will focus on how to cope with inconsistent
assertions that the system may attempt to insert into
the ontology. These are inevitably generated during
ontology enrichment processes based on background
knowledge coming from the web, and the topic is
receiving attention by the scientific community
(Sabou et al., 2009). As for the evaluation of the
actual added value given by the Web 2.0 to ontology
evolution, it is being investigated in the context of
the so called “Task-based Approaches” for the
evaluation of ontology learning (Dellschaft and
Staab, 2008). It is to be noted that in general, the
evaluation of Web 2.0 impact on the quality of
information is an open problem, for which few
references exist: a starting point could be the study
of Giles (2005) on the comparison of accuracy
between Wikipedia and Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Following this model a comparison could be
hypothesized between a service like the one we are
proposing and those offered by one of the many
booking platforms present on the market (like
Booking.com or Expedia). Clearly, suitable metrics
have to be set up and it must be observed that a
correct evaluation should be conducted only after the
service has been up and running for a certain time, in
order for the corpus to reach a “critical mass”.
The paper discusses the architecture of a software
system that allows combining strengths of Web 2.0
and Semantic Web in order to make efficient usage
of information. Some details on implementation
aspects are discussed, and a possible application is
illustrated in the context of inclusive e-Tourism.
While the approach seems interesting, more work is
certainly required to make it more mature: future
directions regarding implementation and research
issues are pointed out, of which the most challenging
seem to be those regarding evaluation and handling
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence