Júlio Cesar dos Reis
Institute of Computing (UNICAMP) and CTI Renato Archer
Rodovia Dom Pedro I, km 143, 6, 13069-901 Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Rodrigo Bonacin
CRP Henri Tudor and CTI Renato Archer
Rodovia Dom Pedro I, km 143, 6, 13069-901 Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
M. Cecilia C. Baranauskas
Institute of Computing at University of Campinas (UNICAMP)
Caixa Postal 6176, 13083 970 Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Keywords: Ontology Engineering, Web ontology, Web Ontology Language, OWL, Semantic Web, Semantic Analysis
Method, SAM and Organisational Semiotics.
Abstract: Nowadays, Web systems generate an enormous amount of data that need to be organized, managed and
retrieved in a more efficient and accurate way. Literature has brought these concerns, trying to develop
techniques to allow the use of content by machines through Semantic Web technologies, such as Web
ontologies. However these are still insufficient to adequately deal with aspects of information modelling,
and knowledge representation. This paper studies and points out the shortcomings of these techniques, and
proposes a new approach to better design Web ontologies aided by the Semantic Analysis Method (SAM)
from Organisational Semiotics (OS). We have investigated a novel semi-automatic method that can lead to
more representative Web ontologies.
Communication is a basic element for society
evolution for millennia. The writing, written press,
radio, television and more recently the Web are
some of the greatest inventions of humanity that
propitiated the information access and sharing.
These inventions have transformed the society and
boosted the development of the humanity as a
whole. In analyzing the "emergence” and
popularization of the Web, it is possible to notice
various scientific and technological advances that
have made it possible, among them: new physical
means of communication such as optic fiber
networks and wireless networks, communication
protocols, computing devices such as faster
processors and displays, rich and standard GUI
(Graphical User Interface); and more recently a great
concern in better mechanisms for managing and
retrieving data and information.
Analysing the evolution of the Web, the Web 1.0
(or first-generation of the Web) provided quick
access to large volumes of information. The
approach in the Web 1.0 was prevalent for centuries
with books and for decades with radio and
television, which we had a relationship "one-to-
many", i.e., an information producer for many
consumers. The so-called Web 2.0, besides a
"richer" GUI has also changed considerably the Web
1.0 approach, towards a relationship of "many-to-
many", to which there are some information
producers and consumers working collaboratively.
Social Network Services (SNS), Wikis, Blogs, music
and video sharing sites are examples of applications
where many people produce and consume
information in an interactive process and usually
intensively. Nowadays, literature has glimpsed the
Bonacin R., dos Reis J. and Baranauskas M.
DOI: 10.5220/0003269600600067
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Semantic Web (SW) as an extension of the current
Web, in which well-defined meaning is associated to
information, enabling computers and people to work
better in cooperation (Berners-Lee et al., 2001).
Web systems generate a large volume of data in
various media, with complex structures highly
distributed, including the immeasurable cultural
diversity present in information produced by
people. New opportunities for advance in the Web
could be achieved through the efficient management
of this information. Nevertheless, the development
and use of the Web brings new problems that are
dependent on scientific and technological advances
in several related areas. The solution for the problem
of information modeling in the Web depends on the
understanding of information and knowledge
"nature", and on the development of complex
computational algorithms. The challenge addressed
in this paper is to understand how to structure,
model, organize, manage and promote means for
information available in Web systems be better
computationally represented, allowing more efficient
ways to access and share information.
In order to deal with this challenge, it is
necessary to combine fundamentals, theories and
methods aiming at understanding and modeling the
process of knowledge generation and sharing with
new technological approaches. Conventional
solutions and approaches of the SW are based on
“Web ontologies”. A “Web ontology” can be
understood as a specification of a conceptualization
which provides descriptions about knowledge
(Gruber, 1993). Literature has shown several
semantic problems and limitations related to the use
of Web ontology. Therefore, the goal of this paper is
to show the major deficiencies in the SW
technologies by showing its failure to resolve the
main issues; and to present a new approach to design
ontologies in the Social Web. In this approach, we
discuss how some concepts from the Semantic
Analysis Method (SAM) (Liu, 2000) could improve
the Web ontology modeling, aiming at developing
an expanded and more representative Web ontology
towards a ‘Semiotic Web ontology’.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2
presents the theoretical and methodological
background of the paper; Section 3 presents some
current problems and limitations of the SW
ontologies; Section 4 outlines a new approach to the
design of Web ontologies using SAM, and shows a
brief illustration and discussion; and Section 5
In this section we present an overview of the SW
concepts and its technological constraints. Besides,
as a theoretical-methodological background we
present an overview of the SAM from OS.
2.1 Semantic Web and the Ontologies
The main challenge of the SW development is to
represent the meaning of the content to be machine
interpretable. The way this is done is at the heart of
the SW study. According to Uschold (2003) the
most widely accepted definition for this feature is
content usable by machines. This means having data
on the Web defined and linked in a way that they
can be used by machines, not just for displaying
purposes, although for automation, integration and
reuse across applications.
For that purpose, it is necessary to the machine to
have a model of "knowledge" about the domain, i.e.,
the available knowledge must be represented so that
the machine can "interpret" it. Tazi (1994) argues
that knowledge can be represented with the Sowa's
Conceptual Graphs. This approach is based on
Peirce's Existential Graphs, and follows the
Aristotle’s idea that each concept is represented by a
word or symbol, serving as a semantic network in
which nodes represent concepts that are related to
each other. In the SW, knowledge is represented
through computing ontologies. According to Studer
et al. (1998) ontology is a shared and common
understanding of some domain that can be
communicated between people and computers; it is a
formal specification that should be readable and
understandable by machines.
The term ontology is often used to refer to the
semantic understanding (a conceptual framework of
knowledge) shared by individuals participating in a
given knowledge domain. Semantic ontology can
exist as an informal conceptual framework of types
of concepts, and their relations named and defined in
natural language. Alternatively, it could be
constructed as a formal semantics taking into
account the domain, with the types of concepts and
their relationships defined systematically in a logical
language. Indeed within the Web environment,
ontology is not simply a conceptual framework, but
a concrete syntactic structure that tries to model the
semantics of a domain (Jacob, 2005). According to
Noy & McGuinness (2001), ontology along with a
number of different instances of its classes
constitutes a knowledge base. The classes are the
focus of most ontologies. Classes describe the
concepts in the domain. For instance, a class of
wines represents all wines; specific wines are
instances of this class. The Bordeaux wine is an
instance of a class of wines. A class can have
subclasses that represent concepts that are more
specific than super-classes; e.g. we can divide the
class of all wines into red, white and rosé wines.
Alternatively, we can divide the class of all wines
into sparkling wines in non-sparkling wines.
At the core of the SW technology there is a
language based on logic for knowledge
representation and inference. Computational
Languages for ontology description are designed
specifically to define ontologies. According to the
SW architecture proposed by Berners-Lee et
al. (2001), the ontology description languages are
related to other Web languages such as Resource
Description Framework (RDF), RDF Schema and
the Extensible Markup Language (XML). According
to statistics from Cardoso (2007) OWL (Web
Ontology Language) is nowadays the most common
approach for modeling ontologies in software. OWL
has three sub-languages with increasing
expressivity: OWL Lite, OWL DL and OWL
Full. OWL is currently defined by a set of
recommendations of the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C) (W3C, 2004).
2.2 Semantic Analysis Method (SAM)
As a theoretical reference of the OS for the proposed
approach, we have used the Semantic Analysis
Method (Liu, 2000) that comes from the MEASUR
(Methods for Eliciting, Analyzing and Specifying
Users' Requirements) (Stamper, 1993). The SAM
assist users or problem owners in eliciting and
representing their requirements in a formal and
precise model. With the analyst in the role of
facilitator, the required system functions are
specified in an Ontology Chart (OC). It is worth to
mention that this concept of ontology is different
from the SW ontology. Ontology in OS represents a
business domain which can be described by the
concepts, the ontological dependencies between the
concepts, and the norms detailing the constraints at
both universal and instance level (Liu et al., 2008).
A graphic representation of a conceptual model is
called an OC. The OC describes a view of
responsible agents in the focal domain and their
pattern of behavior named affordances (Liu, 2000).
Some basic concepts of SAM adopted in this paper
are based in Liu (2000):
The world” is socially constructed by the actions
of agents, on the basis of what is offered by the
physical world itself;
Affordance”, a the concept introduced by Gibson
(1977) is used to express invariant repertories of
behavior of an organism made available by some
combined structure of the organism and its
environment. In SAM (Stamper, 1993) the concept
introduced by Gibson was extended by Stamper to
include invariants of behavior in the social world;
Agent” can be defined as something that has
responsible behavior. An agent can be an individual
person, a cultural group, a language community, a
society, etc. (an employee, a department, an
organization, etc.);
An ontological dependency” is formed when an
affordance is possible only if certain other
affordances are available. The affordance “A” is
ontological dependent on the affordance “B” means
that “A” is only possible when “B” is also possible;
Determiners” are properties which are variants of
quality and quantity that differentiate one instance
from another;
Specialization”, agents and affordances can be
placed in generic-specific structures according to
whether or not they possess shared or different
OS adopts a subjectivist philosophical stance and
an agent-in-action ontology. This philosophical
position states that, for all practical purposes,
nothing exists without a perceiving agent or without
the agent engaging in actions. That is to say, each
thing depends for its existence upon the existence of
its antecedents. Words and expressions we use are
names for invariant patterns in the flux of actions
and events which the agents experience. The
classical distinction between entity, attribute and
relationship disappears to be replaced by the
concepts of agents, affordances (the actions or
attributes of agents) and norms (for the socially
defined patterns of behaviour) related to their
antecedents to indicate the ontological dependency
(Stamper et al., 2000). The concepts of the Semantic
Analysis are represented by means of this agent-in-
action ontology.
We have investigated the design of Web
ontologies to deal with their problems and
limitations, as presented in the next section, inspired
on this perspective.
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Web ontologies (in OWL) have been widely used
for many purposes, such as semantic search (Bonino
et al., 2004) and content management (Mao et al.,
2006). Although literature has shown several
semantic problems and limitations related to the use
of these artifacts.
According to Carvalho (2005), even with the
advent of ontologies, there are still no tools to assist
in the organization of the information in a way
suitable for human mental operations in an
individual or societal way. In order to facilitate the
work for the computer, the organization within the
ontology is formally made, creating a fixed relation
of words. Carvalho (2005) also argues that it is
necessary to discuss the whole set of relationships
and context of information contained in
ontologies. This contextualization is generated from
a detailed study of the topics required for
understanding the subject in question. The study
asks for a number of key concepts, which summarize
the knowledge of the area. These concepts need to
be organized as a way to produce a “knowledge
tree". This tree should be able to translate that
subject, representing it as accurately as possible. By
establishing a hierarchy between concepts, it is
difficult to accurately represent different contexts,
which means that the ontology need to be attached to
a well-defined domain.
Gärdenfors (2004) argues that if we want to
consider how humans deal with concepts and their
meanings, the structures of the class relation from
SW ontologies have captured only a little part of our
knowledge about concepts. For example, we often
categorize objects according to the similarity
between them, and similarity is not a concept that
can be expressed in a natural way in a Web ontology
language. Additionally, Gärdenfors (2004) says that
a notable characteristic of human thought is our
ability to combine concepts and, in particular,
understand the new combinations of these
concepts. Furthermore, almost all Web applications
(e.g. systems of question and answering) have inputs
in the form of combinations of concepts. Therefore,
Gärdenfors (2004) states that an important criterion
for the success of the computational semantic model
is that it should be able to deal with combinations of
concepts. This author also highlights the lack of
symbolic grounding in these ontologies. The source
of the problem is that each ontology (along with its
terminology) works as a free floating island of reeds
– it has no anchor in reality. However the "meaning"
of the ontological expression does not live on these
islands. Thus, Gärdenfors (2004) proposes the
establishment of structures called Conceptual
Spaces, as a richer semantic structure underlying the
representational format. Conceptual Spaces
represent information through geometric structures
and not through symbols.
The work of Tanasescu & Streibel (2007)
describes several arguments in favor of alternative
models for knowledge representation in detriment of
traditional ontologies, such as: (1) the inadequacy of
reasoning based on categories to represent reality;
(2) the need for different representations of the same
identity according to the context; and also (3) the
difficulty for representing psychological concepts,
such as Affordances from Gibson (1977) in a
hierarchical structure. The authors argue that Web
ontologies are not yet flexible enough to match the
representational complexity of the human mind; also
they are difficult to construct. Tanasescu & Streibel
(2007) emphasize that Web ontologies are better
suited to the description of scientific fields such as
medicine and biology, which are already semi-
formal and organized into categories and
Tanasescu & Streibel (2007) also claim that with
the advent of Web 2.0 applications there has been an
intensified use of non-structured notes, such as
tagging and Collaborative Tagging Systems (CTS).
CTS produce different results compared to using
default vocabularies for tagging, and provide users
with a simple way to make sense (meaning) to their
own content. Consequently, the authors argue that
while current investigations are still trying to
alleviate the practical problems related to the use of
ontologies, the WS can benefit from the techniques
used by Web 2.0 applications. These techniques
have spread out widely and appear to be a way to
allow users to describe their own content, since the
system cannot determine a priori the meaning of the
content. They conclude that for a faster expansion of
SW new approaches to semantic acquisition,
separated from the centralized ontologies and not
developed by experts, need to be explored. Thus,
alternatively, they introduce the proposal of Extreme
Tagging Systems (ETS), as an extension of CTS,
enabling the collaborative construction of
knowledge bases over the use of formal and
centralized ontologies for knowledge representation.
The work of Obitko et al. (2004) proposes an
alternative approach which remains using
conventional Web ontologies for knowledge
representation. They have described a strategy for
designing ontologies using Formal Concept Analysis
(FCA). This is a theory of data analysis that
identifies conceptual structures among data
sets. This method allows discovering the need for
new concepts and their relationships in an
ontology. FCA is based on the philosophical
understanding that a concept has two parts: (1) its
extension which consists of all objects belonging to
the concept; and (2) its intention, which includes all
attributes shared by these objects. The crucial
characteristic in this method for knowledge
representation is that it is not based on a priori
definition of classes; nevertheless the concepts are
described from their attributes. Instead to create a
class and to associate attributes to it, a concept is
built from their attributes.
These discussed studies propose both: (1) totally
alternative methods to Web ontologies for
knowledge representation in the SW; and (2) instead
of using completely alternative methods some
approaches just propose a differentiated design for
ontologies. In the next section we propose a method
to the design of Web ontologies based on SAM.
In order to produce immediate and practical results
on the SW applications, our approach employs a
different method which produces an agent-in-action
ontology, and explores how to improve the Web
ontologies using concepts from the agent-in-action
perspective. In other words, we propose to develop a
representational structure towards a ‘Semiotic Web
ontology’. It is worth to mention that it is not our
goal to refute here the SW technologies of
nowadays, neither to create a “perfect ontology”
from a theoretical point of view; but instead we
propose to expand SW techniques with methods and
techniques coming from OS.
‘Semiotic Web ontology’ is a semantic model
(computationally tractable ontology) constructed
from a semi-automatic method based on
SAM. Some theoretical and methodological
concepts of SAM are used in conjunction with other
technologies from the SW to describe
computationally tractable ontologies using OWL.
The idea is to incorporate the concepts of particular
Agents (roles) and Affordances (patterns of
behavior) arising from the SAM into an expanded
and more representative SW ontology.
It is also important to emphasize that we do not
intend to create an OC (from SAM) in OWL or to
substitute the OC at the conceptual or business level.
The use of OWL is relevant here since it is at
implementation level, thus it gives us opportunities
to improve the semantic models used in the existing
SW applications and initiatives. We understand that
this is a fast and practical way to show direct
contributions from SAM to the SW. Semantic Web
solutions like semantic search could take advantage
of the SAM. Therefore some properties from the OC
may not be fully transcribed to OWL at this time,
while other aspects such as agent-affordance
relationship are emphasized.
From a Semiotics perspective it is assumed that
the signs are socially constructed. Thereby, a
computational model that represents the semantics
from a Social Web application should contain the
agents that interpret the socially shared concepts.
With this approach we incorporate and take to SW
ontologies concerns and possible representations
arising from the Ontology in a semiotic
perspective. In addition to agents and affordances,
we have observed that SW ontologies also do not
incorporate in the model (at least explicitly) the idea
of ontological dependency relations.
In order to design the Web ontology, we first
create an OC using SAM. This intermediate
ontology diagram is important to identify the
possible agents from the context and their patterns of
behavior, and thus pass these to the (computationally
tractable) Web ontology using OWL. To accomplish
that, a set of specific heuristics is applied to derive
an initial OWL ontology. Bonacin et al. (2004)
proposed a heuristic to construct system design
UML diagrams from OC; those heuristics must be
adapted to our purpose. This approach does not
create an equivalent ontology in OWL; instead it
provides some heuristics to support the analyst
during the modeling process.
In the ‘Semiotic Web ontology’ we represent the
agents that have behaviour(s) (affordance) in a
concept (which can have determiners), and can be
important in situations of synonymous and
polysemy. For instance the concept of ‘crane’ can
mean a bird or a type of construction equipment, and
we can model it using the agents and their
affordances; e.g. a biologist, who can be model as an
agent, probably make studies about birds. To study
birds is a pattern of behaviour of a biologist (in other
words an affordance). As shown by Figure 1, ‘crane’
is a concept that can have several different
meanings, although in some context, due to the
agent and their affordances, the meaning of ‘crane’
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
is more closely linked to birds and not, for example,
to a construction equipment, that can also be
represented in the model.
Figure 1: Modeling meanings in an example of polysemy
using agents and affordances.
Figure 1 illustrates an example of modeling
using this approach in which the ‘biologist’ and the
‘civil engineer’ are agents that have affordances
connected to specific concepts. Also this model can
have relationships of specific ‘is-a’, e.g. ‘Broga’ and
‘Whooping Crane’ are specific kinds of ‘crane’. This
shows that concepts can be related to several agents
and affordances, and with other concepts,
constituting relations and representations that make
more complete ontologies compared to ontologies
described purely for a domain.
For instance, ‘crane’ can mean a construction
equipment for a ‘civil engineer’, as well as anything
else to any other agent, or have any synonym that
makes sense for an agent ‘Y’ modeled from the data
of the Web system. We can see other examples like
‘Manga’ (in Portuguese) can mean a fruit, a sleeve
as well as a color; and we can model it using the
agents and their affordances in a ‘Semiotic Web
In this approach, we introduce new constructions
that represent agents and affordances in OWL
ontology. The meanings of the concepts represented
in the ontology are relative to the agents. Then,
aspects such as polysemy, that is a hard problem for
SW applications, could be better treated using this
4.1 Illustrating the Approach
The use of this approach has been utilized and
investigated in a scenario of Social Network
Services (SNS). Experiences with users of search
engines (Reis et al., 2010) point out that this kind of
association, as developed in this approach, could
contribute to more precise and adequate search
mechanisms in SNS. We illustrate a search scenario
in SNS that can be beneficiated with the ‘Semiotic
Web ontology’. From the user profile in the SNS
application, we identify the agents represented in the
ontology, and make a connection between them
(user and agents). Thus we can prioritize (or even
limit) the search space, making a relation between
the user with the ontology; e.g. if a biologist is
logged into the system (we could find that a user is a
‘biologist’ based on his/her profile) and request a
search with the keyword ‘crane’. Whether we have a
relation between the ‘biologist’ agent and the term
‘crane’ in the ontology, the results from
announcements of the SNS that could be returned
first (ranked first) should most likely be related to
the concept of crane as a ‘bird’, not to other
meaning(s) of this word (like a type of construction
Nevertheless to a ‘civil engineer’ that makes the
search into the system about ‘crane’, probably the
results that most interest him / her are about the
construction equipment and not about ‘crane’ as a
bird. We do not mean that other results are not
required or may not be returned in response to the
engineer search, (may be the engineer could want to
know about this kind of bird). In this case the
announcements from the SNS on ‘crane’ as
construction equipment must have greater relevance
in the ranking of results. However, a user that has a
profile which fits a ‘biologist’ agent, he or she
would have the announcements about ‘crane’ as a
bird with highest priority.
The agent-affordance relation is also used to
indicate the probable meaning of the terms in an
announcement. For instance, we could verify
whether the word ‘crane’ is about ‘bird’ or
‘construction equipment’ based on the user that
posted such information. In this situation, whether
the user who submitted the announcement fits a
‘biologist’ agent, ‘crane’ would be most likely about
a ‘bird’. Otherwise whether the advertiser is a ‘civil
engineer’, in this situation ‘crane’ would also most
likely mean ‘construction equipment’. We could
have relationships between agents to verify how
much an agent is semantically close to another and
to indicate the probable meaning based on this
4.2 Discussing the Approach
The semantic chart (from SAM) delimits the area of
operation of the context under study and identifies
the basic patterns of behavior (affordances) of the
agents. Understanding and modeling the invariants
of behaviour of human agents, including how they
communicate, interpret the signs and act in society is
a key point for the construction of more accurate and
flexible ontology models.
It is possible to highlight points which the OS
approach deals with the shortcomings of
conventional Web ontologies, such as the three
deficiencies presented by Tanasescu & Streibel
(2007): (1) the reasoning based just on categories to
represent reality, in OS is complemented by the
identification of agents and their affordances; also
(2) there is no different representations of the same
identity in the context, since the meaning of the
identity is relative to the agent actions, and even (3)
there is no difficulty to represent psychological
concepts since the concept of affordances (from the
cognitive psychology) is the basis for the description
of the model. Moreover, with our approach we can
build more flexible ontologies, since the concepts
are interpreted based on the patterns of behaviour of
the represented agents, no matter whether there is a
static hierarchy of concepts, because the different
contexts can be identified by the agents. Similarity
and combination of concepts could be done using
also the agent as a way to make disambiguation.
Once modeling ontologies is a hard and time
consuming task, we believe that constructing
geometric structures underlying it, as the Gärdenfors
(2004) proposes, could be not viable on a large
scale. Regarding ETS approaches, they may not be
feasible in some contexts in which non expert users
have no ability to create and manage tags.
The understanding and modeling of ontologies
using methods and techniques grounded on human
cognition and behavior are also needed to build a
Web with focus on human agents (and not just
artificial agents). Furthermore it is important to
emphasize that we want to consider the
technological work already done, looking for new
modeling methods that will complement and boost
the proposal of the SW. Several applications may
benefit of this approach, such as new possibilities for
semantic search engines in SNS that include the
agents, and create new ways to more appropriate
search for users.
In SNS contexts, Mika (2005) has already
pointed out the general advantages of incorporating
the social context into the representation of
ontologies. According to Mika (2005) creating the
link between actors and concepts into the model of
ontologies brings benefits in terms of more
meaningful and easily maintainable conceptual
structures. Mika proposed the extension of the
traditional concept of ontologies (concepts and
instances) with the social dimension, extending this
traditional bipartite model by incorporating actors.
Mika’s proposal aims at modeling networks of
folksonomies using the idea of connecting the real
user with the concept and their objects. By using our
approach with the agents’ concept and their
affordances a more general and wide-ranging of
applications is possible; moreover, it is based on a
formal method to find out the agents, affordances
and the agent-affordance relationship.
Although concepts and theories from SAM can
bring benefits to the SW models, we argue that
OWL models and OC do not replace each other.
They present distinct views and have different
proposals. While OC concerns human perception
and patterns of behaviour, and can be empirically
refuted, OWL concerns are the computer
interpretable constructs and efficient models. In our
approach, it is responsibility of the analyst to
interpret and decide how to construct better
computer interpretable models (such as OWL) from
the OC. Tools and heuristics can be used for
supporting the analyst during this process, however
only the analyst is able to connect the models and
examine their consistence with the real world.
The evolution and use of the Web over the years
have brought new challenges on modeling and
representing information. A better organization,
management and retrieval of digital content have
become a critical point to allow new opportunities
for knowledge access and sharing in the Social Web.
Therefore, there is a growing need for solutions that
deal with semantic aspects in Web Systems trying to
understand the meanings from the information and
improve their use. The Semantic Web view brings
practical techniques and solutions trying to create
content usable by machines. Nevertheless due to the
amount and complexity of data, these technologies
are still insufficient to really deal with this problem,
resulting on more sophisticated and adequate
solutions from the point of view of human agents.
As presented in this paper, literature has pointed out
some deficiencies of conventional Semantic Web
approaches. The main goal was to raise it with a
discussion for a long term work.
Hence, new approaches to better understand and
model the semantic aspects of digital content in the
Web are necessary. This paper presented an
approach based on Organisational Semiotics (OS) to
build Web ontologies. Our proposal is to design
Web ontologies aided by Semantic Analysis Method
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
(SAM). We discussed how some concepts from
SAM could improve the modeling of Web
ontologies. We showed the possible contributions to
improve it, indicating the practical and immediate
results which the approach could be empirically
demonstrated. Further work involves to develop an
expanded and more human-representative Web
ontology, as well as to present a practical example
illustrating the use of the approach. Next steps in
this research include to explore other concepts from
SAM in the modeling using OWL, as well as to
develop a semi-automatic software tool that
materializes the ideas of the approach to create the
‘Semiotic Web ontology’, including the heuristics to
aid creating an initial OWL ontology from the OS
This work is funded by Microsoft Research -
FAPESP Institute for IT Research (proc. n.
2007/54564-1) and by CNPq/CTI (680.041/2006-0).
The authors also thank colleagues from CTI, IC
(UNICAMP), NIED, InterHAD and Casa Brasil for
insightful discussion.
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