An Application to Obesity Management
Isaac Wiafe, Keiichi Nakata
Informatics Research Centre, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, U.K.
Keywords: Persuasive Technology, Captology, Weight Management Systems, Obesity Management, Semiotic
Abstract: The semiotic approach to information systems development has proved over the years as a reliable
framework for analyses, and it has been mainly focused on the development of organizational information
systems. However, the usefulness of the approach extends beyond the organizational context to other areas
of systems development. This paper presents a semiotic analysis of persuasive technologies, leading to the
design and implementation of a system for obesity management.
Persuasive technology (PT) has opened new
channels to the contribution and application of
technology in the health sector. It is the use of
computing technology for persuasive activities,
mainly designed for social benefit purposes
(Lockton et al., 2008), and its application areas
range from healthcare to environmental issues. In
healthcare, PT has been applied in areas of teenage
pregnancy, STDs, weight management, and general
wellbeing among others. Despite growing interests
in PT and its potential benefits, it still lacks
established methods to systematically analyse and
understand the problem domain that leads to its
effective and systematic development.
This paper explores the use of methods in
organisational semiotics (OS) to design a PT,
particularly for combating obesity and overweight
conditions and to design a motivation technology to
encourage overweight and obese patients on healthy
eating and lifestyles.
In the next section, a review of literature on
obesity and PTs is presented. This is followed by a
descriptive analysis of weight management PT using
the semiotic framework. The systems analysis
section follows, and it focuses on requirement
analysis including the stakeholder analysis and the
design of a demonstrator system. Implementation
issues were also discussed and finally the system
was evaluated, leading to a conclusion.
Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat
negatively affects one’s health or wellbeing and it is
diagnosed using the Body Mass Index (BMI) or the
Quetelex index (WHO, 2000). Figures indicate that,
currently 33.3% of the male population and almost
60% of female are unhealthily heavy, and nearly a
third of boys and girls under 11 years will be
overweight or obese in 2010.This increase is a result
of unhealthy lifestyles of families; such as eating of
unbalanced diet and engaging in less physical
activities (Campbell et al., 2001).
As the years go by, human habits on food has
been affected a great deal. This is mostly due to the
abundance of food, and also it is available in more
varieties than before. Food is cheaper, especially
processed ones (Meikle, 2001). Marketing strategies
developed by retailers encourage more consumption.
In addition, with the increase of knowledge workers,
people are made to sit by their desks mostly,
resulting in the increased sedative activity.
Genes also plays a major role in obese
conditions, as obesity tends to run in families. It is
estimated that 19.8% of children living in
households where both parents are either overweight
or obese were themselves obese compared with
6.7% of children living in households where neither
parents were overweight or obese (Jotangia et al.,
2005). Obesity related genes affect one’s eating
habits and food metabolism which results in
increased risk of obesity. However, people with
Nakata K. and Wiafe I.
DOI: 10.5220/0003269201570164
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
obesity-related genes are not destined to be obese;
rather they have a higher risk of becoming obese
(Bourn, 2001, WHO, 2000, Jotangia et al., 2005,
Campbell et al., 2001, Kumar and Johnson, 2006)
and thus needs to increase their activity levels.
Another key cause of the sharp increase in the
adulthood obesity population is the increase in the
childhood obesity. Research has revealed that most
cases of childhood obesity develop to adulthood
(Bourn, 2001) and this creates concerns on factors
that cause childhood obesity. Parents serve as role
models and influence the development of
overweight and obesity at different stages of their
children’s development; during gestation and
infancy, toddlerhood or preschool stages and
schooling age or early adolescence (Dietz, 1994).
Hence lack of proper parenthood and lifestyle
choices makes their wards become obese. As
children become obese, they develop to adulthood
with obese and overweight conditions in majority of
cases. This situation creates a vicious chain and
according to studies it is one of the most
contributing factors of the increased in obese and
overweight conditions (Kumar and Johnson, 2006).
2.1 Persuasive Technology Intervention
As the heat to curtail the menace increases, most
interventions are geared towards providing tools,
training and support to health professionals, youth
institutions, schools and other relevant stakeholders.
The focus is on combating the obesogenic
environment, making healthier choices the most easy
ones, creation of education awareness for all by
putting in place practical, ethical and evidence based
interventions across board (Jackson, 2006).
Like human persuaders, PT brings about
constructive changes in many domains by designing
applications intentionally to change attitudes and
behaviours in a predetermined manner (this should
not be confused with side effects of the use of
technology, which are not usually intended). This is
because computers are sometimes considered to be
more credible than humans (Fogg, 1997) and hence
a better choice for persuasion. They also present two
ubiquitous trends which is converging and creating a
new opportunity in preventive healthcare (Intille,
2004). The rapid improvements in mobile computing
devices and the ability to carry these devices almost
everywhere makes it possible for technology to be
used for healthcare purposes at places where humans
are not welcome (Fogg, 1997, Intille, 2004). The
second property which is the ability to give real-time
suggestions makes conveying of “just-in-time”
motivational messages possible. As such, the future
of PTs in healthcare interventions appears to be
bright. However, design issues are limitations to its
success. As social animals, human’s attitude and
emotion are unpredictable; it may be independent or
dependent on a number of factors which are not
easily determined. This presents a critical challenge
to the development of PTs. To have a better
understanding of how they should work, it is
envisaged that semiotics can be used to analyse and
make explicit some critical factors to be consider
during analysis and design.
The application of semiotics presents an informative
approach for the descriptive analysis and design of a
weight management system. In general, there are
three major approaches in the study of semiotics for
information systems development, namely,
knowledge-oriented, behaviour-oriented, and
system-oriented approaches. This paper focuses on
the behavioural approach.
Our ability to transfer knowledge depends on the
use of signs which affects our behaviour (Andersen,
1990) and attitude directly. However, some research
disputes that semiotics should not be considered as
part of cognitive psychology and it puts it out of
context in the enquiry into the work of the human
mind (Jorna and Liu, 2008). That notwithstanding,
the issue of persuasion is related to our intention,
motive, behaviour and attitude, thus the
consideration of signs as artefacts used in the
transmission of knowledge and information is
critical in the development of PTs and cannot be
ignored completely. As such, an analysis based on
the semiotic ladder introduced by Stamper
(described in (Liu, 2000)) was considered at all
levels and the following observations were made.
Figure 1: The semiotic framework of PT adopted from
(Liu 2000).
Human Information SOCIAL WORLD: change in
attitude or behaviour
Functions PRAGMATICS: interaction and dialogue
for context
SEMANTICS: Persuasive messages and
The IT
SYNTACTICS: interface design, language, choice of
words, icons and patterns
EMPIRICS: media channels, synchronization traffic, device
memory, processing speed
PHYSICAL WORLD: hardware, sensors
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
3.1 Social, Pragmatic and Semantic
The social world deals with social norms and
impacts of signs and their uses. How society accepts
the use of a particular sign and its meaning, by
considering both the direct and indirect effects. In
the development of a PT the ability for the
technology to create real effects in the social world,
e.g., change of attitude or behaviour, is the primary
interest in this level. In the case of obesity, some of
the most important issues that affects the
persuasiveness can be identified as, privacy, motive
of design and legislature surrounding the healthcare
industries. Most patients suffering from obesity and
overweight conditions prefer to be anonymous due
to the stigma attached to this unhealthy condition,
thus the need to considered all these issues during
the design stage is crucial.
At the pragmatic level, the design intention, and
the communication methods is considered. Like
human persuaders, a persuasive technology needs to
adopt a strategy. It was observed that pragmatics
mainly focuses on the primary task support (Oinas-
Kukkonen and Harjumaa, 2008) and principles such
as reduction, tunnelling, tailoring, personalization
are some of the methods that can be applied to
achieve the desired intention for the envisaged
weight management system. Also, at this level, it
seeks to identify whether the intended meanings of
messages are understood effectively in the context of
users. Different meanings can be given to the same
sign depending on its observer. For example, a “do
not eat now” message displayed to a user may have
variable meanings depending on the time of display,
how it is displayed and whom it is displayed to.
When this message is displayed to a hungry user,
he/she may see it more of a coercive message rather
than persuasive, whereas the same user might
consider it as a persuasive message if he/she just
finished his/her lunch. By concentrating on dialogue
support systems (Oinas-Kukkonen and Harjumaa,
2008) a good rapport can be established between the
user and the technology which will enable the
delivery of messages in the appropriate time to
enhance systems credibility.
Whenever credibility is achieved, assurance is
created and audience is established. At the semantic
level, it is expected that the system conveys the
persuasive message in a manner that is seen as the
truth to the user. This can be achieved by the
demonstration of facts which can also be associated
with credibility. More important, is the relationship
between the semantic level and the pragmatics level.
In the case of the weight management systems, the
ability to establish credibility is crucial in the
persuasive approach since users need systems they
can trust. The use of convincing logics and
demonstration of principles in weight management
would enhance the credibility of the system. Design
intentions and methods should be explicit and users
should be made to understand the rationale behind
the task they perform.
3.2 Syntactic, Empirics and Physical
As a persuasive system, the approach used may vary
for each individual. As such, extra care must be
considered in the selection of “language” and
structure used. A clear and well organized formal
language structure will enable the user to acquire
and understand the persuasive message. However,
the system should take into account all categories of
users. The interface design for variable age groups
must be considered, choice of words, icons and the
way they are presented in order not to create
ambiguity and distortion of intent, is very crucial.
The interface structure, ease of navigation through
the system and complexity of icons used are some of
the few things which need attention at the design
stage. Familiarity enhances motivation (Nass et al.,
1995) since users will not need to study new task
and activities in order to follow a PT System.
Empirics deal with the study of the quantitative
and statistical properties of signs in the physical
media. What is analysed in this level is how the data
and information on which the persuasive messages
are created are effectively transmitted to the
interface. In this case of a weight management
system, consideration should be given to the various
media channels. For example, since it would be
expected that users can access the system readily,
internet and synchronization traffic should be
considered if the system will operate over the
internet. Also, mobile device have relatively less
memory and slower processing clocks, thus the need
to consider these factors at the analysis stage, as
users will not be considerate and enthused with PT
systems when they are uncomfortable to use.
The physical world concentrates on the physics
of the envisaged system. In this case, our
consideration is focused on the hardware that users
interact with, which also processes and manages
data. A critical attention is needed on the types of
hardware which is to be used for the design and
implementation. PTs are purposefully designed to
motivate and persuade for attitude and behavioural
change as such familiarity with the hardware is a key
factor to the success of persuasion. As much as
possible, the use of a new hardware should be
avoided unless it is essential. Also, since in some
cases the ubiquitous nature of the system might have
enormous effects on its use and success, there might
be instances where there will be the need to
introduce new hardware and this should be carefully
thought through.
The approach used for the requirement analysis
process was a standard specification approach which
elicits the requirements of all stakeholders involved
(Shvaiko et al., 2005) in the development and usage
of a weight management system. In this, a thorough
review of literature on some existing systems,
enabled the identification of relevant stakeholders
and a familiarization process helped in the
identification of key stakeholders whose interests are
to be met, leading to the identification of relevant
events and determination of inputs and outputs
necessary for accomplishing those events. For
simplicity, the activities were categorized into:
Stakeholder identification, their roles and
Elicitation and definition of software
Stakeholders are individuals, organizations or group
of people actively involved in a project and their
interest can be positive or negative (Start and
Hovland, 2004). Due to constraints on time and
resources, it was not made possible to have formal
interviews with stakeholders in order to identify
their needs. However, extensive review on
literature, case studies and casual interviews were
used and the stakeholders were categorized based on
the roles they play in the project. Figure 2 is a
representation of stakeholder categorization.
Figure 2: Stakeholder onion.
4.1 Stakeholders’ Needs
Our study established that though there are various
weight management systems in operation, they are
not effectively utilized. This is because weight
control issues are behaviour - oriented (Kumar and
Johnson, 2006), however, most existing systems are
not designed to motivate or persuade whereas
stakeholders require an effective system with a
persuasive functionality which shall able to:
provide health status in terms of weight
provide information on healthy food recipes
be able to suggest healthy menus
provide assistance to workout activities
be easily accessible and readily available
provide information on their performance
motivate to control weight
respect their privacy
be easy to use
4.2 The ObiMo Pet Solution
In line with the need of stakeholders, a weight
management system was designed to include
motivational functionalities as required. The solution
system was named ObiMo Pet, because it combines
the catering of a Pet with an obesity control system.
ObiMo Pet is a PT interface developed for PCs and
Mobile devices to motivate and encourage
individuals to follow and monitor their eating and
physical activity. Figure 3 is an overview of the
design concept. It comprises a virtual pet and the
traditional weight management system. In the
system, users are made to set their own goals and
each time a user accomplishes a goal, points are
allocated for the goal. The points can be energy
points or reward points. Reward points are allocated
for accomplishing food menu goals (calorie intake)
and energy points are allocated for exercise and
workout goals (calories burned). The user uses the
accumulated points to cater for their virtual pet and
the status of the pet in the ObiMo Pet Community
(virtual community) is directly proportional to their
performance in terms of weight management.
Figure 3: Overview of design concept.
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Reward points are earned as a user set targets on
calorie intake reduction, by consuming healthy but
low calorie food. It is computed as follows:
Reward Points = ((Target calorie intake -
recommended calorie intake)/10 + (target
calorie intake/actual calorie intake)) X 100
Cash Amount = ((Target calorie intake -
Recommended calorie intake)/10) + (Target
calorie intake/ Actual Calorie intake)) 100
(Target calorie intake – recommended
calorie intake) 0
This is because, users are not expected to set targets
below the recommended calorie intake in order to
lose weight, and since rapid weight loss has serious
health consequences. Dieticians recommend that,
calorie intake is based on the type of occupation and
daily activity level and these values would be
computed accordingly as a hidden feature in the
system. This means that in an ideal situation, a user
will earn 100 points for accomplishing his target as,
(Target calorie intake – recommended
calorie intake) = 0,
(Target calorie intake/actual calorie intake) = 1.
Also, energy points are equivalent to the total energy
burned, hence
Energy points = total energy burned
The reward and energy points are used for various
activities in the ObiMo community and this enables
the pet to gain higher status in the virtual
community. There are 3 main factors which
contribute to the status (rank) of a user’s pet. These
are the level of strength, happiness and health. The
sum of the 3 factors compared to other pets is the
rank of a user’s pet. In each activity (e.g. play, bath,
dance, shop, etc) some amount of energy is lost, and
converted to points gained for performance
(happiness, strength and health) summing up to
indicate the status of the user’s pet. In the real world,
users save real cash when they eat less food and gain
muscle strength when they engage in physical
activities. This has been replicated as reward and
energy points respectively in ObiMo.
ObiMo Pet is designed to operate on two
different devices (PC and mobile devices). However,
it is not necessary to own both devices in order to
use the system, though a combination of the two
devices is highly encouraged as it adds value to the
persuasiveness and motivational nature of the
system. The architecture of the system is illustrated
in Figure 4. The main database resides on a server
which connects to users over the internet.
Users have client databases on their devices so as
to enable them to use the system when it is offline.
The system automatically synchronizes with the
remote database whenever it connects to the internet.
In addition, the mobile device can be synchronized
with the PC to enable the user have full access to the
system even without internet, though some
functionalities such as “status in virtual community”
is only active when there is internet connectivity.
Figure 4: Architecture of ObiMo pet.
The software was developed in a Visual Studio
environment and the codes were written in Visual
Basic. The rapid prototyping model was used and it
involved the development and construction of
prototypes, by merging various structured
techniques to accelerate the software development
(Whitten et al., 2000).
5.1 Hardware Components
The system was implemented on two devices; PC
and mobile handset. The PC interface was installed
on a system with, Windows Vista Home premium,
Intel core Duo T8100 @ 2.1GHz, 2046MB of RAM
and 250 GB HDD, WLAN. The mobile interface
was installed on a Sony Ericson Xperia X1 with,
Built-in GPS, USB support, WLAN, Microsoft
Office Mobile, Internet Explorer, Windows Media,
Exchange ActiveSync, Voice control and Utility
5.2 Software Components and GUI
As a PT, the interface is expected to be interactive,
since it is to perform activities of a human
persuader, there is a need for a high level of human-
computer interaction. As such, the interface was
designed to be simple but interactive. For
demonstration purposes, this paper presents a
selection of screenshots for the mobile interface.
Figure 5: My Pet.
The system has features such as profile
management, tools, pet selection, and activity
predictions among others. For instance, the profile
manager enables the system to capture useful vital
statistics such as name of the user, address, type of
occupation, gender, date of birth, vital statistics,
among others. The system uses this information to
create an account for the user. Most of the
information provided is also used for accessing the
user and calculating vital information which the
system uses for its weight management approach.
For instance, the type of occupation of the user
enables the system to determine one’s recommended
calorie intake per day which is very essential for
rewarding the person.
Figure 5 is a screen shot of the “My Pet” window
for the mobile device. It can be observed that the
system displays the status of the pet by showing the
progress for the happiness, health, strength and the
overall rank. In addition to this, a text to speech
function recites to the user, the performance of his
pet compared to other users. Users can also click to
feed, shower or play with their pets. As mentioned
earlier at the design stage, respective points are
accumulated as the user interacts with their pets.
Figure 6: My Tools.
The tools window (figure 6) provides the user
with a set of useful tools necessary in weight
management activities. These functions includes,
BMI calculator, BMR calculator, Performance
charts, Calorie burned calculator, Personal calendar,
and recipe manage, among other. For example, the
recipe manager displays a list of meals and their
corresponding recipes, hence users are provided with
guidelines for preparing new meals whenever they
are introduced.
Figure 7: GPS System.
The mobile device interface also has an activity
inference feature. This tracks a user’s speed with the
help of an in built GPS receiver and infers the
possible current activity. When an activity is
inferred, the user is made to confirm or select one of
the possible activities (see figure 7). After which the
user needs to input the expected duration of his
selected activity. The system then displays his
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
expected calorie consumption. This facility serves as
a self-monitoring system for the user.
As part of the objectives of the research, the
proposed solution was evaluated. In the case of a
persuasive technology, the appropriate method of
evaluation should be to make the system accessible
to a number of randomly selected people over a
defined period of time. This will enable the
identification of the efficiency and effectiveness of
the system. However, due to limitations and
constraints on resources and time, this activity could
not be performed. Instead, the approached used was
to assess the method of design and reflect on how it
addressed the intended persuasion. One key
characteristics of a persuasive technology is the
ability to measure progress.
6.1 Intentions and Methods of PT
PTs should be assessed by their intention and
methods and from a deontological viewpoint, the
intended persuasions and methods need to be in
accordance with moral principles by considering
whether the technology or the methods used are
harmful, discriminative or lead to the infringement
on privacy. Also, during the analysis stage, at the
semantic level, it was established that the intended
meaning of a persuasive system should be made
The intention of ObiMo Pet was to motivate its
users to control their weight by following through
activities which are designed for weight
management. It is clear that there is no hidden
agenda and users of the system have full control of
their lives. However, there might be the possibility
that other unintended behaviours of a user may
change as a result of using the system
(microsuasion). For example, a user may start
keeping pets or improve upon the way he interacts
with his pet. Another aspect examined was system
abuse. The interactive and gaming nature of the
system might make a user be addictive to the
system. This might end up in two possibilities:
The user may learn to cheat the system in order
to gain more point for the pet interaction. This
will lead to the user not achieving his goals but
rather using the system for a different interest
The user may attempt to set unreasonable goals
which might put his health in danger.
6.2 Privacy
Privacy is a delicate issue and it does not occur only
in areas of persuasive technology. As identified at
the social level, a persuasive technology should fit
into social norms and ethics. Accordingly, the status
and competiveness of a user is transferred to a
virtual pet and by this, the user remains anonymous
to other users. In addition, users need to log into the
system each time they use the system by entering a
user name and password and this create restriction to
For the mobile device, due to convenience and
screen size limitations, the login function was not
implemented, however it is expected that users have
full control of their mobile phones than they do for
their PCs.
6.3 Implications of Semiotic Analysis
The semiotic analysis described in Section 3
highlights the issues that should be considered in the
design of PT. In particular, since the purpose of PT
is to create positive effects in terms of changes in
attitude and/or behaviour, the analysis at the Social
World level is crucial in achieving or evaluating the
effectiveness of PT. While there are a wide range of
systems and tools for PT developed and propose so
far, these are often developed without any
systematic approach. The semiotic analysis enables
the designers to consider how the implementation of
PT would lead to the intended effect through the
analyses at each level of semiotic framework.
In the design of ObiMo Pet, the semiotic analysis
was useful in considering design features. However,
this was still implicit. There is a potential in the
development of a PT design framework based on
semiotic analysis to provide a more systematic
approach to the design of PT.
This research has presented a conceptual design for
persuasive weight management system (ObiMo Pet)
to motivate users who are suffering from overweight
and obesity to follow a weight management plan. It
explained the significance of the semiotic approach
in the analysis of the state and problem of obese and
overweight conditions, and how it can be applied in
the design of persuasive technologies.
During the requirement analysis relevant
stakeholders where identified and their roles and
impact in connection with the new system was
established. Though the system was partially
implemented, it managed to explain the
appropriateness of the conceptual design.
It can be recalled that during evaluation, it was
established that users may be addicted to the
interactive Pet and this may tempt to the user
abusing or cheating the system. It will be of great
interest if a function can incorporated into the
system to cater for this happening, i.e., to dissuade
this behaviour. Also, the activity prediction feature
of the system on the mobile device was limited,
since GPS receivers are limited in terms of reception
(cannot receive signals in rooms and buildings).
However, different hardware can be used to detect
movement or activities and this can be incorporate
into the system to enhance self-monitoring.
Finally, there is a potential in developing a more
systematic approach to persuasive technology design
and development based on semiotic analysis. Such
an approach would be necessary for further research
into persuasive technologies.
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