0.7684, NR(N) = 0.8375, NR(M) = 0.1459 and
NR(H)=0.8375. The networks N and H have the
same reliability, and by applying a selection
algorithm it turns out that the most credible Goods is
{E,N,H}, which corresponds to Andrea. So Andrea
is the response of the system.
Figure 2: Schematic representation of the Face
Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of this
Face Recognition System (FRS). Which is able to
recognize the most probable individual even in
presence of serious conflicts among the outputs of
the various nets.
Back to the example in Section III, let’s suppose that
the network M is not able to recognize Andrea from
is mouth. There can be two reasons for the fault of
M: either the task of recognizing any mouth is
objectively harder, or Andrea could have recently
changed the shape of his mouth (perhaps because of
the grown of a goatee or moustaches). The second
case is interesting because it shows how our FRS
could be useful for coping with dynamic changes in
the features of the subjects. In such a dynamic
environment, where the input pattern partially
changes, some neural networks could no longer be
able to recognize them. So, we force each faulting
network to re-train itself on the basis of the
recognition made by the overall group. On the basis
of the a-posteriori reliability and of the Goods, our
idea is to automatically re-train the networks that did
not agree with the others, in order to “correctly”
recognize the changed face. Each iteration of the
cycle applies Bayesian conditioning to the a-priori
“degrees of reliability” producing an a-posteriori
vector of reliability. To take into account the history
of the responses that came from each network, we
maintain an “average vectors of reliability”
produced at each recognition, always starting from
the a-priori degrees of reliability. This average
vector will be given as input to the two algorithms,
IBW and WA, instead of the a-posteriori vector of
reliability produced in the current recognition. In
other words, the difference with respect to the BR
mechanism described in Section II is that we do not
give an a-posteriori vector of reliability to the two
algorithms (IBW and WA), but the average vector of
reliability calculated since the FRS started to work
with that set of subjects to recognize. With this
feedback, our FRS performs a continuous learning
phase adapting itself to partial continuous changes of
the individuals in the population to be recognized.
This section shows only partial results: those
obtained without the feedback, discussed in the
previous section. In this work we compared two
groups of neural networks: the first consisting of
four networks and the second with five (the
additional network is obtained by separating the eyes
in two distinctive networks). All the networks are
LVQ 2.1, a variation of Kohonen’s LVQ (Kohonen,
1995), each one specialized to respond to individual
template of the face.
The Training Set is composed of 20 subjects
(taken from FERET database (Philips, 1998)), for
each one 4 pictures were taken for a total of 80.
Networks were trained, during the learning phase,
with three different epochs: 3000, 4000 and 5000.
To find Goods and Nogoods, from the networks
responses we use two methods:
1. Static method: the cardinality of the response
provided by each net is fixed a priori. We choose
values from 1 to 5, 1 meaning the most probable
individual, while 5 meaning the most five probable
2. Dynamic method: the cardinality of the response
provided by each net changes dynamically according
to the minimum number of “desired” Goods to be
searched among. In other words, we set the number
of desired Goods and reduce the cardinality of the
response (from 5 down to 1) till we eventually reach
that number (of course, if all the nets agree in their
first name there will be only one Goods).
In the next step we applied the Bayesian
conditioning (Dragoni, 1997), on the Nogoods
obtained with the two previous techniques, obtaining
an a-posteriori vector of reliability. These new
“degrees of reliability” will be used for choosing the
most credible Good (i.e. the name of subject). To
test our work, we have taken 488 different images of
the 20 subjects and with these images we have
created two Test Set. Figure 3 reports the rate of
correct recognition for the two Test Set, with the
Static and Dynamic methods. It shows also, how
WA is better than IBW for all four cases in both