Stefan Knipl and Ali Sunyaev
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne, Pohligstraße 1, 50969 Cologne, Germany
Security analysis, Healthcare telematics, Electronic health card, Information systems security, Healthcare IS
Germany is about to introduce a nation-wide healthcare telematics system, intending to connect existing in-
formation systems of all stakeholders. This could result in new threats to highly sensitive medical data. In
this paper we shortly describe the security concept itself and point out a few possible problems at reaching the
goals of information security.
Stakeholders of the German health care system are
not interconnected. Since the health insurance card
currently in use in Germany is not a smart card it is
therefore not able to provide secure transfer of med-
ical data, thus preventing nationwide data crosslink-
ing. This is about to change with the introduction of a
new electronic health card in Germany (Schweiger et
al., 2007).
The rollout of the electronic health card is on its way,
hopefully leading to reduced costs in the health sys-
tem, while boosting efficiency. Critics fear that one of
its biggest strengths - merging information and mak-
ing it available to care providers- may become a prob-
lem. This data is extremely sensitive and must not
get in the hands of unauthorized persons. This paper
analyzes to which extent this has been conceptually
This chapter describes the essential layout of the se-
curity concept of the German HTI.
2.1 EHC, HPC and SMC-B
Electronic health card (EHC), health care profes-
sional card (HPC) and security module card of type
B (SMC-B) are the essential smart cards used in the
HTI. Their memory is split in two parts: one is pro-
tected, containing secret keys and valuable data, the
other one being not protected especially.
Accessing data in the protected area is possible by
using one of three personal identification numbers
(PIN). The gematik prohibits unprotected transfer of
PINs, read-out of keys or being able to create a clone
of a card (gematik, 2008b, p.69). The secret keys can
be decrypted by entering the right PIN.
EHC PINs often will not be needed for a longer period
of time and thus could easily not remain memorized
or get mixed up. Patients could therefore use a se-
quence of numbers that is easy to remember (and thus
easy to guess) or just write down the PINs and put
them next to the EHC. Astolen card may then lead to
the loss of confidentiality.
If a card has to be replaced, there has to be a possi-
bility to access the data stored in the HTI (gematik,
2009b, p.46). To enable data transcoding a secret
key is divided in parts and given to trustees (gematik,
2009b, p.60). However, this concept is not yet fully
2.1.1 Pseudonymization and Anonymization
Data minimization, pseudonymization and
anonymization are the means of choice to save
as little personal data as necessary (gematik, 2009a,
Pseudonymization is used for the EHC. There are
further pseudonymized certificates, not issued on the
plain name of an insured person. If, however, one has
Knipl S. and Sunyaev A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003155705550558
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 555-558
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
larger amounts of data of one single pseudonym then
de-pseudonymization may be possible. Since insured
persons get a new pseudonym with every EHC (i.e.
at least every ve years) in most cases this should
be no real danger. More significantly, card issuers
could perform a de-pseudonymization. This can only
be done by a few selected people and only if the
data protection official of the card issuer is involved
(gematik, 2008a, p.170f).
If data is exchanged with a health insurance then care
providers always have to be anonymized (gematik,
2008b, p.31). In addition the institution of a care
provider has to be anonymized when querying
insured person’s master data (gematik, 2009b, p.38).
This way one seeks to prevent the possibility of
creating profiles of insured persons.
2.1.2 Data Access, Preservation and
Access on EHC, HPC or SMC-B is only allowed us-
ing the connector. However, the connector will not be
available from start, so it may be set aside (gematik,
2009b, p.39), meaning that card readers can be di-
rectly connected to the clients of care providers. Once
connectors are available the protected parts of insured
persons’ master data can then be saved to the pro-
tected area of the EHC. Until then they may temporar-
ily be saved to the freely readable part of the EHC (for
a time period not yet defined) (gematik, 2009a, p.15),
as is the current state of health insurance cards (HIC).
Insured persons have the possibility to access their
own data with write access to emergency records and
read access to the rest. Since prescriptions are rela-
tively often filled by proxy persons the delegation of
these rights to other insured persons will be possible
(gematik, 2009b, p.92).
Every access to an EHC or into the HTI will be au-
dited. Access will not be granted if auditing fails.
Replacing an EHC does not mean loss of data, since
existing data stored in the HTI can be transcoded.
2.2 Public Key Infrastructures
A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a trustworthy unit
helping to check certificate validity and issuing new
certificates. That way requests can only be conducted
by registered components and can be verified, pre-
venting man in the middle attacks and replay attacks.
Mutual checks happen on all levels in the HTI. The
smart cards that are used can perform such a check
with a few restrictions even without availability of the
HTI by using Card Verifiable Certificates (CVCs).
Certificates that are necessary for authentication must
contain the role of certificate owners (gematik, 2009b,
p.309). Otherwise a role assignment register would be
needed. The PKIs in the HTI provide the possibility to
verify X.509 certificates and CVCs (gematik, 2009b,
p.49). The PKI in the HTI is divided in two parts: one
for infrastructure, and one for persons and institutions
(gematik, 2009b, p.141). It will not be possible to use
services in the HTI by fraud with a fake certificate.
Additionally a security alarm would be executed by a
failed authentication (gematik, 2008b, p.127), allow-
ing counter measures.
Requesting certificate state is done by using the On-
line Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).In exceptional
cases certificate revocation lists (CRLs) are allowed
(gematik, 2009b, p.142). OCSP does not use black-
listing. It returns the state in the CA data base, making
a revocation immediately active. OCSP answers may
be cached, but there is no severe threat that a revoked
certificate will be seen as valid by mistake, since they
are rarely used in such short intervals (the cache nor-
mally lasts 12 to 24 hours) (gematik, 2009b, p.303f).
It has to be considered as critical that non-availability
of a revocation list of integrity must not lead to the
result of all objects being considered as revoked as a
precaution (gematik, 2008b, p.78). If the PKI is avail-
able, but no data of revoked objects can be accessed
then all certificates had to be accepted if there were
no contradictory data cached. Availability would oth-
erwise not be given, but at least a security alert should
be executed.
CVCs allow smart cards to independently verify cer-
tificates. They are used for mutual authentication
of EHCs, HPCs and SMC-As/-Bs (gematik, 2008b,
p.68). Since the public certificate of the issuing CA is
known (gematik, 2008b, p.82), validity verification is
directly possible. However it is not possible to verify
if a CVC has been revoked. Corresponding X.509 cer-
tificates are verified when using services in the HTI.
A revoked card may therefore not be misused if at-
tackers can not also disrupt the availability of the HTI
at the same time.
2.3 Data Transfer and Data Storage
Connection between card reader and connector is
encrypted and mutual authentication is required
(gematik, 2008b, p.51). Since part of the connec-
tion to professional services lie in the internet it is
open for attacks. Therefore connectors have to be
approved (gematik, 2008a, p.238) and they possess
an integrated VPN client, allowing a connection us-
ing IPSec and mutual authentication (gematik, 2008b,
p.121). At the other end of the connection a firewall
should be passed before reaching a VPN concentra-
tor, which may also include a packet filter (gematik,
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
2008b, p.120). Furthermore a VPN concentrator may
not contain any backdoors in its software (gematik,
2008b, p.121).
Components in the care provider region should ver-
ify integrity and authenticity of the services they con-
tacted (gematik, 2008a, p.155). Regarding security
this should be obligatory.
It is not assumed that the inner regions of the HTI
can not be reached by external attackers or are free of
internal attackers, so transfer of unencrypted personal
data has been prohibited (gematik, 2008a, p.153). Ad-
ditionally plain text protocols, such as FTP, are not
allowed to use (gematik, 2008b, p.98), as well as
is the case for operating WLANs (gematik, 2008e,
p.20). Between regions demilitarized zones (DMZ)
should be established (gematik, 2008b, p.98). Fur-
thermore intrusion prevention systems (IPS) may be
used (gematik, 2008b, p.98). Employed firewalls
may only open necessary ports and only allow con-
nections as far as they are needed for providing ser-
vices (gematik, 2008a, p.124). Additionally measures
have to be taken to prevent spoofing (gematik, 2008b,
p.97f). Unique message identities have to be assured
to prevent replay attacks (gematik, 2009b, p.193).
XML signature and encryption are used (gematik,
2009b, p.108) to provide consistent end-to-end au-
thentication and encryption on application layer.
Storage of data in the HTI is achieved in form of
data objects encrypted with a symmetric encryption
method. It is necessary to access an “object ticket”
containing the symmetric key to the data objects. Ob-
ject tickets contain a list of entitled persons, who may
access this symmetric key. Insured people themselves
are always entitled and able to entitle others.
It is important to prevent accesses without insured
person’s approval (gematik, 2009b, p.43), since this
would mean compromising confidentiality.
2.4 NTP Service
It is necessary that all service in HTI got nearly the
same system time to prevent replay attacks and CVCs
with expired validity date to be seen as valid. The
NTP service is periodically called by all systems in
all regions answering with the current time. In total
there have to be at least four servers to recognize a
server returning a different wrong time to each client,
respectively three servers to detect a server respond-
ing with a time shifted by a constant factor (”false
ticker”). There must be at least four servers in the
HTI and each data center must include at least three
servers to still be able to detect false tickers if other
data centers should not be available (gematik, 2008a,
p.139f). Additionally all components accept no time
changes of more than 1000 seconds. Since time may
not be changed by entire hours or days, such an attack
may fairly easily be noticed and will not be useful for
2.5 Broker
A connector must contact a broker before it is granted
access to professional services. The broker contains
of the auditing service, the trusted service and the ser-
vice directory service.
The auditing service is logging all attempts of ac-
cesses to realize legal certainty. The broker does
not forward requests as long as auditing has not suc-
cessfully been completed (gematik, 2008b, p.115f).
Directly contradicting is the specification that “non-
accessibility respectively non-availability of the au-
diting service MUST NOT lead to a complete stag-
nancy of the telematics infrastructure” (gematik,
2008b, p.114), especially since the auditing service
has to be established in a redundant way (gematik,
2008b, p.114).
The Service Directory service (SDS) lists all ser-
vices available in the HTI and their URLs. Items are
added after compatibility testing and approval by the
gematik (gematik, 2009b, p.196f). If attackers would
be able to add an entry this would have no effect, if
they could not also add an entry in the DNS service.
However there would be consequences if attackers
could change the URL of an existing entry. Without
being able to change DNS entries requests could not
be redirected to a fake server, though it could affect
availability of a service. Changes in the SDS are able
after successful authentication (gematik, 2007, p.32f).
If it can be assured that employees handle their X.509
certificates carefully damage potential in this area is
low. It should be considered if the four-eyes principle
could be applied here since otherwise availability of
essential parts of the HTI may be lowered.
2.6 DNS Service
The DNS service answers requests with the IP address
corresponding to a given mnemonic address. DNS
service is built in a redundant way, arranged in multi-
ple levels. Precautions should be taken so that a syn-
chronisation between different levels may not be able
for unauthorized persons (gematik, 2008b, p.92f). It
is therefore an attempt to achieve security by obscu-
rity. Security of a system may not rely on this lack of
To prevent attackers from redirecting requests away
from valid services, DNSSEC will be used (gematik,
2008f, p.45), guaranteeing authenticity and integrity
of DNS transactions, although facilitating denial of
service attacks because of its high calculation effort.
Thus the number of DNS requests is permanently
monitored. If a threshold is exceeded a security alert
is executed (gematik, 2008b, p.87).
2.7 Connector and Extended Trusted
Connectors have a device specific identity in form of
a X.509 certificate. Only VPN concentrators will be
accepted as remote points, forwarding a connection
to the broker. It has to be assured that the key of
a connector’s SMC-B may not be read out (gematik,
2008b, p.54) to assure connector integrity. A connec-
tor must be able to reliably detect spoofing of wrong
system times. Besides, keys that are not trustworthy
may not be adopted and data that needs to be pro-
tected may not be transferred unencrypted (gematik,
2008b, p.54f). Lastly, it also may not be possible to
sign data, that a signer did not want to sign (gematik,
2008b, p.55f). This will be done by an Extended
Trusted Viewer (xTV). The necessary X.509 identity
of an xTV can also be deposited in the connector. If a
signature should be performed it shows the certificate
of the signer and the document to be signed, else the
result of certificate validation (gematik, 2009c, p.38).
An xTV can be realized by a software solution as well
as by suitable hardware.
2.8 Cryptographic Specifications
Generally medical data may exclusively be stored and
transferred in encrypted state (gematik, 2008a, p.95).
Cryptographically the principle of forward secrecy is
continuously implemented. If a key of lower level
of hierarchy is broken this initially has no effect for
keys on a higher level (gematik, 2008d, p.65). All
keys that are not part of the lowest level of hierarchy
and that are valid for at least a year have to be gen-
erated by truly random processes (gematik, 2008d,
p.67), since even a complex generation of random
numbers may hold the danger of attackers being able
to reconstruct the process. Once key validity expires
it has to be deleted including all its copies (gematik,
2008d, p.76), since otherwise old keys’ protection re-
quirements would be lowered, but it would still pose
a threat to the goal of confidentiality.
In this work we conducted a literature based analy-
sis of the security concepts of the German electronic
health card project. However, security always is a pro-
cess and never a state. Thus a reliable and mathemat-
ically verifiable total fulfillment of all security goals
can not be guaranteed (Wright et al., 2008). The HTI
and its components are therefore designed for con-
stant adjustment and enhancement. Ultimately the se-
curity concept of the gematik seems to be well elabo-
rated in most parts. However this is not yet a conclu-
sion for implementations in use, since these have not
been tested in the frame of this paper.
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HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics