Emergency Diagnosis Impact and Digital Radiology Implementation
A Review
José Manuel Coelho
and Pedro Pereira Rodrigues
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Al. Prof. HernâniMonteiro, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
Imagiology Department of Hospital Center of Porto, Stº António Hospital
Largo Prof. Abel Salazar, 4099-001 Porto, Portugal
LIAAD, INESC Porto, L.A. & CINTESIS - Center for Research in HealthTechnologies and Information Systems
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Red dot, Radiographer abnormality detection, Radiographer report, PACS, Digital radiography.
Abstract: Radiographer abnormality detection schemes (RADS) were introduced in the early 1980s to assist
emergency departments. The development of PACS systems are affecting health professionals forcing them
to evolve along, reviewing images on a computer monitor rather than on radiographic lm. This article
reviewed published articles that evaluated the impact of the use of a Red Dot System in patient outcome of
emergency trauma patients and assessed the implementation of a Red Dot System in a Radiology
Department with digital radiography and PACS. Few articles addressed the implementation issues and use
of a Red Dot system in Computed Radiology. Radiographer skeletal red dot studies, had sensitivity and
specificity of, respectively, 0.71 and 0.96 pre-training, and 0.81 and 0.95 post-training, compared with a
reference standard. The use of radiographer abnormality detection schemes such as Red Dot and reporting
has the potential to improve the diagnosis and outcome of emergency patients. The arrival of Information
Technologies (IT) to healthcare and the introduction of Digital Radiography have limited the functionality
of RADS due to incompatibility of new technology with the standard practice. New image technology
solutions in Radiology should enhance the development and utilization of radiographer skills in RADS
Radiographer Abnormality Detection Schemes
(RADS) were introduced in the early 1980s in UK
where the radiographer marks a radiograph (usually
a red dot sticker – thence the name) that he believes
to show an acute abnormality to alert emergency
doctors to the possible presence of an abnormality. If
he is able to identify it correctly, then he can issue a
comment or a report where he would describe the
location, extent and type of the pathology, and its
clinical importance. The aim is to assist emergency
departments (ED) addressing the shortage of
radiologists and is implemented in ED’s where the
radiologist is not always available to issue a
radiography report, leaving the interpretation to the
referring doctors.
The development of digital radiology and Picture
Archiving Systems (PACS) is affecting health
professionals forcing them to evolve along,
reviewing soft copy images on a computer monitor
rather than on radiographic lm. New questions
have arised about the best way to adapt and
implement RADS with monitor image reviewing,
abnormality signalling and transmission of the
radiographer’s report to the referring doctor
becoming limited by Computed Radiography
systems (Snaith and Hardy, 2008) and the paperless
patient-management systems of today’s hospitals.
The purpose of this article was to review
published articles that evaluate the impact of the use
of a Red Dot System in patient outcome of
emergency trauma patients and assess the
implementation of RADS in a Radiology
Department with digital radiography and (PACS).
Coelho J. and Pereira Rodrigues P..
THE RED DOT SYSTEM - Emergency Diagnosis Impact and Digital Radiology Implementation: A Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0003135305080511
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 508-511
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
A search of the literature was undertaken using the
PubMed database with relevant keywords, in studies
published since 1999, which resulted in 343 articles.
The included studies addressed the use of Red Dot
(or RADS) with digital radiology and its impact on
emergency patient management. After a title/abstract
analysis, 308 studies were excluded, remaining 35
studies with 11 overlapping resulting in 24 potential
relevant studies. After a full text analysis 6 studies
were found eligible to support this article.
The 6 eligible studies for this review assessed the
accuracy of radiographers red dot or reporting, the
costs and effects of introducing radiographer
reporting in ED and the current practice of RADS.
Only one of the eligible articles addressed the effects
of Information Technologies, particularly Computed
Radiology, on the implementation and use of Red
Dot systems or RADS.
3.1 Accuracy of Radiographer’s Red
Dot of Emergency Radiographs
Radovanovic and Armfield, (2005) have found that
the accuracy of untrained radiographers and ED
doctors in identifying abnormal radiographs were
quite similar: 87% and 89%, respectively.
Brealey, Scally, Hahn, Thomas, Godfrey and
Crane (2006) registed a pooled sensitivity and
specificity of radiographer’s red dot for all body
areas of, respectively, 0.88 (CI 0.88–0.90) and 0.91
(CI 0.90–0.92) (Bowman, 1991; Morrison, Hendry,
Fell and Stothard, 1999). One study (Hargreaves and
Mackay, 2003) assessed skeletal red dot without
training with sensitivity and specificity, respectively,
of 0.71 (CI 0.62–0.79) and 0.96 (CI 0.93–0.97); and
with training was 0.81 (CI 0.72–0.87) and 0.95 (CI
3.2 Accuracy of Radiographer’s
Radovanovic and Armfield, (2005) found a
correlation between the radiographer’s experience or
seniority, and the accuracy in their identifying
abnormalities. The authors analysed the ability of
radiographers to accurate identify the abnormality
that was noticed and report it, without training, and
calculated it at 85% in one study (Orames, 1997)
and 93% in another one (Smith and Younger, 2002)
(Smith and Younger, 2002).
Brealey, Scally, Hahn, Thomas, Godfrey and
Crane (2006) calculated the pooled sensitivity and
specificity for radiographer reporting of the skeleton
on emergency radiographies in five studies: 0.90 (CI
0.89 – 0.92) and specificity 0.94 (CI 0.93 – 0.94),
respectively, using as reference standard radiologists
of variable grades.
These authors had already published a review
article (Brealey, Scally, Hahn, Thomas, Godfrey and
Coomarasamy, 2005) to determine the accuracy of
radiographer reporting in clinical practice with
summary sensitivity estimate of 92.6% (CI 92.0 –
93.2) and specificity of 97.7% (CI 97.5 – 97.9).
3.3 Implementation of RDS / RADS
and Digital Radiology
Snaith and Hardy (2008) sent a questionnaire to 456
UK sites (ED and minor injuries units), where they
tried to find the main technologic issues regarding
the use and implementation of RDS and RADS.
From the 306 (n=306/456; 74%) responses, a
RADS was in operation in 284 sites (n=284/306;
92.8%), and of these, 221 sites (n=221/284; 77.8%)
operated a red dot scheme; 7 sites (n=7/284; 2.5%)
operated a radiographer comment system; and a
further 54 sites (n=54/284; 19.0%) operated both a
red dot and comment scheme. Two sites (n=2/284;
0.7%) indicated that a RAD system other than red
dot or radiographer commenting was operated, but
no more details were given about the kind of system
There were 275 sites from 306, with a red dot /
reporting system with 21 different methods of
abnormality flagging: the phrase “red dot” annotated
on the computed radiography (CR) (n=83/275;
30.2%); a red dot sticker affixed to the printed
radiograph (n=71/275; 25.8%); and an asterisk (*)
annotated on the CR image (n=43/275; 15.6%).
Other annotation methods were registed.
There were identified 8 different methods of
communicating radiographer findings in the 61 sites
providing written comment on the radiographs (also
operating a red dot system): use of a radiographer
comment form (n=24/61; 41.4%); space for
radiographers to annotate findings on the imaging
request card (n=12/61; 20.7%); and verbal
communication (n=7/61; 12.1%). Other methods
included a note on the PACS system or the
Radiology Information system (RIS); a hand written
post-it note; and a stamp on the request card.
THE RED DOT SYSTEM - Emergency Diagnosis Impact and Digital Radiology Implementation: A Review
The implementation of PACS had limited the
functionality of RADS due to incompatibility of new
technology with standard RADS practice and, in
many cases the radiographer’s ability to detect
abnormalities was being interfered by the monitor
3.4 RADS Costs an Effects on
Emergency Patient Management
The costs and effects of introducing selectively
trained radiographers signalling and reporting on an
ED were evaluated by Brealey, King, Hahn,
Godfrey, Crowe, Bloor, Crane and Longsworth
(2005) for the appendicular skeleton, using a
retrospective controlled before and after design.
They concluded that the “introduction of
radiographer reporting did not have a negative effect
on ED radiograph reporting accuracy, patient
management or outcome” (Brealey, King, Hahn,
Godfrey, Crowe, Bloor, Crane and Longsworth,
2005). This authors analysed a previous study
(Piper, Paterson and Ryan, 1999) were the costs of
introducing radiographer reporting in four UK
National Health Service trusts ranged from nil to
15000£ (approx. 17.200€ ) per annum. Brealey’s
analysis showed that the cost of introducing
radiographer reporting saved the Radiology
Department 361£ (approx. 415€) and further cost
savings could be made as radiographers acquire the
same experience as radiologists and if secretaries
typed the radiographer’s reports.
The radiographer’s role in trauma has been
traditionally limited to image acquisition, but in
some countries has changed dramatically to include
responsibility for image interpretation. This
evolution is related with the technological advances
and the personnel shortages in some countries health
systems like United Kingdom and Australia. In these
countries radiographers have been taking on some
responsibilities which were previously from the
domain of radiologists. These additional
responsibilities have been termed “role extension” or
“skill-mixed” (Williams, 2006).
Red Dot is about image pattern recognition
which requires a methodical visual analysis and
effort, as opposed to reporting which is an analytical
approach to the percepted image features, with
consequent process of deduction and induction to
understand the pathological basis of the
abnormalities shown and their medical significance
(Brealey, Scally, Hahn, Thomas, Godfrey and Crane,
There is some evidence about the accuracy of
radiographer’s red dot and report of emergency
radiographs in clinical practice. Radiographer’s
accuracy is affected by body area being the skeletal
area the one with better accuracy results. Also, there
is a similar accuracy in identifying radiographic
abnormalities between untrained radiographers and
ED doctors (Radovanovic and Armfield, 2005) (87%
and 89%, respectively). The investment on a proper
evidence based education and training, like pos-
graduated courses, improves the ability of
radiographers to report on radiographs with accuracy
comparable to radiologists (Brealey, Scally, Hahn,
Thomas, Godfrey and Crane, 2006) (0,93 sensitivity
and 0,98 specificity). This level of accuracy in
clinical practice would only be maintained if a
clinical audit were to be implemented periodically to
assess possible divergences trough time and
maintain quality (Brealey, S., Scally A., Hahn S.,
Thomas N., Godfrey C. and Crane S., 2006).
The reviewed articles suggest that radiographers
commenting on plain radiographs do not adversely
affect patient management or outcome. A Red Dot
or RADS can bring benefit to the patient reducing
the risk of missed abnormalities, thus preventing
misdiagnosis, particularly in ED with less
experienced doctors. These schemes can speed up
the patient care in a busy ED, with benefit to the
patient, providing assistance to ED staff in
departments where a radiologist may not always be
available. The radiographer’s contribution to
emergency reporting has relieved the radiologist’s
workload and led to an increased job satisfaction for
radiographers, enhancing their professional status
and improving relations between them and ED staff.
It has been stated also that when a radiographer has
to provide a comment (diagnosis) from their own
films the quality of their images improve
(Radovanovic and Armfield, 2005).
Despite these advantages, flagging and reporting
schemes may offer some limitations. Red Dot is
limited by the fact that it is only possible to signal
normal from abnormal giving no information about
the characteristics and severity of the image. Thus
this system can supplement a radiologist report but
cannot replace it. There is concern about ED doctors
may end up relying too heavily on the opinion of
radiographers since the absence of a red dot on
radiography does not exclude the possibility of an
abnormality (Brealey, Scally, Hahn, Thomas,
Godfrey and Crane, 2006). Other concerns are the
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
staffing shortages, financial issues and difficulties
for radiographers to combine these extra duties with
normal labour. Within the radiographer profession
there are also some concerns: about the possibility of
development of division between radiographers who
report and those who don’t; the fear of increased
pressure is sometimes present; radiologists may feel
threatened by radiographers advancing into areas
previously considered their own (Radovanovic and
Armfield, 2005).
The rapid technological evolution is affecting
radiographers and other health professionals. The
implementation of digital radiography has limited
the functionality of Red Dot and RADS due to
incompatibility of new technology with the standard
practice of RADS (flagging and reporting). The
arrival of Information Technologies (IT) to
healthcare has brought new solutions to old
problems but along with it came some new ones and
limitations, such as need to compensate for the lack
of films trough the hospital with placement of a pc
on each of emergency work rooms for ED doctors
for radiography review. The use of high quality
monitors in every place is not cost effective and,
usually, the option is to go for less expensive and
less quality monitors which sometimes hinder the
correct image review.
The traditional red dot sticker to highlight
abnormal images has been substituted, in Digital
Radiology systems, with the use of image
annotations (e. g. “RED DOT” or “*”, among
others). Since there is no official support for a
radiographer comment on RIS software, the
reporting communication has been limited. The
solution is going back to the paper form or putting a
comment on PACS images.
The use of RADS schemes, such as Red Dot, does
not adversely affect the emergency patient
management and has the potential to improve the
timely and cost-effective diagnosis, outcome and
management of emergency patients. These systems
have become a determinant factor to the contribution
of radiographers to the trauma image review process
and to the management of patients in the ED.
New image technology solutions in Radiology
should enhance the development and utilization of
radiographer skills in RADS environments. The
challenge is to use the new IT solutions in Radiology
and ED to maximize those skills and promote
flexible team work in a multiple disciplinary
healthcare environment.
Brealey S., Scally A., Hahn S., Thomas N., Godfrey C.,
Crane S., 2006. Accuracy of radiographers red dot or
triage of accident and emergency radiographs in
clinical practice: a systematic review. Clinical
Radiology, 61(7), 604-615.
Snaith B., Hardy M., 2008. Radiographer abnormality
detection schemes in the trauma environment—an
assessment of current practice. Radiography, 14(4),
Brealey S., Scally A., Hahn S., Thomas N., Godfrey C.,
Coomarasamy A., 2005. Accuracy of radiographer
plain radiograph reporting in clinical practice: a
meta-analysis. Clinical Radiology, 60(2), 232-241.
Brealey S., King D., Hahn S., Godfrey C., Crowe M.,
Bloor K., Crane S., Longsworth D., 2005. The costs
and effects of introducing selectively trained
radiographers to an A&E reporting service: a
retrospective controlled before and after study. The
British Journal of Radiology, 78(930), 499-505.
Radovanovic H., Armfield N., 2005. Radiographer
reporting in emergency departments–a literature
review. The Radiographer, 52(3), 32-35.
Williams I., 2006. Professional role extension for
radiographers. The South African Radiographer,
44(2), 14-17.
Bowman S., 1991. Introducing an abnormality detection
system by radiographers into an accident and
emergency department: an investigation into
radiographer’s concerns about the introduction of
such a system. Res Radiography, 1:2-20.
Morrison I., Hendry R., Fell C., Stothard K., 1999. An
audit of radiographer’s accuracy in recording
abnormalities on casualty radiographs using the red
dot protocol. Clin Radiol, 54:862-3.
Hargreaves J., Mackay S., 2003. The accuracy of the red
dot system: can it improve with training?
Radiography, 9:283-9.
Orames C., 1997. Emergency department x-ray diagnosis
– How do radiographers compare? The Radiographer,
44 (1): 52–55.
Smith T., Younger C., 2002. Accident and emergency
radiological interpretation using the radiographer
opinion form (ROF). The Radiographer, 49 (1): 27–31.
Piper K., Paterson A., Ryan C., 1999. The implementation
of a radiographic reporting service for trauma
examinations of the skeletal system, in Four National
Health Service Trusts. Research & Development
Directorate, South Thames Regional Office (NHSE)
THE RED DOT SYSTEM - Emergency Diagnosis Impact and Digital Radiology Implementation: A Review