Section 7 contains a graphical visualization of the
results of this experiment; the last 8
section is a
generalization of the results of this project also
discussing certain directions for future development.
The software agents that know the interests, habits
and priorities of the user will be able to actively
assist him with work and information and,
personalizing themselves, to take part in the
activities in his leisure time (Picard, R. S, 1998).
Users trust virtual fitness-instructors (Zsófia
Ruttkay et. al., 2006) to recover from traumas or just
to do some exercise, listen to virtual reporters
(Michael Nischt et. al., 2006) and rely on IVA
teachers (Jean-Paul Sansonnet et. al. 2006) to clarify
difficult parts from the school subjects. Some users
prefer medical assistants – IVA – to explain the
results from their patients' medical checks (T. W.
Bickmore et. al.) etc.
The more serious the role of the agent in the
application and the more useful for the user it is, the
better it is perceived. (D.Budakova et. al., 2010).
Many researchers model IVA behaviour aiming
at establishing a trust-based relationship between the
user and the IVA (Celso M. de Melo et. al. 2009,
Jonathan Gratch et. al 2007, Timothy W. Bickmore
et. al.2007, Radoslaw Niewiadomski et. al. 2008).
Thus IVA-s are modelled, having capabilities to
express so called moral emotions (pity, gladness,
sympathy, remorse) (Celso M. de Melo 2009), and
the way in which the frequency and the moment of
sending a positive feedback from the user to the IVA
(Jonathan Gratch et. al.2007), influence the trust
between them, is investigated. Agent's behaviour is
modelled so that it follows the user's behaviour
(Jonathan Gratch et. al.2007).
A hypothesis has been derived (Budakova D. et.
al., 2010), that agents with subjective behaviour
could be well accepted among users, if this
behaviour is a well grounded and fair subjective
behaviour. Only in this case it will lead to users’
reactions like sharpening their attention, increasing
their trust in the agent and more natural perception
of the IVA. An option for the user to try to meet the
requirements of the IVA and gain its approval exists
as well.
It is assumed that an intelligent virtual agent
(IVA), capable of detecting a critical situation, of
analyzing it and choosing the best possible option to
take care of all individuals concerned, would easily
gain trust. Such a behavioural model is presented in
this paper with the help of the PRE-ThINK
The IVA presented in this paper is supposed to
take care both of the desired and of health-related
features of the environment in a family house. These
two goals could be in conflict if a family member
sets environment features which are not healthy.
This evokes mixed, conflicting and social thoughts
as well as emotions in the agent. It has to choose
whether and until when to continue maintaining the
pre-set features or to change them into more
appropriate ones.
An IVA is not only able to follow the user’s
behaviour and desire but after preliminary
consideration (PRE-ThINK) it can also choose the
best possible action. The purpose of the agent is to
possibly take the best care of the family and the
inhabitants of the house even if the undertaken
action does not precisely correspond to their will. It
is assumed that such a type of subjective behaviour
would help in establishing trust between the IVA
and the family members.
In order for the principles of intelligent behaviour to
be shown and examined, there have been a number
of models, introduced recently, that include virtual
world and emotional software agents, inhabiting it
(Franklin, S. 2000, Wright, I. P., Sloman, A., 1996,
Reilly, W. S., 1996, D. Budakova, L. Dakovski,
2005). In a number of models there has been shown
how emotions are used as primary reasons and
means of learning (Gadanho S. C., 2003). In others,
the emotions are defined as an evaluating system
that works automatically on perceptive and cognitive
level through measuring importance and usefulness
(McCauley L., Franklin Stan, 1998).
In the architectures of intelligent agents with
clearly expressed emotional element, the
components are grouped as follows: behavioral
system, motive system, inner stimuli, generator of
emotions (Velásquez, J. D. 1997); meta-
management subsystem, consultative subsystem,
subsystem action (Wright, I. P., Sloman, A., 1996);
synthesis of phrases in natural language,
understanding phrases in natural language,
sensations and conceptions, inductive conclusions,
memory, emotions, social behavior and knowledge,
physical state and face expression, generator of
actions (Reilly,W.S., 1996).
The cognitive cycle of IDA architecture
(Franklin, S., 2000, 2001, 2004) comprises nine
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence