Measuring the Relevance of the Contextual Information Sources
Juan Manuel Lucas-Cuesta, Fernando Fern´andez-Mart´ınez, G. Dragos Rada
Syaheerah L. Lutfi and Javier Ferreiros
Speech Technology Group, Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Spoken language dialogue systems, User interfaces, Contextual information, User profiles, Natural language
processing, Real-user evaluation.
We present an evaluation of a spoken language dialogue system with a module for the management of user-
related information, stored as user preferences and privileges. The exibility of our dialogue management
approach, based on Bayesian Networks (BN), together with a contextual information module, which performs
different strategies for handling such information, allows us to include user information as a new level into the
Context Manager hierarchy. We propose a set of objective and subjective metrics to measure the relevance of
the different contextual information sources. The analysis of our evaluation scenarios shows that the relevance
of the short-term information (i.e. the system status) remains pretty stable throughout the dialogue, whereas
the dialogue history and the user profile (i.e. the middle-term and the long-term information, respectively)
play a complementary role, evolving their usefulness as the dialogue evolves.
The design of spoken dialogue systems that can adapt
to their users is today a common practice. The goal is
not only to modify the behaviour of a system to better
react to a particular speaker, but also to play a more
proactive role in the dialogue, anticipating the users’
desires, and proposing them specific actions that the
system foresees. Therefore it is important to accu-
rately model the speakers’ characteristics that are rel-
evant for the dialogue (Zukerman and Litman, 2001).
Several evaluation methodologies have been pro-
posed for measuring the relevance of a user model in
different research fields (Chin, 2001; Gena, 2005).
However, it is difficult to find performance figures
from real-world applications that can be extrapolated
to other systems or be worldwide accepted, as all of
them are directly related to an specific dialogue sys-
tem. Nonetheless, there is a general agreement on
“usability” as the most important performance figure
(Dybkjaer et al., 2004), even more than others widely
used like “naturalness” or “flexibility”.
Different evaluation frameworks that can predict
user satisfaction from the analysis of objective met-
rics (Walker et al., 1997; M¨oller et al., 2007), as well
as several dialogue systems with the ability to change
the dialogue initiative or the confirmation mecha-
nisms (Litman and Pan, 2002), have been currently
developed. However there are not any standard for
assessing spoken dialogue systems, despite different
de-facto standards are commonly used (Callejas and
L´opez-C´ozar, 2008). Furthermore, the definition of
metrics to compare the relevance of different contex-
tual information sources in a user-based speech sys-
tem is still under development.
We have developed a spoken dialogue system with
a user-related information manager as part of its con-
textual information knowledge. We have defined sev-
eral metrics to assess the usefulness of the informa-
tion sources that the system takes into account for
solving dialogues, and the relevance of the user mod-
els when they are used to suggest hypotheses related
to the users’ preferences and privileges.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 describes the baseline dialogue system and the
new user-related information manager. The initial as-
sessment of the system is presented in Section 3. Fi-
nally, Section 4 shows the main results of our work.
Manuel Lucas-Cuesta J., Fernández-Martínez F., Dragos Rada G., L. Lutfi S. and Ferreiros J..
EVALUATION OF A USER-ADAPTED SPOKEN LANGUAGE DIALOGUE SYSTEM - Measuring the Relevance of the Contextual Information Sources.
DOI: 10.5220/0003140302180223
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 218-223
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
We have developed a user-adapted spoken dialogue
system (SDS) for controlling different devices. We
haveevaluated the performance of the prototype when
controlling a Hi-Fi device.
Figure 1: Block diagram of the spoken dialogue system.
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of our conversa-
tional interface. The system consists of an automatic
speech recognition module (ASR), which translates
the audio signal into a text hypothesis of what the user
has said; a language understanding module (NLU),
that extracts the semantics of the user’s utterance;
the dialogue manager (DM) (detailed in Section 2.1),
which makes use of the semantic information, to-
gether with the information gathered during previous
dialogues, to determine the actions over the system
that the user wants to fulfill, and to provide the user
with feedback regarding the current dialogue turn; the
context manager (CM), which holds the information
of the previousinteractions; an executionmodule, that
translates the actions to perform into IR commands;
the response generator module (NRG), which makes
use of the semantic information provided by the dia-
logue manager to generate a text output, and a text-to-
speech module (TTS), that synthesizes the message
to the user. To include user-related information, we
also need a speaker identification module and a man-
ager of user information, stored as user profiles. We
group both modules into a User Information Manager
(UIM), that will be detailed in Section 2.2.
2.1 Dialogue Management and Dialogue
The Dialogue Manager (DM) controls the dialogue
flow using the information provided by the speaker,
parsed into dialogue concepts. We have developed
our DM following a probabilistic approach, based on
Bayesian Networks (BN), for inferring which actions
the user wishes to perform, and which concepts are
needed to fulfill those actions (Fern´andezet al., 2005).
We apply two inference mechanisms. The forward
inference makes use of the dialogue concepts referred
by the user, for inferring the dialogue goals, that is,
the actions the user wants to fulfill.
Using both concepts and goals, the DM applies
a backward inference to determine whether the given
concepts are enough to fulfill these goals. In this case,
the system will send the corresponding IR commands
to the Hi-Fi device. Otherwise, the system tries to
recover those missing concepts required to solve the
dialogue, using the Context Manager.
We have defined 58 concepts, divided into param-
eters (16) to set up (e.g. the volume of the Hi-Fi de-
vice), values (20) that the different parameters can
take, and actions (22) to be performed (e.g. modify
the volume). We have also defined 15 goals, accord-
ing to the available functionality of the Hi-Fi device.
The mission of the Context Manager (CM) con-
sists of solving any ambiguity that may arise in the
dialogue, using different contextual information han-
dling strategies throughout the dialogue. It consists
of three structures, which can be classified according
to the recentness of their contents. The system sta-
tus (the short-term one) stores the current values of
the Hi-Fi functionalities (CD track, volume, and so
on). The dialogue history (a middle-term memory)
contains the concepts referred by the user since the
beginning of the current interaction. A mechanism is
applied in such a way that its information is perma-
nently updated coherently to the current state of the
dialogue, while discarding information that becomes
too old. Finally, the user profile (the long-term one),
detailed in Section 2.2, stores information of each
user since his or her first interaction.
The CM works as follows. When the DM has to
recover a missing concept, it first checks the system
status. If it contains such a concept, the system recov-
ers it and executes the appropriate action, finishing the
current dialogue. Otherwise, the DM checks the dia-
logue history. If the system is unable to retrieve any
concept from it, the DM further checks the user pro-
file, that may suggest one or several concepts based
on the user’s preferences. Finally, if the system is still
unable to retrieve a concept using any of the above
strategies, it will request the user to provide the miss-
ing concepts, initiating a new turn.
2.2 Profile Management: Modeling
User Preferences and Privileges
We have developed a new module, the User Infor-
mation Manager, which adds user-related informa-
tion to the dialogue flow. As can be seen in Fig-
ure 1, this module consists of a speaker identification
module, and a Profile Manager (PM), that updates the
the Contextual Information Sources
Table 1: Excerpt of dialogue with the contents stored in, and retrieved from (in boldface), dialogue history and user profile.
Dialogue turn Dialogue History User Profile
... ...
0 CD3: preference
User Switch the Hi-Fi on. CD3
System Turning Hi-Fi on. Playing track 1 of CD 3. Hi-Fi ON, CD 3, Track 1
U. Play next track. CD3, Track1
S. Playing track 2 of CD 3. Hi-Fi ON, CD 3, Track 2
U. Volume.
S. What do you want to do with the volume?
U. Raise it to five.
S. Volume 5 selected. Hi-Fi ON, CD 3, Track 2, Volume 5
information of the different speakers as the dialogue
evolves (Lucas-Cuesta et al., 2009).
A user profile consists of two types of informa-
tion fields: static, used for information such as the
speaker’s name, gender, age, language, and so on, and
dynamic, used for information that changes during the
dialogue. The dynamic component is composed of
two different entities:
Usage permissions, which allow to add restric-
tions to each user. For instance, a child may not
be allowed to listen to an adult-content radio tune.
User preferences, representing the contents that
each user prefers to play (i.e. a given CD or ra-
dio tune).
User preferences are measured as the frequency
of references made by each user of each functional-
ity since the creation of his or her profile. A given
functionality becomes a preference for the user when
the quotient between its counts and the counts of each
of the rest of functionalities exceeds a threshold. We
make this comparison among items that share the
same type of functionality (i.e. we compare the CD,
the tape, and the radio, at a level ‘preferred source’,
each CD unit at a level ‘preferred CD’, and so on.
Table 1 shows an example of how the Dialogue
Manager retrieves missing concepts using the contex-
tual information sources, and how the information is
stored in the user profile. For example, prior to the
first interaction presented in the table (i.e. ‘Switch the
Hi-Fi on’), the current user had previously interacted
with the system. The system thus had a profile avail-
able at the beginning of the dialogue. If the profile
stores a preference, the system can use it for antic-
ipating on an action over the Hi-Fi before the user
explicitly asks for it. In the example, as ‘CD 3’ is a
preference (over CD 2, for instance), the system starts
playing the first track of CD 3.
During the next interaction, when the user wants
to play the next track (without any explicit reference
to neither a CD nor a track), the Dialogue Manager
can retrieve the required information for performing
the action by checking the dialogue history. This his-
tory contains ‘CD 3’ and ‘Track 1’ as the last values
the user asked for, so it uses them to infer that the user
wants to play the second track of the current CD.
Finally, if the user asks for any functionality that is
not yet stored in any contextual informationsource (as
is the case of the volume, in the example), the system
will start a new dialogue turn, asking the user for the
information it needs to fulfill the requested action.
Summarizing, the combined use of the different
information sources allows the Dialogue Manager to
improve its performance by conducting more efficient
dialogues, reducing their number of turns, and reusing
any useful information the users provide during both
their recent and previous interactions.
A total of 9 speakers, 3 female and 6 male, with ages
between 24 and 28 years, were recruited. They were
classified as ‘novice’ (5) or ‘expert’ (4) according to
their previous experience in interacting with spoken
dialogue systems.
Despite the reduced number of evaluators, which
could imply a lack of significance on the results of
the evaluation, our main goal was to define a set of
metrics regarding the relevance of each information
source, and to perform an initial assessment of the
performance of the full dialogue system.
We were interested in assessing the relevance of
each contextual information source, and the user sat-
isfaction regarding the suggestions our system makes.
The evaluation was divided into two scenarios
(Fern´andez et al., 2008) in which the evaluators con-
trolled the Hi-Fi device by means of speech. In both
scenarios the users were allowed to interact with the
SDS without any kind of restriction. Before starting
each scenario, the dialogue history and the system sta-
tus were initialized to an empty default state.
Prior to the first scenario, evaluators were in-
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
formed about the available functionality (i.e. CD, ra-
dio, volume, and so on), and the contents of the Hi-Fi
media (i.e. rock, news, sports, and so on).
In the first scenario, the profile of each evaluator
was empty. The system updated it throughout the dia-
logue with the values referred by the user. The goal of
this scenario was to determine the relevance of each
information source when the user profile does not ex-
ist during the first interactions of a new speaker.
In the second scenario, the system made use of
the profile created during the first scenario. We mea-
sured the contribution of the profile keeping its in-
formation when the system status and the dialogue
history were empty (i.e. at the beginning of the in-
teraction), and how the contribution of the different
information sources varies throughout the scenario.
Additionally, we considered the usage privileges. We
wanted to measure the relevance of each information
source when retrieving missing concepts, as well as
the reliability of the permission control.
Table 2: Average number of turns for each scenario (Nov.:
Novice, Exp.: Expert).
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Nov. Exp. Nov. Exp.
Turns 80.0 62.5 59.4 53.5
The average number of turns for each scenario an
experience level can be seen in Table 2. We have an
average of 72.22 turns for the Scenario 1, and 56.78
for the second one, for each evaluator, so despite the
reduced number of speakers, the results will show the
trends of each of our metrics.
Finally, we asked the evaluators to fill in a subjec-
tive survey to gather their opinions about the perfor-
mance of the system, making a special emphasis on
the preference suggestion mechanism and the appli-
cation of usage privileges.
3.1 Objective Evaluation
We have obtained several automatically-collected
metrics (Fern´andez et al., 2008). As we want to stress
the relevance of each information source could be at
different times throughout the interaction, we have
also defined new metrics to assess the usefulness of
each of them. The relevant metrics regarding this use-
fulness (averaged with respect to the number of eval-
uators), shown in Table 3, are the following:
% Context-dependent Turns (M1): percentage
of dialogue turns in which the Dialogue Manager
checks the CM for information.
% System Requests (M2): percentage of dia-
logue turns in which the system requested infor-
mation to the user.
% Concept Recovery Turns (M3): percentage
of context-dependent turns in which the Dialogue
Manager successfully retrieves a concept from the
% Recovery Turns from the System Status
(M4): percentage of context-dependent turns in
which the system retrieves any concept from the
system status.
% Recovery Turns from the Dialogue History
(M5): percentage of context-dependent turns in
which the system retrieves any concept from the
dialogue history.
% Recovery Turns from the User Profile (M6):
percentage of context-dependent turns in which
the system retrieves any concept from the user
The sum of the three last metrics (M4 to M6) can
exceed 100%, because the three information sources
can be successfully checked in the same turn (i.e. dif-
ferent concepts can be simultaneously retrieved from
the different memories).
Table 3: Objective evaluation results (Nov.: Novice, Exp.:
Metrics Nov. Exp. ALL
M1 % Cont. dep. turns 52.6 47.1 50.19
M2 % Sys. req. 21.5 13.3 17.86
M3 % Concept rec. turns 96.0 95.6 95.85
M4 % Sys. status rec. turns 83.1 80.2 81.79
M5 % Dial. hist. rec. turns 23.1 27.8 25.16
M6 % User prof. rec. turns 12.6 16.9 14.52
About half the total of dialogue turns (50.19%,
M1) implies a query in the CM. Most of these turns
(95.85%, M3) correspond to retrieval of missing con-
cepts. This value shows the efficiency of our context
information handling strategy, which can improve the
naturality and flexibility of our dialogue management
approach: using the CM, each time the system re-
trieves a concept, a new request to the user is avoided,
thus reducing the number of dialogue turns and allow-
ing speakers to perform actions in less interactions.
The less knowledge of ‘novice’ users can be seen
on the more turns they need to fulfill their goals (69.7
vs. 58 on average) and the higher percentage of
system requests (21.5% vs. 13.31%, M2), each of
which implies a new turn. The DM also tends to in-
crease context checkings with ‘novices’ (52.62% vs.
47.16%, M1), which could imply that ‘experts’ tend
to express their goals in a single, more complete turn.
the Contextual Information Sources
The most relevant information source for the
retrieval of missing concepts is the system status
(81.79% of turns), as we may expect, since it is the
information source firstly checked, consistently with
our design of the Context Manager and our checking
criterion. The dialogue history and the user profile
have an apparently lesser usefulness, due to their up-
date mechanism and their request order (first the dia-
logue history, then the profile).
Figure 2: Scenario 1: number of retrieved concepts each 10
However, these percentages do not present an evo-
lution of the usefulness of each information source as
the dialogue evolves. In order to show this, we have
considered the number of dialogue concepts retrieved
from each information source as a new metric for as-
sessing the usefulness of the CM. Figures 2 and 3
show the evolution of the average number of concepts
retrievedfrom each source during Scenario 1 and Sce-
nario 2, respectively. Since there are too many turns
in which the system does not make use of the context
information (49.81%), we have averaged the number
of retrieved concepts using 10-turn windows.
The relevance of the system status is roughly con-
stant throughout the dialogue in both scenarios, be-
cause this is the information source the system first
checks, and the one which stores the most recent in-
We want to stress the evolution of the usefulness
of the dialogue history and the user profile. At the be-
ginning of Scenario 1 the user profile is empty. There-
fore, its relevance is near zero until the interactions al-
low the system to suggest usage hypotheses (included
as retrieval of missing concepts). Figure 2 shows that
the system needs an average of 20 dialogue turns to
start proposing actions to the users, based upon their
preferences. On the other hand, when there are user
profiles at the beginning of the interaction (Figure 3),
the relevance of the user profile is higher at the initial
dialogue turns, when the dialogue history is empty.
The relevance of the dialogue history has a simi-
lar behaviour in both scenarios, fitting an increasing
trend of their usefulness as the dialogue evolves.
Figure 3: Scenario 2: number of retrieved concepts each 10
This behaviour relies on the update of both the his-
tory and the profiles with the concepts that the users
refer to during their interactions.
These results imply that both information sources
(dialogue history and user profile) are complemen-
tary, and that both are interesting in order to make the
interaction with the system more efficient and natural.
3.2 Subjective Evaluation
The results of the subjective evaluation are based on
a survey the evaluators were asked to fill in after both
scenarios. They had to rate each question with a score
between 1 (strongly disagree) and 5 (strongly agree).
Table 4 shows the results of the questions related to
the User Information Manager.
As we can see, ‘novice’ users seem to have diffi-
culties to perceive the usefulness of the information
management strategies (i.e. Q1), despite the system
checks the Context Manager more often than when
interacting with ‘experts’, as the objective metrics
proved. Even so, ‘novices’ perceive that the system
can propose their preferences (Q3).
Additionally, despite the good rating of the overall
behaviour of the system (4.22, Q4), the ‘expert’ users
are less bound to use speech for controlling a Hi-Fi
device. This happens because their higher knowledge
of the possibilities and limitations of the system. Nev-
ertheless, their score is still above 3, which suggests
their positive opinion about the possibilities of using
speech control for these systems.
We have presented an evaluation of a user-adapted
spoken dialogue system. We include user models as
part of the Context Manager, applying usage priv-
ileges and suggesting actions from the user profile
when the system searches the Context Manager to re-
trieve missing concepts, reducing the number of turns
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Subjective evaluation results (Nov.: Novice, Exp.: Expert).
Survey Nov. Exp. ALL
Q1 Was the system able to act coherently with its context? 3.6 4.5 4
Q2 Was the system easy to use? 4.2 4.25 4.22
Q3 Did the system suggest your preferred styles? 4.2 3.75 4
Q4 Global rate 4.2 4.25 4.22
Q5 Would you use this system instead of a remote control? 4.4 3.5 4
needed to fulfill actions.
Our system is able to propose usage suggestions
under certain hypotheses, thus giving an important
degree of proactiveness to the system. We are cur-
rently working on more ambitious schemes for better
exploiting user profiles.
Regarding the initial evaluation, we have defined
several metrics to assess the usefulness of each infor-
mation source (system status, dialogue history, and
user profile). The results show that the most relevant
source of information is the short-term one (the sys-
tem status). The dialogue history and the user pro-
file have a complementary behaviour,supporting each
other as the dialogues evolve. The subjective eval-
uation shows that the users perceive the information
manager as a useful element of the dialogue system,
as it can anticipate the actions required, and can apply
usage privileges.
Now we are applying smoothing strategies to im-
prove the decision of the speaker identification mod-
ule included in the User Information Manager, using
dialogue-based information (a dialogue with incom-
plete actions, the time between successive turns, and
so on) in an effort to reduce identification errors.
We are also defining a new scenario in which sev-
eral speakers alternatively interact with the system.
We will measure the accuracy of the identification
module, as well as the application of preferences and
privileges for different users.
This work has been partially supported by the
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under
contracts TIN2008-06856-C05-05(SD-TEAM UPM)
and DPI2007-66846-C02-02 (ROBONAUTA), and
the Spanish Ministry of Education under the Program
of University Personnel Training (AP2007-00463).
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