visible, can be conceived as Fuzzy sets, having
Gaussian shape: one centred at 437 nm, the other
centred at 533 nm and the third centred at 564 nm.
When a radiation, having wavelengths included in
the visible, hits the retina of our eyes, it activates the
three cones in a specific proportion, i.e. it will have
specific values of membership functions in three
Fuzzy sets. Each combination for the values of three
membership functions will be transduced into the
perception of a specific colour inside our brain.
Computers of the future will probably consist of
molecular processors. Atoms and molecules process
quantum logic. However, the insidious actions of the
environment trigger detrimental decoherent effects
on the qubits. If decoherent phenomena acting on the
qubits are unavoidable, it is still possible to compute
with molecules by abandoning the lure of quantum
logic and processing classical logic. When
computations are carried out by single molecules,
only Boolean logic gates can be implemented. When
computations are performed through a huge
collection of molecules, both Boolean and Fuzzy
logic can be processed. If the input-output relations
are abrupt and they have sigmoidal shape, they are
suited to implement binary logic gates. If, on the
other hand, the output varies smoothly with the
inputs, their relation become suited to implement
Fuzzy inference engines. Photo-responses of
molecules such as 6(5H)-Phenanthridinone and
tryptophan can be used to realize Fuzzy Logic
Systems wherein the multiple antecedents are
connected through the AND operator. New chemical
systems have to be found to process complete Fuzzy
Inference engines. They will be implemented by
following either the strategy of the “interfacial
hardware” or that of “wetware”. The possibility of
processing Fuzzy logic at the molecular level will
allow high quotients to be within reach of the
Artificial Intelligence.
This research was funded by the Ministero per
l’Università e la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
(Rome, Italy) and the University of Perugia
(PRIN2008, 20088NTBKR).
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence