Figure 1: SensorART platform.
will allow to auto-adjust the blood flow provided by
the VAD to the patient’s heart according to signals
coming from physical and physiological sensors, by
means of a wireless link to the VAD actuators. More-
over, this unit will monitor the energy consumption,
as well as the VAD functionality, thus generating the
appropriate crucial and vital alert messages. Real-
time adjustable thresholds and control parameters will
be a peculiar feature of the proposed platform. The
auto-regulation control algorithm will be fully ad-
justable to the patient’s condition and will incorpo-
rate context-aware techniques in order to meet the pa-
tient’s needs according to his/her status. Physiologi-
cal sensors are usually invasive, with a complex pack-
age, and not reliable in long term implants. Within
the SensorART project, wearable approach will be ex-
ploited together with the implantable ones in order to
minimize risk of failures. This paper will describe
the actual stage of the project regarding the develop-
ment of implantable (see 2.2) and wearable sensors
(see 2.3).
2.2 Implantable Sensors
Main physiological sensors described in literature as
suitable for LVADs monitoring are: oxygen satura-
tion sensor (Nakamura et al., 2000), pressure sensor
(Bullister et al., 2001), flow rate sensor (Waters et al.,
1999), and acceleration (Maeda et al., 1988) sensors.
The first stage of the development of the implantable
devices consists in a screening of the cited parame-
ters during tests on laboratory mock-up and in-vivo,
in implantable or wearable version. After these trials,
the long term implant issue will be faced and a proper
package will be studied. Thanks to the collaboration
with clinical experts it has been possible to determine
a set of variables to be monitored by implantable sen-
sors in order to monitor the residual heart functional-
ities, the VAD function and the patient’s reaction to
the treatment. These parameters are: left atrial pres-
sure, aortic blood flow rate, aortic pressure, blood
pressure and flow in the VAD cannula, pulmonary
artery or right ventricular pressure. A previous work
of the authors (Valdastri et al., 2008) describes a wire-
less implantable platform for in vivo monitoring. A
similar approach has been used to integrate an inno-
vative pressure sensor made by STMicroelectronics,
that is still in evaluation phase (P30PCB). After the
necessary characterization phase, this sensor will be
encapsulated in a custom made catheter to perform
the first session of tests. An electronic front-end has
been developed in order to acquire the signal derived
by the sensor inserted in a controlled pressure cham-
ber. The output of the sensor needs a differential read-
ing that is performed by an instrumentation amplifier
(AD623N). The pre-amplified signal is then low pass
filtered by an RC filter (band pass at 20 Hz) and am-
plified by a non inverting amplifier, realized with a
CMOS operational amplifier (LMC6482).
Figure 2 shows the system realized for the cali-
bration using a reference sensor (MPX5050 GP by
Freescale semiconductor). The acquisition circuit,
Figure 2: Calibration system for the pressure system.
based on a wireless microcontroller (CC2430 by
Texas Instruments) can communicate wirelessly (zig-
bee ready) or by USB connection to a PC. A graphi-
cal interface, acquires and stores data with a sampling
rate of 25 Hz by both test and reference sensors. The
pressure in the chamber has been varied step by step
in the range from 8 kPa to 35 kPa. The range has been
chosen taking into account the final field of applica-
tion, that is the radial artery pressure measurement.
The measures have been performed on both growing
and decreasing pressures, to evaluate the hysteresis of
the signal. Tests have been performed on 3 sensors
to assure the reproducibility. Three complete cycles
have been acquired for each sensor with pressure set
as following: 8 kPa, 16 kPa, 24 kPa, 32 kPa and 35
kPa. The calibration curves have been approximated
by polynomial fitting by using Matlab software. Also
the stability of each sample has been tested, by means
BIODEVICES 2011 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices