implant within field regulations is the ultimate goal
of this work. In order to determine this, five different
coils were wound with different winding-core ratios
and their behaviour was investigated at different
frequencies. The performance of the system was
determined through circuit design, analysis and
experimentation. Practically, the transmitter coil was
supplied with current from a function generator,
where current levels were limited so that their
associated magnetic fields were lower than specified
by regulatory bodies. The receiver coil was placed at
a distance (55 mm) from the transmitter coil, and
voltage levels were measured under different
operating frequencies.
The results of this work indicate that an optimum
coil-core ratio for a certain receiver coil size is one
in which the cross sectional area of the winding is
approximately equal to that of the core. Average
power levels of up to 4.3 μW are demonstrated
within electromagnetic field regulations for a 5 mm
diameter / 10 mm long receiver coil when located 55
mm from a transmitter coil. Pulsed power levels of
up to 12 mW are illustrated.
Conditions for maximum power transfer are
analyzed on the basis of matching the load with the
receiver circuit impedance. It was found that there is
significant variation in coil resistance with
frequency and that this impacts on the maximum
power that can be transmitted. The power transfer
capability of each coil is illustrated in terms of the
maximum power it can transmit to matched loads at
different frequencies. Work is ongoing to customise
the receiver and transmitter coil designs for specified
load impedance values, which are typical of those
encountered in biomedical applications. The impact
of different core materials and wire dimensions will
also be investigated both for the transmitter and
receiver coils.
This work is supported by Enterprise Ireland and
Brivant Ltd. under the Innovation Partnership
Programme, Grant no. IP/2007/0447.
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