Mari Ibáñez, Álvaro Reina Nieves, Jaime Martínez Jiménez, Natividad Martinez Madrid
Telematic Engineer Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés 28911, Madrid, Spain
Ralf Seepold
Computer Science Department, University of Applied Sciences Konstanz, Konstanz 78462, Germany
Keywords: Home healthcare, Telecare, UPnP, HL7, OSGi.
Abstract: Currently, there is a great number of telemedicine devices that can be connected to a computer in order to
collect medical data of a patient, but these devices usually use proprietary protocols with a low level of
interoperability. This paper proposes the use of a standardized protocol like UPnP to enhance the diffusion
and utilization of a telemedicine device. This work presents an UPnP wrapper that allows announcing,
discovering and managing of those telemedicine devices into an UPnP network. Additionally, the
integration of this wrapper into an OSGi service platform allows the use of a telemedicine device by other
services/applications that can need the medical data.
Telemedicine is growing fast for different reasons as
the progressive increase of dependent people
(elderly or disabled people) or the need of reduce the
cost of hospitalization. The integration of key
healthcare actors is required to offer an efficient
service but these systems often lack of adequate
interoperability which slow down the acceptance
and usage of the system. Additionally, ehealth
applications and technologies are usually proprietary
and unreasonably complex for embedded systems.
For example, John is 80 years old and lives with
his son, Benn, who is 55 years old. John has been
sent to Benn's home after an operation but he has to
be visited by a doctor. As some of the visits are only
to take different measurements of his state, it has
been decided to provide some telemedicine devices
that, with the help of Benn, John has to use to take
that measurements and automatically send it using
an Internet connection. The set of devices includes a
thermometer, a blood pressure monitor and a
personal scale. Additionally, there are some devices
to create a videoconference between patient and
doctor when it is necessary. All of them use different
protocols to communicate with a computer where
has been installed different applications to manage
those devices. Benn is familiarized with computers
and Internet but the installation of new software and
devices is too complex for him.
Therefore, we have an scenario where lots of
devices and protocols, some of them proprietary,
appear, making the interconnection and
interoperability very difficult. Our approach
describes a system architecture that reduces
complexity combining a central management device
with a service platform to integrate different telecare
services. The main service of this architecture will
be an UPnP (UPnP Forum, 2010) wrapper that
provides transparent connectivity and discovery of
telemedicine devices.
According to the description of our approach, the
main device of the architecture will be the
Residential Gateway (RGW) (Hofrichter, K 2001)
that provides connectivity between Internet and the
local network and provides a place for installing the
OSGi service platform (OSGi Alliance, 2010),
which provides an execution environment as well as
a remote control architecture for services.
Figure 1 shows a scenario that presents all the
elements involved in our work and includes the
patient surrounded by multimedia devices for
videoconference and the eHealth equipment for
monitorization, and, as a central control point, the
Ibañez M., Reina Nieves Á., Martínez Jiménez J., Martinez Madrid N. and Seepold R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003135201740179
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 174-179
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
RGW with the OSGi platform. This service platform
includes services for health data transmission,
videoconference and other not related. However, the
service that is in the target of this paper is a service
for wrapping telemedicine devices to serve them in
an UPnP network.
The wrapper consists of an OSGi service that
creates different UPnP devices for each telemedicine
device managed by the residential gateway. The
service has to announce each device and provides
the information to communicate a telemedice device
with those that requires their data. This data are
encapsulated following medical standards like HL7
(Hutchison, A. et al., 1996) and the ISO/IEEE
Health Informatics (ISO/IEEE, 2004).
In resume, we propose an architecture for a home
ehealth system based on OSGi that provides
capabilities to integrate different telecare,
telemedicine and home automation services for
dependent people in a RGW. This system provides
transparency of installation and utilization using the
widely use UPnP protocol and medical data
transmission standards.
Figure 1: Environment description.
The next sections are organized in the following
way: Section 2 presents the state of the art as well as
protocols and standards. Our proposal is presented in
Section 3 while Section 4 describes implementation
details and Section 5 shows the testbed and results
obtained. Finally, the last section concludes the
paper and gives some future outlook.
This section presents the work and research lines
related to telemedicine and similar developments
followed by a brief introduction to the technologies
and standards used in the system.
2.1 Related Work
Healthcare is a very important topic as reflects the
high number of projects that describes a
telemedicine environment and solves related
problems. A brief sample of this projects are
intelligent health mobile systems for Telecare and
Teleconsultation, TELECARE (TELECARE, 2010),
A multi-agent tele-supervision system for elderly
care or PIPS (
PIPS, 2010), Personalized Information
Platform for Life and Health Services. They provide
different solutions but they use to work with
compatible devices and proprietary solutions.
There are some works that attempt to provide a
non proprietary solution defining a generic
architecture to interconnect telemedicine devices.
This is the case of (TIA, 2003), (Parkka, J. et al.,
2002) and (Hui-Bing, Z. and Jing-Wei, Z. 2009). All
of them describe architectures to provide a
homogeneous management system. All work do not
present a definitive solution because they are not
oriented to telemedice devices or because they do
not define the kind of services and data that an UPnP
telemedicine specification has to provide. Apart
from those work there are other ones that present a
complete solution for the integration of different
telemedicine devices. Wen-Wei, L. and Yu-Hsiang,
S., 2008, presents a solution to manage zigbee
telemedicine devices as UPnP devices but it is
limited to the zigbee protocol and to a subset of
telemedicine devices. Toninelli, A.; et al., 2009,
presents a solution based on the MIDAS protocol
that is a non standard protocol.
To end this section and justified the use of UPnP
and OSGi to provide interoperability, as well as the
ones mentioned before, it is possible to cite Reina,
Á. et al., 2009) and (Martinez J. et al., 2007). Both
present solutions for the management of different
devices using UPnP and OSGi but in different
2.2 Technologies
The main technologies describe in this section are
related to the health informatics standards, the OSGi
framework and the UPnP standard.
2.2.1 Health Informatics Standards
Home telecare requires that patient data must be
transmitted following messaging standard.
Currently, HL7 (Hutchison, A. et al., 1996),
(Hammond, W. E., 1993) is a widely applied
protocol to exchange clinical data that provides open
source tools like (HAPI, 2010), (Mirth Corp., 2010).
Furthermore, there is a standard under
development, the ISO/IEEE 11073 (also known as
x73) standard (
ISO/IEEE, 2004), to transmit medical
information among devices, but there are hardly
eHealth devices yet in the market supporting the
2.2.2 OSGi Framework
The OSGi framework (OSGi Alliance, 2010) is a
Java-based open architecture for network delivery of
managed services. Services are added through
software components (bundles). The platform carries
out a complete management of bundles’ life cycle:
install, remove, start, stop and update.
2.2.3 UPnP Standard
The Universal Plug & Play (UPnP) (UPnP Forum,
2010) protocol is used to exchange services between
the devices attached to a local network (LAN) and a
control point (CP). An UPnP network can be
deployed over any kind of TCP/IP network,
including the most common access technologies like
WiFi or Ethernet.
Additionally to this specification, the UPnP
Forum has release a document with the definition of
a security (UPnP Security Ceremonies, 2009).
The objective of this work is to describe a wrapper
that allows the integration of any kind of
telemedicine device into a common network to
provide interoperability. For this reason, UPnP has
been chosen because of its capabilities of
autodiscovery, autoconfiguration and adaptability as
well as being a well known standard. This protocol
is combined with HL7 to provide a medical data
structure and management. This section shows the
software architecture defined and the hardware
architecture where the software is deployed.
3.1 Type of Devices
As it is depicted in Figure 2, the working
environment is composed of four types of devices:
non-UPnP telemedicine devices connected directly
to the RGW (USB, RS-232, Bluetooth, …) or using
the Home Network, UPnP telemedicine devices,
UPnP Control Point (Mobile, Tablet PC, …) and the
RGW which acts as the coordinator device
Figure 2: System Architecture.
3.2 UPnP Wrapper and Medical Data
Management with HL7
The UPnP/HL7 wrapper is the main part of this
work. It is in charge of mapping the non-UPnP
telemedicine devices that can be accessed from the
RGW, the interaction with the modules that
communicates with the telemedicine devices,
providing an easy way of accessing data for the
internal control point and announce the telemedicine
devices in the UPnP network as well as manage
communications with devices that want to use data
of the devices supported by this system.
This medical data follow the HL7 standard in
order to be integrated and exchanged using UPnP. It
enables the communication with the largest possible
number of Electronic Health Record (EHR) servers,
making possible the use of our telemedicine
platform with many providers involved in patient
care. Our approach follows the described
De Toledo,
P. et al., 2006.
3.3 Telemedicine Device Managers
These modules are in charge of managing the
communications with the medical devices in a
middleware-compliant way (OSGi bundle in case of
the proposed architecture). They must be provided
by the device manufacturer who owns the
knowledge about how they work (data types,
acquisition methods, sampling modes, etc.).
A common interface between the telemedicine
device managers and the wrapper is needed to read
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
the device descriptive information like type of
measurements, units, bounds and sampling
frequency . Afterwards, an instance of a UPnP
device that represents such telemedicine device in
the home network can be created.
3.4 System Security
Medical data is highly sensible so that discovery of
devices and distribution of data have to be done in a
secure manner. For that, a module based on the
UPnP definitions has been defined. This module
encrypts data generated by the wrapper before
sending any device description.
The UPnP allows the definition of different devices
depending of the requirements of each situation, and
additionally, it defines some basic devices. As there
is not a standard definition for telemedicine devices,
one has been developed one for this work.
This proposal states how to describe an UPnP
telemedicine device and the services provided.
4.1 Device Model
Two types of devices are covered by this model
depending on the way of collecting data. On-demand
devices that collect data sporadically for example the
temperature or the weight of the patient, and event-
triggered devices that continuously monitor the
Table 1 shows the devices and their services.
OnDemandTelemedicineDevice:1 communicates
with the on-demand devices and has 4 services
named to start or shutdown the device, to access the
buffered data and to access the measurement units.
Table 1: Devices and services.
Device Type Service Type Service ID
SwitchPower:1 SwitchPower
GetMeasurement:1 GetMeasurement
GetUnit:1 GetUnit
SwitchPower:1 SwitchPower
GetUnit:1 GetUnit
Event-triggeredTelemedicineDevice:1 service
differs with the previous one in the way of collecting
data. In this case it is needed to start and stop the
measurement stream.
4.2 SwitchPower Service Description
This service defines a basic power switching for
telemedicine devices. Table 2 shows the State
variable for this service which is in charge of storing
a value of false to request for a power-off or true to
request for a power-on state. This variable has to be
monitored to detect changes.
Table 2: State variables for SwitchPower service.
Variable Name Data Type Allowed Value Events
Status boolean true/false YES
Finally, the actions associated with this service
are listed in Table 3. These actions respectively
write and read the status state variable.
Table 3: Actions for SwitchPower service.
Name Arguments Direction
IN Status
Get-Status RetStatusValue OUT Status
4.3 GetUnit Service Description
This service defines the type of value managed by
the device. A datum is defined by a name, the
number of bytes needed to store one measurement,
and a range where this datum moves. Table 4 shows
the list of variables associated with this service
requiring name, size and minimum and maximum.
Table 4: State variables for GetUnit service.
Data Type Allowed Value Events
Name string n/a NO
Size int >0 NO
MinValue float n/a NO
MaxValue float n/a NO
As the variables described above only depend on
the specific device they cannot be changed so the
allowed actions for the service GetUnit, see Table 5
are used to read the values of the state variables
Table 5: Actions for GetUnit service.
Name Arguments Direction
Get-Name RetName OUT Name
Get-Size RetSize OUT Size
Get-Min-Value RetMinValue OUT MinValue
Get-Max-Value RetMaxValue OUT MaxValue
4.4 GetMeassurement Service
GetMeasurement provides data obtained by the
intervention of a patient. This data is stored in the
telemedicine management bundle till is required by a
UPnP device. The state variables for this service are
described in Table 6. The variable Values is an array
of floats that stores values while the variable Dates
stores the instant when those values were captured.
MaxElements and CurrentElements determine the
maximum and current number of values stored.
Table 6: State variables for GetMeasurement service.
Variable Name Data Type Allowed Value Events
Values set
>= MinValue,
<= MaxValue
Dates set
Dates, format:
CurrentElements int
>= 0,
< MaxElements
MaxElements int n/a NO
Table 7 shows the actions available for this
service. They provide a way of accessing to the
stored values getting the value (getValue) and the
associated date (getDate). These methods always
return the oldest values erasing them from the
internal buffer. GetCurrentElement provides the
number of elements in the buffer.
Table 7: Actions for GetMeasure service.
Name Arguments Direction
GetValue RetValue OUT Values
GetDate RetDate OUT Dates
OUT Max-Elements
4.5 StartMeassurement Service
and StopMeassurement
These services are related with the event-triggered
devices which are constantly generating
measurements. Values are generated in the physical
device with a certain frequency and send to the
device manager with the same rate. MinRate and
MaxRate determine the limits of the Rate one. Table
8 shows detailed information of the state variables.
Table 8: State variables for StartMeassurement service.
Variable Name
Allowed Value Events
Values set
>= MinValue,
<= MaxValue
MinRate float n/a NO
MaxRate float n/a NO
Rate float
>= MinRate,
<= MaxRate
The actions for these services are resumed in
Table 9. They allow starting and stopping the
acquisition process as well the setting of rate.
Table 9: Actions for StartMeassurement service.
Name Arguments Direction
StartCapture n/a n/a n/a
StopCapture n/a n/a n/a
GetMinRate RetMinRate OUT MinRate
GetMaxRate RetMaxRate OUT MaxRate
SetRate NewRate IN Rate
4.6 Errors Considered for all Services
Table 10 shows a compilation of all the errors that
can be returned by the system in case of failure.
Table 10: System error compilation.
Error Code Error Description Description
401 Invalid Action
See UPnP Device
Architecture section on
402 Invalid Args
403 Out of Synch
501 Action Failed
Currently, we have developed and tested a prototype
with the functionality described above. First
experiments are being implemented in a laboratory
with a simulated RGW and a blood pressure monitor
and a personal scale.
The RGW is running in an embedded computer
with limited resources using an Intel Pentium
Celeron CPU, 512 MB memory and Debian Linux.
Apache Felix (Apache Software Foundation, 2010)
an OSGi R4 Service Platform compliant
implementation released under an open source
license has been chosen as service platform.
The software made for this work includes a
Telemedicine Device Manager that communicates
with the eHealth equipment via Bluetooth and the
UPnP/HL7 Wrapper. UPnP development is based on
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
a branched version of Cybergarage (Satoshi, K.,
2010) Java libraries. HAPI, (HAPI, 2010) an open
source libraries, are used to implement the HL7 part
of the wrapper following the HL7 version 2.6
An "UPnP/HL7 wrapper" for providing
interoperability in an e-health environment has been
presented and developed. Our approach is based on
well-known standards as OSGi, UPnP and HL7. It
supports discovering medical devices that use
different protocols as well as the management of the
health data provided by those devices. Additionally
the presented architecture is open to incorporate
future devices.
Future work is directed in three ways. The first
working line tries to increase the functionality of the
system incorporating home sensors. The second line
of action has relation to the usability of the
application, so it is needed to test the interface with
real patients. Finally, UPnP defines a security
protocol module that has to be implemented.
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De Toledo, P. et al., 2006. Interoperability of a mobile
health care solution with electronic healthcare record.
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