Table 2: Sp an pP for different electrode materials (stage 2).
Material Se [%] pP [%]
mean std mean std
Silver 99.29 1.2 97.95 1.8
Mesh 98.91 1.4 98.25 1.0
Jersey 99.23 0.6 97.22 2.5
Conductive Rubber 99.06 1.2 96.94 2.6
Stainless Steel 99.27 0.7 97.55 2.8
mean 99.15 1.0 97.57 2.1
A larger measurement database (both subjects and
recording time) could have averaged out outliers, but
for the available number of measurements the accu-
racy of the adopted method ranges at 0.4% for Se and
1.7% for pP. The calculated performance difference of
the dry electrode materials of Se and pP reside in the
same scale as the accuracy of the method. Due to this
fact it is evident that on the given database the applied
comparison method is not accurate enough to allow a
conclusion, what material is more robust against arti-
A comparison between dry electrode-materials used
in fitness belts that feature a low prize and easy tex-
tile integrability and metal dry electrode-materials has
been carried out. The accuracy of the method used
for comparison was evaluated. It could be proven
that even during a well defined reproducible parcours
based study the signal quality of each run significantly
differs due to other factors than the electrode mate-
rial. The fact that the number of subjects was lim-
ited and the recording duration was short reduced the
accuracy of the applied method. The comparison be-
tween the selected materials revealed, that the iden-
tified performance differences range in the measur-
ing inaccuracy, hence no conclusion about the influ-
ence of the material can be drawn. The method must
be adapted in such a way, that either the amount of
recorded data is enlarged or the measurements of the
different materials are taken simultaneously. In this
case the effect of different electrode positions must
be taken into account. Because all electrode materi-
als are attached mechanical identically in this evalu-
ation, it is also possible that the electrode mounting
of dry electrodes is more relevant for movement arti-
facts than the electrode material itself. In the ongoing
work the presented method will be adapted to allow
a more accurate conclusion about the influence of dry
electrode material on signal quality and the effects of
the mechanical fixture on the signal quality will be
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BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing