more closely to the characteristics of the
distributions associated with the noise level and the
speed of motion. In addition, the variable speed may
ensure optimal stimulation of the units in the brain,
sensitive to motion direction.
The common analytical approaches used to portray
the age-related changes in the different cognitive
processes provide a good description of the trends
associated with ageing and the experimental
conditions when differences occur. This makes them
a useful tool to characterize the process of ageing
and to seek association between the behavioural data
and the physiological changes in the brain. However,
these methods are less efficient when the individual
differences in the ageing process need to be
Our study is a first attempt to apply clustering
algorithms to differentiate the effects of age, gender
and individual differences on performance of a
behavioural task. The interpretation of the clustering
results allows detecting the deviation level of a
subject from the respective age group. Whether this
is related to degenerative processes or not, could not
be determined only by the results of the present
study; it requires tracking the changes in the
cognitive abilities of the participants in longitudinal
studies. However, our data analytic technique
provides opportunities to use psychophysical
methods for early diagnostics of the deterioration in
the cognitive abilities of the individual with age. The
results of the cluster analysis suggest also, that it is
easier to detect the individual deviations in
demanding tasks and difficult experimental
This work was supported by grant TK01-200 of the
National Science Fund, Bulgaria.
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