Dan Chang and Lijun Zhou
Institute of Information Systems, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
Key words: Grid Technology, Enterprise Application Integration, EAI-Based-Grid.
Abstract: Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is a kind of method and technique which can solve the problem of
information sharing. However, the existing EAI solutions generally have some limitations. For example,
when the enterprises need to implement cross-boundary information integration between different systems,
they cannot meet the needs. The grid technology can achieve cross-boundary, cross-platform and distributed
resource sharing, also provide complete security mechanism. So the enterprise application integration based
on grid technology is able to solve the current problems. In this paper, some existing studies on EAI
solutions will be introduced. And then grid technology will be applied to the enterprise application
integration to form a solution EAI-Based-Grid, at last we analyze the characteristic of this method and
conduct some simulations to prove its feasibility.
With the rapid development of e-commerce,
enterprises have adopted ERP, CRM, PDM and
other information systems successively which
greatly improve the level of information technology
application. However, these systems may be
implemented by different companies and only focus
on their respective data and business processes.
Because of the lack of corresponding standard
specifications for interface, they cannot be carried
out information sharing and business integrations
each other. Therefore, companies need an increasing
strong and interconnecting IT infrastructure to face
to new opportunities and challenges. Enterprise
Application Integration (Qureshi, 2005) (EAI) is a
kind of method and technique which solves the
matter of information exchange and sharing. It uses
an open, extensible system to integrate enterprise
software and hardware, finally achieve the resource
sharing and business processes.
The present EAI solutions (Hub-And-Spoke,
message bus, web services (Wu and Yang, 2008),
etc.) may partially meet the enterprises’ demands for
information sharing between systems, while there
are limitations of the application, such as the
platform restrictions, geographical restrictions or
safety visits. Especially when companies need to
achieve cross-boundary information integration
between different systems, this limitation is
particularly prominent. However, the grid
technology can implement cross-boundary,
cross-platform and distributed resource sharing, also
provide complete security mechanism (Zhang and
Bao, 2008). The enterprise application integration
based on grid technology can solve the current
In this paper, we propose the advantages and
disadvantages of existing EAI solution. Directing at
their limitations and combining with the advantages
of grid technology, we propose enterprise
application integration solution based on grid
through absorbing the essence of Reference 4. And
then we conduct simulation about this method. The
simulation results prove the method that grid
technology is applied to enterprise application
integration is feasible.
The second part in this paper briefly describes
the existing studies of enterprise applications
integration. The third part explains the theories and
knowledge about grid technology. According to
these two parts, enterprise application integration
based on grid is proposed in the forth part. Then in
order to prove the feasibility of this method, a
simulation is carried out to demonstrate it. At the
end of this paper, it is a general summary.
Zhou L. and Chang D.
DOI: 10.5220/0003268802920298
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The existing EAI solutions include Hub-And-Spoke,
message bus, web services, etc. All of them have
their own advantages and disadvantages.
2.1 Hub-and-Spoke
In the Hub-And-Spoke structure, different
application programs are connected to a central
server. As is shown in Figure 1 (Gu et al., 2004), a
variety of relational databases, customer relationship
management systems and so on are connected to a
central server through the adapter. The server is like
a hub, it is similar as the star structure of network
topology. Central server plays the role of a message
broker and it is mainly responsible for the
communication management, data transmission and
process between multiple systems. A new system or
application program can be connected to other hub
through an adapter.
Figure 1: Hub-And-Spoke structure.
Hub-And-Spoke structure possesses some
advantages such as centralized control, ease of
administration and so on. However the disadvantage
is that the server easily becomes a bottleneck in the
system. The whole system’s stability will be
gradually decreased when the new system is
2.2 Message Bus Structure
In the message bus structure, all systems are
connected to the virtual message bus via adapter.
The adapter will convert the internal events of
application program into message and then exchange
the message with other application programs via
message bus. Meanwhile it will receive the message
and convert the message into internal events. It is
shown in Figure 2 (Gu et al., 2004).
Figure 2: Message bus structure.
The advantage of message bus structure is that it
has no communication bottleneck, the adding of new
system is easy to do and scalability is wonderful. On
the contrary the drawback is that the implementation
is complex.
2.3 Web Service
The web services structure can integrate enterprise
applications (Wu and Yang, 2008). The discovery,
description and transmission of services are run by
web services based on UDDI, WSDL and SOAP
agreement of XML. This system reduces the
coupling of enterprise application integration. It is
shown in Figure 3.
Web services structure has the advantage of low
coupling, good cross-platform and a wide range of
application. However, security, transaction and
workflow are its weak point.
Figure 3: Web service structure.
Figure 4: Hourglass model.
3.1 Grid
Grid is originally used for large-scale scientific and
engineering computing, and which now has
developed into an important technology for
distributed resource sharing. The integration of
remote computing resources can be carried out by
grid technology. Then the dynamic resources sharing
and problem processing of multi-agency virtual
organization will be realized The problem
mentioned here may involve data processing, data
storage or business processing (Iosup et al., 2006).
A system can be named grid must meet the
following three points (Foster et al., 2001): i)
Sharing the non-centralized and synergic resource.
ii) Using standard and open protocols and interfaces.
iii) Providing wonderful quality of service.
3.2 Standard and Architecture of Grid
The international organization which draws up grid
computing standards, Global Grid Forum, has
released standard system called OGSA (Benson et
al., 2006) (Open Grid Service Architecture) and
OGSI (Wang et al., 2004) (Open Grid Service
Interface), which provides the structure and interface
of grid respectively.
The major problem of distributed resource
sharing is interoperability. In the network
environment, interoperability depends on the
common agreement. Therefore, the grid architecture
involves the structure of related agreement first, and
then the working mechanism is built on the
agreement structure. The design of grid architecture
follows the Hourglass Model principles (Zhang and
Bao, 2008). It is shown in Figure 4.
In the grid environment, there are a large number
of temporary services, such as a computing task
execution. Considering the specific characteristics of
grid environment, OGSA propose grid service
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Figure 5: Framework of EAI-Based-Grid.
based on original web services. It is used to solve
issues which are related with temporary service
such as service discovery, dynamic service creation,
and service life-cycle management.
4.1 Structure of EAI-based-Grid
Considering the demerits of the previous three kinds
of EAI structure and the merits of grid, EAI based
on grid technology can be proposed. EAI-based-Grid
adopts OGSA as basic framework. In OGSA,
everything, including computers, programs, data and
equipment so on, is abstracted as service. Globus
Toolkit software package and Web Service are two
supporting technologies for the construction of
OGSA. Globus Toolkit is a set of services and
software library that supports grid computing and
grid application. Web Service is commonly used as a
standard framework to access network applications.
The framework of EAI-Based-Grid is shown in
Figure 5.
After entering grid portal through web browser,
the client can see the unified data view of system,
access and manipulate the data, and call the grid
service provided by system. The communication
between the client and the grid server is carried out
by a grid service interface. The transfer protocol
between them is the SOAP protocol and the data is
described by XML language.
In this structure, programming language of grid
service interface can use the high-level service
programming language provided by Globus Toolkit.
This interface offers methods of the access to all
internal grid resources. Every service node has an
operation platform of service, such as Apache, J2EE,
WebSphere and so on, that supports Grid Service
and conducts interaction with the upper layer (Grid
Service Management and Discovery layer).
4.2 Characteristic of EAI-based-Grid
(i) Grid portal simplifies the process of access to
resources. It is convenient for user to interact with
multiple systems.
The client can find all the resources in the system
through the grid portal, including grid services,
operational status, technical documentation, etc. The
users who have a system account and be authorized
can add and manipulate their files and data, also can
submit, monitor and abolish the interaction with the
relevant application system. In this way, users can
achieve seamless access to system resources through
web browser. However, the other enterprise
application integration is difficult to achieve this
(ii) The application interface layer is intergraded
through grid service interface, which improve the
intelligent level of the application system.
When a user requests grid services through a grid
portal, grid interface convert the user’s request to
Figure 6: Process of simulation model one.
Figure 7: Process of simulation model two.
XML files, send it to the task analysis module and
then form a macro-task workflow. For every stage of
the workflow, analysis module will query whether
corresponding grid services are included through the
grid service management and discovery layer. If
these services are found, the task will be optimized
first and then a grid services list related to the task
will be made. Next these services will be called and
the results of the service will be saved in Cache.
Finally it will be submit to the client through the
grid portal. If these services are not found, an error
returns. In this way, the dynamic integration of
application interfaces is realized and the intelligent
level of the system is improved.
(iii) Grid service management and discovery layer
uses the popular UDDI technical specifications,
which is convenient for integration with existing
It takes use of service registry technology and UDDI
standard to complete grid service registration of each
server node. If the grid needs to perform specific
calculation, the grid service management and
discovery layer will register the service to node that
owns such service and activate the service.
(iiii) Server nodes based on grid can provide a
variety of grid services and improve comprehensive
utilization of various resources in the system.
These services include hardware status services,
message services, basic business function library
services and application services. These services can
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
be aware by grid service management and discovery
layer after they are registered, then be managed and
distributed by grid service interface layer and finally
be provided to clients by grid portal. Clients can take
use of all the resources of the system in accordance
with their permissions. It improves the rate of
multipurpose utilization dramatically.
To verify the advantages of EAI-Based-Grid
mentioned above, we need make the solution analog
abstracted and then we can carry out simulation and
analysis on it. And in order that simulations between
based on non-grid and grid have comparability, we
assume that the resources and the parameters in the
two systems (non-grid and grid) are the same.
5.1 Simulation Model
Model One: Simulation model based on Non-grid.
In this model, if the user requests service X, he need
to query n (i=1, 2… n) resources of each server in
order to find the node that can meet the demand.
Resource i has m links such as occupation, delay,
release and so on. All resources subject to the FIFO
rule. If all resources are occupied, it will form a
queue. The client can not get the service until the
resource is idle. The process of simulation model is
shown as Figure 6.
Model Two: Simulation model based on Grid. In
accordance with the grid management theory, this
model integrates business process to form a unified
control center. Then enterprise business integration
and resource sharing will be realized.
In this model, if the user requests service X, the
service can be aware by grid service management
and discovery layer after register. Then the service is
managed and distributed by grid service interface
layer. Finally, the service is provided to client
through the grid portal. If the resource X is
occupied, a single queue will be formed.
If the
resource X is idle, the system will arrange it for the
user. The process of simulation model is shown as
Figure 7.
5.2 Simulation Results
Based on the above model, the results of simulation
using Arena software are shown as Figure 8, Figure
9, and Figure 10. The horizontal axis represents
system resources, the vertical axis respectively
shows three different indexes, Average Length of
Queue, Average Sojourn Time, Level of Resources
Comparison about Average Length of
0 20 40 60 80 100
System Resources
I:Non-grid II:Grid
Figure 8: Comparison about Average Length of Queue.
The Average Length of Queue L:
[S (t) represents customers
who are receiving service.
t represents
customers who are waiting]. The simulation result of
comparison about average length of queue is shown
as Figure 8. As our reasoning in the Characteristic of
EAI-Based-Grid, the average length of queue in
non-grid pattern is longer than that in grid pattern.
Comparison about Average Sojourn Time
0 20406080100
Syst em Resources
I:Non-grid II:Grid
Figure 9: Comparison about Average Sojourn Time.
The Average Sojourn Time W:
[Si represents time of receiving
service. Zi represents time of waiting].The
simulation result of comparison about average
sojourn time is shown as Figure 9. As our reasoning
in the Characteristic of EAI-Based-Grid, the average
sojourn time in non-grid pattern is longer than that in
grid pattern.
Comparison about Level of Resources
Ut ilizat ion
Sy s t e m Re so ur c es
I:Grid II:Non-grid
Figure 10: Comparison about Level of Resources
The Level of resources utilization u:
[B(t) Represents resources
running status, busy to take 1,idle to take 0]. The
simulation result of comparison about level of
resources utilization is shown as Figure 10. As our
reasoning in the Characteristic of EAI-Based-Grid,
the level of resources utilization in grid pattern is
higher than that in non-grid pattern.
From the above results, the pattern based on grid
is better than that based on non-grid in the three
major indicators .Therefore, the idea of using grid
technology in enterprise application integration is
feasible in a sense.
Considering the limitations of existing EAI solutions
and the advantages of grid technology, we propose
enterprise application integration based on grid
technology. EAI-Based-Grid solves the problem of
existing EAI solutions. First, it provides enterprise
with a robust, flexible and sharable IT infrastructure.
Second, it achieves cross-platform, cross-boundary
and distributed sharing of the enterprise resources.
Third, it realizes the loosely coupled integration of
enterprise application.
In this paper, we carry out a simulation after we
introduce the EAI-Based-Grid solution and its
characteristics. The result of simulation proves the
solution of enterprise application integration based
on grid is superior to non-grid pattern.
However, the grid-related standards are still
being continually updated due to its immaturity.
Transforming the existing application system into
the grid service is still a hard work, which is also the
focus of our next step.
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ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations