Nestori Syynimaa
Informatics Research Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading, U.K.
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Technology, University of Vaasa, CIO, Anvia IT Ltd, Finland
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Grounded Theory, Semiotic framework.
Abstract: Initial phase of all Enterprise Architecture (EA) initiatives is important. One of the most crucial tasks in that
phase is to sell EA to the top management by explaining its purpose. In this paper, by using semiotic
framework we show that there is a clear gap between the definition of EA and its purpose. Contribution of
this paper is a taxonomy that expands knowledge of pragmatics of EA, and that can be used as a tool for
explaining the purpose of EA. Grounded theory is used to form the taxonomy. Data is collected from a
discussion group used by EA practitioners. Results indicate that the purpose of EA is to meet organisations’
stakeholder’s goals and to create value to organisation. Results are in line with current literature. Most
interesting result is that EA practitioners seem to realise that technical solutions are not the purpose of EA,
but means for fulfilling it.
For Enterprise Architecture (EA) initiative, it is
crucial to sell EA to top management (Schekkerman,
2004, p. 103; TOGAF, 2009, p. 83). The lack of
management buy-in is seen as one of the main
reasons for EA initiatives to fail (Perks & Beveridge,
2003, p. 142). Even though EA itself can be used as
a tool to bridge a communication gap between IT
and business (Lankhorst, 2009, p. 11), it is still
challenging to explain why EA should be used.
Thus, motivation for this paper is to find out how to
explain the purpose of EA. Contribution to the body
of knowledge of EA is a taxonomy of purpose of
EA, based on empirical qualitative research on EA
practitioners' view to EA.
Strategy of this paper is following. First we
introduce the semiotic framework. Secondly we look
for current definitions of EA and discuss on them
from semiotics point of view. Thirdly we conduct an
empirical research on practitioners’ view on EA.
Lastly we present results and conclusions.
This paper is a part of a larger research for
understanding the nature of Enterprise Architecture.
Purpose of this paper is to construct a theory of the
purpose of EA. To form such a theory, we will use
data of EA practitioners' view to the purpose of EA
by utilising Grounded Theory (GT) application by
Pandit (1996). He introduces five distinct phases on
GT which are research design, data collection, data
ordering, data analysis and literature comparison.
The first phase, research design, contains two steps.
First step is to review current literature to form a
research question. Second step on this phase, and
next two phases, data collection and data ordering,
are not relevant since we are using data already
available. This is explained later on this paper. Data
analysis phase is where the data is analysed using
different types of coding. When data analysis
reaches saturation point, which is the point where
the value of new data is minimal, theory building
process is considered to be completed. Last phase,
literature comparison, is to compare the emerged
theory to current theories and discuss about
similarities or differences.
Qualitative research approach was selected due
to explorative nature of the research problem.
Taxonomy is used to present the emerging theory as
it captures both the concepts and their relations to
each other.
Syynimaa N.
DOI: 10.5220/0003270303220328
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Semiotics is about information science. Eco (1976,
p. 7) defines semiotics as ”..concerned with
everything that can be taken as a sign”. In the
context of semiotics, a sign can be for instance a
word, a sentence, a picture, a blueprint, even a
gesture. Semiotics has been studied for a decades.
Populous semiotics framework from Stamper can be
seen in Figure 1. Many of today’s literature is based
on Stamper’s framework (Beynon-Davies, 2009;
Liu, Clarke, Andersen, & Stamper, 2001).
To better understand semiotics, let’s define some
key concepts seen in Figure 1. Pragmatics is about
the purpose of communication, in other words, why
we are communicating or what we are trying to
accomplish by communicating. Semantics is about
the meaning of messages or signs, in other words,
definitions about things. Syntactics is about the
structure of the messages or signs, such as a
grammar of a language. Empirics is about the
medium used for communication (Barron, Chiang,
& Storey, 1999; Beynon-Davies, 2009; Liu, 2000,
pp 26-35).
Figure 1: Adapted Stamper’s (1973) Semiotic ladder (cited
by Liu, 2000, p. 27).
Enterprise Architecture (EA) has multiple
definitions on current literature. The term Enterprise
Architecture consists of two distinct terms,
enterprise and architecture. In the context of EA,
enterprise is defined as a whole or part of an
organisation that has a common goal (TOGAF,
2009, p. 5). In this sense, enterprise can be anything
from a workgroup to a global corporation.
Architecture has also a number of definitions in the
context of EA.
John Zachman (1997) defines architecture as “..
that set of design artifacts, or descriptive
representations, that are relevant for describing an
object such that it can be produced to requirements
(quality) as well as maintained over the period of its
useful life (change)”.
ISO/IEC 42010: 2007 defines architecture as
‘‘The fundamental organization of a system,
embodied in its components, their relationships to
each other and the environment, and the principles
governing its design and evolution’’.
In TOGAF (TOGAF, 2009, p. 9), architecture
has two meanings depending upon the context (i)A
formal description of a system, or a detailed plan of
the system at component level to guide its
implementation” and (ii) “The structure of
components, their inter-relationships, and the
principles and guidelines governing their design and
evolution over time”.
Federal Chief Information Officer Council of
United States defines Enterprise Architecture as
(CIO Council, 2001, p. 5) “..a strategic information
asset base, which defines the mission, the
information necessary to perform the mission and
the technologies necessary to perform the mission,
and the transitional processes for implementing new
technologies in response to the changing mission
needs. An enterprise architecture includes a baseline
architecture, target architecture, and a sequencing
As a summary of previous definitions, taxonomy
of Enterprise Architecture by The Finnish Ministry
of Finance (ValtIT, 2007) can be seen in Figure 2.
Pulkkinen summarises EA (Pulkkinen, 2008, p.
46) as “The management of the ICT assets as
enterprise resources”, “Planning developments of
these assets and developments enabled with them,
like business models, services or processes”,
“Collaboration of different groups; first and
foremost the business and the ICT managers in the
enterprise”, “Managerial activity, meaning decision
making”, “Recording and describing the ICT
resources and evaluating them for the decisions to be
made”, “Scanning for new technology enablers as
part of the environment information the enterprise is
collecting for its strategic management”, “Planning
development steps both for the business and the
supporting ICT, according to the strategies of the
All of the previous definitions are similar to each
other in a sense that they are on high abstraction
level. Pulkkinen’s summary, however, introduces
some characteristics of EA that are more practical,
such as the management of ICT assets and scanning
of new technology assets. All definitions do share
two common concepts, (i) “evolution” – a managed
Figure 2: Taxonomy of Enterprise Architecture (ValtIT, 2007) (translated).
change over time, and (ii) formal description of an
organisation at a specific time.
Let’s examine EA from the semiotics point of
view using Stamper's semiotic ladder. The two
concepts found in the current EA literature defines
what EA is. Therefore we can say that we do know
EA's semantics. Moreover, current EA frameworks,
such as TOGAF, contains a set of EA deliverables
which are used as a common language to describe
EA of a given organisation from a given viewpoint.
Thus, we can say that current literature also contains
EA's syntactics. What is missing in the current
literature is a link to EA's pragmatics. As already
noted, it has been found that the support of top
management of an organisation is crucial to the
success of EA initiatives. It has also been found that
managers do not understand what EA is (Rafidah,
Dahalin, Dahari, Kamaruddin, & Abdullah, 2007).
Logical argumentation for the importance of
pragmatics is that if managers do not understand the
purpose of EA, they do not provide support for it. A
place to look for pragmatics of EA is the social
world of EA practitioners. There is some literature
that can be argued to state the purpose of EA (see for
example Pavlak, 2006; Sims, 2005). However, these
references are applicable in the social world of EA
practitioners and cannot be transferred to the social
world of managers as is. Thus, there is a need to find
out the purpose of EA on the conceptual level. This
is also the basis for our research question:
“How does Enterprise Architecture practitioners
perceive the purpose of Enterprise Architecture?”
Data used in this paper was collected from a
discussion group in, a social
network used by professionals in various fields. In
October 2009, a question was posted on a discussion
group called “The Enterprise Architecture
Network”. According to group’s profile (LinkedIn,
2010), it is for people into Enterprise Architecture.
The question posted was “Describe the purpose of
EA in one 160 character SMS message (including
spaces, punctuation and carriage returns)?” (Smith,
2009). The data used in this paper was collected
from those discussions between October and
December 2009. Only responses that were actual
answers to the announced question are included in
the data analysis, general comments and discussions
were discarded. There were 125 individual
contributors and 155 definitions or statements. Total
number of members in the discussion group is about
40,000 so respondents represents about 3 percent of
the total population of group members. The
discussion group was still active on 27th February
2010, while there were more than 1,200 responses.
Distribution of respondents’ roles can be seen in
Table 1.
Table 1: Respondents’ roles.
Role n %
IT expert, specialist or professional 3 2 %
EA, software or systems Architect or
75 60 %
IT manager, director, or executive 33 26 %
Other / unknown 14 11 %
Total 125 100 %
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Data analysis was broken down to three phases. In
the first phase, data was reviewed and some initial
notes on key concepts were made. On the second
phase, data was analysed in more detail. Each
response was analysed using microanalysis (Strauss
& Corbin, 1990, p. 57).
Responses included a number of statements of
the purpose of EA. For instance “To make
organizational change less time and money
consuming”, “The purpose of EA is to ensure
digitised organisations meet or exceed customer and
shareholder expectations”, and “To Align Business
and IT”. The first response indicates that the purpose
of EA is to decrease the amount of time and money
while conducting organisational change. Anything
that helps organisation to use less resources creates
value to the organisation. In this case, value is
created by making organisation more agile using
EA. Second response indicates that the purpose of
EA is to meet or exceed customer and shareholders
expectations. In other words, purpose is to meet
organisation’s stakeholders’ goals. Third response
states that EA’s purpose is to align business and IT.
By aligning IT and business, organisations tries to
create value. Value is not in this case necessarily
created by efficiency, but by agility, since after
alignment IT is more responsive to business changes
and vice versa.
It is noteworthy to mention that some responses
actually stated what EA is, not its purpose, this can
also be seen on findings. For instance, one of the
responses were “EA is optimal enterprise business
process, information and technology asset
management tuned to meet customer and
shareholder needs in relevant time frame”. This
implies that EA is a process that aims to fulfilment
of certain needs. Merriam-Webster’s dictionary
defines process as “a series of actions or operations
conducing to an end”. So process can be seen as an
endeavour that ends at some point. According to the
response, this point is when needs are fulfilled.
Another response was “EA is a business planning
method that ensures companies execute informed,
integrated (business and IT), strategically aligned
change programs”. This response has more
meanings than the first one. It implies that without
EA, change programs are not necessary strategically
aligned. Moreover, strategically aligned change
programs are somehow “good for the company”, or
in other words, they create value. Merriam-
Webster’s dictionary defines strategy as “a careful
plan or method: a clever stratagem” and as “the art
of devising or employing plans or stratagems toward
a goal”. Strategy is defined usually by
organisation’s management, owners, or other
stakeholders. Although these responses were
definitions of EA, they also revealed what its
purpose is.
Meeting goals
aims to
Creating value
which are
IT utilisation
by enabling
Strategic planning
Figure 3: Findings.
Findings from the second phase can be seen in
Figure 3. Data suggests that EA is seen as an
endeavour aiming to reach organisational goals set
by its stakeholders. Those goals are met by creating
value to organisation. EA is a tool or a method,
which produces a description of the enterprise.
On third phase, categories were formed based on
findings. By using axial coding some categories
were combined and irrelevant ones were discarded.
First version of emerging taxonomy can be seen in
Figure 4. As it can be seen, the main category is
Enterprise Architecture, and under that there are
four subcategories. First two categories, Meets
stakeholders’ goals and Creates value are categories
about the purpose of EA. Two remaining categories
are about the definition of EA, which are not the
focus of this paper. Therefore the main category was
renamed to Purpose of Enterprise Architecture and
Description of Enterprise and Method/tool
categories were removed. It is, however, noteworthy
that those categories have similarities with the
taxonomy in Figure 2.
Final emerging taxonomy of the purpose of the
Enterprise Architecture can be seen in Figure 5. The
purpose of EA is two folded. One purpose is to meet
goals of the organisation. These goals are set by
organisation’s stakeholders. Goals to be met are
profitability, competitiveness, growth and stability.
Another purpose is to create value to organisation.
Value is created by agility, strategic planning,
efficiency and innovation.
Figure 4: Initial emerging taxonomy.
Figure 5: Emerging taxonomy of purpose of Enterprise Architecture.
According to Sims (2005), EA’s purpose is to help
IT to achieve its goals. These goals are time to
market, responsiveness, agility, flexibility and
quality. Goals are met by designing environment
that reduces the effort required to implement
business applications. Sims’ EA’s purpose is in line
with the emerging taxonomy. According to him,
EA’s purpose is to achieve stakeholders’ goals. In
this case, stakeholder is IT department. Sims point
of view to EA is application development. His goals
actually refers to value that application development
should create. These values are also in line with the
emerging taxonomy. Responsiveness and flexibility
are characteristics of agility. Therefore these values
along with agility go under Agility category. As
quality can be understood as organisational
efficiency, it goes under Efficiency category.
According Pavlak (2006), purpose of EA is to
determine the relationship between business
processes and information systems. This aims for
business process automation. Business processes are
to execute business strategy, which is typically
defined by top management. Pavlak’s definition for
EA’s purpose fits perfectly to the emerging
taxonomy. EA’s purpose is to execute strategy (a
goal), which is defined by top management
(stakeholder). EA creates value by identifying
information systems that enables business processes
to be automated, or in other words, making them
more efficient.
According to TOGAF (2009, p. 6), the purpose
of EA is to optimise organisations processes so that
they are responsive to change and execute business
strategy. Furthermore, EA’s purpose is to achieve
competitive advantage. Those descriptions of EA’s
purpose are in line with the emerging taxonomy.
TOGAF’s EA's purpose is to optimise processes
(create value by making processes more efficient), to
execute business strategy (to meet goals) and to keep
organisation competitive.
Zachman’s (1997) framework has a motivation
column, that answers to a question why? In other
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
words, what is the purpose of the particular
architecture. Top rows of the framework contains
reasons like Major Business Goals, Critical Success
Factor, Business Objective and Business Strategy.
These all are goals, which in enterprise context are
usually for example profitability, competitiveness,
growth and stability. Therefore it can be argued that
Zachman's framework is in line with the emerging
Based on the emerging taxonomy, the purpose of
EA is (i) to meet goals of organisation’s
stakeholders, and (ii) to create value to organisation.
Thus, EA practitioners realises that technical
solutions are not the purpose of EA, but means for
fulfilling it. Moreover, as comparison of emerging
taxonomy to current literature indicated no
differences, EA practitioners can be argued to
perceive the purpose of EA correctly on conceptual
level. Therefore it can also be argued that the
emerging taxonomy presented in this paper can be
used as tool for explaining the purpose EA to
organisation’s top management.
A limitation of this study is that the data used in
analysis is not collected in controlled manner. In
their nature, discussion groups are open to everyone
to post responses. In this case, the discussion group
was focused entirely on EA. Although there are over
40,000 members in the group, it is not fair to argue
that members of the group represent the whole
population of EA practitioners. The data used in this
paper (n=125) is not collected using random
sampling. However, the saturation point in coding
was reached by data used, which indicates that the
data is reliable. As can be seen in Table 1,
respondents were professional practitioners of EA.
Moreover, emerging taxonomy is in line with the
current literature. Therefore it can be argued that the
data and results are valid.
Author would like to express his grateful thanks to
the author of the discussion group, Mr Kevin Smith,
for collecting and giving access to the data used in
this paper. Author also expresses thanks to
anonymous reviewers who helped to improve this
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ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations