Jonathan Goh
, Lilian Tang
, Lutfiah Al turk
and Yaochu Jin
Department of Computing, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH, Surrey, U.K.
Department of Statistics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Micro aneurysms, Contextual reasoning, Particle swarm optimisation, Genetic algorithms, Hidden Markov
Abstract: Micro aneurysms are one of the first visible clinical signs of diabetic retinopathy and their detection can
help diagnose the progression of the disease. In this paper, we propose to use a hybrid evolutionary
algorithm to evolve the structure and parameters of a Hidden Markov Model to obtain an optimised model
that best represents the different contexts of micro aneurysms sub images. This technique not only identifies
the optimal number of states, but also determines the topology of the Hidden Markov Model, along with the
initial model parameters. We also make a comparison between evolutionary algorithms to determine the
best method to obtain an optimised model.
Micro aneurysms are one of the first visible signs of
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) and it is known that
quantities of this clinical sign can help diagnose the
progression of the disease. Micro aneurysms are
swelling of the capillaries that are caused by the
weakening of the vessel walls due to high sugar
levels in diabetes and eventually leak to produce
exudates. In retina images, micro aneurysms appear
as small reddish dots with similar intensity as
haemorrhages and blood vessels. This particular sign
is an important early indicator of the disease and can
contribute to helping ophthalmologists identify
effective treatment for the patient at an early stage.
However, an accurate detection of micro
aneurysms is a challenge task. One of the main
obstacles is the variability in the retinal image,
depending on factors such as degree of pigmentation
of epithelium and choroid in the eye, size of pupil,
illumination, disease, imaging settings (which can
vary even with same equipment), patients’ ethnic
origin, and other variants. These factors affect the
appearance of micro aneurysms. They tend to appear
among other visual features and the difference
between a micro aneurysm and its surroundings can
be very subtle.
Standard image processing and classification
techniques alone are not able to deal with the
ambiguity in micro aneurysm detection. They are
often mistaken as other similar visual content in
retinal images such as the fine ends of the blood
vessels or noise. In the work reported by Niemeijer
et al. (2005) and Sinthanayothin et al. (2002) image
processing techniques were first adopted to extract
useful features followed by recognition through a
classifier. However, the single classifier used is
unable to ensure scalability. Walter et al. (2000)
developed a technique that requires the blood vessels
to be removed prior to micro aneurysm detection
and as a result, true micro aneurysms near or on the
blood vessels are removed as well. This suggests
that the recognition procedure of this clinical sign
cannot be treated in isolation. Instead, an integrated
approach that dynamically combines detection
evidence from various processing stages, and
especially a contextual environment each time the
clinical sign may appear should be constructed. In
our research, we developed multiple classifiers
together with a contextual reasoning model to
address the scalability and ambiguity. In this paper
we mainly discuss the contextual model.
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) is a statistical
modelling tool for information extraction. While
HMMs have been successful in many applications
Goh J., Tang L., Al turk L. and Jin Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003155902350241
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 235-241
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
such as speech recognition (Morizana et al., 2009
and Lu et al., 2009) DNA sequencing (Won et al.
2006) and handwriting recognition (Parui et al.
2008) very little work has been carried out to
statistically model and understand the context in
images. In speech recognition, HMMs can determine
the statistical variations of utterance from
occurrence to occurrence. However, a few
outstanding issues remain. Firstly, how to determine
the topology of the HMM and secondly, what is the
optimised model parameters for accurate
representation of the training data? Lastly, the
training of HMM is computationally intensive and
there is no known method that can guarantee an
optimised model.
Optimising an HMM is usually done through the
refinement of the HMM after each training.
Refinement can include changing the number of
states, the initial distribution states and the transition
probabilities before re-training the HMM and testing
it for its accuracy. The most popular training
algorithm for HMM is the Baum-Welch algorithm;
however, this algorithm is a hill climbing algorithm
and heavily depends on the initial estimates. It is
also known that bad estimates for this algorithm
usually lead to a sub-par HMM.
Hence, the
motivation behind this work is to obtain an optimised
HMM based on the initial parameters used to train a
Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have shown to be
powerful in solving difficult optimisation problems.
Most of the published work such as Won et al.
(2006), Kwong et al. (2001), Bhuriyakorn et al.
(2008) and Xiao et al. (2007) uses EAs to optimise
HMM using a combination of Genetic Algorithms
(GAs) and the Baum-Welch Algorithm (BW).
However, these techniques only determine the
optimal number of states and improves BW
generalisation. The main idea of this work is to
optimise the topology of the HMM while adapting
the parameters over the evolutionary process for an
optimised model.
Memetic Algorithms (MAs) are a class of hybrid
algorithms that combine a population-based global
heuristic search strategy with a local refinement
(Ong et al. 2010). MAs have been reported to be
successful in multiple domains such as scheduling
(Lim et al. 2005), machine learning (Liu et al., 2007
and Abbass, 2002) and even aerodynamic design
optimization (Ong et al. 2003).
Our previous work (Goh et al. 2010) has
demonstrated the effectiveness of HMMs in the
detection of micro aneurysms as a contextual
analysis model. In this paper, we extend our
previous work by using a combination of a Genetic
Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimisation
(referred as Memetic Algorithm from here on) to
optimise the structure of the HMM. In Section 2, we
give a brief description of the Memetic Algorithm
and HMMs. The technique used for optimising the
HMM is presented in Section 3. Section 4 describes
the experiments and we summarise our work in
section 5.
Memetic algorithms use different search techniques
in a combined approach and maintain a population
of solutions. The main difference is that for every
solution, a local-improver will be used to further
enhance the solution.
A Genetic Algorithm is used to perform the
global search, as it is a population-based stochastic
search method whereas for the local search, we use
Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO). At each
generation of the GA, a new set of solutions is
created by a process of selecting individuals
according to their strengths (fitness) in the problem
domain and genetically modifying them to produce
offspring. This process leads to the generation of a
new population of individuals that are better suited
for the problem than the individuals that they are
created from, eventually reaching an optimal
For each solution, PSO will be carried out to
further optimise the solution. PSO functions by
propelling the particle (individual solution) through
the search space with a velocity that is dynamically
modified based on its own strength and the strength
of other particles in the swarm.
Ideally, after the termination criteria have been
met, the final population would consist only of the
best individuals which would be decoded as the
optimised set of solutions.
In our work, each solution would be encoded
into a chromosome which represents the HMM
structure. Typically, a HMM is characterised by:
a) Number of states, M
b) Transition probability distribution matrix A.
}, where a
is the transition probability
of the Markov chain transiting from state i to
state j.
c) Observation sequence, O.
d) Initial state distribution, π.
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Hence, the HMM is represented by: λ = (A, O,
π). In order for the HMM to represent the image
effectively, we need to decide upon the topology of
the HMM, the number of states of the model and the
transitions that are allowed between states.
Training of the HMM can be carried out using
the BW algorithm which is an expectation
maximisation algorithm that adjusts the model
parameters to locally maximise the likelihood of the
training data based on an initial estimate of the
Recognition of the image is performed using the
Viterbi algorithm which finds the most likely state
sequence given the HMM model, λ and a sequence
of observations.
The percentage accuracy is calculated as the total
number of correctly predicted images over the total
number of images.
In order for a HMM to effectively represent the
training data, the number of states and the structure
of the connecting states are crucial.
In the following sections, we demonstrate the
use of the memetic algorithm to optimise HMMs
using sub-images of micro aneurysms (MA),
background (BG) and blood vessels (BV) as the
training data. A GA will be used to evolve the
structure of the HMM while PSO will be used to
optimise the parameters for the HMM as detailed in
the pseudo code in Figure 1. By performing a hybrid
search using the memetic algorithm, a balance
between exploration and exploitation can be
achieved. This evidently not only automates the
discovery of HMM structures along with the initial
model parameters, the resulting model can also
attain a better accuracy while avoiding overfitting,
as we will discuss later on in the section.
Initialise Population
While iteration < Max_Generation
SelCh = Selection(population);
SelCh = CrossOver(SelCh);
FitterSolutions = bestSolutions(SelCh);
For all_of_FitterSolutions
New_solution = PSO(FitterSolutions)
If New_solution > SelCh
SelCh = New_solution
population = recombination(SelCh);
Figure 1: Pseudo code of Algorithm.
3.1 Feature Extraction for HMM
The training data used for this research are 15 by 15
pixel images which are the output from the
ensembles in our earlier work (Goh et al. 2010),
which comprise of micro aneurysms (MA),
background (BG) and blood vessels (BV).
Each sub-image is divided into nine 5x5 pixel
smaller sub-images as seen in Figure 2, which are
used as observation sequences for the HMM.
Figure 2: States of Sub-Image.
The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is
performed to obtain the features for each of the 5x5
pixel sub-image. The DCT is used as it can represent
an image in terms of sum of sinusoids of varying
magnitude and frequencies, thus obtaining the most
important information in terms of just a few
coefficients. Once the DCT has been applied for
each observation, the result from the DCT process
for each state is reshaped into a 25x1 column and
used as part of a sequence for inputting into the
3.2 Global Search - GA
For optimisation, the solution has to be encoded into
a chromosome for evolution. In this work, since
HMM uses real-valued numbers, a real-valued string
was used as the chromosome in the GA. The
chromosome consists of the following information:
1. Number of states
2. Type of states as seen in Figure 3
3. Transition probabilities
3.2.1 Initial Population
The initial population was generated randomly. For
each candidate solution, a number of states, which is
an integer between 4 and 11, was randomly
generated. This is based on Bakis’ (1976)
assumption that the number of states is usually
identical to the number of the observed sequences.
In this work, nine observation sequences are used to
represent the various sub-images, thus the minimum
number of states is set to 4 and the maximum
number of states to 9. With the initial number of
states, the transition between states can be set.
For each state, there are a few different kinds of
transitions that can be assigned to them as listed in
Figure 3 and they are randomly assigned to each
state. Initial state transition probabilities are also
randomly assigned between the initiating states and
the transiting states.
Transitions Models
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Type 5
Figure 3: Transition types.
3.2.2 Fitness Evaluation
In order to measure the generalisation capability of
the HMM for recognising micro aneurysm sub-
images, we use a fitness evaluation mechanism to
gauge the confidence level of each solution. Initially,
we used the average maximum likelihood that is
calculated by the BW algorithm to measure the
fitness used in selecting fitter individuals from the
population. The average maximum likelihood p
the HMM,
, that generates the observation
sequence O
, O
... O
is calculated using the
following equation:
= p(O
n =i
where T is the number of observation sequences for
However, our analyses showed that generalising
the average maximum likelihood does not
necessarily produce a better accuracy due to over-
fitting of the training data. Hence, in this work, we
use the accuracy obtained from the last re-estimation
of the BW algorithm as the fitness value.
3.2.3 Selection
Selection is the phase used to determine which
parents to choose for reproduction. In this work, we
chose to use the Roulette Wheel Selection (RWS).
The advantage of RWS is that they may allow
weaker individuals still to be selected for
reproduction as they may have important
components that may be useful during the
recombination process. The parameter used in
selection is set at 0.8, that is to say, 80% of the
population are selected for crossover and mutation.
However, local search using the PSO is applicable
only to the top 20% of the best individuals after
3.2.4 Crossover
This operation represents the major driving force in
the canonical GA for optimizing the structure of the
HMM. In crossover, we need to decide on a
crossover point to swap parts of chromosome of the
parents to produce offspring. In this work, we
adopted the 1-point crossover.
If both parents have the same number of states,
the creation of offspring is straightforward.
However, if the two parents have different number
of states, there must be a decision on how many
states the offspring will have. For simplicity, we
assume that the offspring shall have the average
number of states between the two parents. To make
up for the additional state, the offspring will inherit
the additional state for the parent as illustrated in
Figure 4.
1 2 5 3 2 1
1 43 1
1 53 3 2
1 2 4 1 2
Figure 4: Crossover Operation.
3.3 Local Search - PSO
As the BW algorithm is very sensitive to the initial
model parameter, in order to exploit the local search
+2 n
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Comparison between different Evolutionary Algorithms.
Pop Gen Average Maximum Likelihood/Accuracy
Memetic Trained HMM (M-HMM) GA Trained HMM (GA-HMM)
MA Models BV Models BG Models MA Models BV Models BG Models
30 30 -8.1209/ 96.41% -8.3076/93.25 -8.0949/91.04% -8.1253/96. 19% -8.294/92.64 -8.1241/90.49%
30 60
-8.1430/ 96.86%
-8.1038/91.04% -8.1109/ 96.19%
50 30
-8.07650/91.41 -8.1256/ 93.95%
-8.3035/93.25 -8.0969/91.22
50 60
Table 2: Comparisons among various methods.
Average Maximum Likelihood
BW Trained HMM
MA -8.1394 -8.1366 -8.215 -8.209 -8.150
BV -8.3076 -8.2928 -8.378 -8.342 -8.328
BG -8.0783 -8. 0978 -8.274 -8.252 -8.186
region for better solutions, we apply the PSO to the
top few individuals obtained after selection.
The PSO starts from individual chromosomes
resulting from the GA search and the its goal is to
find optimised transition probabilities for potentially
good solutions. For the states which were inherited
during evolution, no new transition probabilities are
generated. For the newly generated states, the
transition probabilities are randomly generated to
allow the PSO to search the locally around the
For PSO, we use a swarm size of 10 particles for
30 iterations.
4.1 Data Set
The 15 by 15 training samples used to train Hidden
Markov Models are obtained from 100 retina images
of various sources including the Optimal Detection
and Decision-Support Diagnosis of Diabetic
Retinopathy database.
4.2 Experiment Setup
700 background (BG) sub-images, 700 micro
aneurysms (MA) sub-images and 700 blood vessel
(BV) sub-images are used to train the different
HMMs. In order to test the accuracy of the models,
we have a test set that contains the 3 categories with
each one consisting of 500 sub-images.
4.3 Experiment Results
The Memetic-HMM (M-HMM) algorithm was run
according to the parameters setup given in Table 1
for optimising the various models and their average
maximum likelihood along with their accuracy are
listed after the relevant generations were reached.
Considering the results listed in Table 1 along
with the algorithm parameters, we compare these
results with those obtained by using a GA only,
termed HMM (GA-HMM). The GA-HMM follows
the same steps described in Section 3.2.1 – 3.2.3, the
only difference is that in the latter GA handles the
mutation of the Transition Probabilities instead of
the PSO.
Our results show that although the Average
Maximum Likelihood is higher, it does not
necessarily mean a better accuracy as we can see
that the MA models labelled in grey has a lower
average maximum likelihood compared to the GA
HMM but a higher accuracy.
This suggests that by using the memetic
algorithms, the parameters for each solution are
adaptive over the evolutionary process allowing for
the optimised structure of the HMM while adapting
the transition probabilities for the optimised
structure. It also suggests that this technique reduces
the risk of over-fitting the training data since the
fitness evaluation is the accuracy rather than
continuous training for the highest average
maximum likelihood that may eventually causes
For the rest of the models, the memetic
algorithm is able to obtain both better accuracy and
generalisation compared to the GA only approach.
Naturally, for each model, we use the model with the
highest accuracy. The performance listed in Table 2,
indicates that the optimal number of states found by
the both evolved HMMs are identical to a manually
trained HMM. It also indicates that they are far more
optimised than a manually hand designed HMM
using the BW algorithm.
4.4 Experimental Performance
While the difference between the M-HMM and the
GA-HMM is not significantly large, comparing the
number of generations for the population based
search, using memetic algorithms to evolve the
HMM results in a faster
convergence to an optimal
solution as illustrated in Table 3.
Table 3: Convergence Times.
Model (Pop/Gen)
Convergence Generation
MA (50/60)
BV (50/30) 13
BG (50/60) 15
In summary, a novel way to represent images using
a fully automated structure discovery technique
involving Memetic Algorithms and HMM was
presented in this paper. A comparison was made
between various methods and the experimental
results have shown that M-HMM is capable of
searching for a more optimal structure than that
resulting from either the GA only approach or the
BW Algorithm.
By using evolutionary algorithms to evolve the
HMM, we can not only find the optimal number of
states to represent the image, but also manage to
optimise the initial transition probabilities for a
better trained model as indicated by its average
maximum likelihood. Although the recognition rate
of the M-HMM is just slightly better than the GA-
HMM, the former converged quicker to optimal
solutions suggesting that memetic algorithms can be
applied to situations where time is of an essence.
These results demonstrate that the EA evolved
HMMs are capable of context reasoning for
detecting micro aneurysms and thus facilitate finer
analysis during clinical sign detection on retina
We would like to express our gratitude to Dr Tunde
Peto, MD, Head of Reading Centre, Department of
Research and Development, Moorfields Eye
Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, for her invaluable
advice and help. The authors also thank King Abdul-
Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the
Department of Computing, University of Surrey,
UK, for their financial support to the project.
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