Analysis has shown that the spectrum of the
residual signal (the difference between the model
and the measured output signal) is very similar
(Figure 6). This suggests that model fit is probably
as good as might reasonably be expected, given that
the model cannot predict spontaneous background
activity (Marmarelis, 2004).
Previous work which characterised the dynamics of
sensory, motor and spiking local interneurons in the
locusts hind leg reflex control system has been
extended to a group of non-spiking local
interneurons. The models of the interneurons were
classified into three groups using the k-means
algorithm and the frequency response of the first
order kernels. We found that 7 out of the 11
interneurons might be considered position sensitive;
two were position/velocity sensitive and two were
strongly velocity sensitive. The position sensitive
interneurons were strongly sensitive to extension,
with all but one having an excitatory input with
extension. This was contrary to the results found by
Vidal-Gadea et al. (2009) for the spiking local
interneurons where extension caused inhibition. In
general, the position/velocity and velocity sensitive
interneurons received an excitatory input with
movement of the tibia into extension. As was found
by Vidal-Gadea et al. (2009) the non-spiking local
interneurons were either sensitive to extension or to
both extension and flexion. The current study found
no evidence of a non-spiking local interneuron
which responded solely to flexion.
While the members of the groups identified
show common features, there are a range of
responses included in each cluster. Further
experimental work and analysis may identify
additional clusters, or indicate that responses are
graded rather than clustered, or can be separated into
distinct clusters based on higher order features. The
approach taken, using Gaussian white noise
stimulation and system identification, has provided
new insights into the operation of the neuronal
network controlling reflex movements in the hind
leg of the locust. In the continuation of this study we
will probe the significance of these features during
functional movements.
The authors would like to thank the BBSRC and the
EPSRC for their financial support.
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