reshaping to form the other activity and the distance
value to the mean wave or to the clusters mean
values is bigger than anywhere else on the signal.
This occurred in the jumps and in the walk and run
Given the results we can affirm that our
clustering algorithm based on the mean wave
information only returned 7 errors out of 999 cycles
with pattern quality, and therefore we achieved
99.2% of efficiency.
The proposed algorithm represents an advance in the
abstract clustering area, as it has an effective
detection of signal variations, tracing different
patterns for distinct clusters, whether it’s an activity,
synthetic or physiological signal.
In future work we intend to repeat this procedure to
a wide range of subjects performing the same task,
perform a noise immunity test and also run the
algorithm using a signal with more than two modes.
We intend to introduce an automatically
perception of the cycles which are too distance from
the cluster and assign those cycles to a new
“rejection class”. This will reduce the number of
errors due to a strange cycle, in particular the
mode’s transition cycles.
The local detection of the fundamental frequency
is also a future goal, as we intend to realize when
there’s a major variation of fundamental frequency
and make our algorithms adapt its behavior
according to that variation.
Finally, we have the intention of creating a
multimodal algorithm, which can receive more than
one signal, and process those at the same time and
with the same treatment. This could be useful if we
want to use the 3 axis of an accelerometer, or
conciliate the information of a BVP with an
electrocardiography (ECG) signal.
The authors would like to thank PLUX – Wireless
Biosignals for providing the acquisition system and
sensors necessary to this investigation. We also like
to thank NIH, the Norwegian School of Sports and
Science, Håvard Myklebust and Jostein Hallén for
acquiring and allowing us to work with the Skiing
signal used in this study. We acknowledge Rui
Martins and José Medeiros for their help and advices
on the BVP acquisition procedure.
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