Laura Burzagli and Francesco Gabbanini
Institute of Applied Phisics, Italian National Research Council, Via Madonna del Piano 10, Florence, Italy
Keywords: Semantic web, Web 2.0, Natural language processing, Design for all.
Abstract: This contribution discusses the architecture of a software system that can be adopted to leverage the
characteristics of Web 2.0 and Semantic Web, in order to make efficient usage of information. Key aspects
on the implementation of a reusable framework are discussed, and the effectiveness of the approach is
illustrated in an example scenario, in the context of inclusive e-Tourism.
Intelligence is becoming a challenging and
compelling functionality to cope with the evolution
and the increased complexity of the Web, which is
now an interactive ubiquitous information system
that leverages the wisdom of many users and makes
it possible to reuse data through mashups. From the
perspective of users, this means having at the
disposal a wealth of (poorly structured) information,
which is increasingly provided by users themselves,
and services that are useful in a variety of domains.
In order to introduce intelligence in this
environment, so as to fully exploit its potential and
to make efficient usage of information, this
contribution discusses the architecture of a software
system that can be adopted to leverage the
characteristics of two forms in which intelligence is
generally recognized to manifest itself: Web 2.0 and
Semantic Web. Key aspects on the implementation
of a reusable framework to manage collective
knowledge are discussed, and the effectiveness of
the approach is illustrated in an example scenario, in
the context of inclusive e-Tourism.
2 SW AND WEB 2.0
The ICT scientific community has started to study
how the two different expressions of intelligence
given by Web 2.0 and Semantic Web might come to
a convergence (Heath and Motta, 2008; Yesilada
and Harper, 2008; Ankolekar at al., 2008). This
convergence leads to merge two different worlds.
On the one side, the world of human participation
and interaction between users, giving origin to the so
called collected intelligence, that constitutes a
peculiarity of Web 2.0. On the other side, the
domain of well-structured information, and the
capability of uncovering relations between concepts,
which are generally recognized as strengths of the
Semantic Web.
Whereas the massive amount of unstructured
information provided by wide communities of Web
2.0 users benefits from being interlinked and
structured using Semantic Web techniques, the
Semantic Web would be of limited value if its
ontologies were not populated with individuals and
relations: for this reason it may take profit from the
availability of large amount of data to be aggregated,
provided by Web 2.0.
This idea has led to the construction of general
approaches for the convergence of Web 2.0 and
Semantic Web. In the following section, a software
architecture of a Collective Knowledge Management
System is described to exploit the convergence,
building upon concepts presented in Burzagli et al.,
The architecture of the system is a classical three-
tier one, as outlined in figure 1, where the user
interface layer is made up with structures allowing
Burzagli L. and Gabbanini F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003183104470450
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 447-450
ISBN: 978-989-8425-41-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: architecture of the Collective Knowledge Management System.
users to ask for information (either guided by forms
or expressed in natural language) to the system and
to read results. Moreover, it makes available social
networking tools such as Forums, Blogs or
Reviewing Systems that allow collecting user
generated content.
A key layer of the architecture is represented by
the Processing Logic layer, which includes an
“Annotation Engine”, and a “Feed Adapter”, which
operates as an annotation-ontology mapper. These
two blocks, taken together, are capable of
interpreting data that represent human intelligence
(such as posts on social networking tools), using
automatic learning techniques, and to insert these
data in a hierarchical structure described by an
As a result, the third layer (“Knowledge Layer”)
is continuously and automatically augmented with
the system’s use, thanks to the discussions that take
place between users. In this way the system is able
to interact with the user in providing ever more
personalized and pertinent information, thus
optimizing the process of information fruition. This
information is made available for browsing and
searching by an ontology driven search engine that
performs searches within a Reasoned Ontology.
Starting from the outlined architecture,
fundamental structural blocks were identified in
order to come to an implementation that has made
use of available products, which were extended and
integrated in order to form a reusable framework.
This can be considered a first demonstration of the
technological feasibility of the approach.
3.1 Implementation Details
This section discusses implementation details of a
framework based on the general scheme described in
section 3.
The reference platform on which the framework
is based is the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6
(Java SE 6). Within the architecture, focus was put
on the Processing Logic layer, where 2 distinct
blocks can be identified:
Language Processing block, in which contents
originated by users are processed and annotated in
order to provide coherent and structured inputs to
the Knowledge layer (through the Feed Adapter),
which uses them to generate new knowledge and
enrich the ontology (potentially with new
entities/properties and new individuals);
implementation of this block is based on the General
Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE, see
Cunningham et al. (2002), Maynard et al. (2008)),
which provides an object-oriented framework
implemented in Java to embed language processing
functionality in diverse applications.
Feed Adapter, which was implemented from
scratch as a middleware that provides a bridge from
annotations produced by the Language Processing
Block and the Knowledge Layer; the Feed Adapter
provides interfaces that allow integration with a
variety of frameworks for ontology manipulation,
storage, inference and querying (e.g. the Sesame
framework, is being used for the example described
in section 4).
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In order to better illustrate benefits coming from the
use of a system combining the power of semantic
intelligence and collective intelligence, a viable case
study/application in the domain of inclusive tourism
is being implemented using the framework described
in the previous section.
The example focuses on inclusive e-Tourism and
builds on an ontology whose core was built from
scratch. Ontologies for inclusive tourism were
developed within European projects such as ASK-IT
(http://www.ask-it.org/) and Oasis
(http://www.oasis-project.eu/). These ontologies
often use categories to describe entities in terms of
their accessibility (ex: wheelchair users/upper limb
impaired users/lower limb impaired users).
However, this kind of categorization was considered
to be a bit rigid: for example it does not seem to be
suitable to cope with preferences and requirements
expressed by elderly people, which often have a mix
of problems that characterize disabled people, even
if in weaker forms. Therefore, work carried out in
the CARE project (Città Accessibili delle Regioni
Europee – Accessible Cities in the Regions of
Europe) was used in a process of integration of an
ontology in which we establish a set of relevant
features that characterize indoor (and, partly,
outdoor) environments so as to describe them in
These characteristics are matched to the request
of users to give a list of appropriate results, by
means of a SPARQL capable search engine. This
gives the possibility of performing very detailed and
expressive searches.
The followed approach is thus in line with the
Design for All approach because it is suitable to
cope with preferences and requirements expressed
by all people (including, for example, the elderly).
Moreover, dropping categorization, avoids incurring
in the eventuality that tourist resources that are
classified as not being suitable to a user with definite
characteristics are in fact suitable, because
categories have been established in a too coarse way.
In other words, following a holistic approach by
giving a detailed description of physical spaces may
avoid incurring in misclassification of resources due
to the fact that only a limited set of aspects are taken
into account. This is also a field in which
information contributed by the Web 2.0 may prove
to be valuable.
4.1 Evaluating the Web 2.0
In order to assess if the outlined approach helps
improving performances in some specific tasks
(which in this example consists in selecting a
suitable accommodation), a correct evaluation
process is being set up.
Part of the evaluation process overlaps with that
aiming to evaluate Ontology Learning, and the
scientific literature (see Buitelaar and Cimiano,
2008) contains pointers to papers dealing with the
twofold aspects in which ontology learning
evaluation consists of: evaluation of the ontology
learning algorithm itself; task based evaluation, i. e.
evaluation in the running application for which the
ontology is engineered.
With reference to the first evaluation type, this is
mainly technical, and a number of tests have been
set up in order to tune up algorithms and to write
grammars that are able to catch concepts that are
relevant for the e-Tourism domain. As the
framework uses at the moment JAPE based NLP
techniques implemented in GATE, the results
depend highly on how JAPE grammars are written.
Availability of high quality grammars results in
better ontology enrichment capabilities.
As for the second evaluation type, it is certainly
the most important because it measures whether the
approach actually brings improvements in the
domain for which it was engineered, thus giving a
measure of the success of the overall service.
However, it is more difficult to cope with in a
context such as the one we outlined in the previous
section, because ontology learning and population
are based on Web 2.0 corpora. This aspect adds a
further degree of complexity in that corpora are
continuously augmented and modified by users. In
this case it would be useful to assess not only if a
certain task is improved by using an ontology
learning process, but also which is the actual added
value that Web 2.0 brings. Without this, it would be
difficult to assess the added value given by Web 2.0,
in comparison with, for example, any other corpus
collected by experts.
On the implementation side, work will regard
refining JAPE based NLP techniques and enriching
the NLP block by integrating different techniques
into it (for example, starting from those described by
Zablith et al., 2009). On the theoretical side, efforts
will focus on how to cope with inconsistent
assertions that the system may attempt to insert into
the ontology. These are inevitably generated during
ontology enrichment processes based on background
knowledge coming from the web, and the topic is
receiving attention by the scientific community
(Sabou et al., 2009). As for the evaluation of the
actual added value given by the Web 2.0 to ontology
evolution, it is being investigated in the context of
the so called “Task-based Approaches” for the
evaluation of ontology learning (Dellschaft and
Staab, 2008). It is to be noted that in general, the
evaluation of Web 2.0 impact on the quality of
information is an open problem, for which few
references exist: a starting point could be the study
of Giles (2005) on the comparison of accuracy
between Wikipedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Following this model a comparison could be
hypothesized between a service like the one we are
proposing and those offered by one of the many
booking platforms present on the market (like
Booking.com or Expedia). Clearly, suitable metrics
have to be set up and it must be observed that a
correct evaluation should be conducted only after the
service has been up and running for a certain time, in
order for the corpus to reach a “critical mass”.
The paper discusses the architecture of a software
system that allows combining strengths of Web 2.0
and Semantic Web in order to make efficient usage
of information. Some details on implementation
aspects are discussed, and a possible application is
illustrated in the context of inclusive e-Tourism.
While the approach seems interesting, more work is
certainly required to make it more mature: future
directions regarding implementation and research
issues are pointed out, of which the most challenging
seem to be those regarding evaluation and handling
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence