Referring to Table II, the estimated mean error is
in any case lower than 10°, value that is in any case
comparable to the overall 4° error of the adopted
acquisition system.
In this paper a statistical analysis has been carried
out to discover the correlations among 14 joint
angles in the hand on a restricted set of 9 static
postures, that we took as the most common and
useful. We found out that the values of seven joints
can be computed basing on the values of the
remaining seven, with an error lower than 10
degrees. This can lead to a important reduction of
myoelectric sensors, from 14 to 7, useful for driving
an artificial prostesys. This can be true for the most
part of applications when it is not requested a very
high degree of accuracy or a large number of DOF.
For example robots or drones remote controlled that
need high precision but few DOF could be driven by
a hand wearable device with a small set of sensors.
This research can also improve gesture recognition,
reducing the complexity of the problem and
improving the classification.
Vice versa, this work states a limit in hand
controlled devices: we cannot use all of 14 finger
joints to pilot a device with 14 DOF because some
of the joints are not independent.
Future investigations can be done; In fact it can
be carried out a similar study on the basis of
supposition of non linearity between the finger
joints, or it can be considered the relations among
three or more articulations
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