Pavlina Fragkou
Technological Educational Institution of Athens (TEI-A), Dept. of Library Science and Information Systems
Ag. Spyridonos, 122 10 Egaleo, Greece
Keywords: Text segmentation, Named entity recognition, Co-reference resolution, Information extraction.
Abstract: In this paper we examine the benefit of performing named entity recognition and co-reference resolution to
a benchmark used for text segmentation. The aim here is to examine whether the incorporation of such
information enhances the performance of text segmentation algorithms. The evaluation using three well
known text segmentation algorithms leads to the conclusion that, the benefit highly depends on the
segment's topic, the number of named entity instances appearing in it, as well as the segment's length.
The information explosion of the web aggravates the
problem of effective information retrieval. To
address this, various techniques such as text
segmentation and information extraction provide
partial solutions to the problem. More specifically,
text segmentation methods are useful in identifying
the different topics that appear in a document. On
the other hand, information extraction methods try to
identify portions of text that refer to a specific topic,
by focusing on the appearance of instances of
specific types of named entities (such as person,
date, location, etc.) according to the thematic area of
The question that arises is whether the
combination of text segmentation and information
extraction (and most specifically the named entity
recognition and co-reference resolution steps) can
prove to be beneficial for the identification of the
various topics that appear in a document.
This paper examines the benefit of performing
named entity recognition and co-reference resolution
in the Choi's corpus (Choi, 2000). This corpus is
used by researchers as benhmark for examining the
performance of text segmentation algorithms. It
must be stressed that, the focus is not on finding the
algorithm that achieves the best segmentation
performance on the corpus, but on the benefit of
performing named entity recognition as well as co-
reference resolution on a corpus used for text
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2
provides an overview of related methods. Section 3
presents the steps performed for the creation of the
"annotated" corpus. Section 4 presents evaluation
results obtained by using three well known text
segmentation algorithms, while Section 5 provides
conclusions and future steps.
The text segmentation problem of concatenated text
can be stated as follows: given a text which consists
of several parts (each part dealing with a different
subject), it is required to find the boundaries
between the parts. A starting point to this is the
calculation of the within-segment similarity based
on the assumption that, parts of a text having similar
vocabulary are likely to belong to a coherent topic
segment. It must be stressed that, within-segment
similarity is calculated on the basis of words but not
on the basis of the application of other more
sophisticated techniques such as named entity
recognition or co-reference resolution. In the
literature, several word co-occurrence statistics are
proposed (Choi, 2000), (Choi et al., 2001), (Hearst,
1997), (Utiyama and Isahara, 2001). A significant
difference between text segmentation methods is
that, some authors evaluate the similarity between
all parts of a text (Choi, 2000), (Choi et al., 2001),
(Ponte and Croft, 1997), (Reynar, 1994), (Xiang and
Hongyuan, 2003), while other between adjacent
Fragkou P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003181603490354
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 349-354
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
parts (Hearst, 1997), (Heinonen, 1998). To penalize
deviations from the expected segment length, several
methods use the notion of "length model"
(Heinonen, 1998), (Ponte and Croft, 1997). Dynamic
programming is often used in order to calculate the
globally minimal segmentation cost (Heinonen,
1998), (Reynar, 1994), (Xiang and Hongyuan,
2003), (Kehagias et al., 2004), (Qi et al., 2008).
Current approaches involve the improvement of the
dotplotting technique (Yen et al., 2005), the
improvement of Latent Semantic Analysis (Bestgen,
2006) and the improvement of Hearst’s TextTiling
method (Hearst, 1997) presented by (Kern and
Granitzer, 2009).
Information extraction, from a different point of
view, aims to locate within a text passage domain-
specific and pre-specified facts (e.g., in a passage
about athletics, facts about the athlete participating
in a 100m event, such as name, nationality,
performance, as well as facts about the specific
event, like the event name). More specifically,
information extraction is about -among others-
extracting from texts: (a) Entities: textual fragments
of particular interest, such as persons, places,
organizations, dates, etc. (b) Mentions: the
identification of all lexicalisations of an entity in
texts. For example, the name of a particular person
can be mentioned in different ways inside a single
document, such as “Lebedeva”, “Tatiana Lebedeva”,
or “T. Lebedeva”. The following pre-processing
steps are applied in order to perform information
extraction: (a) Named Entity Recognition, where
entity mentions are recognized and classified into
proper types for the thematic domain in question (b)
Co-reference, where all the mentions that represent
the same entity are identified and grouped together
according to the entity they refer to.
Co-reference resolution complementary includes
the step of anaphora resolution. The term anaphora
denotes the phenomenon of referring to an entity
already mentioned in a text -most often with the help
of a pronoun or a different name. Co-reference
basically involves the following steps: (a)
pronominal co-reference (which is about finding the
proper antecedent for personal pronouns), possessive
adjectives, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns
and pronouns this and that (b) identification of cases
where both the anaphor and the antecedent refer to
identical sets or types. This identification requires
some world knowledge or specific domain
knowledge. It also includes cases such as reference
to synonyms or the case where the anaphor matches
exactly or is a substring of the antecedent (c) ordinal
anaphora for cardinal numbers and adjectives such
as "former" and "latter".
The importance of text segmentation and
information extraction is apparent in a number of
applications, such as noun phrase chunking, tutorial
dialogue segmentation, focused crawling, text
summarization, semantic segmentation and web
content mining. In (Fragkou, 2009) the potential use
of text segmentation in the information extraction
process was examined. In this paper the reverse
problem is examined i.e., the use of information
extraction techniques in the text segmentation
process. Those techniques are applied on a
benchmark used for text segmentation, resulting in
the creation of an "annotated" corpus. Evaluation
was performed using three well-known segmentation
algorithms (Choi et al., 2001), (Kehagias et al.,
2004) and (Utiyama and Isahara, 2001) applied both
in the original as well as the “annotated” corpus.
Α similar work was presented in (Sitbon and
Bellot, 2005). The authors used two corpora. The
first one was a manually-built, French-news corpus
which contained four series of 100 documents,
where each document was composed of ten
segments extracted from "Le Monde" journal. The
second one was referring to a single topic (sport). In
each of those corpora, they performed named entity
recognition using three types of named entities:
person name, location, and organization. The authors
state use of anaphors but provide no further details.
They used named entity instances as components of
lexical chains to perform text segmentation. Their
results showed that, the use of named entities does
not improve segmentation accuracy.
Existing algorithms performing text segmentation
exploit a variety of word co-occurrence statistic
techniques in order to calculate the homogeneity
between segments, where each segment refers to a
single topic. However, they do not exploit the
importance that several words may have in a specific
context. Examples of such words are person names,
locations, dates, group of names, scientific terms etc.
The importance of those terms is further diminished
by the application of word processing techniques,
i.e., stop list removal and stemming on words such
as pronouns or adjectives. We aim to exploit
whether the identification of such words can be
beneficial for the segmentation task. This
identification requires the application of named
entity recognition and co-reference resolution thus,
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
their (manual or not) annotation effort is under
Our work differs from the one presented in
(Sitbon and Bellot, 2005) in the following points: (a)
we use a widely accepted benchmark i.e., Choi's text
segmentation corpus (Choi, 2000) (b) we use an
additional named entity i.e., date (c) we perform
manually co-reference resolution (i.e., all the
aforementioned tasks of co-reference resolution)
complementary to named entity recognition to those
portions of text that refer to named entity instances
(d) the produced "annotated" corpus was evaluated
using three text segmentation algorithms.
3.1 The Corpus
The corpus used here is the one generated by Choi
(Choi, 2000). The description of Choi's 700 samples
corpus is as follows: "A sample is a concatenation of
ten text segments. A segment is the first n sentences
of a randomly selected document from the Brown
Corpus. A sample is characterized by the range n."
Table 1 gives the corpus statistics per dataset.
Table 1: Test Corpus Statistics per dataset (Choi, 2000).
Range of n 3-11 3-5 6-8 9-11
#samples 400 100 100 100
More specifically, Choi created his corpus by
using sentences selected from 44 documents
belonging to category A Press and 80 documents
belonging to category J Learned. The description of
Brown Corpus states that category A contains
documents about Political, Sports, Society, Spot
News, Financial and Cultural. Category J contains
documents about Natural Sciences, Medicine,
Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Political Science, Law, Education, Humanities,
Technology and Engineering. Documents belonging
to category J usually contain portions of scientific
publications about mathematics or chemistry. Thus,
they contain scientific terms such as urethane foam,
styrenes, gyro-stabilized platform system etc. On the
other hand, the majority of documents of category A
usually contain person names, locations, dates,
groups of names etc.
3.2 Named Entity Annotation
A number of annotation tools exist in the literature
such as GATE (http://gate.ac.uk/), Callisto
(http://callisto.mitre.org/), MMAX2 (Müller and
Strube, 2006), AeroSWARM (Corcho, 2006),
Knowtator (Ogren, 2006), Ellogon (Petasis, 2003),
and Wordfreak (http://wordfreak.sourceforge.net/).
However the majority of those tools require training,
which is usually focused on a single topic. The
important number of different topics appearing in
the 124 documents of the Brown Corpus precludes
the creation of training models (one for each topic)
leading us to perform manual annotation. Thus, we
performed manual named entity recognition and co-
reference resolution on each of the 10 segments of
the 700 samples. In order to cover the majority of
entities and mentions in each segment, we selected
four types of named entities: person name, location,
date, and group name. The most general type is that
of group name, which is used for the annotation of
words and terms that do not fall into the other
categories. It was also used for the annotation of
scientific terms frequently appearing in segments.
We note that in Semcor
(http://multisemcor.itc.it/semcor.php) a different
annotation for the majority of documents of category
A and J was performed. Most specifically, "The
Semcor corpus is composed of 352 texts. In 186
texts, all open class words (nouns, adjectives and
adverbs) are annotated with PoS, lemma and sense
according to Princenton Wordnet 1.6, while in the
remaining 166 text only verbs are annotated with
lemma and sense". This type of annotation differs
from the one performed here. More specifically,
even though in Semcor nouns are classified into
three categories (person name, group, and location),
identification of identical named entity instances as
well as mentions resulting from the application of
co-reference resolution is not performed.
Additionally, Semcor does not provide annotations
for all documents belonging to category J nor for all
named entity instances (as for example scientific
terms like urethane foam).
Consequently, in each segment manual named
entity annotation of proper names belonging to one
of the four categories was performed. The
annotation took under consideration the assignment
of lemmas to categories for the cases of person
name, group and location appearing in Semcor. We
believe that the substitution of words with named
entity instances does not have an effect in the
performance of a segmentation algorithm. Based on
this, during manual named entity annotation, we
additionally: (a) substituted every reference of the
same instance with the same named entity identifier.
For example in the sentences "James P. Mitchell
Sen. Walter H. Jones R-Bergen
, last night disagreed
on the value of using as a campaign issue a remark
by Richard J. Hughes
,... . Mitchell was for using it,
against", we first identified three instances of
person names. We further used the same entity
identifier for James P. Mitchell and Mitchell and the
same entity identifier for Sen. Walter H.Jones R-
Bergen and Jones (b) we substituted every reference
of the same instance, resulted from co-reference
resolution, with the same named entity identifier (for
example in the sentences "Mr. Hawksley
, the state's
general treasurer,... He is not interested in being
named a full-time director", we substituted He
the named entity identifier given to Mr. Hawksley).
In align with Secmor, group names involved
expressions such as "House Committee on Revenue
and Taxation" or "City Executive Committee". The
annotation of location instances included possible
derivations of them such as "Russian". The
annotation of date instances included both simple
date form (consisting only of the year or month) and
more complex forms (containing both month, date
and year). It must be stressed that, co-reference
resolution was performed only on portions of text
that refer to named entity instances and not on the
text as a whole. This assumption makes manual
annotation more attractable than the use of co-
reference resolution tools like Link Grammar Parser
(http://www.link.cs.cmu.edu/link/) or YamCha
The annotation process led to the conclusion that,
segments belonging to category A contain on
average, more named entity instances compared to
those belonging to category J. The difference in the
results is highly related to the topic discussed in
every segment of each category. More specifically,
the largest part used as segment (i.e., portions of 11
sentences) in the Choi's benchmark, from each of the
124 documents of the Brown corpus was selected.
After that, the minimum, maximum, and average
number of named entity instances appearing in them,
were calculated. The results are listed in Table 2.
Table 2: Statistics regarding the number of named entity
instances appearing in segments of Category A and J.
Category/ NE instances
per segment
Min Max Average
Segments of Category A
2 53 28.318
Segments of Category J
2 57 18.400
The "annotated" corpus that resulted from the
previously described process was evaluated using
three text segmentation algorithms. The first is
Choi's C99b (Choi, 2001), which creates a similarity
matrix for sentences appearing in a text using Latent
Semantic Analysis. C99b then finds topic boundaries
by recursively seeking the optimum density along
the matrix diagonal. The second algorithm is the one
proposed by (Utiyama and Isahara, 2001). This
algorithm finds the optimal segmentation of a given
text by defining a statistical model which calculates
the probability of words to belong to a segment. To
find the maximum probability segmentation, it
calculates the minimum-cost segmentation obtained
by the minimum cost path in a graph. Both
algorithms benefit from the fact that, they do not
require training and they are publicly available.
The third algorithm used is introduced by
(Kehagias et al., 2004) which, contrary to the
previous ones, requires training. More specifically,
this algorithm uses dynamic programming to find
both the number and the location of segment
boundaries. The algorithm decides the locations of
boundaries by calculating the globally optimal
splitting (i.e., global minimum of a segmentation
cost) on the basis of a similarity matrix, a preferred
fragment length, and a defined cost function.
4.1 Experiments - Results
We evaluate the performance of the algorithms in
the original and "annotated" corpus using three
widely known indices: Precision, Recall and
Beeferman’s Pk metric (Beeferman at al., 1999).
Precision is defined as “the number of the estimated
segment boundaries which are actual segment
boundaries” divided by “the number of the
estimated segment boundaries”. Recall is defined as
the number of the estimated segment boundaries
which are actual segment boundaries” divided by
“the number of the true segment boundaries”.
Beeferman’s metric Pk measures the proportion of
“sentences which are wrongly predicted to belong to
different segments (while they actually belong in the
same segment)” or “sentences which are wrongly
predicted to belong to the same segment (while they
actually belong in different segments)”. A variation
of the Pk measure named WindowDiff index was
proposed by Pevzer and Hearst (Pevzer and Hearst,
2002) and remedies several of Pk's problems.
It should be noted that stop word removal and
stemming (i.e., substitution of a word by its root
form) were performed based on Porter's algorithm
(Porter, 1980) before applying the algorithms in the
corpora. Table 3 contains the results reported in the
literature in the original corpus as well as those
obtained in the "annotated" Choi's corpus.
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Performance of three segmentation algorithms applied on the original and the "annotated" Choi's corpus.
Dataset / Algo 3-11 3-5 6-8 9-11 All Files
Corpus Original Annotated Original Annotated Original Annotated Original Annotated Original Annotated
C99b Precision
78% 81.8% 85.6% 89.7% 80.7% 85.6% 86.5% 86.2% 80.7% 84.1%
Utiyama Precision
67.4% 79.4% 77.8% 82.2% 77.8% 90.6% 79.3% 87.5% 72.0% 82.6%
Kehagias Precision
82.6% 72.6% 82.1% 83.9% 88.6% 89.2% 93.3% 87.7% 85.6% 78.7%
C99b Recall
78.0% 81.8% 85.6% 89.7% 80.7% 85.6% 86.5% 86.2% 80.7% 84.1%
Utiyama Recall
70.6% 74.5% 74.2% 79.6% 86.7% 90.6% 87.7% 87.1% 75.8% 79.3%
Kehagias Recall
82.7% 70.8% 87.7% 81.7% 88.7% 89.1% 92.4% 87.7% 85.7% 77.4%
C99b Pk
12.1% 10.8% 10.4% 8.6% 9.6% 8.4% 8.5% 8.1% 11.% 9.8%
Utiyama Pk
10% 11.5% 9% 8.2% 7% 2.4% 5% 3.3% 9% 8.4%
Kehagias Pk
7% 11.7% 5.4% 7% 3% 2.6% 1.3% 1.7% 5.4% 8.3%
We reach the following conclusions based on the
obtained results. Regarding Choi's C99b algorithm, a
significant improvement was obtained in all
measures and for all datasets. The same observation
holds for the results obtained after applying the
algorithm of Utiyama and Isahara, especially in
datasets 6-8 and 9-11. However, Kehagias algorithm
fails to obtain better performance in the first two
datasets. On the contrary, in datasets 6-8 and 9-11
the difference in the -already high- performance is
marginal. This is an indication that the algorithm
performs better when the segment's length is high
and the deviation from the expected segment length
is small. The greater difference is observed in
datasets 6-9 and 9-11 for all algorithms. This is
justified by the fact that, in those datasets the
number of named entity instances and those
resulting after co-reference resolution is higher than
the equivalent in the remaining ones. It must be
stressed that, co-reference resolution contributed
significantly to the increase of the number of entity
instances per segment.
We also draw attention to the fact that, the type
of named entity instance acts indirectly as a
discriminative factor in the segmentation process.
This is in contrast with information extraction,
where the learning process takes into account the
type of named entities occurring in a passage of text.
Finally, we performed manual annotation (i.e.,
named entity recognition and co-reference
resolution) in the Stargerzers document introduced
by Hearst (Hearst, 1997) using the same types of
named entities. Both documents (i.e., original and
"annotated") were evaluated using Chois C99b and
Utiyama and Isahara algorithms. This is because
they do not require training. It must be stressed that,
no "official" (i.e., widely accepted) segmentation
exists for this document. The application of the
C99b algorithm, in both the original and "annotated"
form of the document, produced exactly the same
segmentation. This segmentation is not in align with
the one proposed by Hearst. On the other hand, the
application of Utiyama and Isahara's algorithm (in
both versions of the document), produced almost the
same segmentation. The only difference noticed was
in the number of paragraphs contained in the last
two segments among the seven produced. The latter
segmentation is closer to the one proposed by
Hearst. The aforementioned experiments proved that
the annotation process does not falsify the
segmentation outcome.
In this paper we evaluated the benefit of
incorporating information extraction techniques to
enhance the performance of text segmentation
algorithms. More specifically, we performed manual
named entity recognition and co-reference resolution
on the Choi's benchmark used by text segmentation
algorithms. We then compared the performance of
three well-known segmentation algorithms in both
the original and the resulting "annotated" corpus.
The results obtained show that, this type of
annotation has an added value as the segment length
increases. The potential benefit of the annotation is
strongly related to the segment's topic as well as the
number of named entity instances appearing in it.
This approach may further prove beneficial for other
problems, such as web mining and focused crawling.
We outlook several directions of future work.
The first direction considers performing text
segmentation on a different corpus with fewer topics
than Choi's corpus, such as the Reuters RCV1 and
RCV2 corpora. In these corpora named entity
recognition and co-reference resolution would be
performed. The second direction is oriented towards
the application of named entity recognition and co-
reference resolution tools in order to compare their
impact in the performance of segmentation
algorithms. We further seek to examine the addition
of other types of named entities that will be more
oriented to the segment's topic. In the same direction
lies the extraction and annotation of relations
between named entities and the examination of their
contribution to the segmentation task. The aim is to
reinforce the role and identity of named entities in
the segmentation process. Finally, it is interesting to
examine the impact of named entity recognition and
co-reference resolution in corpora written in other
languages than English like Greek. An example of a
Greek corpus used for text segmentation is the one
presented in (Fragkou et al., 2007).
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence