words, what is the purpose of the particular
architecture. Top rows of the framework contains
reasons like Major Business Goals, Critical Success
Factor, Business Objective and Business Strategy.
These all are goals, which in enterprise context are
usually for example profitability, competitiveness,
growth and stability. Therefore it can be argued that
Zachman's framework is in line with the emerging
Based on the emerging taxonomy, the purpose of
EA is (i) to meet goals of organisation’s
stakeholders, and (ii) to create value to organisation.
Thus, EA practitioners realises that technical
solutions are not the purpose of EA, but means for
fulfilling it. Moreover, as comparison of emerging
taxonomy to current literature indicated no
differences, EA practitioners can be argued to
perceive the purpose of EA correctly on conceptual
level. Therefore it can also be argued that the
emerging taxonomy presented in this paper can be
used as tool for explaining the purpose EA to
organisation’s top management.
A limitation of this study is that the data used in
analysis is not collected in controlled manner. In
their nature, discussion groups are open to everyone
to post responses. In this case, the discussion group
was focused entirely on EA. Although there are over
40,000 members in the group, it is not fair to argue
that members of the group represent the whole
population of EA practitioners. The data used in this
paper (n=125) is not collected using random
sampling. However, the saturation point in coding
was reached by data used, which indicates that the
data is reliable. As can be seen in Table 1,
respondents were professional practitioners of EA.
Moreover, emerging taxonomy is in line with the
current literature. Therefore it can be argued that the
data and results are valid.
Author would like to express his grateful thanks to
the author of the discussion group, Mr Kevin Smith,
for collecting and giving access to the data used in
this paper. Author also expresses thanks to
anonymous reviewers who helped to improve this
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