Comparison of European with American Legislation
and Respective Technological Applicability
C. Pereira
, C. Oliveira
, C. Vilaça
and A. Ferreira
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Al. Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200-319, Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n, 4169-007, Porto, Portugal
CINTESIS – Center for Research in Health Techonologies and Information Systems, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Health legislation, Computer security, Health insurance portability and accountability act, Recommendation
No R (97)5, Privacy.
Abstract: The use of computer applications in health services is essential but difficult to make it right. The challenge is to
balance two values: the free access to patient sensitive and personal information and the protection of the
privacy and confidentiality of the patient. The European Union and the United States tried to solve this
challenge by implementing legislation on the protection of clinical data. The European legislation is
comprehensive and regulated by Supervisors and each Member State creates its own legislation in
accordance with the Recommendations. On the other hand, the American legislation is specific, the
organizations have a self-regulatory system and each state creates the State Law which is governed by
Federal Law. The aim of this paper is to compare the European legislation - “Recommendation No R
(97)5”with the American legislation – “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act” at the level of
information security in healthcare, regarding new security technologies and mechanisms applied in the area
of safety monitoring of clinical data. Both legislations are neutral concerning the selection of technology
that the State wants to use. These laws must be adaptive to the changing technology, to ensure patients’
privacy under any circumstance.
One of the biggest challenges of the informatics’ era
arises from the use of computer applications in
health services while maintaining the same
traditional principles. This challenge involves
achieving a balance between: the free access to
patient sensitive and personal information and the
protection of the privacy and confidentiality of the
Currently healthcare services are supported by
new information and communication technologies
which includes hardware and software linked to
databases to register, manipulate and search data in
different formats. The amount of data and access to
it has increased against the spread of computer
networks within each institution but also between
different health institutions. The increase in the
availability of healthcare Information Systems (ISs),
coupled with the high sensitivity of clinical data
stresses the need for its proper regulation and
protection. These healthcare ISs must use protection
mechanisms to ensure compliance with the
legislation in force. Therefore, there is an urgent
need to develop new security mechanisms that can
be taken within the health organizations.
This article aims to compare the European and
American legislation on the security and protection
of clinical information and to identify the respective
technological applicability.
The concept of information security in the clinical
area has undergone a great development. From the
century BC that doctors comply with the
Hippocratic Oath, which is expressed to protect the
privacy of the patient.
Several authors agree that in the clinical area it
remains valid the decomposition of information
security into three dimensions: confidentiality,
Pereira C., Oliveira C., Vilaça C. and Ferreira A..
PROTECTION OF CLINICAL DATA - Comparison of European with American Legislation and Respective Technological Applicability .
DOI: 10.5220/0003165505670570
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 567-570
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
integrity and availability. The Confidentiality is
necessary to ensure that patient data is protected and
cannot be accessed by unauthorized persons,
whether accidental or deliberately. The Availability
is necessary to preserve the resources and services of
healthcare ISs that must be accessible when needed,
particularly in emergency or intensive care
situations. The Integrity is necessary to ensure that
clinical information stored or in transit is not
corrupted or changed improperly by unauthorized
users or through operational errors (in the
introduction and manipulation of data), software
bugs, viruses or equipment malfunction (ISO, 2006).
Since 1997, European legislation regulates the
protection and treatment of confidentiality, integrity
and availability of medical data trough
Recommendation No. R (97) 5 of the Committee
of Ministers to Member States on the Protection of
Medical Data”, which stated in Principle 3.1 that
“The respect of rights and fundamental freedoms,
and in particular of the right to privacy, shall be
guaranteed during the collection and processing of
medical data” (Rec, 1997). This European
recommendation was the basis for the creation of
specific legislation in each Member State.
Since 1996, American legislation, through
Federal Law 104-191, known as the “Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
1996” - HIPAA (HIPAA, 1996) rules privacy,
information security and standards of all entities
providing healthcare or having access to data from
healthcare units. For this legislation, two regulation
documents were created. They provide a set of best
practices that healthcare institutions must follow in
order to guarantee a minimum level of information
security. These documents are called Security Rule
(2003) and Privacy Rule (2002) that rules the
organizations in the use and disclosure of
confidential, personal and identifiable health
information about patients that is designated
“Protected Health Information” (PHI). The PHI
includes information such as demographic data that
is utilized for the user identification, data from their
past, present or future health status and data related
with the healthcare services.
European legislation is a comprehensive law,
implemented by supervision, which creates
European directives and recommendations that are
followed by the Member States trough the creation
of national legislation. The right to privacy is
explicit in the Charter of Fundamental Rights. One
the other hand, American legislation is a specific
law, implemented by different mechanisms, which
creates the federal law that is followed by the United
States of America. The right to privacy is not
explicit in the Constitution.
Another relevant difference is concerned about
the regulation of the legislation. In Europe this
adjustment is made by authority Supervisors such as
the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS),
the Europol Joint Supervisory Body and the
Schengen Joint Supervisory Authority. Within each
Member State there is an authority for the data
protection that should create recommendations and
ensure its compliance. In American legislation, it is
assumed that organizations govern themselves
For this comparative analysis a selection
regarding the security issues of clinical data was
made of both legislations. In the European
legislation, it was selected the chapter 9.2 of the
“Recommendation No. R (1997) 5” and in relation
to American legislation this study focused on the
Security Rule document from HIPAA.
Table 1, presents the analysis of clinical data
security recommendations from both legislations and
some examples and their descriptions of
technologies or mechanisms that could have
applicability in the different types of control, at the
level of: the physical entrance to installations, data
media, memory, utilization, access, communication,
data introduction, transport and availability.
Regarding the security of personal information the
authors consider that the European legislation has
the advantage of being: (1) a good reference model
for the good practice with flexibility in the
recommendations to Member States; (2)
technologically neutral; and (3) with an increased
awareness and concern about the security of clinical
data. However, European legislation presents some
weaknesses, such as for instance: (1) the dubious
association between certain key concepts (“personal
data” and “real privacy”); (2) the difficulties in
practical implementation due to the inconsistent role
of data protection authorities; and (3) the outdated
rules in transferring information to other countries.
Moreover, most Member States are governed by
national rules of clinical data protection and the
harmonization remains more apparent than real. This
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Recommendation No. R (97) 5 vs HIPAA in terms of clinical data security and respective technological
Nº R (97) 5
Control of the entrance to installations
To prevent any unauthorized person
from having access to installations
used for processing personal data.
To control and validate physical access to its facilities
containing information systems having electronical PHI
(ePHI) or software programs that can access ePHI.
2-Smart card
3-Access code
1-Identification through a
physical characteristic.
2-Card with memory chip or
3-Access to systems through a
PIN (ISO, 2006).
Control of data media
To prevent data media from being
read, copied, altered or removed by
unauthorized persons.
To use encryption to protect the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of its ePHI.
4-Passwords and
Automatic logoff
6-Access control
7-User profiles
8- Policies and
security protocols
signatures and
-Login mechanisms with secret
asswords associated to user that
ould have an automatic logoff
-Process of converting text into
ipher text.
Memory control
To prevent the unauthorized entry of
data into the ISs and any
unauthorized consultation,
modification or deletion of
processed personal data.
o protect the integrity of its ePHI.
10- Audit
4, 5, 8
8-Plan or course of action
dopted for providing computer
(ISO, 2006).
Control of Utilization
To prevent automated data
processing systems from being used
by unauthorized persons by means of
data transmission equipment
o maintain an effective process for creating, changing,
and safeguarding passwords. To implement security
easures sufficient to reduce risks and vulnerabilities of
he wireless infrastructure. To establish management
irection, procedures, and requirements to ensure safe and
successful delivery of e-mail. To define standards to be
et by all equipment Internet firewalls.
12- PKI
5, 8, 9, 10
11-Data traffic filter that
revents unauthorized access to a
rivate networ
12-Set of procedures, equipment,
eople and policies needed to
reate, manage, store, distribute
nd revoke public key
ertificates (ISO, 2006).
Access Control
To select access to data and to
maintain security of the medical
data, to ensure that the processing as
a general rule is so designed as to
enable the separation of:
- identifiers and data relating to the
identity of persons - administrative
data; medical data; social data;
genetic data.
o purchase and implement information systems that
omplies with its information access management policies.
o ensure that all persons or entities seeking access to its
ePHI are appropriately authenticated before access is
-Assurance that the resources of
data can be accessed only by
uthorized entities in authorized
ays (ISO, 2006).
-Subset of privileges assigned
o a user groups with similar
unctions (ISO, 2006).
Control of Communication
To guarantee the possibility of
checking and ascertaining to which
persons or bodies personal data can
be communicated by data
transmission equipment.
he organization should appropriately protect the
onfidentiality, integrity, and availability of the ePHI it
ransmits over electronic communications network.
5, 8, 9, 13
13-Software for detecting,
dentifying and responding to
nauthorized or abnormal
ctivities of the syste
Control of data introduction
To guarantee that it is possible to
check and establish a posteriori who
has had access to the system and
what personal data have been
introduced into the information
system, when and by whom.
he organization should appropriately track and log all
ovement of information systems and electronic media
ontaining ePHI to various organizational locations.
iscusses what the organization should do to implement
appropriate electronic mechanisms to confirm that its
ePHI has not been altered or destroyed in any
nauthorized manner.
6, 8, 9, 10
9-Certificate of PKI that consists
in data structure that associates a
public key to a specific agent
which are certified by authority.
10-Measures to verify the
existence of access control to
information (ISO, 2006).
Control of transport
To prevent the unauthorized reading,
copying, alteration or deletion of
personal data during the
communication of personal data and
the transport of data media.
Should document repairs and modifications to the
hysical components of its facilities related to the
rotection of its ePHI.
6, 8, 14
14-Private network that uses a
public telecommunication
infrastructure which uses
encryption to ensure privacy and
security of communications.
Availability control
To safeguard data by making
security copies.
Should be able to effectively respond to emergencie
isasters that impact its ePHI.
Organizational processes to regularly
ack up and securely store ePHI.
Software 16-
Redundancy of
15-Make copies of data to recover
(ISO, 2006).
16-e.g. power supplies, redundant
servers, etc.
PROTECTION OF CLINICAL DATA - Comparison of European with American Legislation and Respective
Technological Applicability
fact is due to the gap in the European Directive of
information protection that allows the Member
States to define their own exemptions and
simplifications to some constraints imposed.
As for the American legislation, the authors
consider that it has the strength to promote the
patient empowerment through greater control of
their PHI, because the patient has the right to access
and correct the information at any time and also the
power to decide who has access to their clinical data.
But this condition can also weaken the law because
of the problems associated with the excess of
freedom given to the patient in relation to access
their own clinical data may intervene in the lack of
preserving the “psychological integrity”. This could
happen when an individual has access to very
sensitive data that is published on the internet, which
isn’t protected by the actual law. More
disadvantages of this legislation are: the fact of
adding to the workload of healthcare providers with
the function of protects clinical information and the
privacy policy that could enter in conflict with other
countries due to the regulation differences.
Information security is a dynamic issue because
the pace of technological change continually
generates new challenges for global security policy,
so the effort to security must be continuous and
change accordingly by the development of new
security measures and mechanisms.
There is a great difficulty in controlling,
monitoring and ensuring that all procedures are what
they are meant to be and lives should not be exposed
by poor performance of healthcare ISs. Thus, great
efforts should be made to ensure that healthcare
legislation is properly applied and enforced.
The laws that under any circumstance. we have
referenced in this article must be adaptive to the
changing technology, to ensure patients’ privacy.
The authors acknowledge the help of Professor Luis
Filipe Antunes on initial discussion of this work.
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HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics