a laser ablation technique. Each microelectrode strip
had a 5 μm gap in which cells were trapped and
formed into pearl-chains by positive DEP. On the
other hand, a castellated electrode configuration
(Wang et al., 1993) was employed for the visual
observation of the cell collection process using
positive DEP. The castellated electrode arrays of
chrome were patterned on a glass substrate by
photolithography technique, and the microelectrode
was surrounded by a silicon rubber spacer to form a
chamber in which 22 μl of bacterial suspension
liquid was stored.
2.2 DEP Observation Equipment
The cell suspension liquid was stored in a reservoir
tank and circularly fed to the test chamber using a
peristaltic pump (Suehiro et al., 1999). Sinusoidal
AC voltage was generated by a function generator
(WF 1945, NF Corporation, Japan) and applied to
the electrode system. Visual observation of DEP was
conducted using an inverted microscope (BX-51,
OLYMPUS, Japan) and a CCD digital camera (C-
5060Z, OLYMPUS, Japan). The flow rate of the cell
suspension liquid fed by the peristaltic pump was 2.1
ml/min, and the amplitude of the applied voltage
was 10.0 V peak–peak respectively, which were
found to be appropriate conditions for the
observation of positive DEP in the preliminary tests.
2.3 DEPIM Equipment
Fig. 1 shows a block diagram and a photographs of
the newly designed and developed DEPIM apparatus
and electrode chip. To enable rapid and automated
bacterial inspection in hospitals and clinics, the
apparatus was designed as a portable instrument to
enable stand-alone measurement without any other
instruments or cables.
The AC voltage source generates AC voltage,
which energizes the interdigitated electrode to
generate positive DEP force. Amplitude of the
applied voltage was 5.0 V peak–peak. AC current
flowing through the electrode is measured by the
current detector. The processor calculates the
electrode capacitance from the amplitudes of the
applied AC voltage and detected current, and the
phase difference between the two components. The
sequential measurement is carried out for 20 s, and
temporal variation of the electrode capacitance is
stored, then a tangent slope of capacitance change is
calculated in order to estimate bacteria
concentration, which has a linear relationship with
the slope.
In the test cell, 5 ml of bacterial suspension is
stored, in which the smooth interdigitated electrode
is immersed. The electrode chip is connected to the
AC voltage source and current detector. A magnetic
stirrer continuously generates a circular flow in the
test cell to enhance the DEP trapping of bacteria.
Impedance values measured by the DEPIM
apparatus were calibrated using a dummy load (a
parallel connection of resistance and capacitance
with known values), as well as a buffer with known
(b) (c)
Figure 1: The block diagram (a) and photographs of a
newly designed portable DEPIM apparatus (b) and an
electrode chip (c).
2.4 Bacteria Samples
For observation of the DEP trapping process and
optimization of DEPIM conditions, Escherichia coli
(E. coli) strain K-12 (NBRC3301), which have a
high growth rate and have been successfully
employed in previous works (Suehiro et al., 1999),
were employed as a dummy of oral bacteria in order
to improve efficiency of experiments. E. coli were
incubated on agar plates for 24 hours. Before each
measurement, cells were harvested from the agar
and suspended in a 0.1 M mannitol solution. After
several washings by centrifugation, they were finally
resuspended in a 0.1 M mannitol solution (1 μS/cm)
BIODEVICES 2011 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices