Evaluation with Health Professionals
Robin Krens, Marco Spruit
Departement of Information and Computing Science, Utrecht University, Padualaan 8, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Nathalie Urbanus-van Laar
UMC Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Information security, Evaluation and use of healthcare IT, Confidentialty, Integrity and availability.
Information security in health care is a topic of much debate. Various technical and means-end oriented
approaches have been presented over the years, yet have not shown to be sufficient. This paper outlines an
alternative view and approaches medical information security from a health professional’s perspective. The
Information Security Employee’s Evaluation (ISEE) is presented to evaluate and discuss medical information
security with health professionals. The ISEE instrument consists of seven dimensions: priority, responsibility,
incident handling, functionality, communication, supervision and training and education. The ISEE instrument
can be used to better understand health professional’s perception, needs and problems when dealing with
information security in practice. Following the design science approach, the ISEE instrument was validated
within a focus group of security experts and pilot tested as workshops across five hospital departments in two
medical centers. Although the ISEE instrument has by no means the comprehensiveness of existing security
standards, we do argue that the instrument can provide valuable insights for both practitioners and research
Information security is involved with guaranteeing the
availability, integrity and confidentiality of informa-
tion (Stamp, 2006). In health care, correct and in-time
medical information is needed to provide high quality
care. Unavailable or unreliable information can have
serious consequences for patients, such as incorrect
or delayed treatment. Also, since this type of infor-
mation is uttermost sensitive, protecting the patient’s
privacy is another major security objective. From a
health professional’s point of view, information secu-
rity aspects concern issues such as in-time access to
medical information during consultation, fast recov-
ery during system downtime and assurance of data in-
Throughout the years different perspectives on in-
formation security have been described. Nonetheless,
it is often the technical perspective that has been the
main area of interest. Checklists, standards and risk
analysis are by far the most discussed methods within
this perspective. The general idea behind these meth-
ods is to identify all possible threats to information
and information systems, and to propose solutions.
Examples are the UNIX security checklists or the
ISO/IEC 27002 standard for information security (In-
ternational Organization for Standardization, 2005).
In contrast to the technical perspective, social
or human perspectives (Ashenden, 2008) are user-
centric and concentrate on user-related needs and
problems with information security. Examples of
user-related issues are lack of knowledge on privacy;
lack of computer training and problems with retriev-
ing data when needed.
Recent research subscribes the need for a more
social approach to information security (Dhillon and
Backhouse, 2001) (Siponen, 2005). Part of this ap-
proach is to enlighten on the human and cultural
elements of information security (Williams, 2008)
(Gaunt, 2000) . Another part is, since the increase
in vulnerabilities and complexity to health informa-
tion systems nowadays, to create methods to involve
health professionals actively within the domain of in-
formation security. (Ferreira et al., 2010), for exam-
Krens R., Spruit M. and Urbanus-van Laar N..
INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE - Evaluation with Health Professionals.
DOI: 10.5220/0003157700610069
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 61-69
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ple, actively involve health professionals to the design
and enhancement of access control policies to elec-
tronic medical record systems.
Referring to the aspects of information security,
there also seems to be a tendency towards the confi-
dentiality aspect, overshadowing the other two: avail-
ability and integrity. Barber, for instance, states that
“the issues of integrity and availability will probably
deserve more attention than the issues of confiden-
tiality as medical information systems became more
inter-twined with clinical practice” (Barber, 1998).
This paper focuses on all aspects of medical in-
formation security seen from a health professional’s
point of view. The aim of the research is to build an
instrument to evaluate and discuss security of patient
information with health professionals. The developed
instrument, named ISEE (Information Security Em-
ployee’s Evaluation), can be used to better understand
user’s perception, needs and problems.
The paper is structured as follows. After this intro-
duction, the second section reviews related work. The
third section briefly describes the research approach.
The fourth section describes the development of the
ISEE instrument. Subsequently, the fifty section de-
scribes the validity and appliance of ISEE. The sixth
and final section discusses contributions, limitations
and future research for this study.
It is widely recognized that information security is
much more than technology. (Williams, 2008) states
that information security is not a technical problem
but mostly a human one. Williams identifies poor
implementation of security controls, lack of rele-
vant knowledge and inconsistencies between princi-
ples and practice as key issues. Williams also states
that a trusting hospital environment undermines the
need for proper supervision. In a culture of trust,
confidence in medical practice staff is high, result-
ing in little scrutiny of Internet usage, no policy on
changing passwords and unmonitored access to clin-
ical records. Fernando and Dawson (Fernando and
Dawson, 2009) show similar findings: poor quality
training and the hospital environment are constraints
on effective information security. Additionally, they
argue that wrongly implemented security controls can
result in workarounds such as the sharing of pass-
words or the usage of written clinical notes in case
of systems downtime. Security controls often take
time from patient care (i.e. logging out of a system).
Health professionals are skeptic about such controls
that form a constraint on their daily work and that
could, in the worse case, harm the patient. In a com-
plex environment were sensitive information is rou-
tinely recorded, spread and used it is a challenge to
guarantee the availability, confidentiality and integrity
of information.
As indicated in the introduction, most evaluation
methods of information security are technical and
risk based. Our aim is to evaluate information se-
curity with health professionals and for this purpose
we desire a different type of evaluation. In the dis-
cipline of information security such a comprehen-
sive type of evaluation does not exist yet. Most ex-
isting instruments are prescriptive (i.e. how should
end-user perform?) and focus strongly on the confi-
dentiality aspect. We, therefore, adapt an instrument
from the health care domain. The instrument, named
the Manchester Patient Safety Framework (University
of Manchester and National Patient Safety Agency,
2006), is used to discuss the physical safety of pa-
tients with health professionals. The following sub-
section gives a short overview of this Patient Safety
evaluation instrument.
2.1 The MaPSaF Instrument
The Manchester Patient Safety Framework (MaPSaF)
is an instrument to help health care teams assess the
safety of patients. Assessment with the instrument is
carried out in workshops, led by a facilitator from the
health care organization. The workshops starts by let-
ting each health professional individually rate dimen-
sions of the patient safety instrument. Dimensions of
this instrument are, for example, staff education and
investigation of patient safety incidents. Each dimen-
sion can be given a score, ranging from low (patho-
logic) to very high (generative). If, for example, a
nurse thinks that staff education is lacking to ‘safely’
perform her daily job, she can fill out a low score.
The next part of the workshop is concerned with the
comparison of score of the dimensions between par-
ticipants. Subsequently, a large part is dedicated to a
plenary discussion about the low scoring dimensions
and about what can be improved within the team or
organization. If possible, participants are encouraged
to create an action plan to improve the team’s safety
practices. The primary purpose of the instrument is
not merely to measure safety but to discuss safety
with employees. We have adapted MaPSaF for the
purpose of evaluating information security. The next
section describes what methods we followed to trans-
late MaPSaF to information security.
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
To adapt MaPSaF for evaluating medical informa-
tion security, we used the design science approach
(Hevner et al., 2004). The design science approach
consists of two main steps, namely (1) the develop-
ment and (2) the validation of an artifact. In our case,
the artifact is the ISEE instrument. For the adaption of
the MaPSaF instrument and development of the ISEE
instrument we performed a literature study. A large
part of the literature study was dedicated to construct
the evaluation ‘dimensions’ of the instrument. Valida-
tion of the instrument was performed within a focus
group of security experts and within a pilot study at
ve hospital departments. Section 4 and 5 explain
these steps, and how we performed these steps, in
more detail.
As said, based on the MaPSaF instrument we con-
structed the ISEE instrument. We adapted similar el-
ements of MaPSaF for the purpose to evaluate infor-
mation security with health professionals. In short,
ISEE consists of the following elements:
1. A maturity framework to discuss the level of se-
2. A variety of dimensions to rate information secu-
rity according to this maturity framework.
3. Evaluation with employees in the form of a work-
4.1 Maturity Scale
In the MaPSaF instrument, health professionals can
rate safety dimensions according to a maturity frame-
work. We copied this framework almost entirely to
information security with some slight changes in the
terminology. The framework was originally devel-
oped by (Westrum, 1993), and was later extended
by Reason (Reason, 1993) and Parker and Hudson
(Parker and Hudson, 2001). The framework consists
of five maturity levels: pathologic, reactive, bureau-
cratic, proactive and generative. Pathologic is de-
fined as a situation where safety (or security) prac-
tices are the barest industry minimum. There is no
top level commitment to the pursuit of safety (or se-
curity) goals. Reactive is an attitude where changes
are implemented after incidents or problems occur.
Bureaucratic is a situation where a lot is formalized
on paper, but practically a lot is failing. In contrast,
proactive and generative are the opposite of these sit-
uations. Table 1 shows an overview of these levels.
Health professionals can rate continuously with this
scale: they can, for example, rate a dimension as be-
tween reactive and bureaucratic (or as 2,5).
Table 1: Information security maturity level descriptions.
Score 1: Pathologic “Why waste our time on infor-
mation security?”
Score 2: Reactive “We act when we have an inci-
Score 2: Bureaucratic “We have systems in place to
manage risks”
Score 4: Proactive “We are alert on security re-
lated risks”
Score 5: Generative “Information security is a part
of everything we do”
4.2 Evaluation Dimensions
Patient safety dimensions were not directly applica-
ble for information security. The security dimensions
were, therefore, initially based on a literature review.
At first we identified over 30 user-related (i.e. lack
of knowledge, poor security implementation, unus-
able security controls, workarounds) security issues.
Since it was not feasible to include each of these is-
sues individually in this type of evaluation, we de-
cided to increase the level of abstraction. We pro-
vide a list of seven dimensions: priority, responsibil-
ity, incident handling, functionality of security, com-
munication, supervision and training and education.
Table 2 provides a general overview of these dimen-
sions. The table also shows how we mapped various
security issues from our literature study to a dimen-
sion. Though security involvesmany more topics than
discussed within the evaluation (i.e. network control
or protection against viruses), our perspective is re-
stricted to those security issues that were relevant to
health professionals.
4.3 Workshop Set-up and Participants
Evaluation of patient safety with the MaPSaF instru-
ment occurs in a two-hour workshop. The partici-
pants are a crosscut of a hospital department. Among
these participants are managers, doctors, nurses, tech-
nicians and other supporting staff. In that way, differ-
ent perspectives of the subject are highlighted. The
workshops are conducted by a sequence of steps de-
fined in a standard protocol. The workshop set-up and
protocol of MaPSaF was left the same for ISEE. The
following list shows the sequence of steps:
1. Individual evaluation: participants fill out the
evaluation individually.
INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE - Evaluation with Health Professionals
Table 2: Information Security Employee’s Evaluation (ISEE) dimensions.
Dimension Description Information security issues
Priority How important is security (availability,
integrity and confidentiality) of patient
information? What is done to provide
optimal security?
Lack of time (Fernando and Dawson, 2009)
(Nosworthy, 2000) (Williams, 2008), cost
(Williams, 2008), the hospital environment
(Fernando and Dawson, 2009), conflicting de-
mands (Gaunt, 2000) and productivity (Fer-
nando and Dawson, 2009)
Handling of incidents Is the importance of reporting inci-
dents (system failure, confidentiality
breaches, unsafe systems) recognized?
What is done with the report of an inci-
Lack of incident reporting and handling (Nos-
worthy, 2000) and response (OECD, 2002)
Responsibility Who or what is responsible for medical
information security?
Attitude and ignorance (Williams, 2008)
(Gaunt, 2000), lack of awareness and responsi-
bility (Nosworthy, 2000) (OECD, 2002), skep-
ticism (Fernando and Dawson, 2009), data frag-
mentation (Fernando and Dawson, 2009) and
underestimation of threats (Nosworthy, 2000)
Functionality Is security supported in daily working
routines? Do health care professional
think this works well?
Usability (Fernando and Dawson, 2009) (Fer-
reira et al., 2010), Workarounds (Fernando
and Dawson, 2009), poor implementation
(Williams, 2008), inadequate systems (Gaunt,
2000) and security design (OECD, 2002)
Communication How is the communication about med-
ical information security? Do health
care professionals know what is ex-
Communication (Nosworthy, 2000), commu-
nication and feedback (Kraemer and Carayon,
2005) and inconsistent policies and communi-
cation (Gaunt, 2000)
Supervision Is the correct usage of medical informa-
tion examined?
Audit and supervision (Fernando and Dawson,
2009), trust (Williams, 2008), ethics (OECD,
2002), reward, punishment and hiring practices
(Kraemer and Carayon, 2005)
Training and education What about the knowledge around med-
ical information security? Do health
care professionals know how to act?
Training shortcomings (Fernando and Dawson,
2009) (Kraemer and Carayon, 2005), lack of
knowledge (Williams, 2008), capability and ed-
ucation (Williams, 2008), (Nosworthy, 2000)
2. Work in pairs: participants discuss their percep-
tions with another participant. They are encour-
aged to explain their scores and exchange anec-
dotes and personal experiences.
3. Group discussion: general discussion about
strength, weaknesses and differences in percep-
4. Action planning: the creation of an action plan for
weak security issues.
Validation of the ISEE instrument was examined from
two perspectives, namely (1) through a focus group
with security experts, and (2) through a pilot study
to actually apply ISEE in the field at hospital depart-
5.1 Focus Group
We conducted a focus group with security experts to
further enhance ISEE. A focus group is a form of a
group interview that capitalizes communication be-
tween participants to generate data (Pope et al., 2006).
A focus group was chosen to stimulate discus-
sion between experts. Focus groups encourage peo-
ple to talk to one another, ask questions, exchange
anecdotes and comment on each others’ experiences
and points of views. By these means, focus groups
are considered to have high face validity (Pope et al.,
2006). The purpose of focus group was:
to determine whether the proposed instrument
could be useful to organizations (usefulness).
to validate the instrument: Do participants under-
stand the concepts? Have we overseen important
user related security issues? Do they think the in-
strument is valid (face validity)?
to evaluate the willingness to use the instrument
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
and the set-up requirements (time and people) of
the instrument (feasibility).
Table 3: Focus group participants.
Function Hospital
Security Officer LUMC (Leiden)
Security Officer Erasmus MC (Rotterdam)
Staff employee IT UMC Utrecht
Security Officer AMC (Amsterdam)
Security Officer UMC Nijmegen
IT Auditor UMC Nijmegen
Security Officer UMC Groningen
IT manager LUMC (Leiden)
IT Security Officer UMC Utrecht
The type of focus group we used was a dual mod-
erating focus group. One moderator ensured that the
session ran smoothly (i.e. involving each participant
and cutting irrelevant issues). The other moderator
observed behavior, took notes, and ensured all rele-
vant topics were covered. The participating experts
were able to respond freely during the session.
Participants were able to understand the concepts
and recognized the differences between levels. For
instance, in case supervision is reactive or proactive
at a hospital department. It was argued, however,
that a higher maturity is not a goal in itself. Dis-
cussion should be the primary goal of ISEE. Partic-
ipants argued that there was no need to reach consen-
sus within a workshop. Discussion should be based
on the differences between scores. The participants
argued that two dimensions should be further defined.
The dimension Functionality should not only incor-
porate functionality of access security controls, but
also incorporate functionality of information systems
regarding availability. Supervision should also in-
clude issues about staff management such as hiring
The experts acknowledged that evaluation should
occur in a small group, preferably a department or
team. Participating health care workers should be a
crosscut of a hospital department. For feasibility rea-
sons it was suggested to condense the workshop time
into one and a half hour. To simplify the evaluation,
each dimension should be provided with a few exam-
ples per maturity level.
The results of the focus group were incorporated
in the instrument and verified by the experts through
mail inquiry. Table 4 shows the ISEE instrument with
abbreviated examples.
5.2 Pilot Study
The ISEE instrument was pilot tested during ve
workshops of one and a half our each. The work-
shops were held at ve hospital departments in two
university medical centers in the Netherlands. The
participants of each of these workshop are listed in
Table 6. The goal of the workshops was to test if the
instrument is applicable in a practical setting. At each
workshop the face validity and feasibility of the in-
strument were investigated. We asked the participants
if they found the evaluation useful and if they thought
the scope of information security was covered. Fea-
sibility concerned boundary conditions such as the
amount of time. Since the instrument is not a pure
measurement instrument validation was kept qualita-
tive. The original instrument, MaPSaF, was also vali-
dated in this nature. Additionally, we performed some
descriptive statistics on the scores given by the partic-
ipants. Table 5 shows an example of calculated met-
rics including floor and ceiling values. These statis-
tics were used to reconstruct what was said during the
workshops. Each workshop was evaluated individu-
ally. Comments made during workshops were used
to enhance the ISEE instrument. Due to paper length
constraints, we only discuss one of the workshops in
more detail.
5.2.1 One Workshop Highlighted
One of the workshops was held at a Radiotherapy de-
partment. There was a total of seven participants. See
Table 6 for an overview of participants and Table 5
for the descriptive statistics over the scores. The low-
est scoring dimensions were Supervision and Training
and education. The highest scoring dimensions were
Responsibility and Handling of incidents. Most stan-
dard deviations of the dimensions indicate an accept-
able distribution of responses. Handling of incidents
and supervision show the highest variance. Manage-
ment of the radiotherapy department was very posi-
tive on handling of security incidents, which explains
the variance. The range of scores on supervision is
also broad. Management was also more positive to-
wards this dimension then direct health care workers.
The difference in perception brought to light that ac-
cess control mechanism were not fully implemented.
Most participants prioritize the availability and
sharing of information. This may have consequences
on the confidentiality aspects. Most participants
agreed that more awareness on confidentiality of pa-
tient information is desirable. Some even came up
with a proposal, such as introducing privacy concerns
to new employees or to make ‘confidentiality and
electronic medical records’ a recurrent theme. The
INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE - Evaluation with Health Professionals
Table 4: The ISEE instrument with abbreviated examples.
Dimension 1: Pathologic 2: Reactive 3: Bureaucratic 4: Proactive 5: Generative
Priority: how important
is security (availability, in-
tegrity and confidentiality
of patient information?
Risks are not
After incidents
there is an in-
crease in prior-
Now and
then plans
are made for
Plans are made
and evaluated
Employees are
involved, secu-
rity is a man-
agement cycle
Incident handling: is the
importance of report-
ing incidents (system
failure, confidentiality
breaches, unsafe systems)
It is not clear
how and where
should be
Incidents are
handled un-
structured and
on ad-hoc basis
There is a for-
mal reporting
systems, but
is not fully
are handled
Trend analysis
takes place to
prevent inci-
dents for future
Responsibility: who or
what is responsible for
medical information secu-
Information se-
curity is not my
Security is
Security is
about defin-
ing roles and
Security is ev-
erybody’s con-
know how
to enhance
Functionality: do systems
support security in daily
working routines?
comes with the
Temporary so-
lutions are con-
Needed sys-
tem security
functionality is
Systems work
correctly and
new improve-
ments are
Systems fully
support the
process of care!
Communication: how is
the communication about
medical information secu-
There is no pos-
sibility to dis-
cuss concerns
is one way
is paper work
is a two-way
Employees are
aware and have
a questioning
Supervision: is the correct
usage of medical informa-
tion examined?
Incorrect usage
has no conse-
Sanction are
taken by severe
Most of pro-
cedures are in
of behavior
is done on
periodic basis
and employees
are widely
involved on this
Training and education: do
health care professionals
know how to act?
should not be
bothered with
Training is
done if it is
an absolute
Training is
highlighted, but
not enforced
Employees are
encouraged to
Training is part
of the day-to-
day job
Table 5: Workshop II: Radiotherapy (scores are based on 7 participants).
INSTR. Dimensions Mean (1-5) Std Range (1-5) Floor (x) Ceiling (x)
Priority 3,21 0,69 2-4 0 0
Handling of incidents 3,42 0,93 2-5 0 1
Responsibility 3,29 0,57 2,5-4 0 0
Functionality 2,71 0,57 2-3,5 0 0
Communication 2,93 0,84 2-4 0 0
Supervision 2,57 0,98 1-4 1 0
Training and education 1,93 0,45 1-2,5 1 0
discussion also brought forward that many security
issues (such as automatic logging out of systems) can
be easily implemented. However, a reactive attitude
causes that this does not happen. As one participants
stated: “things should go wrong, before something
eventually happens”.
Furthermore, a variety of contemporary issues
were discussed. Amongst these were:
Unavailability of patient’s status information.
Slow security incident handling according to
some health care workers.
Poor integration with another system which made
it impossible to write down medical information.
The transition towards electronic medical records
systems made that information was scattered
(partly digital and partly on paper).
Based on these differences between experiences
regarding the supervision and functionality dimen-
sions the department created an action plan. Par-
ticipants considered the workshop useful to discuss
information security. Most participants encouraged
the multidisciplinary setup to discuss different per-
ceptions on information security. Some participants,
however, considered the instrument to be a bit man-
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 6: An overview of all participants in the pilot study and their associated scores.
Department and participants P I R F C S T
Workshop I: Radiology
Quality Assurance Officer 2,5 3 2 3,5 2 2 2,5
Doctor 3 2 3 3,5 2 3 1,5
Doctor 2,5 3 3 3 2 1 2
Head Front Office 3 2,5 3 2 2 2 2
Front Office Secretary 2 3,5 3 2,5 1,5 2,5 2
Team Leader Front Office 2 2,5 4 3,5 1,5 2,5 2
IT system controller 2,5 2,5 4 2,5 2 2 2
Unit head Angiography 3 3,5 3,5 3 2 3 2,5
Workshop II: Radiotherapy
Manager Quality Assurance 3 4 3 3 4 4 1
Manager Department 3 5 3,5 2,5 2 3 2
Doctor 4 3,5 3 2 3 1 2
Head of Laboratory 3,5 3,5 3 3 2 3 2,5
Laboratory worker 2 3 4 2 4 2 2
Laboratory worker 3 2 2,5 3,5 2,5 3 2
Front Office / secretary 4 3 4 3 3 2 2
Workshop III: Skin Diseases
Chef de Clinique 3 3,5 4 2 4 3 4
Medical Head doctors 3 1 3 1 2 1 2
Head of secretary 4 3 3 3,5 2 3 2
Medical secretary 3 3 3 3,5 2 1 2
Doctor 3 2,5 3,5 3 2 2 3
Doctor 3 4,5 3 4 3,5 2 3
Doctor 3 3,5 4 2 3 3 4
Doctor 2,5 3 4 1 3 2,5 4
Photographer 3 4 4 4 3 1 2
Nurse 3 3 4 1 3 2 4
Worksoph IV: Hematology and Short Stay
Head Nursing 2,5 2,5 3,5 3 2,5 2,5 3
Team Leader Nurses 3 3,5 3,5 3,5 2 2 1,5
Senior Nurse 2,5 2 3,5 2,5 3,5 5 3,5
Senior Nurse 4 3,5 4 3,5 4 3 4,5
Medical secretary 3,5 4 4 3 2,5 3,5 2
Medical secretary 3,5 3 3,5 2 3 3 2
Team Leader / Senior nurse 3,5 3,5 3,5 3 3 2 3,5
Stem cell coordinator / nurse 3 4 3 3 3,5 3 3,5
Workshop V: Urology
Head nursing 2,5 2,5 3 2 3,5 1,5 2
Team leader urology 2,5 2,5 4 3 2 3 2
IT coordinator 3 4 3,5 3,5 3,5 2,5 3
Doctor’s assistant 4 3,5 4 3 4 2,5 2,5
Nurse 2,5 3,5 4 3 3 2 2
Secretary 3,5 3 4 3 3,5 2 2
Doctor’s assistant/secretary 2,5 5 4 2 2 4 2
P=priority, I=incident handling R=responsibility, F=functionality,
C=communication, S=supervision, T=training and education
1=pathologic, 2=reactive, 3=bureaucratic, 4=proactive, 5=generative
agerial. Some participants suggested to remove all
managerial examples.
Health professionals are the first in line to experience
disturbances with the availability and integrity of pa-
tient information. Furthermore, concerning the confi-
dentiality of information, they play an important role
INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE - Evaluation with Health Professionals
in the protection of such information. Based on the
MaPSaF instrument, that discusses the safety of pa-
tients, we constructed the Information Security Em-
ployee’s Evaluation (ISEE) to evaluate information
security with health care workers.
Overall, this pilot study showed that the instru-
ment is useful to:
Discuss medical information security within a
hospital department.
Identify and discuss weak and strong points.
Discuss different perceptions on information se-
curity between employees.
A workshop can best be held at one single depart-
ment (i.e. an outpatient clinic or nursing department).
At Workshop IV two departments participated. Some
security issues that were problematic at one depart-
ment (availability of electronic nursing records) were
neverheard of at the other department. It was interest-
ing to see such differences between departments. It is,
however, hard to discuss and identify single points for
improvements with such diverse groups. We, there-
fore, recommend using the evaluation within a single
The multidisciplinary set-up of participants high-
lighted various perceptions on information security.
For instance, Workshop III indicated that manage-
ment had a very positive view on incident handling.
Further discussion however, showed that staff had no
idea how to report problems, and even when they did,
they were not pleased with the department’s solving
skills. At Workshop II the multidisciplinary set-up
even took care of some quick fixes: A doctor indi-
cated that during night shift, magnetic resonance in-
formation about patients was not available. An em-
ployee of the IT supportive staff argued that this was
an unknown issue, yet provided a quick solution.
Reflecting on all ve workshops of the pilot study,
we found that the dimensions priority and responsi-
bility show the least amount of variance and range
of scores. These dimensions, since they relate to
attitude, might suffer social desirability bias. Floor
effects occurred most frequently at the dimensions
functionality and supervision. A majority of these
low scores was explained by the participants. Ceiling
scores were only given by management staff. Overall,
management gave relatively higher scores than direct
health care workers which might indicate a too opti-
mistic view by management.
For future purposes, it might be interesting to fur-
ther develop the instrument and apply it as a measure-
ment instrument in a survey-format. Dimensions can
be further defined with specific characteristics. To
give an example, the dimension training and educa-
tion could be further defined on the issues knowledge
of privacy legislation’, ‘knowledge of information se-
curity’ and ‘knowledge on how to use security con-
trols’. Such refinement makes the instrument more
applicable for actual measurement within a hospital
environment. Further work, then, will be needed to
address these characteristics specifically. Also, such
a measurement instrument, gives opportunities to ex-
amine in greater depth the instrument’s psychometric
properties including measures of internal consistency,
reliability and construct validity.
This research has shown that the ISEE instrument
can effectively assist health professionals in their ef-
forts to improveinformation security within their hos-
pital departments. The ISEE instrument has by no
means the comprehensiveness and completeness of
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INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE - Evaluation with Health Professionals