Figure 3: High speed running from relaxed state.
A system capable of monitoring physiological param-
eters in real time has been presented. It is, basically,
continuous remote monitoring system comprising:
• A sensor device placed on the user’s body that
measures physiological data (pulse, Sp02);
• A cellular phone that retrieves data from the sen-
sor device using a short range technology (blue-
tooth); it collects geographical information (GPS)
and it sends it through 3g technology to the coor-
dination centre;
• A coordination centre acting as a server that stores
physiological data coming from the cell phone.
The coordination centre also receivesthe demands
from the users that wish to visualize physiological
It is concluded that the designed visualization sys-
tem is intuitive and efficient. It is, however, tedious
to do a real time monitoring of the patient for a long
time. It is very common that neither a physician nor
a carer carries out a real time continuous monitor-
ing of the patient. In this case, it seems more useful
to implement a system that allows detecting anoma-
lies through data mining, for instance, and alerts doc-
tors, carers or even the patient if abnormalities are de-
tected. This system could be more useful in situations
like some kinds of rehabilitation or tests, like stress
test for heart disease, when human supervision is ad-
visable. For this purpose, the measurement of more
specific vital signs would be a requirement.
Another problem that has to be dealt with is the
battery life time of the cell phone. Phone battery life
is relatively short (2 hours), since a continuous mon-
itoring implies the use of hardware with high power
consumption (GPS, Bluetooth, 3g radio).
Future work will focus on three main lines. First,
behavior-based preventive alarms would be interest-
ing to warn users, carers and doctors. Second, it might
also be interesting to find transparent, cheap, commer-
cial sensors that could be attached to the mobile phone
to improve risk detection and provideadditional infor-
mation. Finally, system software has to be optimized
to extend battery life.
This work has been supported by CENIT-AmIVital,
Ingenio 2010 project and by the Spanish Ministerio
de Educacion y Ciencia TEC2008-06374-C02-01.
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SENSECARE - Real-time Location-based Health Monitoring System