A Multimedia Database Server for Content-Based
Retrieval and Image Mining
Cosmin Stoica Spahiu, Liana Stanescu and Dumitru Dan Burdescu
University of Craiova, Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, Craiova, Romania
Abstract. This article presents a possible extension of a software tool
implemented in C++ that manages multimedia data collections from medical
domain. An element of originality for this database management system is that
it includes a series of algorithms used for extracting visual information from
images (texture and color characteristics) along with classical operations needed
for databases servers. It is also presented a data mining algorithm adapted to the
database system that will be included in a future version.
1 Introduction
The images are an important class of multimedia data. The WWW is one of the
biggest multimedia repositories, including text data, images, video and audio data.
Most of the data type exchanged in real world is images. Although there have been
made efforts for developing search engines, content-based retrieval is rarely
The raw data is not always useful. The real advantage is when data mining
techniques can be applied and obtained knowledge. That is why first step is to adapt
the techniques used for images processing.
In order to make the mining technology to be successful, it should be developed
for other types of data, especially for images. The image mining should consider
automatic classification, knowledge extraction, connections between images and other
new patterns. The extension of the data mining in the imagistic field is a natural
extension. It is an interdisciplinary domain that includes artificial vision, patterns
recognition, data mining, automatic learning, databases and artificial intelligence.
More than that, image mining must consider spatial information. The same pattern
might have several interpretations. That is why the mining algorithms for images are
different than the classical ones. An image pattern must be represented in a suggestive
form to the users using some characteristics of images. The information can be
presented at different levels of details: pixel, object, semantic concept, or pattern.
Most of the data mining activities have been made based on the similarity analysis
between a query image and the images from database. There are two categories of
image retrieval techniques: systems that use a text descriptor of the image and
systems that use visual content.
In the first category the images are described based of a text defined by the user.
They are indexed and retrieved based on basic descriptors such as: image size tags,
image type, acquisition date, owner id, keywords, etc. The types of queries that can be
Spahiu C., Stanescu L. and Burdescu D.
A Multimedia Database Server for Content-Based Retrieval and Image Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0004466001410148
In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Enterprise Systems and Technology (I-WEST 2010), pages 141-148
ISBN: 978-989-8425-44-7
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
executed are: find images from database that match the following criteria: date of
capture (before 2010), size > 150 KB, and tag “clouds”.
The text descriptors are usually added by a human operator since the automatic
generation is hard to be done without incorporating visual information. It is a process
that is hard to be applied nowadays since the volume of information is high. More
than that, these descriptors are subjective and depend on the users’ perspectives.
When using the second category, the queries that can be executed follow the next
pattern: “find all the images that are most similar with the query image”.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents content-based retrieval
systems. Section 3 presents an overview of the server, Section 4 presents the image
data mining functionality and Section 5 presents the conclusions.
2 Content-based Retrieval
The Most important aspect in content based retrieval is to find a method to measure
the similitude of the images. The properties needed for methods used to compute the
similitude, are:
- Easy computing
- Correspondence with human reasoning
There are two ways to implement content based retrieval: content-based retrieval for
k-nearest vicinity (retrieves the most k similar images) and domain query (retrieves
all the images that have the similarity between specified ranges). In order to make fast
comparisons of the images, the system has to process off-line the images and to
extract and store the characteristics of the image. For example, the color histograms
describe the colors distribution and they are extracted before executing any content
based query.
The dissimilitude of two images must be a metric that generate small values for
similar images and large value for images that have only few in common. The
performance of such a system is limited by the quality of the images characteristics
The architecture of a content based retrieval system is presented in Figure 1.
a) The content-based region query: this type of query compares the image based on
their color regions. In the first step of the query, the images’ regions are being queried
instead of whole images. The total similitude of two images is computed based of the
distances computed for each region in part.
The content-based retrieval can be improved in quality by adding spatial information
to the query. In this case it is considered both the similitude distances of the
characteristics (texture, color) and the spatial values of the regions.
b) Spatial query of the images. In the last years there have been developed techniques
for spatial indexing that permits to retrieve objects based on the objects positioning.
These researches compare images where there have been already defined regions or
objects, as in Figure 2 [7].
Fig. 1. Architecture of the Content-based retrieval system.
a) Query imag b) A possible relative mach c) An absolute match
Fig. 2. Spatial query of the images.
In order to extract the color regions of the images there have been implemented
the Apriori algorithm proposed by Smith and Chang. For each color region that have
been detected it should be stored the following information:
Image id
Region id
Color set of the image
Coordinates of the regions
All these information will be used in the content-based image query process.
The spatial information is represented by the minimum rectangle that bounds the
The characteristics that have been used in the proposed system are: color
histogram and texture (extracted using the Gabor method) [9][10].
The similitude between images is computed using histogram intersection and
quadratic distance.
3 MMDBMS Overview
The MMDBMS that have been implemented allows database creation, table and
constraints adding (primary key, foreign keys), inserting images and alphanumerical
information, simple text based query and content-based query using color and texture
characteristics. The software tool is easy to be used because it respects the SQL
standard. It does not need advanced informatics knowledge and has the advantage of
low cost. It is a good alternative for a classical database management system (MS
Access, MS SQL Server, Oracle10g Server and Intermedia), which would need higher
costs for database server and for designing applications for content-based retrieval.
Figure 3 presents the general architecture of the MMDBMS [1][2][3].
In the first step any application that uses the server must connect to the database.
This way it will be created a communication channel between them. All commands
and responses will use this channel to send queries requests and receive answers.
The server has two main modules: kernel engine and database files manager.
The kernel engine includes all functions implemented in the server. It is composed
from several sub-modules each of them with specific tasks[1][2]:
The Main Module. It is the module, which manages all communications with the
client. It is the one that receives all queries requests, check what is the type of query
requested, extracts the parameters of the query and calls the specific module to
execute it.
Queries Response Module. After the query is executed, the results will be sent to the
Queries Response Module. It will compact the result using a standard format and then
return it to the client. The client will receive it on the same communication channel
used to send the request.
Select Processing Module. If the main module concludes that is a SELECT SQL
command, it will call the Select Processing module. This module extracts the
parameters from the query and then search in the database files for specific
information. If the query is a SELECT IMAGE query, it will use for comparison the
similitude of characteristics instead equality of parameters.
Characteristics Extraction Module. When the main module receives a SELECT
IMAGE or a UPDATE query which uses an image that is not already in the database
it is needed first to process it.
This module is called to extract the color and texture characteristics of the image. The
data of the results will be used to initialize a variable of IMAGE data type.
Update Processing Module. When the query received from the user is an UPDATE
command, it will be called to execute it.
Delete Processing Module. It is called when the user executes a DELETE command.
The kernel executes only logic deletes. It never executes physical deletes. The
physical deletes are executed only when a “Compact Database” command is sent by
the user.
The second main module is the Database Files Manager. It is the only module that has
access for reads and writes to the files in the database. It is his job to search for
information in the files, to read and write into files and to manage locks over
databases. When a client module request a read form a file it is enabled a read lock for
the specific file (that represents a table in the database). All other read requests will be
permitted but no writes will be allowed. If the client module request a write to file, it
will be enabled a write lock. No other requests will be allowed until the lock is
Fig. 3 General architecture of the system.
4 Image Data Mining
The information in raw form is not always useful. The real benefit comes when
“interesting” patterns can be obtained based on the association rules. An association
rule tells us about connections between two or several objects. It is a rule of type A
=> B, where A and B are objects satisfying the condition A B = Φ.
In order to find specific combinations for objects that appear together in different
associations we have studied the Apriori algorithm. It will be implemented in a future
version of the system.
This algorithm will select the most “interesting” rule, based on two parameters
called support and confidence. The rule A=> B shows that anytime A appears in a
transaction, it is very possible to appear B also.
The support parameter shows the statistic meaning of a rule:
The confidence
arameter shows the stren
th of a rule:
The rule probability confidence is defined as conditional probability:
p(B T | A T).
The association rule can be also between two or several objects (A,B => C) where A,
B, C U.
The association rule is stronger as the confidence parameter is higher. This last
parameter specifies the minimum support for frequent objects. All the subsets of
frequent objects are also frequent. An object can be frequent only if it is found to be
frequent in one of the algorithm’s steps.
The Apriori algorithm is presented next.
This algorithm will be implemented in order to find different patterns used for
automate classification of the images, based on the diagnosis. The system will be able
to find which part of the extracted features is characteristic for each disease. It will
also be able to say for example which characteristics are connected (used in early
diagnosis for some diaseases).
Because the data volume is higher and higher in the last years it is important to
find efficient algorithms for data mining. The presented algorithm scans the data for
few times depending to the biggest most frequent object. New enhancements can be
added by reducing the number of database parsing and the number of candidates that
were generated.
The version of Apriori algorithm that is based on partitions needs only two parsing
of the database. The database is divided in disjoint partitions, each of them small
enough to fit the memory.
During the first scan, the algorithm reads each partition and finds the most
frequent local objects. During the second parsing the algorithm computes the support
for each frequent local object, from the entire database. If one object is frequent in the
database it must be frequent at least in one of the partitions. That is why to the second
partition there are found the supersets with all the potential frequent sets of objects.
5 Conclusions
The paper presents a possible extension of a software tool implemented in C++ that
manages multimedia data collections from medical domain. An element of originality
for this database management system is that along with classical operations for
databases, it includes a series of algorithms used for extracting visual information
from images (texture and color characteristics). It is also presented a data mining
algorithm adapted to the database system that will be included in a future version.
It is created for managing and querying medium sized personal digital collections
that contain both alphanumerical information and digital images (for examples the
ones used in private medical consulting rooms). The software tool allows creating and
deleting databases, creating and deleting tables in databases, updating data in tables
and querying. The user can use several types of data as integer, char, double and
image. There are also implemented the two constraints used in relational model:
primary key and referential integrity.
The advantages of using this intelligent content-based query visual interface are
that the specialist can see images from the medical database that are similar with the
query image taking into consideration the color and texture characteristics. In this way
the specialist can establish a correct medical diagnosis based on imagistic
investigation frequently used nowadays.
The system will include a data mining module that will be used for automate
classification of images and finding “interesting” patterns between characteristics of
the images.
This software can be extended in the following directions:
Adding new types of traditional and multimedia data types (for example video
type or DICOM type - because the main area where this multimedia DBMS is
used it is the medical domain and the DICOM type of data is for storing
alphanumerical information and images existing in a standard DICOM file
provided by a medical device)
Studying and implementing new algorithms for data mining that performs
faster on large image collections.
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