Figure 6: Application of the bone quality testing device in
a polyurethane foam model. Following implant site
preparation, the sensing element is inserted in the
osteotomy and opened gradually both in the cervical and
apical part of the socket while the force needed for
opening the sensor is measured.
The mean values and standard deviations for all
measurements conducted are given in Table 1.
Consistent with clinical knowledge, for all
parameters greater values were recorded in the
mandible as compared to the maxilla. Good
correlations between the different measuring
techniques were found.
It has been shown that the newly designed device
can be used for the objective classification of human
alveolar bone based on intraoperative compressive
testing. The values obtained are consistent with
already established measurement techniques either
evaluating bone quality or primary implant stability.
The major advantage of the system proposed is that
it can be applied independent from any specific
implant system thereby allowing for objective
comparisons. As the implants have not yet been
installed when the bone quality testing device is
applied, the surgeon still has the choice to modify
the treatment plan e.g. by selecting a tapered instead
of a parallel walled implant in order to achieve
greater primary stability. Based on the values
obtained from the bone quality testing device, a
decision can also be made with more confidence as
to when a specific implant can be loaded with a
certain type of superstructure. Following preclinical
testing in animals, further prospective clinical trials
are needed for establishing and verifying the
diagnostic value of the bone quality testing device.
The ultimate goal of the development should be to
establish threshold values on when a dental implant
can be loaded immediately.
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BIODEVICES 2011 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices