system should be synchronized with the ECG signal
in such a way so as to remain vibrating in the dias-
tole and cease all vibrations in the systole of the ECG
Our goal is to create a device for field use - a Dias-
tolic Timed Vibrator (DTV) to be employed by med-
ical emergency personnel to remediate acute states of
low coronary blood flow, such as those exhibited in
angina pectoris (chest discomfort secondary to coro-
nary artery narrowing) or heart attack (an acute block-
age of a coronary artery, usually by a blood clot). The
DTV will impose mechanical vibrations to the chest
of the patient in order to improve coronary blood flow.
We aim at creating an inexpensive and portable sys-
tem requiring minimal intervention of specialized per-
2.1 Mechanical Vibrations
There is strong experimental evidence that diastolic
mechanical vibrations on the chest wall increase coro-
nary blood flow (CBF). In past studies, diastolic vi-
brations performed on patients with coronary arte-
rial disease (CAD) and on normal subjects resulted in
an immediate increase of CBF as measured by both
transesophageal doppler and coronary flow wire. The
CBF increase in CAD patients was significantly larger
than those of normal subjects (Taihei et al., 1994). In
addition, clinical studies performed on humans and
canines (Koiwa et al., 1997) have shown that exter-
nal diastolic vibrations can release incomplete relax-
ation (IR) and improve the systolic function of the
heart. Similar studies (Koiwa et al., 1997) consisting
of external vibrations applied on human patients with
aortic regurgitation (AR) and ischemic heart disease
(IHD) resulted in a decrease of left ventricle systole
pressure; proving that vibration induced depression
does occur in humans. Clinical studies have shown
that diastolic timed mechanical vibrations around 50
Hz improve coronary blood flow and left ventricu-
lar (heart muscle) performance in human volunteers,
with and without coronary artery disease (Taihei et al.,
1994). Low frequency vibration is a known potent va-
sodilator, especially for arteries with a degree of ac-
tive tension or spasm, which is often the case in heart
attack (Oliva and Breckinridge, 1977), and it has fur-
ther been shown to significantly enhance clot disso-
lution with or without a thrombolytic agent both in-
vitro and in commercially available catheter systems
(Evans et al., 2003).
2.2 ECG Synchronization
Our method provides a new technique for disrupting
and clearing the thrombus present in a patient’s ar-
terial vasculature surrounding the heart. During sys-
tole the heart is contracting and pressure needed for
driving the blood is being generated within the cham-
bers of the heart. As a result, vibrations should only
be applied in the diastole (Koiwa et al., 1997). Fur-
thermore, it has been demonstrated in clinical stud-
ies that vibrations timed exclusively to the diastole of
the cardiac cycle advantageously facilitate heart mus-
cle relaxation and paradoxically improve the strength
of the heart contractions and hence can be utilized
safely (Koiwa et al., 1994). In order to be able to
synchronize mechanical vibration with the heart cy-
cle, the ECG signal has to be analyzed and QRS com-
plexes indicating the onset of systole have to be iden-
tified. Automatic detection of QRS complexes has
been a subject of intensive research in the last several
decades. Proposed algorithms range from simple fil-
ters to very calculation intensive machine learning al-
gorithms (Kohler et al., 2002). Currently, most algo-
rithms use a discrete or continuous wavelet transform
which gives both the time and frequency characteris-
tics of the signal. Machine learning algorithms such
as Hidden Markov Model, Neural Networks and/or
Support Vector Machine (SVM) are used to classify
different parts of the ECG signal. The extensive
amount of training that is required prior to use is a
serious limitation of these methods in certain cases.
We decided to use the widely employed ”Tompkins”
algorithm due to its implementation simplicity and ro-
bustness in finding abnormal QRS complexes.
2.3 System Architecture
The proposed system is composed of four main parts:
vibrator, accelerometer, ECG system, DC power sup-
ply, and a LabView VI containing signal processing
and control. Figure 1 schematizes the system archi-
The mechanical vibrations were generated using
a commercially available massager device (Human
Touch HT-1280) driven by a DC voltage source inter-
faced with LabView. This setup generates the linear
movement of the plate attached to a patient. An active
damping stage is added to adjust the amplitude of gen-
erated vibrations and allow for rapid stopping of the
motor. In order to be able to generate vibrations only
in the desired periods of the heart cycle, an electro-
magnetic relay is introduced on the power line of the
motor. This setup allows for efficient control of on-off
time of the motor along with its rotational frequency.
Furthermore, a MEMS accelerometer (LIS3L02AL)
has been integrated into the vibrating plate to provide
a feedback on the generated vibration amplitude and
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing