Figure 5: ISMP retrieval in the Test set . Original OB
image (left) and retrieved image (right) only histological
images were retrieved.
The rate of adequate image retrieval from
normal, benign and hyperplasic images using the
threshold values indicated in the Section 3.1.5 was
The use of solo-medicine (Ferrer-Roca and
Marcano, 2009) will be a common practice in a near
future, and there-fore professional will require
support by any media, including mobile phone. Two
are the characteristics of this support: 1) is going to
be on line (books will be soon obsolete) and 2) it
will be required during patient interventions,
therefore the possibility to get access to mobile
phones is of paramount importance. The latter is
even more relevant considering that the majority of
this solo-medicine will be carried out in remote,
isolated or developing countries where satellite
mobile phones will be, probably, the only available
The solution brought in this paper merge the
standardization process of mass-used multimedia
standards with the medical image standardization
process, and built a ISMP (Image solo medicine
paradigm) architecture, that in the present paper was
applied to colon OBs (Optical Biopsies).
One of the main functionalities of the ISMP
system architecture is the ability to combine
conventional search criteria (keywords, metadata
ranges) with the direct usage of an example image
(query-by-example paradigm) to retrieve similar
precedent cases. In the data retrieve DR-like
conditions, the MPQF standard acts as a
conventional Boolean-based filtering language,
while with respect to (Information retrieve) IR-like
conditions MPQF acts preserving scores as a fuzzy-
logic system. The standard specifies the behaviour
of the provided Boolean operators in presence of
non-Boolean values.
The result showed that automatic feature-
extraction by image analysis on Black & White
images coming from the CLE, as well as colour
images from surgical specimens, reached the 90%
congruency. Thus indicating that the image-query
solution proposed in the ISMP architecture is an
adequate one to give professional support in
medicine at least in the normal and benign cases.
Nevertheless we have to test the borderline and
malignant ones to detect the sensitivity and
specificity of the proposed solution.
This work has been partly supported by the Spanish
government (TEC2008-06692-C02-01) and the
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HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics