Multi Variate Assessment of Fall Risk with FD-NEAT
Bart Jansen
, Maxine Tan
, Ivan Bautmans
, Bart Van Keymolen
Tony Mets
and Rudi Deklerck
Departement Electronics and Informatic and IBBT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Gerontology, Frailty in Ageing Research Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Laarbeeklaan 103, 1090 Brussels, Belgium
Frailty in Ageing Research Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 103, 1090 Brussels, Belgium
Geriatrics, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 101, 1090 Brussels, Belgium
Stichting Opleiding Musculoskeletale Therapie (SOMT), Softwareweg 5, 3821 BN Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Keywords: Accelerometry, Fall risk, Gait analysis, Step time asymmetry, Classification, Feature selection, FD-NEAT.
Abstract: This paper describes an accelerometer based gait analysis system for the assessment of fall risk. The
assessment is based on 22 different features calculated from the signal. The different features are combined
using machine learning algorithms in order to decide whether the subject has an increased fall risk. Results
from Naive Bayes, Neural Networks, Locally Weighted Learning, Support Vector Machines and C4.5 are
reported and compared. It is argued that the neural networks provide low accuracy results because of the
high dimensionality of the feature space compared to the available data. It is shown that FD-NEAT (a
method from neuro evolution which simultaneously learns the network topology, the network weights and
the relevant features) outperforms the other methods in the given classification task. The system is evaluated
on a database consisting of 40 elderly with known fall risk and 40 healthy elderly controls.
The field of accelerometer based fall risk assessment
is characterised by an intense debate on the
relevance of some specific features calculated from
the accelerometer signal in a univariate classification
problem on the distinction between fallers from non
fallers (e.g. Moe-Nilssen and Helbostad, 2005).
Many of these features are known for decades
(e.g. a decrease in step length is related to an
increase in fall risk); others could only be described
since the availability of small, battery powered
accelerometer sensors (e.g. step regularity and
symmetry). Only recently, the validity, reliability
and repeatability of most of these features in the
context of fall risk assessment have been described
in the clinical literature (e.g. Moe-Nilssen, 1998).
For some specific diseases and conditions having
a direct impact on the gait pattern, it is well
described how the disease is affecting the
neurological or muscolatory system and how this
affects the accelerometer based gait features. For
example, in Parkinson patients, the freezing of gait
increases the variability in stride time and the effect
of specific treatment on the freezing of gait can be
evaluated by investigating stride time variability
(Hausdorff et al, 2005).
However, in a majority of the growing
population of elderly, an increase in fall risk cannot
directly be attributed to a specific disease. Rather, a
condition of general frailty, multiple chronic
diseases and a general decrease in mobility all
together contribute to the increased fall risk.
Therefore, it is to be expected that in a general
population of elderly, a less clear relationship
between single accelerometer based gait features and
fall risk can be observed. However, very few
attention was paid so far to the construction of
intelligent multi-variate classifiers for fall risk
This paper evaluates the use of the FD-NEAT
algorithm (Tan et al, 2009) for the classification of a
population of eighty elderly into a class of elderly
presenting increased fall-risk and a class of elderly
without an increased risk of falling, based on a wide
variety of accelerometer based gait features.
Jansen B., Tan M., Bautmans I., Van Keymolen B., Mets T. and Deklerck R..
ACCELEROMETER BASED GAIT ANALYSIS - Multi Variate Assessment of Fall Risk with FD-NEAT.
DOI: 10.5220/0003132701380143
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 138-143
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
From a machine learning perspective, the
problem is far from trivial, as there is extremely few
training data available, compared to the large
number of features considered. We will show that
FD-NEAT outperforms traditional neural networks
and other machine learning algorithms, because it
better copes with the dimensionality problem, by
means of intelligent feature selection. Because of the
clinically unclear relationship between many of the
features used in this paper and fall risk in a general
population of elderly, no a priori feature selection
was performed based on the available medical
2.1 Accelerometer based Fall Risk
Most studies in accelerometer based gait analysis for
fall risk assessment are focusing on the repeatability
or validity of single outcomes. Only very few studies
are combining multiple outcomes in intelligent
classifiers. Recently, Marschollek et al. showed how
measures obtained from accelerometry could be
combined with clinical scores, in order to
discriminate between fallers and non-fallers during
an instrumented timed up and go (TUG) test
(Marschollek et al., 2009). Another study,
combining results from accelerometer based TUG
tests, stepping tests and a sit-to-stand tests, is
reported by (Narayanan, 2010).
(Swanenburg et al, 2010) report on a one year
prospective study of fall risk assessment, based on
features calculated from force plates. Intelligent
classifiers based on neural networks were also used
for fall risk assessment from posturography tasks,
instrumented with accelerometer and gyroscopes
(Giansanti et al. 2008).
3.1 Subjects
Eighty subjects participated in this study. They
consisted of two groups (n=40 each): elderly with
known fall risk (EF) and elderly controls (EC), see
table 1. Each group contained twenty males and
twenty females.
Table 1: General subject information. None of the
parameters was significantly different between the groups
(ANOVA p < 0.05). EF = elderly with increased fall risk,
EC = elderly controls. Standard deviations are shown
between brackets.
EF (n=40) EC (n=40)
Age 80.59 (5.38) 79.03 (4.95)
Weight 66.89 (14.97) 69.74 (11.56)
Length 1.62 (0.12) 1.64 (0.08)
BMI 25.46 (4.29) 25.61 (3.93)
All subjects were older than 70. Known fall risk
was defined as a reported history of falls and/or
Timed-Get-Up-and-Go-Test > 15s and/or Tinetti test
24/28. The local ethical committee approved this
study and all participants provided their written
informed consent.
3.2 Data Acquisition
The DynaPort Minimod tri-axial accelerometer
(McRoberts BV, The Hague, The Netherlands) was
placed at the sacrum of the subjects. The device
stores the accelerometer signal on a standard SD-
card. Before every walking episode, the SD-card
was emptied, put in the sensor and the sensor was
restarted. After every walking episode, the SD-card
was placed in the laptop and the acceleration data
along the three axes was read out using the Mira
software (same manufacturer) and exported to plain
text files. The plain text files were loaded into our
own gait analysis toolbox, an in-house developed
software package programmed in C#.
3.3 Test Procedure
Subjects were asked to walk a straight line trajectory
of 18 meters, separated by two clear lines on the
floor. Subjects started with both feet in front of the
first line and stopped when the second foot landed
beyond the second line. The distance between the
stop line and the final heel strike was measured and
added to the 18 meter to obtain the total distance
walked. At the beginning of each walk, the observer
placed the sensor at the sacrum and initialized the
sensor as described above. Subjects were always
instructed to walk at preferred speed and no walking
aids were allowed.
3.4 Statistical Analysis
A dataset of eighty elderly consisting of forty elderly
with increased fall risk and forty controls is
available. Compared to similar datasets used in
ACCELEROMETER BASED GAIT ANALYSIS - Multi Variate Assessment of Fall Risk with FD-NEAT
accelerometer based gait analysis, this is quite a
large set. However, from a machine learning
perspective given the high amount of included
features, its size is extremely small. Therefore, it
was decided not to partition the dataset into a single
training set and a single test set, but ten-fold cross
validation was used (Duda et al, 2000).
Data analysis was performed using SPSS version
17, WEKA and Excel. For each of the studied
machine learning algorithms averages over the ten
folds of accuracy, true positives, false positives,
precision, recall and Area under the Curve (AUC)
are provided.
Significant differences among outcome measures
are evaluated using a one way ANOVA with
significance set to p<0.05 and with a post-hoc
Bonferroni test to identify two differing measures.
Correlations between different types of features
were assessed by calculating Pearson’s correlation
3.5 Data Analysis
In total, 22 features were calculated from the
accelerometer signal. Features can be divided into
five groups: step count, step time (and derived
statistics), step length (and derived statistics), step
symmetry and step RMS. Each of the five groups is
explained below.
3.5.1 Step Count
The 3D accelerometer signal is rotated to align the Y
axis of the signal to gravity and steps (defined as
initial contacts of the heel (IC)) are identified, based
on the maxima before the zero-crossings in the
forward acceleration signal, after applying a fourth
order zero lag Butterworth low pass filter with a cut-
off frequency of 2 Hz (Zijlstra, 2004).
3.5.2 Step Time
From the IC’s detected from the signals as described
above, the average step time is obtained, as well as a
range of derived statistics including standard
deviation, coefficient of variation, inter quartile
range etc. Also, step frequency, walking speed and
step time asymmetry are available. Step time
asymmetry is the difference of the left step time and
the right step time, scaled by the average and
expressed as a percentage (equation 2).
− 
+ 
In all features based on step time, the initial two
steps and the final two steps are discarded from the
signal, in order to exclude effects from gait initiation
and gait termination. The study of irregularities in
the gait initiation and termination phases is beyond
the scope of this paper.
3.5.3 Step Length
As the total length of the trajectory and the number
of steps are known, the average step length is
available. Step length can also be calculated without
relying on the measured true trajectory length using
the inverted pendulum model (Zijlstra, 2004). The
inverted pendulum model is a biomechanical model
of human gait, which is relating a vertical movement
of the pelvis during the gait cycle with the step
length, as specified in equation 3:
2ℎ− ℎ
where l is the leg length and h is the vertical
displacement of the pelvis, which is obtained from
the double integration of the vertical acceleration
component. The advantage of this method is that the
step length of each gait cycle can be calculated
individually, using only two parameters. The
disadvantage of this method is that the double
integration step in calculating the vertical
displacement is prone to drift. Step length as
calculated from the known trajectory length, step
length according to the inverted pendulum model
and the vertical displacement of the pelvis itself are
included as features of this study.
3.5.4 Step and Stride
Regularity and Symmetry
A whole family of related measures exist which all
capture the regularity of the accelerometer signal
over multiple steps (Moe-Nilssen and Helbostadt,
2004). Suppose y[t] is the auto correlation of the
acceleration signal a[t], then y[t] has maxima
corresponding to a time shift of 1,2,.. k steps. Hence,
the auto correlation at the first maximum expresses
the step regularity, whereas auto-correlation at the
second maximum expresses the stride regularity.
Step symmetry is defined as the step regularity
divided by the stride regularity.
These measures are typically calculated in the
medio-lateral (ML) and cranio-caudal (CC)
direction. Auto correlation could be normalized or
not. Biased and unbiased versions have been
proposed. In this study only the unbiased measures
in the CC orientation were incorporated.
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
3.5.5 Step and Stride RMS
The root mean squared acceleration per step or per
stride, in the CC and the ML direction were
calculated (equation 4).
is the acceleration in the i-th sample of the
considered step in either the CC or ML orientation
and N is the number of samples in the current step.
RMS values per step are averaged over all steps in
the signal.
3.6 Machine Learning
Algorithms and Classifiers
Standard machine learning methods for pattern
recognition and classification were employed:
Naive Bayes (NB), Multi layered perceptron (MLP),
Support Vector Machines (SVM), Locally Weighted
Learning (LWL) and C45. For more information on
any of these classifiers, the reader is referred to
(Duda et al, 2000). WEKA version 3.4.13 was used
for the classification based on each of these
classifiers. Weka is an open source machine learning
software package, provided by the University of
Waikato. For each of the included algorithms, the
default parameters as proposed by WEKA were
Naive Bayes. This is a simple Bayesian classifier,
assuming conditional independence between the
Multi layered Perceptron. We have used a MLP
with one hidden layer, consisting of 22 input units,
12 hidden units, which is (nr inputs + output values)
/ 2, and a single output unit. Learning rate was set to
0.3 and momentum to 0.2. In the hidden units a
sigmoid activation function was used, in the output
unit the identity function was used as an activation
function. Back propagation was used as a training
algorithm, performing 500 iterations.
Support Vector Machines. Sequential Minimal
Optimization is used for fast training (Platt J, 1998).
Locally Weighted Learning. This is a nearest
neighbor classifier, which is considering all
neighbors and attributing a weight to each of the
neighbors. The weight scales linear with the inverse
distance to the query point (Atkeson, Moore and
Schaal, 1996).
C45. is a traditional decision tree learning algorithm
introduced by (Quinlan, 1993).
Training neural networks for classifying gait data
with back propagation as used in the MLP, has
several drawbacks: (1) the user must define the
network topology; (2) the user must carefully select
the relevant features, as (3) a fastly growing number
of training instances is required with the addition of
each new attribute. In the current study, only 80
subjects are available, which might hence lead to
low classification accuracy of neural networks.
Approaches based on genetic algorithms were
proposed in which the network topology and the
weights are learnt simultaneously. An example of
such a system is “neuro evolution of augmenting
topologies” or NEAT (Stanley and Miikkulainen,
2002) in which a population of neural networks
evolves from simple perceptrons into more complex
networks, based on mutation (both weights and
connections evolve) and cross-over. NEAT was
shown to perform superior to classical neural nets in
typical benchmark problems. A straightforward
extension of NEAT is “feature selective” NEAT or
FS-NEAT (Whiteson et al, 2005) which performs
feature selection, topology learning and weight
learning simultaneously. In FS-NEAT the initial
networks in the population only have a single input
neuron, randomly selected from the available
attributes. A mutation operator which can connect
additional input nodes is added. A modification to
FS-NEAT is “feature deselective” NEAT or FD-
NEAT (Tan et al, 2009), which is similar but starts
from networks in which all inputs are connected and
has a mutation operator which drops connections
from input nodes. In most cases, FD-NEAT
outperforms FS-NEAT.
In the experiments we report in this article, the
best result out of ten runs was obtained for each fold.
The populations in the genetic algorithm consisted
of 200 networks that were evolved over 60
4.1 Comparison of Classifiers
The main experiment consists of evaluating the
performance of five different machine learning
algorithms in a binary classification problem based
on 22 features calculated from an accelerometer
signal obtained from a single walk of 18 m. Detailed
results are given in table 3. In summary, the results
show that NB outperforms the other classifiers: it
ACCELEROMETER BASED GAIT ANALYSIS - Multi Variate Assessment of Fall Risk with FD-NEAT
has the highest accuracy (0.77), true positive rate (=
recall) (0.75), precision (0.79) and area under the
curve (0.82), for the lowest false positive rate (0.2).
The multi layered perceptron scored very low, on
each of the five performance measures incorporated
in this study. Given the high amount of attributes
(22) compared to the low amount of training
instances (72 out of 80 in each fold), it is to be
expected that inferior results of the MLP are due to a
severe lack of training instances compared to the
complexity of the network. Feature selection is
hence appropriate.
Table 2: Results of the classifiers, 22 features. TP = true
positives, FP = false positives, AUC = area under the
curve, NB = Naive Bayes, MLP=Multi Layered
Perceptron, SVM = Support Vector Machine, LWL =
Locally Weighted Learning. X= AUC for FD-NEAT not
available, see text.
Given the inconclusive results of the debate in
the gait analysis community on the relevance of each
of the individual features, it is not advised to
manually select the relevant features. On the other
hand, one of the main observations in the field of
clinical gait analysis is that almost all features are
somehow influenced by walking speed. In this
study, subjects were asked to walk at normal speed.
Hence, differences in any of the calculated features
between EF and EC may be related to gait speed
differences between both groups.
Using FD-NEAT the accuracy increases up to
82.5%. Also TP (recall) and precision are the highest
of all experiments reported, while FP is the lowest of
all reported experiments. For FD-NEAT ROC
analysis with AUC could not be reported, as it uses a
sigmoid in the activation function, resulting in
nearly binary outputs such that threshold varying is
Standard deviations of the accuracy over the ten
folds were calculated for MLP-22 and FD-NEAT-22
and are quite high (σ=0.17 and 0.17
respectively). This is caused by the too small fold
size (for N=80, the fold size is 8). At the 0.05 level,
accuracy of FD-NEAT-22 is significantly better than
From a clinical perspective, this study confirms that
accelerometer based fall risk assessment is feasible
with high accuracy (82.5%) and with high sensitivity
(80% recall). However, the study population was
recruited based on self reported falls, the timed up
and go test and the Tinetti test. Hence, amongst EF,
a wide variety of conditions and diseases which are
possible related to fall risk are present. In a study
design in which only fallers suffering from a specific
disease or condition are included (e.g. sarcopenia or
Alzheimer’s disease), higher accuracy results could
probably be obtained, using another subset of
features, as each disease results in specific gait
disorders. As this article is focussing on the
screening potential of accelerometer based gait
analysis for fall risk, we have chosen not to restrict
the study population to specific subgroups.
Most measures employed do not show significant
differences between the different classifiers studied.
This is due to the high standard deviations as the
sizes of the folds studied are extremely small.
However, validating over the test set was not
considered a viable approach. Hence, it is to be
advised to repeat the experiment over larger
population sizes in order to reach significance.
Nevertheless, FD-NEAT based on 22 features
significantly outperforms MLP based on 22 features,
confirming our initial hypothesis that FD-NEAT
suffers less from the described dimensionality
This article evaluated the possibility of fall risk
stratification of elderly based on a single walk of 18
meters, instrumented with an accelerometer.
Opposed to many systems, the system is not limited
to a single feature. We’ve investigated the
performance of five different classifiers using 22
features, commonly used in various gait
experiments. Given the extremely small data set (40
positive and 40 negative cases) compared to the
number of attributes (22), the performance of the
classifiers is suboptimal (60 to 70 % accuracy).
We’ve put forward that FD-NEAT, an evolutionary
approach to perform feature selection, to learn a
NB-22 .77 .75 .2 .79 .75 .82
MLP-22 .61 .6 .38 .62 .6 .72
SVM-22 .69 .6 .23 .73 .6 .69
LWL-22 .69 .58 .2 .74 .58 .74
C45-22 .69 .65 .28 .70 .65 .64
FD-NEAT .82 .8 .15 .84 .8 X
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
neural network topology and to learn the weights
simultaneously, outperforms the traditional
classifiers (82.5 % accuracy).
From a clinical perspective, this article illustrates
that in a general population of elderly, fall risk is
related to different underlying constructs, with clear
manifestations among different dimensions in the
gait pattern as captured by the accelerometer.
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ACCELEROMETER BASED GAIT ANALYSIS - Multi Variate Assessment of Fall Risk with FD-NEAT