Lucas Marin, David Isern and Antonio Moreno
Intelligent Technologies for Advanced Knowledge Acquisition (ITAKA) Research Group
Departament d’Enginyeria Inform`atica i Matem`atiques, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Catalonia, Spain
Recommender system, Fuzzy systems.
One of the main problems in recommender systems is to ensure the quality of the user profile. This issue is
particularly challenging if the user preferences may vary in time. This paper proposes a novel unsupervised
algorithm to adapt dynamically the user profile, taking into account the interaction of the user with the system.
The paper discusses the influence of the basic parameters of the adaptation algorithm and presents some
promising preliminary results.
Nowadays, the knowledge society allows the access
to unlimited sources of information that help us in
our daily activities. In this context, when a user has
to select one alternative from a set of possibilities, an
interesting facility is the inclusion of an user profile
in order to sort all the possibilities according to his
interests. A user profile includes the user interests
(preferences) about the criteria that define those al-
ternatives. The maintenance of this profile is made
through the collection of relevant information about
the user’s daily work. Successful interpretation of
these inputs is required to tailor systems to each indi-
vidual’s behaviour, habits and knowledge (Montaner
et al., 2003). In addition, users interests about an issue
may evolve in time due to changes in their personal
conditions (e.g., change of location, having a child).
Learning and adapting profiles are widely studied
research areas. The adaptation requires the collection
of information about how the user is interacting with
the system, called relevance feedback. This informa-
tion can be given explicitly by the user and implic-
itly by observing the user behaviour. Some hybrid
systems combine implicit and explicit approaches
(Nichols, 1997). On the one hand, explicit feedback
is obtained when users are required to explicitly eval-
uate items. On the other hand, implicit feedback is
obtained by monitoring the user actions and automati-
cally inferring the user preferences. Explicit feedback
has some serious limitations, being the main one that
users are reluctant to spend time giving explicit in-
formation. In this paper we present an algorithm that
adapts the personal profile of the users in an implicit
way. We assume that the system is used regularly,
so that it can learn how the preferences of the deci-
sion maker evolve. The main goal is to obtain the ap-
propriate recommendation over time by adapting the
preference functions.
Figure 1: Architecture of the recommender framework.
As depicted in Fig. 1, the recommender system re-
ceives a set of alternatives composed by several crite-
ria. The first step of the recommender is to rate all
the alternatives taking into account the user profile
in order to prioritize them according to his particu-
lar circumstances (this step is out of the focus of this
paper but the reader can find more information in (Is-
ern et al., 2010)). Then, the user selects the most ap-
propriate alternative from this sorted list. Afterwards,
the adapting algorithm collects the information pro-
vided by this selection, the set of non-selected alter-
natives, and all past selections, to infer which changes
can be made to the current profile. As it will be de-
scribed later, we have implemented a Web-based plat-
form that permits to simulate all those stages and ex-
tract some conclusions.
Marin L., Isern D. and Moreno A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003180803370342
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 337-342
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
As stated in (Porcel et al., 2009; Resnick and Var-
ian, 1997), there are four main approaches to rec-
ommendation: content-based systems, collaborative
filtering, demographic systems and knowledge-based
systems. The main focus of this paper is to present
a knowledge-based system as depicted in Fig. 1. The
whole recommender framework includes three main
parts: representing the user interests through criteria,
rating and ranking the alternatives, and adapting the
user profile through the experience.
Concerning the representation of the user inter-
ests, several works attempt to achieve this goal in-
cluding history-based models (Montaner et al., 2003),
semantic networks (Minio and Tasso, 1996), and clas-
sifiers (Boone, 1998). These models deal with a fixed
number of attributes, and the aggregation of infor-
mation included in the alternatives is also difficult to
The rating and ranking of alternatives is called ag-
gregation of evaluations. As summarised in (Resnick
and Varian, 1997), this stage generally concerns the
evaluation of a resource, that can be done with the
collaboration of other users (voting), or using combi-
nations of evaluations with content-analysis. The use
of the fuzzy linguistic approach has provided success-
ful results modelling uncertain, vague and imprecise
The online adaptation of the user profile by learn-
ing from the interaction made by the user with the
system is tackled in (Castellano et al., 2010). The
user profile describes the preferences of the user on
a set of criteria with fuzzy sets. A matching mech-
anism that uses the membership functions associated
with the user profile and the resource, permits to eval-
uate the similarity of both elements, recommending
the most similar. In addition, an adaptation mecha-
nism permits to adapt the user profile taking into ac-
count the features of the selected resource. One of the
drawbacks of this framework is the tagged informa-
tion attached to each resource. This implies a subjec-
tive annotation of all the resources taking into account
a set of available criteria.
The user profile stores the user preferences about
some criteria using a linguistic domain (S).
Let C = {c
, . . . , c
} be the set of criteria con-
tained in the user profile.
Let V
= {v
, . . . , v
} be the set of values for
the criterion c
. V is the set of all values
The number of elements depends on the cardinality
of each criterion card(c
The profile P associates a level of preference
within the linguistic domain S to each of those val-
ues (c
C, v
i, j
and s
S). Then, P(c
, v
i, j
) = s
This representation assumes a common linguistic
domain S, whose selection supposes an important de-
cision that influences the accuracy of results. For this
reason different scenarios with both balanced and un-
balanced sets of terms have been tested.
Most of the fuzzy applications use balanced sets.
However, in some cases it is necessary to represent
fuzzy terms that have different shapes and member-
ship functions, as the unbalanced fuzzy set depicted
in Fig. 2. This fuzzy term set S with nine unbalanced
labels and triangular membership functions is used in
the examples shown in this paper. In this case, the or-
dered set S = {VL, L, M, V M, AH, H, VH, AP, P} per-
mits to distinguish with precision positive examples
(e.g., almost perfect -AP- is slightly better than very
high -VH-).
Figure 2: Fuzzy term set S with 9 unbalanced labels.
Table 1: Example set of rated and sorted alternatives.
An example of user profile can be the interests of a
patient about some healthcare centres around his town
(see Table 1). In this case, the recommender system
is used to prioritize sets of proposals of medical visits
with specialists that a user (patient) can receive when
his practitioner requires a medical test. In this case of
study, each alternative contains the day of the week
proposed for the appointment, the period of the day
(morning, afternoon, night), the existence or not of a
parking area (blue zone -payment area-, no parking,
free parking), the distance from the patient’s home to
the medical centre (very near, near, far, very far), and
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
a global evaluation of the doctors of the medical cen-
tre (excellent, notable, good, normal, bad, very bad).
The profile adaptation approach is conducted by two
processes. The first one, called on-line adaptation, is
executed every time the user asks the system for a rec-
ommendation, and just evaluates the information that
can be extracted from the current ranked alternatives.
The second one, called off-line adaptation, is triggered
after some user recommendations have been served,
and uses the information of the previous ranked alter-
natives and selections.
On-line Adaptation Process. The on-line profile
adaptation process maintains the user profile updated
by evaluating each recommendation and the choice
the user makes individually. The main goals of this
stage are to decrease the preference of the attribute
values that are causing non-desired alternatives to be
ranked with high scores, and also to increase the pref-
erence of the attribute values which are important for
the user but are not well judged on the current user
profile. For each recommendation the system makes,
two sources of information are evaluated: the selected
alternative, which is the choice of the user, and the
alternatives that were ranked above the selected one.
Many conclusions can be extracted by evaluating this
We extract a set of over ranked characteristics
by analysing the set of alternatives that were ranked
above the user final selection. The process observes
criterion-by-criterion the repetitions of the values in
this set, but only when this set has enough ele-
ments. These two conditions introduce two parame-
ters named t and mo. The first parameter identifies
relevant characteristics, when a value that does not
appear in the user selection is repeated on the over
ranked alternatives in a percentage over t. When the
over ranked set of alternatives contains few elements,
the analysis of this set can produce erroneous eval-
uations. The parameter mo fixes a minimum num-
ber of elements to perform this stage (by default, 5).
Those characteristics are used to decrease the level of
preference of those attribute values pointed out by the
characteristics. The intensity of that decrease is regu-
lated by the number of repetitions: if a characteristic
is repeated many times, we have more evidence to de-
crease the preference on that attribute value.
For instance, Table 1 shows a case in which the
user selects the sixth alternative. Taking a threshold t
of 40%, we obtain the tuple hDay of Week, Sat, 2i as
an example of over ranked characteristic, being Day
of Week the attribute name, Saturday a possible at-
tribute value, and 2 the times it appears among the set
of over ranked alternatives. Note that hDay of Week,
Thursday, 1i can not be considered as an over ranked
characteristic since it only appears once, thus it just
represents a 20% of the over ranked alternatives.
We call selection characteristics the features ex-
tracted from the user final selection that do not ap-
pear on the set of over ranked alternatives more than
a given number of times. In this case, the use of the
repetition threshold t is opposite as when extracting
over ranked characteristics. The adaptation process
will only consider as selection characteristics the ones
which appear on the over ranked alternatives with a
percentage lower than said threshold. Selection char-
acteristics are used to increase the level of preference
of the attribute values pointed out by the character-
istics. The intensity of that increase is greater the
fewer times that characteristic appears among the over
ranked characteristics. Using the previous example,
we have more evidence to increase the preference of
the value Monday of the attribute Day of week than
the one of the value Morning of the attribute Time,
since the first does not appear among the over ranked
alternatives whereas the second appears once.
Off-line Adaptation Process. The previous pro-
cess gives an immediate response to a single user in-
teraction with the recommender system. This stage
analyses past elements (non analysed over ranked al-
ternatives and past selections) that permits to comple-
ment the on-line stage.
When the user selects the best ranked alternatives,
there are not enough over ranked alternatives to anal-
yse. A buffer stores all alternatives non analysed in
the previous section, which are analysed a posteriori
as a whole. When the number of saved over ranked
alternatives is adequate, characteristics are extracted.
The parameter mo is also used here to describe the
minimum number of over ranked alternativesrequired
to start extracting characteristics. Those characteris-
tics are used to decrease the preferences in the same
way as it is done in the on-line process: characteristics
with a repetition value over the defined threshold are
decreased. After the stored over ranked alternatives
have been treated, they are erased from the temporal
On the other hand, user selections are stored and,
after a certain number of choices have been made,
they are evaluated. The number of selections needed
for an evaluation is described by the parameter h. By
extracting characteristics from that set of stored selec-
tions, the most repeated attribute values, which are the
ones of most interest to the user, can have its prefer-
ence increased. After evaluating them, they are erased
from the buffer.
Adaptation Mechanism. After the on- and the off-
line stages, many characteristics can be found and the
system can deduce a large amount of changes to do
in the profile. Many of those changes, also named
adaptations, can be incorrect. We have addressed this
problem by restricting the number of adaptations that
can be made to the profile for each execution of the
adaptation process. The parameter pc limits the num-
ber of increases and decreases which can be made to a
profile per adaptation step (a value of 2 allows a total
of 4 changes: 2 increases and 2 decreases).
When a large number of adaptations is being con-
sidered, only the more evident ones are performed.
The ones with more repetitions will be decreased. For
the increases, the evidence is measured by counting
the number of over ranked alternatives which do not
have those characteristics, so the ones with a greater
counter will be increased. A signed counter regulates
the final increase/decrease of the preference of the
profile. When the adaptation process detects an ev-
idence for a possible adaptation, it increases/reduces
a counter, initially set to 0, associated to that attribute
value. When this counter reaches the parameter k, the
increase/reduction is finally performed over the pref-
erence in the profile and the counter is reset to 0.
Web-based Platform. In order to test and evaluate
the recommender framework presented in this paper,
a Web platform has been implemented
. It permits
the definition of a problem (set of user criteria, aggre-
gation and adaptation parameters), the definition of an
initial profile, the definition of an ideal profile that we
aim to learn, the random generation of a corpus of al-
ternatives for the problem, the simulation of tests of
user interaction with the system, and the visualisation
of the evolution of the user profile.
The accesses to the platform are regulated by a
user name and a password, allowing the maintenance
of multiple users with different profiles for each rec-
ommendation domain. This approach permits to anal-
yse the variability of results under different circum-
stances in the aggregation and adaptation stages.
Users can upload data files with information about
the alternativesthat must be analysed in order to make
Website: http://itaka2-deim.urv.cat/recommender/
a decision. The platform stores that information in a
database, letting users define a decision making prob-
lem on those alternatives.
General Performance. In order to evaluate the
framework, we propose to iteratively measure the dis-
tance between the current user profile and the ideal
profile that we want to learn. Iteratively and automat-
ically, the system selects the alternative that best fits
the ideal profile, which is the one that the user which
we want to have its profile learnt would choose. Then,
the selection and the over ranked alternatives are used
by the adaptation processes to evaluate which changes
should be performed. To compare the results of dif-
ferent tests, several simulations have been performed
taking into account different initial profiles, but main-
taining the ideal user profile. As it can be seen, dis-
tances between both profiles decrease over time.
The distance between the current (P) and the ideal
(I) profiles is calculated as follows:
dist(I, P) = (1)
(P( j, k)) COG
(I( j, k))|
Here, n is the number of attributes, m
is the car-
dinality of the attribute j, COG
evaluates the coor-
dinate x of the centre of gravity of a linguistic label
(Isern et al., 2010), P( j, k) and I( j, k) return the lin-
guistic preference value of the attribute j for a given
value k in profiles P and I respectively. With this func-
tion we obtain an average of the distances between
all pairs of labels. The distance is normalised by us-
ing the extreme values of the fuzzy set S = {s
}, i
{0, . . . , T}. The distance is 0 when both profiles are
identical. The maximum distance is 1 when all val-
ues contained in the user and the ideal profiles have
just the opposite labels (s
and s
). Moreover, this
function is commutative (dist(P, I) = dist(I, P)).
The conditions of all tests were the following:
3000 alternatives initialised randomly, blocks of 15
alternatives per iteration (200 iterations), profiles
(ideal and initial) initialised manually, and the term
set of Fig. 2. Although we will analyse the influence
of the main parameters later, these tests havebeen per-
formed using the extraction characteristics threshold t
of 30%, with the level of evidence k +/-5 to consider
a change in a value, allowing only 2 changes (pc) in
each sense in one iteration, storing up to 5 user selec-
tions (h) and needing at least 5 over ranked alterna-
tives (mo) to extract characteristics. In all cases, three
simulations with three initial profiles and sharing the
ideal profile have been conducted.
Fig. 3(a) compares the general performance of the
adaptation algorithm using the on-line process, and
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
using the on-line combined with the off-line stage.
The general performance accomplished when both
processes are working together to adapt the profile is
much better than when just using the on-line process.
Moreover, Fig. 3(b) shows the labels of distance
between the values of the current and ideal profiles
(e.g., the distance between H (high) and P (perfect)
is 3). The figure compares how many attribute values
there are with difference 0 (correctly classified), 1, 2,
3 and more than 3 labels. It can be seen how the num-
ber of the most misclassified labels (distance 3 and
more) decreases drastically, while the set of well clas-
sified attribute values (distances 0 and 1) increases.
(a) Distances between user and ideal profile.
(b) Quantitate study of the labels misclassified in the
comparison of the current profile with the ideal profile.
Figure 3: Results of the case study.
Discussion of Results. The proposed adaptation al-
gorithm introduces several parameters that should be
properly customised. This section explains the influ-
ence of some of these parameters in the final result,
although it should be noted that exact parameter val-
ues may vary depending on the context in which the
adaptation is taking place (number of attributes, num-
ber of values per attribute, etc.).
Percentage of Over Ranked Alternatives. Over
(a) Influence of the characteristics extraction threshold.
(b) Influence of the maximum number of preference
changes at each iteration.
(c) Influence of the level of evidence during tests.
Figure 4: Parameters of the adaptation algorithm.
ranked characteristics are extracted by considering a
threshold defined as a percentage over the number
of over ranked alternatives. Fig. 4(a) shows that af-
ter several tests (using the threshold values of 15%,
30%, 50%, and 80%), a threshold of 30% was the
one that got better results. Having a greater thresh-
old implies that the extracted characteristics need to
have a greater repetition value, thus fewer character-
istics are extracted, reducing the number of possible
changes in the profile. On the contrary, the extrac-
tion of valuable information is compromised as the
threshold decreases, because incorrect characteristics
(which usually have a low number of repetitions) are
extracted more easily.
Number of Changes of Preferences at each Itera-
tion (pc). On the adaptation mechanism section, a pa-
rameter for controlling how many increases/decreases
of preference can be done at each adaptation iteration
was introduced. Fig. 4(b) compares the performance
of the system with different values. Setting that value
to 2 proved to give better results than using a lower or
greater number, letting the system make up to two in-
creases and two decreases on any attribute value pref-
erence of the profile. This number can vary on the do-
main that we apply the recommender framework but,
intuitively, a lower value permits to make the prefer-
ence changes for which we have a greater supporting
Number of Evidences to Change a Preference (k).
This parameter varies the necessary number of evi-
dences to increase/decrease a preference on the pro-
file. In this case, with lower values, the number
of required evidences is lower, and the quality of
these changes is also compromised. On the other
hand, higher values for this parameter hinder making
changes on preferences, so it requires more iterations
(selections) to reach a near-ideal profile. Those dif-
ferences, however, tend to decrease as the number of
iterations increases. Fig. 4(c) shows these behaviours
and how an intermediate value such as +/-5 exhibits a
good performance.
The Web-based recommendersystem proposed in this
paper has been designed as a knowledge-based frame-
work that permits to solve decision problems us-
ing MCDA techniques. The separation between the
domain-related (e.g., adaptation thresholds) and the
domain-independent data (e.g., rating, ranking and
adaptation processes) permits to understand the evo-
lution of values, as well as to reuse the same methods
in a wide range of problems.
The system has been prepared to make automatic
simulations, which permit to study the influence of
several parameters of the proposed adaptation algo-
The creation of this platform is the first step in a
project that aims to develop techniques to adapt the
user profile according to the selections made in the
recommendation process. We consider that having
automatic algorithms to update the preferences is re-
quired in many application domains, where the pref-
erences may change dynamically over time.
This work has been supported by the Universi-
tat Rovira i Virgili (predoctoral grant of L. Marin,
post-doctoral contract of D. Isern, and the project
2009AIRE-04), the Spanish Government (PlanE) and
the DAMASK project (TIN2009-11005).
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence