Figure 3: Measured muscle pressure at the beginning of
each session for each subject of group B.
Treatment with intracavitary electrode is not
indicated for patients with altered sensitivity because
it might cause injury which will not be perceived by
the therapist and/or by the patient, on the other hand
with the conventional electrode (fixed) it might
cause injure due to the static positioning on the skin
surface during the therapy without the visualization
of the skin surface of the patient with altered
sensitivity, Figure 1B.
With the new mobile electrode (pen), the electrical
load is greater at the tip of the conductor with an
intense electric field which can trigger faster the
action potential in the injured muscle, and because
of being mobile and external even with changing
sensory of the patient, the therapist is able to
visualize the muscle contraction even though the
patient does not notice, and monitor the dermal
reaction of it to prevent injury, Figure 1B.
Preliminary results suggest that the pen-electrode is
more effective than the fixed electrode in providing
gain of perineum muscle strength. The comparison
was performed using similar protocols with respect
to duration and current administration, differing only
for the fact that, with the pen-electrode, each point
received 14 stimulated impulses during the thirty-
minute pulse therapy, while seventy impulses were
used for each of the four points during the sessions
with the fixed electrode.
The preliminary results suggest that the pen-
electrode may be a better option for electrotherapy
than the fixed electrode in the prevention and in the
treatment of perineal dysfunction of, highlighting the
possibility of the use in patients with reduced
sensitivity, for example, the spinal cord injured.
The group that received stimulation with fixed
electrodes showed a reduction in strength,
suggesting a slower perineal muscle response due to
muscle fatigue, which occurs during prolonged
simultaneous stimulation of the four fixed points.
The mobile pen-electrode stimulates five points non-
simultaneously. The increased strength resulting
from a minor muscle fatigue can possibly shorten
the therapy duration and reduce the financial costs to
the patient.
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Preventive or Therapeutic Treatment