(SAM). We discussed how some concepts from
SAM could improve the modeling of Web
ontologies. We showed the possible contributions to
improve it, indicating the practical and immediate
results which the approach could be empirically
demonstrated. Further work involves to develop an
expanded and more human-representative Web
ontology, as well as to present a practical example
illustrating the use of the approach. Next steps in
this research include to explore other concepts from
SAM in the modeling using OWL, as well as to
develop a semi-automatic software tool that
materializes the ideas of the approach to create the
‘Semiotic Web ontology’, including the heuristics to
aid creating an initial OWL ontology from the OS
This work is funded by Microsoft Research -
FAPESP Institute for IT Research (proc. n.
2007/54564-1) and by CNPq/CTI (680.041/2006-0).
The authors also thank colleagues from CTI, IC
(UNICAMP), NIED, InterHAD and Casa Brasil for
insightful discussion.
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