Training Center based on Voice Technology for People with Physical Disabilities
Jan Nouza, Petr Cerva and Josef Chaloupka
Institute of Information Technology and Electronics, Technical University of Liberec, Studentska 2, Liberec, Czechia
Keywords: Voice technology, Motor disabled persons, Speech recognition, Hands-free control.
Abstract: The Rainbow Bridge is an EU-supported project that aims to teach Czech people with physical disabilities
to benefit from voice technology products in their lives and prospective jobs. All products - voice control
tools and dictation programs - have been developed in our lab during the last decade. At this stage, the main
goal is to teach the target group how to use PCs in hands-free manner (though some have no previous
experience with computers), how to adapt the tools to their specific speech abilities and how to acquire the
skills that can be useful for their potential employers. One of the lecturers is a quadriplegic person who
herself has been using our voice products for almost 5 years.
Voice technology has a great potential as an
alternative means for e-inclusion of people with
physical disabilities. This was demonstrated already
in the early years of computer speech processing
(Noyes et al., 1989) and it is even more evident now
when operation systems with embedded speech
input and output have become widely available. At
the end of the first decade of the 21st century, voice
is considered as an optional and complementary
means in human computer interaction.
However, there is a big difference between
common PC users and those with physical
disabilities (Hawley et al, 2005). For people whose
impairment has not allowed them to use computers
so far, it is not easy to start now and learn by
themselves. Recent SW applications utilize
sophisticated (mostly graphically oriented) user
interfaces where the mouse and keyboard are the
primary tools for interaction. When voice commands
are available, they often mimic the actions of these
standard tools. This is natural for the majority of the
users but difficult to understand for the people who
have never worked with computers before because
their impairment had not allowed it. Should they
learn the computer basics in the same way as the
other users? Or should we provide them with special
courses where the alternative interaction tools
eligible for them, such as voice input and output,
would be presented as the primary ones? These and
several other questions were raised when we were
asked to help in preparing a project of a training
center aimed at physically disabled people who want
to start with computers.
The need for such a training center has become
urgent when voice recognition programs designed
for Czech motor-handicapped people appeared on
the market. In 2005 it was MyVoice - a voice-
controlled interface for PCs (Nouza et al, 2005), in
2007 MyDictate - a very-large vocabulary discrete
dictation tool (Cerva et al, 2005), and in 2008,
NewtonDictate - a program for fluent dictation with
300K+ word lexicon, all developed in our research
team. Only a small part of the potential users have
been able to learn to use them effectively. It was
mainly the people who had already worked with
computers before they suffered some sort of motor
impairment. Some others succeeded because they
found helpful assistants within their families or
friends. But many others just gave up after a short
initial trial that did not bring immediate success due
to various reasons, such as disordered speech, wrong
usage or little patience. And last but not least, many
potential users have not learned about the tools, yet.
In 2009, the project called Rainbow Bridge was
prepared and submitted to the EU-supported
Operational Program Human Resources and
Employment. Its goal was to build the training
center in Prague where people from the target group
could learn about the available technology, try it
under the supervision of professional teachers,
Nouza J., Cerva P. and Chaloupka J..
RAINBOW BRIDGE - Training Center based on Voice Technology for People with Physical Disabilities.
DOI: 10.5220/0003147905290533
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 529-533
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
receive individual care and assistance, and also share
their experience with the others. One of the top
priorities was to give at least some of the trainees a
chance to get a job where they could employ their
new skills. Eventually, the project was approved and
the center launched its activities in 2010.
In the following sections, we first describe the
set of tools developed for the clients of the center,
then we present the teaching methods and finally we
discuss the experience gained during the preparation
of the courses.
Here we briefly present the individual tools that
have been developed for and are being used in the
training center.
2.1 Voice Interface for PC
Program MyVoice (Nouza et al, 2005) serves as an
interface between commands spoken to the
microphone and standard applications running on a
PC. It either complements or (in most cases)
replaces keyboard and mouse as shown in Fig.1.
Figure 1: Voice control of PC applications - basic scheme.
The Myvoice is mostly used as a tool that launches
and controls applications, enables typing (of letters,
frequent words and phrases), and provides access to
internet services. Anyway, it allows for virtually any
activity that is normally performed via a keyboard
and mouse. Compared to the first release in 2005,
the latest version includes some new features. Let us
mention at least the improved navigation on web
pages, either by adding numbers to the web links or
by the introduction of a target-like grid that
simplifies mouse cursor movements. It is also
possible to hide MyVoice’s window, which may be
useful, for example, when watching video in the
full-screen mode.
Figure 2: A snapshot of voice controlled internet browser.
2.2 Voice Interface for Home Devices
The MyVoice tool can be further expanded to allow
for controlling common home devices, like e.g.
lights, electrical heating or air conditioning, window
curtains, doors, or audio and video equipment.
The extension module includes a hardware unit
that contains two types of transmitters: one whose
signal is compatible with wireless relays used to
power home electric appliances, and an IR
transmitter to control a TV set, stereo, video and a
satellite receiver. The HW unit is linked to a PC via
USB connection. Not only the devices, but also the
user can communicate with the control program in a
wireless way. Our tests showed that even the cheap
Bluetooth microphones, either headworn or lapel
ones, proved to work well with the MyVoice.
In 2007 we built a demonstration room where all
common home devices were controlled via the
MyVoice and wireless links (Nouza et al, 2007). Its
diagram is shown in Fig. 3. The same arrangement
will is used in the training centre in Prague.
Figure 3: Voice control extended to home devices.
2.3 Hands-free Dictation Programs
During the last 5 years we have developed two types
of dictation programs, one for discrete speech input,
another for natural fluent speech.
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
2.3.1 Discrete Dictation
The program for discrete speech input is called
MyDictate. Its design has been fully determined by
the target group, i.e. by the people who cannot use
their hands. Therefore, not only the dictation itself
but also all supporting activities, like editing, error
correction, formatting, or lexicon maintenance had
to be designed as hands-free operations. The
program has been described in detail in (Cerva et al,
The SW is distributed with a general purpose
lexicon containing about 550 thousand words. The
employed technology allows the program to run
even on recent low-cost PCs. When a word is
uttered, the recognizer outputs the ordered list of 10-
best candidates, taking into account the acoustic as
well as the language model score. The word with the
best score is automatically added to the dictated text
while the next 9 candidates appear on the list shown
in MyDictate’s window. In case of lexical ambiguity
or when a minor recognition error occurs, the user
can take another candidate from this list and replace
the wrongly typed item. There are about 100 other
control commands that can be used e.g., to delete the
last character(s), word(s), or sentence(s), to select a
part of text, to work with the clipboard, to move the
cursor, to spell the individual letters or to toggle
their (lower or upper) case. The basic vocabulary
assures about 99 % coverage rate for common Czech
texts. If a dictated word is not in the lexicon, the user
can add it by voice during the dictation session.
As the program is aimed particularly at people
with physical disabilities, it must be able to cope
with less standard pronunciation. If this is the case,
the user can employ the embedded speaker
adaptation module. It prompts him/her to say 300
phonetically balanced words. For most users it helps
to reduce the recognition error up to 25 % relatively.
2.3.2 Fluent Dictation
The software for fluent dictation was developed by
in collaboration with the Newton Technology
company, which distributes it under name
NewtonDictate. This software is aimed at general
public, and at professions, like lawyers, doctors and
people from the media domain. It comes with
several types of lexicons. The general-purpose one is
the largest and it contains 500K words recently. The
profession oriented lexicons are smaller (320K for
lawyers and 140K for medicine) with domain
specific language models.
Though originally, this program has not been
designed for hands-free use, it has been considered
for the lectures and training sessions in the center.
One reason is that some of the clients showed their
interest in learning this software and exploiting it in
their prospective jobs. It was mainly those people
whose physical disability does not affect their
speech and who can use their hands at least to some
extent. For the other clients, integration with the
MyVoice is being prepared. It is truth, however, that
many persons with disabled hands prefer the discrete
dictation to the fluent one. They appreciate namely
the facts that a) they can form the text in their own
pace (while the fluent speech technology requires
more or less continuous flow of words), b) they can
correct or modify the input text immediately, c) they
have feeling that the isolated-word decoder is more
robust to speaker-produced and background noises
as well as to hesitation sounds, and last but not least
d) they can easily add new words to the lexicon. It
should be also noted that in Czech - because of its
rich and complex morphology - many word-forms
differ only in one or two characters, which means
that they sound very similar and can be easily
confused, particularly in fluent speech. For the users,
correcting these small errors spread within a fluently
input text is a frustrating task, if it must be done in
hands-free manner. Similar observations were
reported also in (Hawley et al, 2005).
The Rainbow Bridge project has been supported by
a 200K Euro grant, from which one half has been
spent by building the training center and the other
will cover the running costs of a three-year pilot
operation. The center is situated in Prague in place
with good access by public and private transport.
3.1 Project Goals
The main goals of the project are:
Promotion of the voice technology among those
people with physical disabilities who can use it as an
alternative means of interaction with computers.
Creation of a pilot training center with certified
teaching methods (which can be later replicated on
regional levels).
Teaching the basic computer skills to the people
whose disability had never allowed them working
with PCs.
Giving at least some of the trainees a chance to
employ PCs together with the voice technology in
their prospective jobs, e.g. in call and help centers,
in voice-scanning of documents, in re-speaking
RAINBOW BRIDGE - Training Center based on Voice Technology for People with Physical Disabilities
tasks, etc.
3.2 Trainees
A national survey (CSO, 2008) estimates that the
people with physical disabilities make up about 5 %
of the total population in the Czech Republic. In the
Prague region, this means circa 50,000 persons,
from which about 5,000 suffer from complete or
partial hand paralysis. This pilot project can offer a
chance to 50 of them.
Because of this limited number, the selection of
the course participants is done so that people with
different levels of motor impairment, different
computer skills and different voice ability can
participate in multiple course runs. Allowing this
rather wide spectrum of clients gives this pilot
project a good opportunity to develop and verify
various general and specific training methods.
3.3 Teaching Staff
The teaching and project supporting staff consists of
several professions: a teacher specialized on
education of disabled people, a teacher familiar with
ICT and voice technology, a psychologist, a voice
therapist, and a lecturer who himself or herself uses
the voice technology tools in his/her daily living.
During the first year, the latter position was
offered to a quadriplegic woman who has been using
the MyVoice and MyDictate software since their
first dates of release. She has utilized them for her
high school study (organized from her home and
successfully completed in 2009). Recently, she has
become known also for her blogs published
regularly in a major Czech internet newspaper.
3.4 Equipment
The center consists of one room with 8 work places,
each equipped with a PC and voice technology
software. The room is used for two types of
activities: First, for the lectures when up to 8
trainees can participate and watch the presentations
and demonstration on their monitors, and second, for
training sessions when no more than 2 students work
on assignments under the supervision of a teacher.
The center also owns 8 laptops with the same
software equipment. These can be lent to the clients
for their home work. The room is equipped with the
remote controlled devices mentioned in section 2.2.
4.1 Pilot Phase of Training Courses
The project started in January 2010 and it will end in
December 2012. Within the first six months, a pilot
phase with 2 trainees is running. One of them is a
person who suffered a serious spinal injury two
years ago but before that he had worked with a PC.
The other person also cannot use her hands but,
unfortunately, she has not got any prior knowledge
of computers. Moreover, she suffers from moderate
These two people were the subjects in the
preparatory phase of the courses. The fist trainee
needed very short time to learn how to replace the
keyboard and mouse by voice in the activities he had
been doing before his injury. After a 4-week training
he has been able to use the MyVoice and MyDictate
programs very efficiently. Currently, he learns to
exploit the fluent dictation tool as well. His
experience and feedback helps us in completing the
integration of the dictation and voice command
control tools.
The other person requires much more individual
care. In her case, the MyVoice tool has been tailored
and adapted to her specific speech. The command
groups have been modified in the way that they
included significantly smaller numbers of task
oriented commands, like basic cursor movements,
easily pronounceable and distinguishable names of
Czech letters, commands for basic navigation on
web pages, etc.
4.2 Standard Courses
Standard courses start in September 2010. Each
course run has 8 participants and lasts for 3 months.
It consists of 1 month period of lecturing and basic
training (60 contact hours in the center + 40 hours
homework) and 2 months of individual practicing
(80 contact + 80 homework hours). The practical
sessions are organized so that one supervisor is
available for two trainees.
The curriculum includes these main topics:
introduction into PCs, navigation within the MS
Windows platform (alternative use of desktop, Start
button, shortcuts, mouse actions, window actions,
using the MyVoice instead of a keyboard and
mouse, hints for correct and efficient use of voice,
optional adaptation to speaker’s voice, practicing
and developing the voice-command skills on simple
applications, such as the Solitair,
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
game, the Calculator, the Paint tool, a music
player, etc.
text typing and editing within the MS Word
program using the tools for discrete and fluent
internet and web services, using the tools for web
browsing, e-mail and IP telephony communication,
social networks.
The topics are introduced by a teacher first and then
presented by the assistant lecturer (usually one of the
previously trained handicapped users) who explains
the practical issues of the voice-command actions
using his or her own previously acquired experience.
4.3 Course Benefits
Each of the course participants will learn how to
exploit voice technology tools for his or her daily
activities, for study, for leisure, for establishing
internet contacts with other people, or for emergency
situations. Moreover, we believe that at least some
of the graduates will be given a chance to use their
new skills in suitable jobs. The center itself will
offer a temporary lecturer job to the best course
participant. There are also provisional agreements
with several institutions in Prague where the best
graduates can be employed, e.g. as assistants in call
and help centers or as re-speakers in companies that
specialize on transcription of broadcast or meeting
This project is the first activity of this type organized
on the national level and supported by the European
Union. It gives a new chance to the people who have
not been able to use modern information and
communication technology so far because of their
physical handicap. It is also a great opportunity for
the researchers in the speech technology domain to
see how their products perform in rather challenging
conditions and how these products can be further
improved. If the project succeeds, similar centers
will be built also on regional levels.
The research reported in this paper was partly
supported by the Czech Science Foundation in
project no. 102/08/0707 and by the EU-supported
CZ.2.17/2.1.00/32644 grant in programme Prague –
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Statistical Office in 2008 and available on web:
RAINBOW BRIDGE - Training Center based on Voice Technology for People with Physical Disabilities