IIS 7
Analysis Toolkits: NS2, Gnuplot and Xgraph Tools.
4.2 Simulation Approach
According to the authorization procedures analyzed
above, we developed a simulation system. This
system executes the authorization procedures several
times and records the network traffic and delay
using NS2 software and the Gnuplot and Xgraph
The wireless model essentially consists of the
mobile node at the core, with additional supporting
features that allows simulations of mobile networks.
The mobile node object is a split object. The C++
class mobile node is derived from parent class Node.
A mobile node thus is the basic node object with
added functionalities of a wireless and mobile node
like ability to move within a given topology, ability
to receive and transmit signals to and from a
wireless channel etc. In this paper we described the
internals of mobile node, its routing mechanisms, the
routing protocols, creation of network stack allowing
channel access in mobile node, brief description of
each stack component, and trace support and
movement/traffic scenario generation for wireless
simulations), see figure 5.
Figure 5: The simulation approach of the improved
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations