Service-Oriented Architecture
for Household Energy Management
Marten van Sinderen
, Martijn Warnier
and Boris Shishkov
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
IICREST, 53 Iv. Susanin Str., Sofia, Bulgaria,
Abstract. Recent advances in pervasive computing foster automated systems to
support household energy management. Smart devices can be used to monitor
both the consumption of household appliances and the presence and activity of
people in the household. Based on monitoring results, intelligent feedback to
residents and intelligent control of appliances is possible. In this paper we
present a service-oriented architecture for household energy management in
order to cope with interoperability and flexibility issues that exist in the home
environment. We also propose a home service bus that realizes core properties
of the service-oriented architecture, and thus facilitates integration of existing
solutions and development of new applications.
Keywords. Household energy management, Energy consumption monitoring,
Context monitoring, Home service bus, Service-oriented architecture (SOA).
1 Introduction
Technological developments such as home networking, sensor networks and
pervasive computing [45, 57, 21, 44] have provided many possibilities to apply ICT
in the home environment to support needs and desires of the residents. In this paper
we focus on ICT support for household energy management, however we explicitly
consider extension of proposed solutions to other application areas.
This paper builds on the work presented in [48] and is a companion paper of [52].
In [48] the authors present a new approach for household energy management. The
approach consists of an explanation of how results from autonomic and context-aware
computing can be applied to contribute to the realization of certain defined objectives
for energy management. This leads to the identification of behavioral patterns and key
components, constituting a basic architecture for household energy management.
The energy management system has to base its management decisions on
information gathered from controlled appliances and from context sources. The
representation of this information as knowledge with which the system can adaptively
reason is outside the scope of [48] but is further explored in [52].
This paper extends [48] in yet another direction. It reconsiders the basic
architecture and extends this architecture based on requirements such as
van Sinderen M., Warnier M. and Shishkov B.
Service-Oriented Architecture for Household Energy Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0004465400510068
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Systems and Technology (I-WEST 2010), pages 51-68
ISBN: 978-989-8425-44-7
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interoperability and flexibility. The resulting architecture is service-oriented, and
features programmable process and decision services for monitoring and controlling
appliances. We claim that the architecture is generic enough to be specialized and
extended to support other home/household application areas such as home automation
and homecare. For this purpose we propose a home service bus as a common service-
oriented backbone.
The contribution of the paper lies in the exploration of service-oriented
architecture solutions for smart home applications in general and household energy
management in particular. We discuss several architectural patterns that exploit the
service-oriented paradigm and we show how heterogeneous technology solutions can
be integrated.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 present the
motivation for working on household energy management and presents related work.
Section 3 summarizes the basic system architecture introduced in [48]. Section 4
discusses a basic service-oriented architecture for household energy management
system. This architecture is derived from the basic system architecture, considering
interoperability and flexibility requirements. This section also briefly explores
possibilities to extend the architecture for multi-level energy management, which will
be relevant if household energy management systems are being federated. Section 5
considers high level goals that drive the decision-making behavior of the household
energy management system. Section 6 discusses the possibility of employing a home
service bus to realize key properties of the service-oriented architecture. Finally,
Section 7 presents our main conclusions and outlook.
2 Motivation and Related Work
The motivation to work on household energy management emerges from the general
concerns about environmental load of consumption, and resulting policies to achieve
energy preservation, i.e. using energy efficiently and reducing energy consumption
[24]. We briefly discuss efforts and methods to achieve energy preservation in the
home and then turn to technology-based solutions that can lead to energy efficient
smart homes.
2.1 Energy Conservation
Household energy use accounts for a significant portion of the total energy footprint
of OECD countries, and reducing the energy consumption and emissions from homes
and communities is therefore considered a cost effective way to contribute to a
sustainable society [16]. Three general routes have been identified for reducing
energy consumption in the residential sector [55]:
1. Promote low-energy buildings;
2. Promote energy-efficient domestic equipment;
3. Promote energy conscious behavior of end-users.
We still know little about the behavior of end-users: how they manage their energy
consumption, and how they can be motivated to change to a more energy conscious
behavior [7]. A review on the effectiveness of interventions showed that rewards are
most effective in achieving energy conservation, although the effect may be short-
lived, followed by frequent feedback [2]. A study on feedback revealed the key
features for being successful: feedback should be frequent, persistent and appliance-
specific, in addition to being presented in a clear and appealing way [23].
Encouraging energy conservation in the home is not easy, primarily because the
impact and amount of energy use are not readily apparent. The following measures
are considered in order to improve on this situation [5]:
Energy labeling: Providing energy labels for white goods and appliances is well-
established, and is an important point-of-sale source of consumer information on
comparative lifecycle energy use.
Immediate feedback: Energy monitoring using smart meters and advanced user
interfaces is an obvious point-of-use source of consumer information on daily energy
use. Some authors have claimed up to 20% reduction in total domestic energy use, the
precise amount depending on the content and method of the feedback [55, 11, 23].
Recent work [12] indicates that actual implementation of smart metering at the
household level is still in its infancy and hard evidence on what can be achieved by it
is scarce.
Carbon labeling: Instead of providing information on the lifecycle energy use of
equipment, it would be more appropriate to give information on the total embodied
energy and carbon content of a product. This so-called carbon labeling would entail
consideration of energy required and emissions induced for production, packaging,
transportation, storage as well as lifecycle use. Although attractive form an energy
conservation point of view, mandatory carbon labeling is probably hard to achieve
because of opposition from industry groups [5].
Household energy consumption varies dramatically with time of day and time of year
[55]. The electricity system would be able to maximize its efficiency if smoother or
more predictable electrical demand profiles are available. For this reason, interest
areas also include:
Energy use components and patterns: Domestic electricity use is dominated by
heating our house and our water [16]. A report of the US Department of Energy [19]
gave the following contributions to household energy use: appliances 30%, air
condition, heating and ventilation 31%, and water heating 9%. Components of energy
use may be roughly classified as predictable, moderately predictable and
unpredictable [55]. Furthermore, energy use patterns are different for different types
of equipment (e.g., for lighting, cooking, heating), and overall energy use patterns are
different for different household compositions (e.g., single, couple, family with
children) [30]. Despite these differences, clear peak times of energy use exist, which
place high demands on the energy grid. The possibilities to use or change energy use
patterns in order to smoothen energy use are limited. Most promising are multi-user
systems [30] which can rely on the more predictable behavior of a community,
compensate for irregular behavior of individuals, and time shift individual demands in
order to smoothen the overall consumption peaks of the community.
Green micro-generation: Domestic generation of energy with renewable sources,
such as sun, wind and thermal heat, has many advantages. Heat and electricity can be
produced locally, which may be used for immediate daily energy needs or locally
captured and used during (peak) energy demand periods. Alternatively, surplus power
from micro-generation may be sold to the local power company and injected in the
grid [15]. Use of fossil fuels for centralized energy production is thus decreased,
losses due to centralized production and transportation over the grid are reduced, and
strain on the energy grid during peak periods is lowered. Besides the environmental
benefits, consumers also have the financial gain of saving on energy costs or selling to
the power company. However, despite the potential benefits, there are still substantial
barriers to the large-scale use of micro-generation [4].
2.1 Pervasive Computing and Smart Homes
Household energy management has been addressed by several researchers in the
smart homes domain. The smart homes concept, also called home automation or
domotics, is about the integrated application of technologies that help to improve the
quality of life of the residents of the home [31, 40]. Energy management is just one of
the potential application areas of smart homes, next to controlling household
appliances and multi-media equipment, providing assistance to elderly and disabled,
and increasing safety and security. The technologies considered here have evolved
from advances in pervasive computing, also known as ubiquitous computing or
ambient intelligence [53, 44, 1]. Important topics in this domain, which also have high
relevance to household energy management, include:
Sensors and actuators: RFID and other pervasive technologies [21, 3] enabled the
development of miniature sensors and actuators with communication capabilities.
These devices can be embedded in our environment, and integrated in equipment,
daily objects, cloths or even our body. Thanks to their communication capabilities,
they can be identified, traced and sometimes remotely controlled using other
Context-awareness: Sensors that measure physical properties of an environment
can communicate sensor data across the home network. Based on aggregation of such
data and logical inference, so-called context information can be derived which is
relevant to end-user applications [13]. The latter may adapt their behavior to be more
efficient or effective, given the perceived or predicted context status of their
environment. In particular, applications can be more useful to end-users if provided
services can be personalized to the changing situation and corresponding needs of
individual users [39, 17]. Personalization can be in terms of functionality or content
provided by a service, or in terms of time, form or location of its delivery. Use of
automatically derived context information, instead of explicit user input, ensures that
the personalization is non-intrusive to the end-user. User patterns or habits may be
learned by analyzing historical context information obtained over longer time periods,
and matching real-time context information with these patterns allows pro-active
context-aware behavior [49].
Network infrastructure and interoperability: A smart home will comprise various
components, which may have been acquired at different times, supplied by different
vendors, and developed by different manufacturers. This potential heterogeneity of
components, combined with the diversity of physical media solutions for home
environments, poses a serious interconnection and interoperability problem [18, 28].
Most existing houses were built without communication infrastructure, so they have
to be retrofitted with new network technology. Powerline solutions and wireless
networks present retrofits which are easy to install, flexible and relatively cheap,
compared to dedicated wiring, although they are limited with respect to bandwidth
and reliability. On top of low-level protocols for network connectivity, several
protocols exist to communicate content and control devices. These protocols can be
grouped in application areas, such as entertainment, lightning, appliances, and climate
control, effectively forming different home networks [50]. In order to achieve
integration of these different home networks and associated applications, middleware
and service-oriented approaches have been proposed [50, 56].
Smart applications: The previous topics are all necessary to enable the raison d'être
of smart homes, namely to provide smart applications. Smart applications can
increase comfort, interest or fun for users, without requiring explicit management or
control from users. This means that a smart home system should be able to monitor
itself or its environment, interpret monitoring results with respect to user goals, and
decide on actions that would contribute to attaining the user goals. Several solutions
exist for learning, knowledge representation, knowledge reasoning, and decision
making, which have been applied in various smart applications, including inhabitant-
aware home automation [49, 8], load balancing on the electric grid [26], reactive and
proactive household energy control [34], and location aware resource management
Despite the considerable progress made in pervasive computing, smart home solutions
have not yet been massively deployed. Main reasons are complex installation and
interfaces paired with lack of interoperability [28]. Moreover, many proposed smart
home systems enable control over devices and artifacts, rather than promoting control
over the lives of people. The latter has been identified as a key factor of success [14].
Such control over lives may be used to pursue ‘calm living’, although [42] claims that
success of pervasive computing is more likely if it is used to engage people, to
provoke them to be creative and active.
An important trigger for starting a smart home revolution may come from
government policies to install smart energy meters into the home nationwide [16].
From this situation, energy conservation in the home and energy selling to the grid
may evolve as potential killer applications.
3 Basic System Architecture
Figure 1 illustrates the basic architecture for household energy management, as
introduced in [48]. It shows the controlled domain with household appliances which
are being monitored and/or which can be controlled concerning energy consumption.
For this purpose, each appliance is instrumented with sensors and/or actuators. The
controlled domain also contains context sensors embedded in the home environment.
One type of context sensors is used to measure physical properties of the environment
such as temperature, humidity and air quality. Another type of sensors can be used to
determine the presence, location, and activity of the residents, and be used in
combination with software applications such as an electronic agenda to provide
supplementary information for reasoning.
Apc mgr
Apc mgr
Apc mgr
Contr olled
domain (e.g.
Cx t mgr
Ctx mgr Ctx mgr
Context events
Fig. 1. Basic architecture for household energy management (adapted from [48]).
The monitored energy consumption of several appliances may be collected by an
appliance manager (Apc mgr in Fig. 1) in order to get useful insights and derive
consumption aggregates for certain categories of appliances. Multiple appliance
managers may be organized in a tree structure with a root/top appliance manager that
produces the right-level consumption information on basis of which control decisions
can be made. The coordination of tasks of appliance managers is called the
Appliances Management Process (AMP).
Similarly, raw context data of one or more context sensors may be collected by a
context manager (Cxt mgr in Fig. 1) in order to derive more reliable or higher-level
context information. Through a process of context reasoning involving one or more
context managers the right-level context information is derived which can be used for
taking control decisions. The coordination of tasks of context managers is called the
Context Management Process (CMP).
Both the results of the AMP and CMP are used to take control decisions. For
example, if the AMP indicates that the consumption is approaching a previously set
maximum level, certain appliances may be temporarily switched off. However, if the
CMP indicates that residents are in the house then no actions should be taken that
would go against a previously set comfort level. Control decisions are based on a set
of rules that aim at realizing end-user goals by proposing actions based on a view of
the currently evolving situation. End-user goals are for example reducing energy
consumption and maintaining a certain comfort level. The view of the situation is
based on information received from the AMP and CMP. Possibly also learned patterns
can be considered. If an evolving situation matches such a pattern, the actions defined
for that pattern will be proposed. Taking control decisions is the responsibility of a
component called Decision-maker. Another component, called Action-performer,
translates the proposed actions into operations to be performed on selected appliances.
For example, the Action-performer may send a request to the actuator of the freezer to
temporarily power down.
4 Basic Service-oriented Architecture
The basic architecture of the household energy management system identifies
components and their interconnection structure but it does not consider
interoperability and flexibility issues. One can expect that devices for monitoring and
control will be offered by many different vendors. These devices will have widely
varying capabilities and use different communication solutions, depending on the type
of appliance or environment in which they will be embedded. A similar reasoning
applies to software components, which may employ many different algorithms for
reasoning and decision making. Developing a dedicated interoperability solution for a
given set of heterogeneous components is hard, and most likely results in a system
with no or limited possibilities to change the interconnection structure, replace or add
components, and use components’ functions in various combinations and orders. The
latter may be an important drawback if the system is to be deployed in different types
of homes and households and has to be maintained under evolving user requirements
and technology developments.
We adopt a service-oriented architecture in order to cope with the problems of
heterogeneity and rigidity [20, 37]. This means, among others, that we assume that
components expose their functionality through service interfaces, and can be accessed
accordingly using applicable Web service standards [38]. Proprietary solutions should
then be wrapped such that functionality is appropriately translated between standard-
based public service interfaces and internal technology-specific interfaces.
4.1 Overview of Services
We initially identify the following services in our basic service-oriented architecture
for a household energy management system:
Consumption (Csn) sensor service: This is a service provided by a (wrapped)
sensor attached to or embedded in a household appliance for measuring energy
consumption. It supports either a notification or a request-response message
exchange. In the former case a notification is sent to interested clients at regular
intervals or in case of relevant events. The notification contains measurement values.
Relevant events may be raised on crossing consumption thresholds or starting/ending
thermostatically triggered activity cycles. The request-response message exchange is
initiated by interested clients, which send a request to the service and ask
measurement values to be returned in a response.
Power actuator (Pwr actr) service: This is a service provided by a (wrapped)
actuator attached to or embedded in a household appliance for power management.
This means that the actuator can be instructed to perform a power on/off operation or
switch to another power mode. The service supports a one-way message exchange
with which a client can invoke one of the defined operations on the service.
Context (Cxt) sensor service: This is a service provided by a (wrapped) sensor
embedded in the home environment for measuring a context attribute. It supports
either a notification or a request-response message exchange. In the former case a
notification is sent to interested clients at regular intervals or in case of relevant
events. The notification contains measurement values or a value identifying the event
type. Relevant events may be raised on crossing context attribute value thresholds
such as a critical temperature, or a step change in the context attribute value such as a
person entering a room. The request-response message exchange is initiated by
interested clients, which send a request to the service and ask measurement values or
event indications to be returned in a response.
Appliance Management Process (AMP) service: This service provides consumption
information to the CP service (see below). For this purpose it supports either a
notification or a request-response message exchange, to notify the AP service or to
respond to a request from the AP service, respectively. The consumption information
passed to the AP service has the right scope and content to take control decisions. The
AMP service is also a client of one or more Csn sensor services. Using the latter
services, it collects measurements values concerning energy consumption of
controlled appliances, which it uses to derive the higher-level consumption
information aggregates.
Context Management Process (CMP) service: This service provides context
information to the CP service (see below). For this purpose it supports either a
notification or a request-response message exchange, to notify the AP service or to
respond to a request from the AP service, respectively. The context information has
the right semantic level to take control actions. The CMP service is also a client of
one or more Cxt sensor services. Using the latter services, it collects measurement
values or event notifications concerning the context of the residents, which it uses to
derive the higher-level context information aggregates.
Control Process (CP) service: This service provides an interface to the end-users
for programming the household energy management system. Programming may
consist of specifying simple workflows or rules, or choosing between alternative pre-
defined workflows or rules and possibly supplying values for parameters. The CP
service is a client of both the AMP service and the CMP service, which provide the
necessary information to take control decisions. In addition, it is a client of one or
more Pwr actr services, which can be instructed to perform certain operations in
accordance to the decisions.
Fig. 2 illustrates the basic service-oriented architecture, using an ad-hoc notation to
distinguish between client ports (to invoke operations on an external service) and
service ports (to offer operations which can be invoked by external clients).
CP service
Csn sensor
Pwr actr
Cxt sensor
Fig. 2. Basic service-oriented architecture.
4.2 Service Granularity and Service Hierarchies
According to the basic system architecture described in the previous section, AMP,
CMP and CP are processes each involving (potentially) multiple components. This
brings us to the question whether we want to consider the services corresponding to
these processes as individual services or as composite services. Each ‘process’ service
may either be provided by an integrated implementation of the components identified
in the process or it may be provided by an orchestration of ‘component’ services. To
answer this question one has to consider what is the right granularity of services [27].
We foresee that in case the controlled domain is a single household, there is no
need to have the processes implemented as an orchestration of separate services
corresponding to the identified components. The reason for this is that the processes
are probably not physically distributed and there is no opportunity to reuse the
functionality of the components as services. On the other hand, in case the controlled
domain covers a larger geographical area such as an apartment building or a city
block, which contains a large number of controlled appliances, the use of composite
services might be a good idea.
Several alternatives exist to structure the household energy management system in
terms of services when we consider multiple levels or hierarchical domains of energy
management. The motivation for considering this is twofold. First of all, by having a
system that can coordinate individual household energy management systems, more
opportunities exist to avoid peaks and to balance demand and supply (in case of
micro-generation). This is particularly interesting to the local power company.
Secondly, by organizing households into a collective, leverage is created for
individual households to negotiate better prices.
We briefly explore two alternatives for coordinating individual household
management systems. These alternatives are not necessarily optimal or practical, but
illustrate the spectrum of possibilities for coordination. We defer a more thorough
treatment of this topic as future work. Let us assume we have two levels of energy
management, say an apartment level and an apartment building level. The first
alternative assigns to the highest level considerable responsibility and authority for
direct control based on the overall situation (see Fig. 3):
Each apartment has a single appliance manager and a single context manager,
which report to an appliance manager and a context manager at the apartment
building level, respectively. The top-level managers inform the CP at the apartment
building level. This CP has a decision-maker that analyzes consumption and context,
and makes decision proposals. The decision proposals are forwarded to the apartment
building’s action-performer, which propagates decision proposals in an appropriate
way to action-performers at the apartment level.
The second alternative assigns to the highest level no responsibility and authority for
direct control, but instead allows changing the policy for control based on the overall
situation (see Fig. 4):
Each apartment has its own AMP and CMP, which report to the apartment’s CP.
Each apartment’s CP makes its own analysis with the decision-maker and controls its
own appliances accordingly with the action-performer. However, each apartment’s
CP also forwards the notifications of the AMP and CMP (or less frequent summary
reports) to the CP at the apartment building level. The latter CP has another task and
structure than the CPs at the apartment level. It analyzes the consumption and context
information with the objective to decide whether criteria for decision rules at the
apartment level should be modified. If so, it informs selected CPs at the apartment
level of the new criteria.
Apt building level
Apt level
Apartment 1
Apartment 2
Fig. 3. Multi-level energy management – alternative 1.
The second alternative resembles a reflective architecture as has been proposed for
some middleware systems [9]. A reflective system offers a separation of concerns and
provides inspection and adaptation of its own behavior [32]. These properties would
facilitate dynamic adaptation [6] and self-healing [35], as is generally required in
wireless settings with mobile and context-aware applications.
Apartment 1
CP service
CP service
Apt building level
Apt level
Fig. 4. Multi-level energy management – alternative 2.
In our case of household energy management, two meta-levels of reflection can be
recognized: (i) at the first level, appliances are monitored, and decisions are made to
change the consumption behavior of appliances based on some management policy
model; and (ii) at the second level, households are monitored, and decisions are made
to change the energy management policy of households based on some performance
goal model. Fig.5 shows these levels. In this paper, we will not further explore the
exploitation of reflection for our service-oriented architecture, but leave this for future
Operation of household appliances Base level
Goals and c riteria
for policies
Policy for Energy
and comf ort
M eta -meta l evel
Meta level
Met a- meta
Fig. 5. Reflective levels in energy management.
5 Goal-driven Control Process
The control process that provides the CP service and comprises the Decision-maker
and Action-performer (see Fig. 2) is driven by end-user goals and realized by the
execution of a rule-based policy that fulfils these goals. The overall goal that we
project is a combination of energy and comfort conservation. Since the components in
this goal are to some extent conflicting, and their weights may be case-specific as well
as dependent on the stakeholders, balancing these components is very challenging.
We can distinguish between two stakeholder types: the resident or house owner,
typically the consumer of energy (if we disregard micro-generation), and the power
company, the main producer of energy. Their interests can be characterized as follows
(see for example also [54]):
Producer: (i) keep peaks below what can be supported, as power outages and
power quality fluctuations lead to consumer complaints; (ii) minimize overcapacity
and avoid large variations in time, as this would otherwise require expensive
dimensioning of the grid; and (iii) minimize supply and waste, for environmental
Consumer: (i) minimize local consumption, for economic and environmental
reasons; and (ii) optimize local comfort, for consumer-selfish reasons.
Underlying the rule-based policy is a knowledge representation that allows the
selection and evaluation of rules. We do not discuss here the requirements that hold
for this knowledge representation and how the knowledge base can be up to date. For
this the interested reader is referred to [52]. Instead, we end this section with some
(loosely formulated) examples of rules that could be used by a control process:
1. If a room is not used, then any device in the room from the list (light, heating, air
conditioning, entertainment equipment, etc.) can be switched off, unless somebody
has indicated that it should stay on.
2. During low consumption periods, battery-powered devices (such as electric cars,
household robots, battery-powered appliances and tools) can be charged as far as they
need charging.
3. During peak consumption periods, thermostatically controlled devices in the house
(such as room heating, air conditioning, refrigerator, freezer) can be operated in
interleave or low-power mode.
6 Home Service Bus
The service-oriented architecture depicted in Fig. 2 comprises a network component
that provides the connection infrastructure for the services. We assumed that this
component is capable of realizing the message exchange between service requestors
(clients) and service providers (services), using available network technologies.
However, we may attribute additional generic functionality to this infrastructure, thus
relieving individual service developers from the task of implementing such
functionality over and over again. This idea is similar to that of enterprise service bus
[33, 46], and we therefore call this infrastructure the home service bus. Presumably, a
home service bus will have similar functionality as an enterprise service bus, but
would favor different implementations because of the specific requirements of home
applications and the characteristics of home networks.
The home service bus plays a key role in realizing the service-oriented
architecture. First of all, it can provide the register-find-bind functionality which is
one of the central promises of service-oriented architecture [10, 20]. And secondly, it
can provide a virtual operational environment to service requestors. We will briefly
expand on these functions.
The home service bus manages a service directory which contains relevant
information on services. The information on a service is added to the directory if the
service is registered. This can be done automatically, when the service is deployed, or
after deployment when it is discovered by the bus. The information covers both
application aspects of the service as well as network aspects of the service endpoint.
A service requestor can find a service it is interested in by enquiring the directory.
The directory uses the application related information to match registered services
with capabilities required by the service requestor, and selects the best service from
the qualified ones by using run-time operational information. The service requestor
can then bind to the selected service using the network information on the service
Effectively, a service requestor can find and subsequently use a service without
needing to know the technical details of this service and that the service may be just
one of many qualified services. The set of qualified services represents the virtual
service in which the service requestor is interested. The home service bus hides
internal implementation details of the services, such as the used programming
language, runtime environment and hardware platform, but also allows the service
requestor to interact with the selected service without knowledge of the network
address or the communication protocol. Several kinds of virtualization or mediation
functions may be provided by the service bus in order to cope with the heterogeneity
of service implementations. For example, wrapping and transformation functions are
needed if peer components do not share a common communication protocol or
message format, as can be expected in the heterogeneous home environment. Some
services may reside on a home gateway or server system, where Web services for
communication (SOAP) and description (WSDL) can be supported. However,
resource-limited devices, such as sensors and actuators, have to use product type
specific industry standards. Therefore, the home service bus has to support such
standards, and internally apply proper interface wrapping and/or protocol translation
in order to make these devices appear as web-enabled devices to components that
natively support web services. Additional functions are also possible, including but
not limited to:
Routing: Messages may be routed to a particular system in case of error situations,
or to a preferred service or set of services based on workload or availability. For
example, service selection for the virtual service may be done on a per-request basis,
using request-time operational and possibly context information.
Publish/subscribe: Service requestors may subscribe to certain responses or events
with a single subscribe request to the service bus. The service bus then takes care of
notifying the requestor of responses or events according to the specification in the
subscribe request, until the subscription is withdrawn. For example, energy
consumption measurement values or events from consumption sensors can be
delivered this way to appliance management processes.
Booking: Service requestors may book certain services which are not immediately
available or not immediately needed. The service bus schedules provisioning of
booked services to requestors based on priorities or overall performance criteria. For
example, energy supply can be considered as a service and smart appliances may
request certain energy-hungry tasks to be performed, but leave the timing to the bus.
Fig. 6 shows the discussed functionality of the home service bus as infrastructure
Service bus
CP service
Fig. 6. Home service bus as mediator between services relevant for household energy
It is interesting to consider how the home service bus can be realized using various
existing industry standards, and what alternatives exist for connection infrastructures
that support service-oriented architecture. Relevant standards include Open Service
Gateway initiatibe (OSGi), European Installation Bus (EHS), Home Audio Video
interoperability (HAVi), Universal Plug and Play (UPnP), and Jini. In particular,
several projects have explored the use of OSGi in combination with other standards
for the smart home [50, 40, 56, 25].
Another interesting question concerns the right functionality of the home service
bus, considering the different application areas that exist for the smart home domain.
Many research projects have focused on the development of an network infrastructure
or middleware for the smart home with one specific application area in mind, such as
infotainment and home automation [41], elderly care and independent living [51, 36,
22], and energy management [29, 47]. This led to different proposed solutions.
However, it is unlikely that multiple home service buses will co-exist in the same
home. The problem is that some functionality may be generic in one application area,
but may not be used in another area. Another problem is that different application
areas will have their own industry specific standards. Finding a cost-effective
compromise on which functions to include and which standards to support is therefore
an important challenge
7 Conclusions
Household energy consumption accounts for a significant portion of most nations’
overall consumption. It is therefore worthwhile to investigate possibilities of reducing
energy consumption of households through effective energy management. To be
effective, household energy management systems should promote energy conscious
behavior of end-users. This is not easy to achieve, since we still know little about the
behavior of end-users. Some studies have shown that providing immediate feedback
to residents on consumption and related costs can have a positive impact on user
behavior and lead to considerable energy savings. Advances in pervasive computing
have enabled smart home applications, with energy management as one of the
targeted application areas. For example, this development led to affordable technical
solutions for providing immediate feedback through smart metering and advanced
user interfaces. Smart home applications for energy management can also be used to
automate part of the energy conscious behavior of people, namely by making such
applications responsible for realizing comfort and consumption (c.q. reduction)
targets that have been formulated by the residents.
Automated systems to support household energy management consist of
heterogeneous components, are based on various industry standards, and are subject
to evolving user requirements and technology developments. We claim that adoption
of a service-oriented architecture for household energy management systems is
particularly useful to cope with interoperability and flexibility issues. We illustrate the
service-oriented approach for a system that is able to monitor both the consumption of
household appliances and the presence and activity of residents, and that accordingly
takes 'smart' decisions on when and where to intervene in the consumption of
appliances. We further discuss the role of a home service bus to realize some of the
key properties of a service-oriented architecture.
Several challenges and topics for future work have been identified. One major
challenge is the federation of multiple household energy management systems in
order to exploit economies of scale. The federated system would have two or more
hierarchical levels of management, and it is as yet unclear which architecture would
best support multi-home energy conservation opportunities while sufficiently
ensuring autonomy of individual households. We also like to extend our household
energy management system with micro-generation. Especially, it is interesting to
consider the possibility of dynamically matching demand and supply of energy in
combination with buying energy from and selling energy to the electricity grid.
Another major challenge is finding an acceptable architecture and technical
configuration of the home service bus such that it can act as the service-oriented
backbone for all application areas in the smart home.
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