2006) and video (Schouten and van den Broek, 2010).
A relatively new type of therapy is Intensity-
Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) (Bortfeld,
2006). IMRT utilizes radiation beams of varying in-
tensities to transmit different doses of radiation to
small areas of tissue simultaneously. This provides
the means to transmit higher doses of radiation within
the malignant tumor and lower doses to healthy tissue
(cf. Figure 1). As discussed in the previous section,
sequences of radiation doses are no problem to model.
This is no different when these doses have different
intensities and is independent of whether or not they
are given in sequence or in parallel.
On the whole, this article introduced a new tech-
nique to model internal radiation therapy. On the one
hand, its use still has to be shown on medical data
sets and it has to be compared with other established
techniques. On the other hand, i) its formal basis and
implementation are sound; ii) its use for all variations
of internal radiation therapy is described as well; and
iii) it has been shown to be exact as well as fast. This
100% accuracy, in particular, can be of crucial impor-
tance for radiation therapy purposes as the balance
between maximization of treatment effect and doses
that cause unwanted damage to healthy tissue is frag-
ile (Censor et al., 2008). The future will learn whether
or not this technique can indeed secure this balance
and, consequently, will redeem its promises.
We thank the three anonymous reviewers for their
constructive suggestions. Further, we thank Lynn
Packwood for proof reading this article.
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