compared with other proposals. For example, a spec-
ified group is defined in MOISE
as a ’group speci-
fication’, while VOF defines it as an Organizational
Unit. On the other hand, a group instantiation is
named ’group’ in both MOISE
and VOF. In ad-
dition, the OE from VOF defines the set of norms and
services that are currently active in the organization.
Finally, VOF clearly divides the static elements of
the system (i.e. elements that will produce a structural
change if they are modified) and the more dynamic
elements of the MAS, represented in the OE. Our
specification gives agents the possibility to belong to
a specific group and provide or use a service.
This work presents a formal specification for Vir-
tual Organizations, named VOF (Virtual Organization
Formalization), which is composed by: (i) the Organi-
zational Specification, which details the static compo-
nents of the system and divides them by means of the
organizationaldimensions; (ii) the Organizational En-
tity, which defines the active elements of the system;
and (iii) the Organizational Dynamics, which details
the relationships between elements from the Organi-
zational Specification and the Organizational Entity.
Additionally, we have analyzed a set of differ-
ent formalizations, focusing on typical organizational
concepts taken from the Organizational Dimensions.
After this analysis, we noticed that the analyzed for-
malizations do not take into account all concepts from
Organizational Dimensions. Therefore, our proposal
is aimed to cover all these concepts and to provide a
formalization as much complete as possible.
As future work, this formalization will help us
when dealing with concepts related to adaptation
in Organization Centered Multiagent Systems, being
easier for us to identify the entities of the system
which would change through time. VOF will be inte-
grated into the reasoning process of BDI agents, in or-
der to develop agents that are able to know whether an
organization is working in a correct way, or he needs
to executean adaptationprocess. Moreover,using this
formalization we will be able to check the correctness
of a defined OCMAS.
This work is supported by TIN2009-13839-C03-01
and PROMETEO/2008/051 projects of the Spanish
government and CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 un-
der grant CSD2007-00022.
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