Emilio Ferrara
Department of Mathematics, University of Messina, Messina,Italy
Robert Baumgartner
Lixto Software GmbH, Vienna, Austria
Semantic Web, Information Extraction, Data Mining.
Nowadays, the huge amount of information distributed through the Web motivates studying techniques to
be adopted in order to extract relevant data in an efficient and reliable way. Both academia and enterprises
developed several approaches of Web data extraction, for example using techniques of artificial intelligence or
machine learning. Some commonly adopted procedures, namely wrappers, ensure a high degree of precision
of information extracted from Web pages, and, at the same time, have to prove robustness in order not to
compromise quality and reliability of data themselves.
In this paper we focus on some experimental aspects related to the robustness of the data extraction process
and the possibility of automatically adapting wrappers. We discuss the implementation of algorithms for
finding similarities between two different version of a Web page, in order to handle modifications, avoiding
the failure of data extraction tasks and ensuring reliability of information extracted. Our purpose is to evaluate
performances, advantages and draw-backs of our novel system of automatic wrapper adaptation.
The World Wide Web today contains an exterminated
amount of information, mostly unstructured, under
the form of Web pages, but also documents of various
nature. During last years big efforts have been con-
ducted to develop techniques of information extrac-
tion on top of the Web. Approaches adopted spread in
several fields of Mathematics and Computer Science,
including, for example, logic-programming and ma-
chine learning. Several projects, initially developed
in academic settings, evolved in commercial products,
and it is possible to identify different methodologies
to face the problem of Web data extraction. A widely
adopted approach is to define Web wrappers, proce-
dures relying on analyzing the structure of HTML
Web pages (i.e. DOM tree) to extract required in-
formation. Wrappers can be defined in several ways,
e.g. most advanced tools let users to design them in
a visual way, for example selecting elements of inter-
est in a Web page and defining rules for their extrac-
tion and validation, semi-automatically; regardless of
their generation process, wrappers intrinsically refer
to the HTML structure of the Web page at the time of
their creation. Thus, introducing not negligible prob-
lems of robustness, wrappers could fail in their tasks
of data extraction if the underlying structure of the
Web page changes, also slightly. Moreover, it could
happens that the process of extraction does not fail but
extracted data are corrupted.
All these aspects clarify the following scenarios:
during their definition, wrappers should be as much
elastic as possible, in order to intrinsically handle mi-
nor modifications on the structure of Web pages (this
kind of small local changes are much more frequent
than heavy modifications); although elastic wrappers
could efficiently react to minor changes, maintenance
is required for the whole wrapper life-cycle. Wrapper
maintenance is expensive because it requires highly
qualified personnel, specialized in defining wrappers,
to spend their time in rebuilding or fixing wrappers
whenever they stop working properly. For improving
this aspect, several commercial tools include notifi-
cation features, reporting warnings or errors during
wrappers execution. Moreover, to increase their reli-
ability, data extracted by wrappers could be subject to
validation processes, and also data cleaning is a fun-
damental step; some tools provide caching services
to store the last working copy of Web pages involved
in data extraction processes. Sometimes, it is even
Ferrara E. and Baumgartner R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003131802110217
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 211-217
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
more convenient to rewrite ex novo a wrapper, instead
of trying to find causes of malfunctioning and fixing
them, because debugging wrapper executions can be
not trivial. The unpredictability of what changes will
occur in a specific Web page and, consequently, the
impossibility to establish when a wrappers will stop
working properly, requires a smart approach to wrap-
per maintenance.
Our purpose in this paper is to describe the realiza-
tion and to investigate performances of an automatic
process of wrapper adaptation to structural modifica-
tions of Web pages. We designed and implemented a
system relying on the possibility of storing, during the
wrapper definition step, a snapshot of the DOM tree
of the original Web page, namely a tree-gram. If, dur-
ing the wrapper execution, problems occur, this sam-
ple is compared to the new DOM structure, finding
similarities on trees and sub-trees, to automatically try
adaptating the wrapper with a custom degree of accu-
racy. Briefly, the paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion 2 focuses on related work, covering the literature
about wrapper generation and adaptation. In Section
3 we explain some concepts related to the tree similar-
ity algorithm implemented, to prove the correctness
of our approach. Section 4 shows details about our
implementation of the automatic wrapper adaptation.
Most important results, obtained by our experimen-
tation, are reported in Section 5. Finally, Section 6
concludes providing some remarks for future work.
The concept of analyzing similarities between trees,
widely adopted in this work, was introduced by Tai
(Tai, 1979); he defined the notion of distance between
two trees as the measure of the dissimilarity between
them. The problem of transforming trees into other
similar trees, namely tree edit distance, can be solved
applying elementary transformations to nodes, step-
by-step. The minimum cost for this operation rep-
resents the tree edit distance between the two trees.
This technique shows high computational require-
ments and complex implementations (Bille, 2005),
and do not represents the optimal solution to our prob-
lem of finding similarities between two trees. The
simple tree matching technique (Selkow, 1977) rep-
resents a turning point: it is a light-weight recursive
top-down algorithm which evaluates position of nodes
to measure the degree of isomorphism between two
trees, analyzing and comparing their sub-trees. Sev-
eral improvements to this technique have been sug-
gested: Ferrara and Baumgartner (Ferrara and Baum-
gartner, 2010), extending the concept of weights in-
troduced by Yang (Yang, 1991), developed a variant
of this algorithm with the capability of discovering
clusters of similar sub-trees. An interesting evaluation
of the simple tree matching and its weighed version,
brought by Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2008), was per-
formed exploiting these two algorithms for extract-
ing information from HTML Web pages; we found
their achievements very useful to develop automati-
cally adaptable wrappers.
Web data extraction and adaptation rely especially
on algorithms working with DOM trees. Related
work, in particular regarding Web wrappers and their
maintenance, is intricate: Laender et al. (Laender
et al., 2002) presented a taxonomy of wrapper gen-
eration methodologies, while Ferrara et al. (Ferrara
et al., 2010) discussed a comprehensive survey about
techniques and fields of application of Web data ex-
traction and adaptation. Some novel wrapper adap-
tation techniques have been introduced during last
years: a valid hybrid approach, mixing logic-based
and grammar rules, has been presented by Chidlovskii
(Chidlovskii, 2001). Also machine-learning tech-
niques have been investigated, e.g. Lerman et al.
(Lerman et al., 2003) exploited their know-how in
this field to develop a system for wrapper verification
and re-induction. Meng et al. (Meng et al., 2003)
developed the SG-WRAM (Schema-Guided WRAp-
per Maintenance), for wrapper maintenance, starting
from the observation that, changes in Web pages, even
substantial, always preserve syntactic features (i.e.
syntactic characteristics of data items like data pat-
terns, string lengths, etc.), hyperlinks and annotations
(e.g. descriptive information representing the seman-
tic meaning of a piece of information in its context).
This system has been implemented in their Web data
extraction platform: wrappers are defined providing
both HTML Web pages and their XML schemes, de-
scribing a mappings between them. When the sys-
tem executes the wrapper, data are extracted under
the XML format reflecting the previously specified
XML Schema; the wrapper maintainer verifies any
issue and, eventually, provides protocols for the au-
tomatic adaptation of the problematic wrapper. The
XML Schema is a DTD (Document Type Definition)
while the HTML Web page is represented by its DOM
tree. The framework described by Wong and Lam
(Wong and Lam, 2005) performs the adaptation of
wrappers previously learned, applying them to Web
pages never seen before; they assert that this platform
is also able to discover, eventually, new attributes in
the Web page, using a probabilistic approach, exploit-
ing the extraction knowledge acquired through previ-
ous wrapping tasks. Also Raposo et al. (Raposo et al.,
2005) suggested the possibility of exploiting previ-
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ously acquired information, e.g. results of queries, to
ensure a reliable degree of accuracy during the wrap-
per adaptation process. Concluding, Kowalkiewicz et
al. (Kowalkiewicz et al., 2006) investigate the possi-
bility of increasing the robustness of wrappers based
on the identification of HTML elements, inside Web
pages, through their XPath, adopting relative XPath,
instead of absolute ones.
Our idea of automatic adaptation of wrappers can be
explained as follows: first of all, outlining how to ex-
tract information from Web pages (i.e. in our case,
how a Web wrapper works); then, describing how it is
possible to recover information previously extracted
from a different Web page (i.e. how to compare struc-
tural information between the two versions of the Web
page, finding similarities); finally, defining how to au-
tomatize this process (i.e. how to build reliable, robust
automatically adaptable wrappers).
Our solution has been implemented in a commer-
cial product
; Baumgartner et al. (Baumgartner et al.,
2009) described details about its design. This plat-
form provides tools to design Web wrappers in a vi-
sual way, selecting elements to be extracted from Web
pages. During the wrapper execution, selected ele-
ments, identified through their XPath(s) in the DOM
tree of the Web page, are automatically extracted. Al-
though the wrapper design process lets users to define
several restricting or generalizing conditions to build
wrappers as much elastic as possible, wrappers are
strictly interconnected with the structure of the Web
page on top of they are built. Usually, also slight
modifications to this structure could alter the wrapper
execution or corrupt extracted data.
In this section we discuss some theoretical foun-
dations on which our solution relies; in details, we
show an efficient algorithm to find similar elements
within different Web pages.
3.1 Methodology
A simple measure of similarity between two trees,
once defined their comparable elements, can be es-
tablished applying the simple tree matching algorithm
(Selkow, 1977), introduced in Section 2. We de-
fine comparable elements among HTML Web pages,
nodes, representing HTML elements (or, otherwise,
free text) identified by tags, belonging to the DOM
tree of these pages. Similarly, we intend for compa-
rable attributes all the attributes, both generic (e.g.
Lixto Suite,
class, id, etc.) and type-specific (e.g. href for an-
chor texts, src for images, etc.), shown by HTML el-
ements; it is possible to exploit these properties to in-
troduce additional comparisons to refine the similarity
measure. Several implementations of the simple tree
matching have been proposed; our solution exploits
an improved version, namely clustered tree matching
(Ferrara et al., 2010), designed to match up HTML
trees, identifying clusters of sub-trees with similar
structures, satisfying a custom degree of accuracy.
3.2 Tree Matching Algorithms
Previous studies proved the effectiveness of the sim-
ple tree matching algorithm applied to Web data ex-
traction tasks (Kim et al., 2008; Zhai and Liu, 2005);
it measures the similarity degree between two HTML
trees, producing the maximum matching through dy-
namic programming, ensuring an acceptable compro-
mise between precision and recall.
As improvement to this algorithm, this is a pos-
sible implementation of clustered tree matching: let
d(n) to be the degree of a node n (i.e. the number of
first-level children); let T(i) to be the i-th sub-tree of
the tree rooted at node T; let t(n) to be the number of
total siblings of a node n including itself.
Algorithm 1: ClusteredTreeMatching(T
, T
1: if T
has the same label of T
2: m d(T
3: n d(T
4: for i = 0 to m do
5: M[i][0] 0;
6: for j = 0 to n do
7: M[0][ j] 0;
8: for all i such that 1 i m do
9: for all j such that 1 j n do
10: M[i][ j] Max(M[i][ j 1], M[i 1][ j],
M[i 1][ j 1] +W [i][ j]) where W[i][ j] =
(i 1), T
( j
11: if m > 0 AND n > 0 then
12: return M[m][n] * 1 / Max(t(T
), t(T
13: else
14: return M[m][n] + 1 / Max(t(T
), t(T
15: else
16: return 0
The main difference between the simple and the clus-
tered tree matching is the way of assigning values to
matching elements. The first, adopts a fixed match-
ing value of 1; the latter, instead, computes some
additional information, retrieved in the sub-trees of
(A) a
(B) a
Figure 1: Two labeled trees, A and B, which show similarities in their structures.
matched nodes.
Omitting detail, provided in (Ferrara et al., 2010),
the clustered tree matching algorithm assigns a
weighted value equal to 1, divided by the greater num-
ber of siblings, computed between the two compared
nodes (also considering themselves).
Figure 1 shows two similar simple rooted, la-
beled trees, and the way of assignment of weights that
would be calculated by applying the clustered tree
matching between them.
3.2.1 Motivations
Several motivations lead us to bring these improve-
ments. For example, considering common charac-
teristics shown by Web pages, provides some useful
tips: usually, rich sub-levels (i.e. sub-levels with sev-
eral nodes) represent list items, table rows, menu, etc.,
more frequently affected by modifications than other
elements of Web pages; moreover, analyzing which
kind of modifications usually affect Web pages sug-
gests to assign less importance to slight changes hap-
pening in deep sub-levels of the DOM tree, this be-
cause these are commonly related to missing/added
details to elements, etc.
On the one hand, simple tree matching ignores
these important aspects, on the other clustered tree
matching exploits information like position and num-
ber of mismatches to produce a more accurate result.
3.2.2 Advantages and limitations
The main advantage of our clustered tree matching is
its capability to calculate an absolute measure of sim-
ilarity, while simple tree matching produces the map-
ping value between two trees. Moreover, the more the
structure of considered trees is complex and similar,
the more the measure of similarity established by this
algorithm will be accurate. It fits particularly well to
matching up HTML Web pages, this because they of-
ten own rich and variegated structures.
One important limitation of algorithms based on
the tree matching is that they can not match permu-
tations of nodes. Intuitively, this happens because of
the dynamic programming technique used to face the
problem with computational efficiency; both the al-
gorithms execute recursive calls, scanning sub-trees
in a sequential manner, so as to reduce the number of
required iterations (e.g. in Figure 1, permutation of
nodes [c,b] in A with [b,c] in B is not computed). It is
possible to modify the algorithm introducing the anal-
ysis of permutations of sub-trees, but this would heav-
ily affect performances. Despite this intrinsic limit,
this technique appears to fit very well to our purpose
of measuring HTML trees similarity.
It is important to remark that, applying simple tree
matching to compare simple and quite different trees
will produce a more accurate result. Despite that, be-
cause of the most of modifications in Web pages are
usually slight changes, clustered tree matching is far
and away the best algorithm to be adopted in building
automatically adaptable wrappers. Moreover, this al-
gorithm makes it possible to establish a custom level
of accuracy of the process of matching, defining a
similarity threshold required to match two trees.
Based on the adaptation algorithms described above,
a proof-of-concept extension to the Lixto Visual De-
veloper (VD) has been implemented. Wrappers are
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: State diagram of Web wrappers design and adaptation in the Lixto Visual Developer.
automatically adapted based on given configuration
settings, integrity constraints, and triggers.
Usually, wrapper generation in VD is a hierar-
chical top-down process, e.g. first, a “hotel record”
is characterized, and inside the hotel record, entities
such as “rating” and “room types”. Such entities are
referred to as patterns. To define a pattern, the wrap-
per designer visually selects an example and together
with system suggestions generalizes the rule configu-
ration until the desired instances are matched.
In this extension, to support the automatic adapta-
tion process during runtime, the wrapper designer fur-
ther specifies what it means that extraction failed. In
general, this means wrong or missing data, and with
integrity constraints one can give indications how cor-
rect results look like. Typical integrity constraints are:
Occurrence restrictions: e.g. minimum and/or
maximum number of allowed occurrence of a pat-
tern instance, minimum and/or maximum number
of child pattern instances;
Data types: e.g. all results of a “price” pattern
need to be of data type integer.
Integrity constraints can be specified with each pat-
tern individually or be based on a data model (in our
case, a given XML Schema). In case integrity con-
straints are violated during runtime, the adaptation
process for this particular pattern is started.
During wrapper creation, the application designer
provides a number of configuration settings to this
process. This includes:
Threshold values;
Priorities/order of adaptation algorithms used;
Flags of the chosen algorithm (e.g. using HTML
element name as node label, using id/class at-
tributes as node labels, etc.);
Triggers for bottom-up, top-down and process
flow adaptation bubbling;
Whether stored tree-grams and XPath statements
are updated based on adaptation results to be ad-
ditionally used as inputs in future adaptation pro-
cedures (reflecting and addressing regular slight
changes of a Web page over time).
Used algorithms for adaptations rely on two inputs
(stored example tree-gram(s), DOM tree of current
page) and provide as output sub-trees that are suf-
ficiently similar to the original (example) ones, and
in consequence a generated XPath statement that
matches the nodes (Fig. 2 summarizes the process
from design time and execution time perspective).
Algorithms under consideration include the clus-
tered tree matching discussed above, as well as tree-
based variants of the Bigram (Collins, 1996) and Jaro-
Winkler similarity (Winkler, 1999) (which are of ad-
vantage when one assumes that permutations in the
tree nodes are likely over time). Moreover, for ex-
traction of leaf nodes which exhibit no inherent tree
structure, we rely on string similarity metrics. Fi-
nally, triggers in adaptation settings can be used to
force adaptation of further fragments of the wrapper:
Top-down: forcing adaptation of all/some de-
scendant patterns (e.g. adapt the “price” pattern
as well to identify prices within a record if the
“record” pattern was adapted).
Bottom-up: forcing adaptation of a parent pat-
tern in case adaptation of a particular pattern was
not successful. Experimental evaluation pointed
out that in such cases it is often the problem that
the parent pattern already provides wrong or miss-
ing results (even if matched by the integrity con-
straints) and has to be adapted first.
Process flow: it might happen that particular pat-
terns are no longer detected because the wrapper
evaluates on the wrong page. Hence, there is the
need to use variations in the deep web navigation
processes. A simple approach explored at this
time is to use a switch window or back step ac-
tion to check if the previous window or another
tab/pop-up provides the required information.
The best way of measuring reliability of automatically
adaptable wrappers is to test their behavior in real
world use-cases. Several common areas of applica-
tion of Web wrappers have been identified: social net-
works and bookmarking, retail market and compar-
ison shopping, Web search and information distribu-
tion, and, finally, Web communities. For each of these
fields, we designed a test using a representative Web-
site, studying a total of 7 use-cases, defining wrap-
pers applied to 70 Web pages. Websites like Face-
book, Google News, Ebay, etc. are usually subjected
to countless, although often invisible, structural mod-
ifications; thus, altering the correct behavior of Web
wrappers. Table 1 summarizes results: each wrap-
per automatically tries to adapt itself using both the
algorithms described in Section 3. Column referred
as thresh. means the threshold value of similarity re-
quired to match two elements. Columns tp, fp and fn
represent true and false positive, and false negative,
measures usually adopted to evaluate precision and
recall of these kind of tasks.
Performances obtained using the simple and the clus-
tered tree matching are, respectively, good and ex-
cellent; clustered tree matching definitely is a viable
solution to automatically adapt wrappers with a high
degree of reliability (F-Measure greater than 98%).
This system provides also the possibility of improv-
ing these results including additional checks on com-
parable attributes (e.g. id, name or class). The role of
the required accuracy degree is fundamental; experi-
mental results help to highlight the following consid-
erations: very high values of threshold could result
Table 1: Evaluation of the reliability of automatically adapt-
able wrappers applied to real world scenarios.
Simple T. M. Clustered T. M.
Precision/Recall Precision/Recall
Scenario thresh. tp fp fn tp fp fn
Delicious 40% 100 4 - 100 - -
Ebay 85% 200 12 - 196 - 4
Facebook 65% 240 72 - 240 12 -
Google news 90% 604 - 52 644 - 12 80% 100 - 60 136 - 24
Kelkoo 40% 60 4 - 58 - 2
Techcrunch 85% 52 - 28 80 - -
Total - 1356 92 140 1454 12 42
Recall - 90.64% 97.19%
Precision - 93.65% 99.18%
F-Measure - 92.13% 98.18%
in false negatives (e.g. Google news and
scenarios), while low values could result in false pos-
itives (e.g. the Facebook scenario). Our solution
exploiting the clustered tree matching algorithm, de-
signed by us, helps to reduce wrapper maintenance
tasks, keeping in mind that, in cases of deep structural
changes, it could be required to manually intervene to
fix a specific wrapper, since it is impossible to auto-
matically face all the possible malfunctionings.
In this paper we described several novel ideas, inves-
tigating the possibility of designing smart Web wrap-
pers which automatically react to structural modifi-
cations of underlying Web pages and adapting them-
selves to avoid malfunctionings or corrupting ex-
tracted data. After explaining the core algorithms on
which this system relies, we shown how to implement
this feature in Web wrappers. Finally, we analyzed
performances of this system through a rigorous test-
ing of the behavior of automatically adaptable wrap-
pers in real world use-cases.
This work opens new scenarios on wrapper adap-
tation techniques and is liable to several improve-
ments: first of all, avoiding some limitations of the
matching algorithms, for example the inability of han-
dling permutations on nodes previously explained,
with computationally efficient solutions could be im-
portant to improve the robustness of wrappers. One
limitation of adopted tree matching algorithms is also
that they do not work very well if new levels of nodes
are added or node levels are removed. We already
investigated the possibility of adopting different tree
similarity algorithms, working better in such cases.
We could try to “generalize” other similarity metrics
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
on strings, such as the n-gram distance and the Jaro-
Winkler distance. Implementing these two metrics do
not require dynamic programming and might be com-
putationally efficient; in particular, variants of the Bi-
gram distance on trees might work well with permu-
tations of groups of nodes and the Jaro-Winkler dis-
tance could better reflect missing or added node lev-
els. Another idea is investigating the possibility of
improving matching criteria including additional in-
formation to be compared during the tree match up
process (e.g. full path information, all attributes, etc.);
then, exploiting logic-based rules (e.g. regular expres-
sions, string edit distance, and so on) to analyze tex-
tual properties.
Finally, the tree-grammar, already exploited to
store a light-weight signature of the structure of ele-
ments identified by the wrapper, could be extended for
classifying topologies of templates frequently shown
by Web pages, in order to define standard protocols
of automatic adaptation in these particular contexts.
Adaptation in the deep web navigation is a different
topic than adaptation on a particular page, but also
extremely important for wrapper adaptation. Future
work will comprise to investigate focused spidering
techniques: instead of explicit modeling of a work
flow on a Web page (form fill-out, button clicks, etc.)
we develop a tree-grammar based approach that de-
cides for a given Web page which template it matches
best and executes the data extraction rules defined for
this template. Navigation steps are carried out im-
plicitly by following all links and DOM events that
have been defined as interesting, crawling a site in a
focused way to find the relevant information.
Concluding, the system of designing automati-
cally adaptable wrappers described in this paper has
been proved to be robust and reliable. The clustered
tree matching algorithm is very extensible and it could
be adopted for different tasks, also not strictly related
to Web wrappers (e.g. operations that require match-
ing up trees could exploit this algorithm).
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