Joachim Taelman, Bogdan Mijovic, Sabine Van Huffel
ESAT-SCD, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
Stéphanie Devuyst, Thierry Dutoit
TCTS Lab, Université de Mons, Mons, Belgium
Keywords: Single channel-blind source separation, Ensemble empirical mode decomposition, ECG interference artifact,
Data preprocessing.
Abstract: The electrocardiography (ECG) artifact in surface electromyography (sEMG) is a major source of noise
influencing the analyses. Moreover, in many cases the sEMG signal is the only available signal, making this
removal more complicated. We compare the performance of two recently described single channel blind
source separation methods with the commonly used template subtraction method on both simulations and
real-life data. These two methods decompose a single channel recording into a multichannel representation
before applying independent component analysis to these multichannel data. The decomposition methods
are the wavelet decomposition and ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD). The EEMD based
single channel technique shows better performance compared to template subtraction and the wavelet based
alternative for both high and low signal-to-artifact ratio and for simulated and real-life data, but at the
expense of a higher computational load. We conclude that the EEMD based method has its potential in
eliminating spike-like artifacts in electrophysiological signals.
The interference of the electrical activity of the heart
on the surface electromyography (sEMG) in the
shoulder girdle is a major source of noise
influencing its analysis. Several applications require
detection of small changes in sEMG signals (Zhou,
2006. There is certainly a need to remove the
electrocardiogram (ECG) artifact. In many cases
however, the sEMG is the only available signal,
making this task more complex.The difficulty of
ECG interference removal is mainly due to the large
overlap between the ECG interference spectrum and
that of the considered sEMG signal (0-75Hz for
ECG, 5-500Hz for sEMG).
A new trend in biomedical signal processing is
employing blind source separation (BSS) to unmix a
set of recorded signals into its original sources.
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is one of
these BSS techniques assuming independency
between the sources. These techniques are only
applicable to multichannel data. Recently, several
approaches to extend this idea to single channel data
are published in the literature. A first approach,
single channel ICA (SCICA), was presented by
Davies and James (Davies, 2007). The original data
is chopped into several blocks of equal length and
ordered in a matrix before applying the ICA
algorithm. This algorithm separates successfully the
sources of interest provided they have perfect
disjoint spectra. The algorithm also requires
stationary data. Both limitations are not fulfilled in
this specific application. Another approach to enable
the use of ICA in single channel analysis is to
decompose the signal into a multichannel
representation before applying ICA. Several
decomposition methods exist. Mijovic et al
(Mijovic, 2010) combined ICA with either of two
decompositions, Ensemble Empirical Mode
Decomposition (EEMDICA) (Huang, 1998) and
wavelets (wICA), and compared their performance
Taelman J., Mijovic B., Van Huffel S., Devuyst S. and Dutoit T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003136804210424
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 421-424
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
with the SCICA method. The wICA method has
already been shown successful in removing the ECG
artifact (Azzerboni, 2004).
The aim of this paper is to verify whether
EEMD-ICA can be applied to single channel sEMG
excerpts to remove the ECG interference signal on a
bigger data set. Moreover, we compare its
performance to wICA and template subtraction,
which is to our opinion, still the golden standard in
removing the ECG artifact.
2.1 Algorithms
2.1.1 Ensemble Empirical Mode
Component Analysis (EEMD-ICA)
The idea behind the algorithm is to decompose a
single channel measurement into different
components before applying a blind source
separation technique. Here, the single channel is
decomposed using Ensemble Empirical Mode
Decomposition (EMD) before applying ICA
(Mijovic, 2010).
EMD (Huang, 1998) is a novel signal analysis
tool which is able to decompose any complicated
time series into a set of spectrally independent
oscillatory modes, called Intrinsic Mode Functions
(IMFs). In contrast with wavelets, EMD is a data
driven algorithm that decomposes the signal in a
natural way where no a priori knowledge about the
signal of interest embedded in the data series is
needed. The advantage of EMD is that this technique
is able to deal with nonstationary and nonlinear data.
A major drawback of the EMD algorithm is its
sensitivity to noise. Therefore, a more robust, noise-
assisted version of the EMD algorithm, called
Ensemble EMD (EEMD) (Huang, 1998) is used.
The algorithm defines the IMF set for an ensemble
of trials, each one obtained by applying EMD to the
signal of interest with added independent, identically
distributed white noise of the same standard
deviation (SD). The ratio of the noise SD to the SD
of the signal will be further referred to as a noise
parameter (np). These parameters were set to 0.2 for
the np and 100 for the number of trials. After EEMD
is performed and a set of averaged IMFs is derived,
independent component analysis (ICA) is applied.
The goal of ICA is to separate instantaneously
mixed signals from the channel matrix X into their
independent sources S, such that X = MS, where M
is called the mixing matrix, without prior
knowledge. We used FastICA algorithm, based on a
fixed-point iteration scheme for finding a maximum
of the non-Gaussianity of the sources is used
(Hyvarinen, 2000). ICA is applied to the whole set
of IMFs. The number of independent components in
FastICA to be extracted was set to 5 according to the
study by Mijovic et al (Mijovic, 2010).
Afterwards, the independent sources that
represent the ECG artifact signal are set to zero
before reconstruction of the cleaned sEMG signal
without the ECG contamination.
2.1.2 Wavelet-Independent Component
Analysis (wICA)
This algorithm is similar to the EEMD-ICA
algorithm, but the single channel signal is
decomposed into components of disjoint spectra
using the discrete wavelet decomposition instead of
EEMD. For this study we chose the Daubechies 6
wavelet, but similar conclusion holds for other
mother wavelets. The order of decompositions was
set to 8 according to a previous study (Taelman,
2007). The algorithm was originally proposed by
Azzerboni et al (Azzerboni, 2004), who decomposed
different, simultaneously recorded sEMG channels
via the discrete wavelet transform before performing
independent component analysis (ICA) to select
independent components of interest.
2.1.3 Template Subtraction
Template subtraction is a method that subtracts a
data driven template of the artifact from its
occurrence (Bartolo, 1996) in the signal. This
method has proven its ability to remove the ECG
contamination artifact in previous studies. The
algorithm involves three steps: localization of the
artifact, construction of the template and subtraction
of the template from the occurrence of the artifact.
This method is, to our opinion, still the golden
standard in removing the ECG artifact.
2.2 Data
The simulation signals are derived from real-life
contamination-free recordings. The sEMG signals
are 60 second excerpts from measurements of the
right M. Biceps Brachii, selected from three
different sEMG recordings at different contraction
levels. The ECG artifact templates were extracted
from representative real-life contaminated sEMG
measurements of the left and right M. trapezius.
Using these templates, seven artificially
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
contaminated ECG signals are generated. All
reference sEMG and artificial ECG signals are
normalized. By mixing up the reference sEMG
signals and the generated ECG signals for different
SNR, the simulation data set is defined.
To validate the simulation data, the relative root
mean square error (RRMSE) is calculated to
compare the performance of the different algorithms.
We were able to fully automate the EEMD-ICA
and wICA algorithms. After performing the ICA on
the signal decompositions by both algorithms, the
selection of the ECG sources needs to be done.
Since we have the artificial ECG signal available
during the analysis, the independent ECG sources
can be estimated by calculating the correlation
between the independent sources and the artificial
ECG signal. This correlation is high compared to
that between the non-ECG sources and the artificial
ECG signal.
Figure 1 shows a fragment of the original
contaminated sEMG data. After applying
EEMDICA, 5 independent components are derived
(Figure 2). The ECG sources correspond to sources
number 2 and 4. These two sources are set to zero
and the cleaned sEMG signal is reconstructed with
sources 1, 3 and 5. Figure 3 shows the sEMG signal
after reconstruction with removed ECG interference
sources. The ECG interference signal is visibly
removed completely and the sEMG signal shows
almost no distortion. These figures show that the
EEMD-ICA algorithm is able to remove the ECG
Figure 1: Typical sEMG with the ECG interference signal.
The performance of the three algorithms on the data
set is presented in Figure 4. For a changing SNR the
results are presented with their mean and standard
error. The results of the simulations can be split up
in two parts. Around the SNR of 2dB, the
simulations reveal no difference between the three
algorithms with a relative RMS error close to 10%.
For SNR higher or lower, specific trends can be
seen. When looking at higher SNR, meaning that the
power in the sEMG signal is higher than the power
in the ECG interference signal, the RRMSE is lower
than 10% for all three algorithms. The error made by
the template subtraction and EEMD-ICA is similar
to each other and is lower compared to that of
wICA. For the lower SNR, both ICA based
algorithms perform much better compared to the
template subtraction resulting in a clearly lower
RRMSE from -5dB on.
Figure 2: 5 Independent sources after performing ICA on
the EEMD decomposition. Source 2 and 4 are related to
the ECG interference signal.
Figure 3: Cleaned sEMG after ECG interference removal.
Figure 4: Comparison of algorithm performances in
function of the RRMSE (in %) for the described
simulation. The results are presented as mean and standard
error for the different SNR.
Both ICA based methods are able to remove the
ECG artifact from the sEMG channel and perform
better compared to template subtraction as soon as
the ECG artifacts become more dominant (lower
SNR). This can be explained by the limitations of
the template subtraction technique. The algorithm
uses the quasi-periodic property of the ECG artifact
but assumes a constant waveform of successive heart
beats. Furthermore, perfect localization of the
occurrence of the heart beat is needed. If one of
these assumptions is not fulfilled, the algorithm will
introduce subtraction artifacts. In reality, the
successive waveforms are slightly varying and
perfect localization in the sEMG signal itself is
difficult. Thus, the larger the ECG interference
signal is compared to the background sEMG signal,
the larger these subtraction artifacts are. This
explains the higher RRMSE for lower SNR. These
limitations do not hold for both ICA based
algorithms as these algorithms exploit statistical
properties of both underlying signals to separate
The difference in performance between the
results of wICA and EEMD-ICA can be explained
via differences in decomposing the original signal.
The EEMD is a data-driven method and has a more
natural decomposition that is able to cope with
nonstationarities in the signal. Contrary to the
wavelet decomposition, the extracted intrinsic mode
functions can be spectrally overlapping. This leads
to a more natural selection of the independent
sources of the ICA afterwards, explaining the small
differences in favor for the EEMD-ICA.
A major drawback of the EEMD-ICA algorithm
is its computational cost. The empirical mode
decomposition is a data driven, iterative process of
selecting local maxima and minima for each
empirical mode. This is a computationally intensive
decomposition. The noise robust extension of EMD,
called ensemble EMD (EEMD), needs more time as
the algorithm ensembles the outcome of at least 100
trials of a single EMD. In contrary, the wavelet
decomposition is a straight-forward method based
on a predefined wavelet waveform. The
computational load of wICA is similar to that of
template subtraction, while EEMD-ICA is in the
order of 100 times slower. This high computational
load makes a real-time implementation impossible.
In this paper, we reported on applying EEMD-ICA
to remove the ECG interference signal from single
channel sEMG recordings. The algorithm shows
better performance compared to template subtraction
and wavelet based ICA for both high and low signal-
to-artifact, but at the expense of a high
computational load. We can conclude that this
method has great potential in eliminating spike-like
artifacts in electro-physiological signals.
Research supported by: Research Council KUL:
GOA Ambiorics, GOA MaNet, CoE EF/05/006
Optimization in Engineering (OPTEC), IDO 05/010
EEG-fMRI, IDO 08/013 Autism; Belgian Federal
Science Policy Office: IUAP P6/04 (DYSCO,
`Dynamical systems, control and optimization',
2007-2011; EU: FAST (FP6-MC-RTN-035801),
Neuromath (COST-BM0601)
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BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing