2.2 Risk Management
The use of medical devices and health information
systems in a hospital are an inherent risk to the
patient. Storing patient information on these systems
further exacerbates the level of this risk factor
(Sicotte et al. 2006). Failure of software in these
systems/devices can have potentially catastrophic
effects, leading to injury of patients or even death
(Burton et al. 2006).
The complexity of software has long been
considered a critical IT project risk factor (Sicotte et
al. 2006). Risk Management must be an integral part
of software project management processes and
include proactive risk assessment and reactive
incident management to avoid incidents recurring.
(Kavaler & Speigel 2003) define risk management
as “an organized effort to identify, assess and reduce
where appropriate, risk to patients, visitors, staff and
organizational assets”. These risks can be wide
ranging from scheduling and timing risks to
personnel management risks. The hospital’s
software development team can cope with these
classes of software risks by applying appropriate
systematic risk management activities to the
software development process (Galin 2004).
The CMMI divides Risk Management into three
main activities - defining a risk management
strategy, identify and analysing potential risks and
managing and mitigating risks which do take place.
Its purpose is to identify potential problems before
they occur so that risk-handling activities can be
planned and invoked as needed across the life of the
project to mitigate adverse impacts on achieving
objectives (Dhlamini et al. 2009).
Risk management for software and systems is
not just part of a software quality plan, but should be
an integral part of the overall risk management plan
for the services which hospitals provide.
2.3 Patient Data Security
Storing patient data in electronic form raises
concerns about Patient Privacy and Data Security
(Haak et al. 2003). To comply with regulations,
software systems and medical devices must
guarantee adequate protection of the confidentiality
integrity and availability of patient information. The
framework outlined in this paper assists a hospital to
adhere to the HIPAA Standard, EUROSOCAP and
the Data Protection Acts of 1998 and 2003.
However, having complete protection of patient data
in practice may not be feasible or plausible as it may
inhibit the doctor’s work (Anderson 1996).
There have been many published breaches of
patient information in the Irish press that highlight
some major security breaches with regard to medical
information (O'Hora 2010). These breaches include
unauthorized secondary use of patient records,
disclosure of patient records by hackers and
commercial vendors, and use of patient records by
employers (Baumer et al. 2000). Complying with
data security law and regulations is a difficult
challenge for hospital managers. Hospital workers
demand more and easier access to patient
information in order to provide the best care to their
patients. Also, vendors of healthcare software use
words like flexible, easy-to-use, accessible,
streamlined, and multidisciplinary to promote their
products. This is at odds with principles of data
security which talk about privacy and confidentiality
(Waldo 1999).
2.4 Integrity & Availability
Quality data can be defined as data which is fit for
use or purpose (Bertoni et al. 2009), (de Lusignan
2006). In addition, (Welzer et al. 2002) state that
quality data must be accurate, available, have
integrity, consistency, timeliness and completeness.
In some cases no data is better than inaccurate data.
(Welzer et al. 2002) found that data needs to be
modeled correctly first and then be correct, adequate
and available. It is then necessary to be quality
validated again.
(Bertoni et al. 2009) and (Berndt et al. 2001)
recognized the importance of placing emphasis on
data analysis when designing a database. This is also
backed up in the research by (Treweek & Flottorp
2001) pointing to the fact that it is natural that
stakeholders would like to make use of available
information but that “a major problem, however, is
simply getting at the data
2.5 Verification and Validation
Verification and Validation are the processes which
determine “whether or not products of a given
development or maintenance activity conform to the
requirement of that activity and whether or not the
final software product fulfils its intended purpose
and meets user requirements” (Abran et al. 2004).
Our research demonstrates that a software quality
plan for a hospital requires that each system is
audited regularly to ensure accurate and complete
data. It is inevitable that errors or misunderstandings
between data providers and database managers will
occur in a highly specialized area. Actions must be