Tiko Iyamu
Department of Informatics, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
Leshoto Mphahlele
Department of Informatics, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria, South Africa
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Information Architecture, Principles, Deployment.
Abstract: Many organizations strive to develop strategy which could holistically unify impact of information across
the organization. Information is increasingly critical in the operations of organizations’ processes and
activities including its role in maintaining competitiveness. Management of, cost of delivery and
cohesiveness of information flow in the organizations is continuingly prevalence in Information Technology
(IT) challenges. Most IT managers find themselves with the challenge of integration, consolidation,
categorization, classification and management of information usage and sharing. Due to these widely shared
challenges, over the last decade and across the globe, organizations have attempted to seek various
solutions, which include Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA). This paper examines how EIA can best
be leveraged, exploited, or otherwise used to provide business value, through sets of principles. The
research brings about a fresh perspective and new methodological principles required in the deployment of
information architecture in an organization.
Enterprise Information architecture (EIA) is one of
the domains of Enterprise Architecture (EA). Other
domains include Business, Technical, Infrastructure,
Application and Service Oriented architecture
(Armour et al, 2007). The domains are interrelated
and depend on each others, to an exponential degree.
This paper focuses on the domain of EIA, how
principles are used in the architecture. The EIA
enables the management of change on information
exchange, service and its strategic use in the
organization. According to Watson (2000),
Information architecture describes the structure of a
system; categorises artefacts of the organizational
systems; defines flow, value chain, usage and
management. EIA provides the framework for
planning and implementing rich, standards-based,
digital information infrastructure with well-
integrated services and activities (Burke, 2007). EIA
is intended to provide categorization, classification
and definition of information required to perform the
organization’s processes and activities, periodically.
This argument is supported by other studies, such as
Yan and Bitmead (2000). EIA is also intended to
manage and share information, and to ensure that the
business is supported by applications and data as
required by the organization (Rafidah et al 2007).
The categorization, classification and common
definition of business information needs and their
associated functions, facilitates system role
definition and the modeling of optimal information
flows. In addition, common terminology enables
consistent semantic of meaning across information
systems and the entire organization. This ultimately
helps an organization to meet business objectives by
providing employees, stakeholders, partners and
customers improved access to quality information.
These are carried out through the design,
development and implementation stages as defined
by the principles of EIA.
According to Iyamu (2009), ”principles are
defined as guiding statements of position which
communicate the fundamental elements, truths,
rules, or qualities that must be exhibited by the
Mphahlele L. and Iyamu T.
DOI: 10.5220/0003269302990307
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
organization” For the focus of this paper, this
definition is adopted. The primary aim of the
principles is to enforce, enable the organization to
take an incremental and iterative approach to
transitioning to formal modeling. Dong and Agogino
(2001) opined that the principles influence
immediate and consistent decision in the
organization. The processes of design, development
and implementation of EIA is a challenge, hence the
formulation of principles. Formulation of principles
is guided by format. This is to ensure validity,
completeness, comparability, relevance and
consistency. Many formats and templates for
formulating principles do exist (Zachman, 1996)
In order to holistically and objectively develop
and implement EIA, principles could be applied as
Obligatory Passage Point (OPP) and evaluation
criteria discretely and comprehensively. OPP act as
compulsory set of rules and regulations within a
legal entity. Callon (1986) refers to an OPP as a
situation that has to occur in order for all the actors
to satisfy the interests that have been attributed to
them by the focal actor. The principles of EIA,
could as such, be defined as the OPP through the
implementation of individual performance contracts
in which agreed upon tasks are carried out.
The research adopted the qualitative case study
and interpretive approaches. Semi-structured
interview method was applied in the collection of
data. The data analysis and findings are presented in
sections 3 and 4, respectively.
Qualitative approach has been adopted in many
researches in information systems. This is primarily
because of its suitability from the social perspective.
Qualitative research was more suitable for this type
of study as it allowed for clarification from
respondents to the research questions. Clarifications
could instantly be sought, to enrich the data.
Qualitative approach, it has been argued, is a very
useful method in conducting complex researches
(Myers, 1997). This enable the researcher, through
close interaction with interviewees, developed a
deeper understanding of the EIA situation in the
Case study method was adopted because it
allows in-depth exploration of the complex issues
involved in this study (Yin, 2003). Data sources
included semi-structured interviews and
documentation. The number of interviewees was
based on saturation, a point of where no new
information was forth coming. The respondents were
selected from the various levels of the organizational
structure within the Business and IT departments.
This was a key factor in achieving a true reflection of
the design, development and implementation of EIA
in the organization.
The organization used in the case study is a
government institution. At the time of the study, the
organization had about 8,000 employees of which
600 were contract workers at both senior and junior
levels. The organization was selected on the basis
that it provided a good example of where
information is very critical and was treated as its
core business. The organization also provided some
evidences of information architecture design,
development and implementation. The interviewees
were selected from different units in both business
and IT departments. The selection was based on
individual years of service in the organization and
knowledge of the subject.
The researcher formulated interview questions
which were intended to obtain information from the
participants on how EA was designed, developed
and implemented and its impact on the organization.
This paper focuses on the principles, which enforces
the requirements, design, development and
implementation of EIA in the organization. In such a
context, an interpretive research approach was
appropriate in order to understand adaptation,
influences from the perspective of socio-technical
context within the organization.
Interpretively, the unit-based approach was used for
the data analysis. This is primarily because it allows
for analysis of a unit-by-unit basis in a study. The
data collected from the case study was analyzed at
two, macro and micro interconnected levels. The
macro-level addresses issues of information
architecture importance to the organizations as well
as, of the relationship between technical and non-
technical actors in the design, development and
implementation of information architecture in the
organization. At the micro-level, the impact of
principles on the design, development and
implementation of information architectures in the
organizations was analyzed. The remainder of this
section discusses the analysis of the case study.
EIA provided a standard based design,
development and implementation methodology that
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
helped IT to, as quickly as possible, response to the
rapid changes in the processes of the organization’s
business at the time. Through principles, EIA was
used to achieve the translation of functional
requirements to the selection of services, standards,
components, configurations, phasing, and the
acquisition of products. In the organization, this
approach was much more received and appreciated
than the project management and systems analysis
disciplines. The difference was that there were
specializations, unlike the project management
method, as deployed in the organization.
The EIA was used to provide an initial
classification and definition of the information
required to perform the goals and functions of the
organization. It was the beginning of a framework to
manage and share information, and to ensure that the
business was supported by applications that provided
the needed data. Classification and common
definition of business information needs and their
associated functions were guided by the EIA
principles. It facilitated system role definition, and
the modeling of optimal information flow. In
addition, EIA was adopted to provide common
terminology, which was intended to enable
consistent semantic meaning across information
systems and organizations by facilitating concept
reuse and mediation of local variations to a common
ground. This ultimately was to help the organization
to meet its objectives and provides stakeholders with
improved access to quality information.
The model as shown in Table 1 below was used
in creating principles, which extended beyond
organizational boundaries to external sources and
targets including other government institutions. This
was understood to enable rapid business decision-
making and information sharing within the
organization, with suppliers, partners and customers.
Table 1: Format for Creating Principles.
A name that majority can relate to, and reflects the
intention and essence of the objective of the
organization. It is recommended to avoid
ambiguous wordings.
This is to communicate the fundamental rule as set
y the organization. The statement must be clear
and unambiguous.
Primarily to highlight the potential benefits for the
organization in adhering to the principle.
Highlight the potential implications on the business
and IT for executing the principles. This includes
impact and consequences of adopting the principle.
The principles were intended to provide
guidelines and rationales for constant examination
and evaluation of information in the areas such as
design, accessibility, security, use and maintenance.
Some employees affirmed that the principles as
applied guided the development and implementation
of the information architecture in the organization.
The principles were generally derived from the
vision of the organization and an intensive
discussion with senior IT and Business
managements, and then validated in discussions and
documentations across the structures of the
organizations. The principles were viewed as a
starting point for subsequent decisions that affected
the EIA in the organization.
In the organization, EIA encouraged decision makers
to explore externalization, optimize information
value chains, plan application portfolios, increase the
velocity of information across the organization and
evolved the enterprise architecture.
The EIA was treated as a business-strategy-driven
set of artifacts which described and model the
information value network (information flows,
business events, linkages) of the organization. It was
sponsored and endorsed by senior management in IT
and business departments. It extended beyond the
organizational boundaries to external sources, and it
was targeted to enable rapid business decision-
making and information sharing. It also included
rationale and implications such as:
i. A catalogue of authentic sources of information.
Examples include public and private companies
ii. Classes of relevant business information and
their value to the government and the
organization in particular;
iii. Information governance processes that
supported policy development and information
management principles and practices, which
were intended to address: security access,
privacy, confidentiality, information quality,
integrity, authenticity, business resumption
planning, and ownership; and
iv. Information management deliverables that
address roles, responsibilities and
organizational structure for managing
information content and delivery.
The design, development and implementation of
EIA strived to establish the value and importance of
using information effectively across the various units
of the organization, as well as the need to achieve
collaborative excellence with external partners and
customers (citizenry). The organization attempted to
use the EIA approach to gain consensus between the
senior and middle management levels in the
organization, within the rationale and implications of
the associated principles:
i. What was strategic versus non-strategic
information, especially in terms of security;
ii. The use and definition of common terms;
iii. Who had the information, in what form and
capacity, who owns and manages it, how it
should be leveraged;
iv. Who will be responsible for the cost of
developing IT systems that will create and
deliver information to the clients;
v. What metrics will be used to measure
information sharing to a success?
EIA was required to encourage decision makers
both in the Business and IT to explore
externalization, optimization of information value
chains, planning of application portfolios,
incremental of the velocity of information across the
organization in an iteration process. Hence the
development of EIA conveys a logical sequence
which was based on relationships and dependencies
of the elements within the scope, rather than a linear
sequence of events. The rationale for the logical
sequence in developing EIA was as follows:
i. As the model was essentially business-driven,
the EBA had to first model the impact of
business visioning on the operations of the
ii. Because the EIA focuses on how information
could best be leveraged, exploited, or otherwise
used to provide business value, it was
dependent on a certain amount of EBA
modeling to determine how and where the
business could derive its value.
iii. The approach to ETA depended on the business
strategies and business information
requirements, so this dependency placed it
logically after EBA and EIA.
The focus of the study was EIA. However,
without some analysis on other related domains,
there would have been some disconnect in terms of
the analysis as well as the findings, leading to the
results of the study. In the organization, a four
domain approach was adopted. The function of EBA
led to the development and implementation of EIA.
The ETA and the other architecture disciplines -
EBA, EIA, and EAA were also inter-dependent as
they each evolved, and new opportunities and
requirements were identified.
In the organization, the EIA was design to
depend on EBA. As such, it was difficult to embark
on the development of EIA without first establishing
EBA. The EBA defined the real-time information
that passed between the key processes and the
integration requirements. This was enabled by the
underlying application and technical architectures
across the units of the organization.
The EBA was used to express the organization’s
key business strategies and tactics, and their impact
and interaction with business functions, processes
and activities. Typically, it consisted of the current-
and future-state models of the functions, processes,
and information value chains of the organization.
The EBA led to the development of EIA, ETA and
EAA. It defined the business design for sustainability
and objectivity – those were the principles for its
design. Hence, the EBA was intended to establish
the foundations and details in the development of
The development of EIA began with the
establishment of the overall information ecology in
the organization. Primarily, it was intended to
address the value proposition of the information of
and about the processes and activities of the
organization. Application portfolio decision making
was guided by the principles of the EBA and EIA.
This was used to identify needed functionality and
opportunities for reuse and by ETA architectural
principles. The principles impacted the selection,
design and implementation of software packages,
application components, and business objects.
EIA was intended to address the policy,
governance, and information products necessary for
information sharing across the organization,
including external partners and clients; information
management deliverables that addresses information
management roles and responsibilities; information
quality and integrity; data definition standards; data
stewardship and ownership; and information security
and access. The above objectives were within the
scope of formulated principles. The principles were
based on the vision of the organization including the
strategies of each of the units in the organization.
Not all types of principles were necessarily
identified in earlier paths through to the model. The
bases for many principles were best practice -
approaches that have consistently been demonstrated
by diverse organizations to achieve similar results.
Therefore, the degree to which the organization
could establish principles in EIA was dependent on
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
its process and capability to identify and apply best
practice in each area.
The focus is on how EIA was designed, developed
and implemented through set of principles. The
principles of EIA provided guidance to the
designers, developers and implementers of the EIA.
The principles for each of the components of EIA
were derived from the organization’s vision and
requirements. For each principle, there were
rationale, which were documented along with other
elements such as the statements of intent;
repercussion for the intent; and allocation task.
4.1 Design Principles
EIA provided fundamental principles that assisted
the organization in achieving successful information.
The factors included shared vision, change,
evolutionary planning, classification and
declassification, citizen empowerment,
collaboration, problem coping, analysis, and
restructuring organizational norms. The factors
supported the implementation of processes and
functions. To achieve the primary objectives,
principles which included interactive and interwoven
were sought. It began with design principles.
The design principles guided the boundaries,
limitations including the rationale and implication of
EIA in the organization. It was based on both the
short and long terms strategic intentions of the
organization. Table 2 depicts the guiding phenomena
within which the design principles were formulated.
Table 2: Design Principles
Statement Rationale Implication Ownership
Indicate its
which it
could be
expression of
the value to
For each
principle, there
must be
Each principle
is allocation to
individual or
unit for
execution and
Until the design is developed and implemented,
it remain theoretical which adds no actual value to
the organization. The development is discussed nest.
4.2 Development Principles
The objectives of EIA in the organization included
the reduction of integration complexity, control of
duplication and replication, validation and correction
at source, standards for information accessing and
data isolation. Based on these objectives, the EIA
was designed to address them in five categories as
depicted in Figure 1 below.
InformationClasse s
Figure 1: EIA Design Components.
4.2.1 Requirements
The principles to develop and implement EIA were
derived from the requirements and vision of the
organization. The principles were formulated to
legalize the scope and boundaries of each of the
technical and non-technical artifacts. In addition, the
intended deliverables were also formulated to
address roles, responsibilities and organizational
structure for managing information content,
including storage dissemination and delivery.
4.2.2 Information Management and
The management and control of information required
principles to ensure boundary and consistency across
the organization. Management and control were
statement of governance, monitoring, effectiveness
and efficiency of information use, storage and
ownership in the organization. The principles were
intended to address security access, privacy,
confidentiality, quality, integrity, authenticity,
archival cycles, business resumption planning, and
ownership of information in the organization.
4.2.3 Information Sources
Within set principles, a catalogue of authentic
information sources, such as the organizations’ and
commercial databases, research companies, news
media and government gazettes were used to
establish the origins of authentic information on,
about and for the organization. It also formed the
basis of input for the next step, which obtained
classes of relevant information and established their
value to the organization.
4.2.4 Information Classes
There was need for classification of information in
the organization, primarily because it was the
organization’s core business. The intention was to
improve on information accessibility and
manageability. This helped to understand the value
of each category. Based on the requirements,
information was classified according to the following
i. Functions (operational, management, strategic);
ii. Business Operations - concerned with the
operational (transactional) processing within
the Administration;
iii. Business Management - concerned with
measurement and management of the
Administration; and
iv. Business Strategic - planning for the future and
identifying competitive opportunities.
4.2.5 Information Value Network
The information value network was one of the focal
components of the principles of EIA in the
organization. An objective of the EIA was to define
the sources of high-velocity information and ensure
its availability and usage by the key business
processes, enabled by the underlying EAA and ETA.
High-velocity information was shared within the
information value network of customers, suppliers,
and partners in near real-time, at both the transaction
and decision support levels. This was to maximize
operational effectiveness, efficiency, service delivery
and high performance and competitive advantage if
we may.
The value of information could be determined
by different means, typically, the competitive
advantage gained by the use of the information
product. There were essentially three dimensions of
information value (velocity, density and reach) and
moving along one or more of these dimensions could
have increased the value of information in the
Methods and tools such as “information value
network analysis” were used to diagnose problems or
uncovered opportunities to leverage information
technology to create high value, low cost linkages
with external parties and across the lines of business
(LOB). The information value network describes the
linkages in the network and the value of information
across the business value chain. Since information
was an artifact of business processes, it surrounded
and supported the physical value chain.
Principles were formulated to address the
components of the EIA. Table 2 is an example of a
template, which was used to record the design
principles. This template could be populated and
used to support strategic analyses over time. The
implementation of the entire design are summarized
into four areas and enforced through a set of
principles accordingly.
4.3 Implementation Principles
The final phase of the EIA as a project was the gap
analysis. This was conducted across all the
categorized areas to determine corrective action,
development of prioritized migration plans and
finally drawn up implementation plan. Carrying out
the projects in the implementation plans transitioned
the organization from the current state to future state
as was defined during the project.
The primary and key components were
implemented with the principles of EIA. This is
depicted in Figure 2; they are briefly described
immediately after the figure.
Figure 2: EIA Implementation Principles.
i. Information protection
Information shared across the organization was
regarded as corporate information and therefore was
principled to be managed accordingly. As revealed
in the study, information accessibility and protection
were of high priority in the organization. As such,
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
principles were formulated to address ownership,
security and accessibility classification, privacy,
archival and recovery. This was to guarantee, to
exponential degree, continuity in the businesses of
the organization.
ii. Information Quality
The level of the quality of information was
based on business requirements. The quality of
information was also principled to be governed in
accordance to the requirements and vision of the
organization. The principles concentrated on the
metadata, integrity, authenticity, classification and
criticality of the organization’s information.
iii. Information Modeling
The principle stated as follow: an information
model represents information in an understandable
simplified format. Information was intended to be
modeled according to the principles of EIA, and the
application development guidelines of the
iv. Information Management
The information management principles defined
the roles, responsibilities and organizational
structure required to implement the architecture of
information in the organization. It also defined, inter
alia, the role that users play in being custodians of
information; the role of the IT department, and the
roles of the Information Architect in ensuring that
this principle was understood, adhered to, and was
effectively applied. There was an emphasis on the
information architects being the domain owner.
4.3.1 Migration Planning Principles
Positioning strategy and movement from one
architectural phase to another was acknowledged as
a very complex issue. It was much more complex
than simply bringing in a new vendor or independent
consultant to provide theoretical underpinning and
advisory guidance.
Certainly, one of the key decision processes
involved with architectural planning was the need to
have a future target. Shorter-term goals could then be
defined as stepping-stones to the strategic goal. Of
course the problem here, again, was that historically,
information technologists have not been all that
accurate in predicting product directions and timing.
As such, the migration principles were formulated
based on the context of the organization. During the
implementation, gaps were identified and they were
analyzed for possible opportunities and solutions.
4.4 Measurement and Validation
The principles of measurement and validation were
an integral component of the overall EIA in the
organization. They were a set of obligation for the
management, administration, practices of
information storage and usage in the organization.
The measures included conformance checklist,
the iterative process and domain architect who
oversee the processes and activities within the scope
of the EIA. There were four main components,
namely Enterprise Planning, Business Analysis,
Systems Analysis and Systems Design, which
constituted the Information architecture conformance
checklist in the organizations. These components
were defined set of principles, within the
organizational meaning and value.
4.4.1 Gap Analysis
The gap analysis assessed the current state of the
EIA against the desired state as reflected by the
drivers. This assessment was an iterative and
ongoing process and was reflected by a conformance
checklist and an accompanying action plan as
depicted in Table 3. These assessments were to be
stored and managed within the agreed principles.
Table 3 provides example of the gap analysis.
Table 3: Gap Analysis
(Future State)
Deliverables Roles &
data duplication
and redundancy
to be
Project Scope
Naturally, there were a large number of
constraints that had to be overcome to achieve full
implementation of EIA. As revealed in the study,
some of them include:
i. The inherited technological environment that
existed at the initiation of the process;
ii. New technologies constantly emerging that
must be accommodated; and
iii. The fact that any information systems
architecture as always in transition is ever
changing and evolving.
From the results of the analysis, five factors were
found to be critical in the deployment of the EIA
approach. The factors are discussed as follows:
5.1 The Criticality of Principles
Within the domains of EA, fundamental principles
were provided to assist in achieving change. This
includes developing a shared vision, evolutionary
planning, and provision for innovations,
empowerment and regular training of employees,
analysis, and restructuring organizational norms to
support implementation and ongoing learning and
processes of EA. These principles must be
interactive and are interwoven throughout the
process of EA.
5.2 Iterative Process
Within the scope of EIA, principles were articulated
to address the information aims and objectives of the
organization in an iterative process. Some of the
primary objectives included encouraging decision
makers to: Explore external trading and partnerships;
Optimization of information value chains; Plan
application architectures and systems portfolio; and
Increase information velocity across the
Through the iterative-ness, EIA was intended to
identify the information flows for optimization
(increased velocity, density, and reach) as well as the
information entities. This was to define and
consistently use information across the value chain.
The intention was to increase the value of
information across the organization and the external
Thus, the EIA defined the sources of information
and ensured the availability and usage of this
information by the key business processes, and
enabled the underlying application and technical
architectures. Similar to the EBA domain, it was
expected to provide guidance for business operations
impacted by particular business strategies. The EIA
was also expected to provide guidance concerning
the organization information assets to knowledge
workers, information processors, IT application
developers, infrastructure managers, and executives.
5.3 Information Architect
Within the boundaries of set principles, information
architects’ focus was on construction of information
models to meet business requirements and
engineering “out” gaps where business-critical high-
velocity information was not reaching customers,
suppliers, and partners. The EIA models provided
guidance concerning the organization information
assets to knowledge workers, information
processors, IT application developers, infrastructure
managers, and the executives. However, there was a
serious concern in terms of the availability of skilled
information architects.
5.4 Ownership
Data, storage, process, infrastructure and
collaboration, were the principles of information
architecture, which were allocated to individuals and
units in the IT department. Through the
irreversibility nature of the OPP, the formulated
principles were enforced. Primarily, it gave power to
those the design, development and implementation
tasks were allocated. The OPP made each principle
in all units irreversible by individuals or groups,
irrespective of their positions in the organization.
5.5 Stock of Knowledge
The stock of knowledge was not necessarily valuable
as it was difficult to translate it value to usefulness in
some cases and units in the organization. The role of
EIA was often misunderstood. It was difficult to
differentiate between business analyst and
information architect. As a result, allocation of task,
roles and responsibilities became a challenge to
Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) offers
tangible benefits to the enterprise and those
responsible for evolving the enterprise through its
principles. The primary purpose of principles is to
inform, guide, and constrain decisions for the
enterprise, especially those related to information
flow. The true challenge of enterprise engineering is
to maintain the information as a primary
authoritative resource for enterprise IT planning.
This goal is met via enforced EIA principles, which
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
add value and utility of the information to the
Enterprise Architecture.
The benefits as emphasized above are of
paramount importance to business and IT managers
in the organizations as well as academic domain. The
study, through its empirical evidence, contributes to
the body of knowledge. In addition, the findings are
opportunity to researchers for further research work.
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Yan, J. and Bitmead, R., 2000. Coordinated control and
information architecture, Proceedings of the 33rd
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Yin, R. K. 2003. Case Study Research, Design and
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Zachman, J. A., 1996). Enterprise Architecture: The View
Beyond 2000, Conference Proceedings, Warehouse
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