A Data Mining Classification Study in the Vegetative
and Minimaly Conscious States
A. Candelieri
S. Anna Institute and RAN - Research in Advanced Neurorehabilitation, Crotone, Italy
Laboratory of Decision Engineering for Healthcare Delivery, Department of Electronics Informatics and Systems
University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy
F. Riganello, D. Cortese
S. Anna Institute and RAN - Research in Advanced Neurorehabilitation, Crotone, Italy
W. G. Sannita
Department of Neuroscience, Ophthalmology and Genetics, University of Genova, Genova, Italy
Department of Psychiatry, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY, USA
Keywords: Vegetative State, Minimally Conscious State, Eye-tracking, Data Mining.
Abstract: Eye-tracking is defined as the “pursuit eye movement or sustained fixation that occurs in direct response to
moving or salient stimuli”; it is a key descriptor of the evolution from the vegetative (VS) to the minimally
conscious (MCS) state and predicts better outcome. In this study, several physiological parameters (such as
heart beat, Galvanic Skin Response [GSR], Blood Volume Pulse [BVP], respiratory rate and amplitude)
were recorded while a medical examiner searched for eye-tracking by slowly moving a visual stimulus
horizontally and vertically in front of the subject. Seven patients in VS and 8 in MCS were studied. The
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was analyzed to obtain time and frequency descriptors. Different
classification methods were adopted to search for a plausible relationship between the subject psycho-
physiological state and observable eye-tracking to stimuli. The performance of different classifiers was
computed as Balanced Classification Accuracy (BCA) and evaluated through suitable validation technique.
A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier provided the most reliable relationship: BCA mean was about
84% on fold cross validation and about 75% on an independent test set of 6 patients (3 VS and 3 MCS).
Eye-tracking, the pursuit eye movement or sustained
fixation that occurs in direct response to moving or
salient stimuli (Vanhaudenhuyse, Schnakers, Brédart
and Laureys, 2008), it is usually observed in 20%
and 82% of subjects in the vegetative (VS) and
minimal conscious (MCS) states, respectively
(Giacino, Zasler, Katz, Kelly, Rosenberg, and Filley,
1997; Royal College of Physicians, 1996;
Schnakers, Vanhaudenhuyse, Giacino, Boly,
Majerus, Moonen and Laureys, 2009).). It is a key
descriptor of the evolution from VS to MCS.
We retrospectively observed eye-tracking in 73%
of 395 patients in a vegetative state, referred to the
S. Anna - RAN Institute from intensive care,
neurological or neurosurgery units in the years 1998-
2008. These 395 patients could be clustered by
etiology of brain damage in 3 different groups:
posttraumatic (n=248), vascular (n=119) or anoxic-
hypoxic (n=28). Eye-tracking was already observed
within 50 days from brain injury in about 50% of
posttraumatic and vascular subjects and in 20% of
anoxic-hypozxic patients. After 230 days, eye-
tracking had re-appeared in about 90% of
posttraumatic and vascular subjects and in 67% of
anoxic patients. Subjects with early recovered eye-
tracking had a better outcome at discharge or at the
Candelieri A., Riganello F., Cortese D. and G. Sannita W..
FUNCTIONAL STATUS AND THE EYE-TRACKING RESPONSE - A Data Mining Classification Study in the Vegetative and Minimaly Conscious States.
DOI: 10.5220/0003128201380141
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 138-141
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
end of follow-up (Spearman nonlinear correlation
coefficient=-0.365, p-value<0.001). In this respect,
eye-tracking proved an efficient predictor of
outcome also in a study assessing at regular time
intervals the presence/absence of 21 neurological
signs. A data mining decision tree model identified
eye-tracking as the best predictor of favorable
outcome in the vegetative state (Dolce, Quintieri,
Serra, Lagani and Pignolo, 2008; Pignolo, Riganello,
Candelieri and Lagani, 2009).
We also searched for eye-tracking at different
times over the day (3 observations in the morning
and 3 in the afternoon) in subjects in VS (n=9) or
MCS (n=13). Eye-tracking was observed at any time
during the day in 62% of MCS subjects, and never in
67% of VS patients. About 33% of subjects in VS
presented eye-tracking at least once in the day, while
38% of subjects in MCS never showed it. These
percentages are consistent with the reported rate of
misdiagnosis between VS and MCS and suggest that
eye-tracking may depend on the subject’s psycho-
physiological condition to occur (submitted).
We decided to test the relationship between eye-
tracking and the physiological condition as
characterized by Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
analyses. HRV is an emerging objective measure of
the continuous interplay between sympathetic and
parasympathetic subsystems (Task Force of
European Society of Cardiology and North
American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology
of Circulation, 1996) and provides information on
complex brain activation as well (Dolce, Riganello,
Quintieri, Candelieri and Conforti, 2008; Riganello,
Quintieri, Candelieri, Conforti and Dolce, 2008;
Appealhans and Luecken, 2006, Friedman, (2007)
Kreibig, 2010). In previous studies on controls, brain
injured conscious patients and subjects in a
vegetative state we obtained evidence f a correlation
between the response to external stimuli and HRV
(mainly expressed by the normalized low-frequency
[0.04-0.15 Hz] band power descriptor nuLF)
(Riganello, Pignolo, Lagani and Candelieri, 2009;
Riganello and Candelieri, 2010; Riganello,
Candelieri, Quintieri, Conforti and Dolce, 2010).
In this respect, our working hypothesis is that a
subject’s physiological status can be (partially)
described by the HRV parameters and that a
consistent response, in our case an eye-tracking, may
depend on its variations.
Eye-tracking was searched for in 9 and 13 patients in
VS and MCS, respectively. Three different visual
stimuli, namely a mirror, a green light and a bright
red ball were used. The test was repeated several
times for each subject in the absence of indications
of sleepiness, stress, pain or discomfort. During this
procedures, several physiological parameters were
recorded (Nexus-10 device, Mind Media BW,
Roermond-Herten, NL): Galvanic Skin Response
(GSR), respiratory rate and amplitude, heart rate,
coherence between the heart and respiratory rates,
blood volume pulse (BVP), and the heart rate
variability normalized band power and peak
frequency in the low frequency interval (nuLF and
peakLF). A dataset including 220 test conditions
(also including the stimulus used to elicit an eye-
tracking response and clinical condition [VS or
MCS]) was built for the data mining classification
Data Mining classification approaches were to
identify the fuctional condition that best correlated
with the observation of eye-tracking. The established
updated data mining techniques provided by WEKA
(Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis)
open-source software were used in the classification
task (Witten and Eibe, 2005). Decision Trees, Rule-
based Learning algorithm (OneR, Ridor and JRip)
and Support Vector Machines (SVM) were used.
A Chi-Squared Feature Selection method was
used to rank the study variables based on their
correlation with the class value (presence and
absence of eye-tracking). Such an approach usually
improves the classifiers performance and should
provide medical experts with information on the
physiological parameters facilitating eye-tracking.
The classifiers’ reliability was evaluated by the
Balanced Classification Accuracy (BCA) computed
as the mean of correct classifications among classes.
In addition, all instances related to a single patient
were entered into a separate fold; the training was
performed on all remaining folds and the extracted
model was tested on the fold left apart. Such a cross
validation procedure (repeated for each patient and
comparable to the leave-one-out validation) avoids
over-fitting, dependency by the patient related
information, circularity in the analysis (double
dipping) (Kriegeskorte, Simmons, Bellgowan and
Baker, 2009), and estimates the reliability of the
extracted criteria.
The Chi-Squared feature selection separately
performed on each fold and the anaysis of the
Vegetative and Minimaly Conscious States
resulting ranked list selected three parameters best
correlating with eye tracking: nuLF, peakLF and
clinical condition (Table 1).
Table 1: First, second and third ranked features on 15
folds (each fold consists in several observations of a single
Chi-Squared-based Features Ranking
First Second Third
Fold 1 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 2 condition nuLF peakLF
Fold 3 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 4 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 5 stimulus condition Resp.Rate
Fold 6 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 7 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 8 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 9 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 10 stimulus condition Resp.Rate
Fold 11 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 12 nuLF peakLF BVP
Fold 13 condition nuLF peakLF
Fold 14 nuLF peakLF condition
Fold 15 nuLF peakLF condition
nuLF ranked as the best correlating parameter,
peakLF ranked second and clinical condition third.
No consistent trend of correlation was observed for
other parameters.
In a first classification task, J48, Ridor, JRip,
OneR and SVM were used to define a reliable
classification model explaining the relationship
between the three variables and eye-tracking. The
best model was provided by OneR algorithm (with
bucket size=3) which only used nuLF value to
predict eye-tracking. This decision model provided
BCA=81.80% averaged on the 15 folds (standard
deviation=14.92%) and BCA=82.66% on overall
validation phase.
All the other classification algorithms presented
averaged BCA lower than 80%.
Consistent with the study purpose, etiology was
excluded and analysis focused on nuLF and peakLF.
The operation did not change the OneR’s
performance, but increased BCA for most of the
other approaches (between 0.02% and 1.34% for
J48, JRip and Ridor), in particular for SVM (with
radial basis function kernel and gamma=25) which
resulted the most reliable model of the entire
analysis, with overall BCA=85% and BCA=84.10%
averaged on folds (standard deviation=16.56%).
When only 2 parameters (nuLF and peakLF)
were used, the non-linear relationship learned
through SVM (figure 1) proved able to convey new
information of possible medical use.
The actual reliability of the learned criterion was
estimated by applying without any retraining the
SVM model to a dataset from 6 patients (3 in VS
Figure 1: Presence (green) or absence (red) of eye tracking
(green for present and red for absent) against decision
function predictions (white regions as high probability for
eye tracking, black regions as high probability for no eye
and 3 in MCS, 167 and 216 eye-tracking
observations respectively). The assessment
performed by the model based on the physiological
parameters value was compared to that by a medical
examiner with no information on the subject’s
physiological parameters. The model proved
reliable, with an overall BCA of 74.92%, (84.54%
and 73.45% for VS and MCS, respectively). The
worse performance on MCS subjects depends on a
lower sensitivity, due to eye-tracking detected by the
medical examiner when the decision model
indicated a non-optimal status. This kind of error
suggests that patients in MCS may be able to
provide eye-tracking even if their physiological
condition is evaluated as border-line by the SVM-
based criterion. A plausible reason may concern a
recovery of more complex consciousness patters
requiring less strong constraints on physiological
condition, respect to VS (Bosco, Lancioni, Olivetti
Belardinelli, Singh, O’Reilly and Sigafoos, 2010;
Andrews, Murphy, Munday and Littlewood, 1996).
A relationship between the physiological status of
subjects in the VS or MCS and their eye-tracking
response to a visual stimulus would be crucial to a
better understanding of the evolution from the
former to the latter clinical condition. The
relationship among a number of physiological
parameters and eye-tracking presence/absence (as
assessed by a medical examiner) was studied by
several data mining classification approaches
provided by the WEKA open-source tool. Two
parameters obtained by HRV Analysis (nuLF and
peakLF) proved highly correlated to eye-tracking. A
SVM classifier provided a reliable criterion to
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
predict eye-tracking simply by evaluating these two
HRV spectral parameters. Reliability, computed as
Balanced Classification Accuracy (BCA), proved
remakably high for this SVM model.
The training set size (220 instances) warrants
caution and additional research on large datasets is
advisable. Although preliminary, our results are
quite interesting and encouraging because the
reliability obtained on an independent data set (383
The correlation between the physiological status
(as indicated by the HRV descriptors) and eye-
tracking nevertheless appears applicable to mark
with better precision the evolution from the
vegetative to the miniman conscious state and
reduce misdiagnosis.
Further research is planned to assess the criterion
diagnostic reliability and the suitability of extended
application to calibrate type and timing of (visual)
stimulation paradigms potentially supporting
recovery of consciousness in VS and MCS patients.
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